The Wingham Times, 1899-10-13, Page 7easssaaastaasaaseatawaso%
1Youngo Middle Aged & Old Men
is y l' you ate suffering front any complicit*
y I don of the Sexual System, Bladder*
iKidnetro, Blood or Nerires, consult uS
at once. We cure alt mock/teas, Nervous
Waste, Secret Lotetes, Nightly Drain*, Sex-
' nal Decline, and Make inarriage possible.
Ai Rios or Poor—One Dollar.
iWe goaratnee to ente—Varicocete4 Ernie -
stone, Sideline. meet. Syphilis. Impotency
$Unnatural Discharges, all Private. Nervous Anti
Delimits Mimeses of Med, and Wentien. Co,.
sultatiOn Fres. Question List lot Home 'heat.
• merit Free—Sboks Free. • ii
47 MlohisSit Awidus,
t Detroit. Mich. i.
• P.* • 7.,,'•71(4 Trr".! :NI,
ll� Noclig
Of fillti tile MOI10101
if he liked he would pilot him back
there, •
"On the way Jack thought of e neW
,dodge. Ile knew that by thio time /
would have returned from the cattle
hunting expedition, and that, if he wont
ashore with the) ollIcer, they would find
out who he was. After the way be had
fooled the mau-of.war he felt certain
that there would be no mercy for him.
Bo he persuaded the captain it was ne
nee going straight into Seine with the
•ship, for Willtirroon would only ruu
away again as soon as he raw her corn-
' fus.
'"Ton land me,' he said, 'at a point
.about a mile this side of the town mid
' then stand out to sea for the night, I'll
, walk into Sabra and tell 'Wilkinson
,you've abandoned the search and gone
*way, 111 keep hire there for the night
end next morning you mu slip in quiet.
• 15* and arrest him before he has time te
' :get awity.'
• "The land to the westward of Salm
14tits out in a long point, so that a ves-
sel gamin from this direction, if she
keep well inshore, cannot be seen, until
elle le right off the bay. The man-of-
war lay to the ether tilde of this:polut,
.and Jack, 'who knew of a handy boar
passage through the reef, was put on
1 shore. In the afternoon be walked into
1 inY house and found ma woudering
;• Sawn he bed got to, as I wanted him
Ito help salt down a fine cow I had ehot.
'lever mind the blanked beef,' he
' ,sbouted, q.4et the gin quick or else 1
I. shall die of laughing,"
1 "He just held his sides and screamed
1 for about half an hour, and then when
I he had swallowed a couple of gaff nip
1 be told ice all about it.
"I couldn't help laughing, too, though
, I did not half like being personated by
1 ;such an old scoundrel, and, besides, 1
. was afraid I might get into trouble
when the captain found out the trick.
t .He might think I had been helping Jaak
i to deceive them, and perhaps arrest me
"I told Jack this, bat ho only laugh-
; ied the more. Then I got angry and told
him to clear out at once or else I would
give him up wheu the ship came Week,
l but he wou1de't go for a long time, not
1 until he had finished the bottle, and be-
fore he left he wrote a letter to the cap -
rain. Ho wouldn't lot me help him,
though he was hot muds of a scholar.
Said he wanted to have tbo joke all to
himself. I•kept a copy of the letter as a
/ eAarlosity. This is *hat he wrote:
' "DMZ CAWING—MIS Is to thank yon for you
grate kintlenes in trtkin me for a /Jessie() to
Tanana any times you. wants a pilot I shall he
glad to bo of serrls. of you Want any more pigs
tay friend wi/lianAs will auppli thorn. I am
gots back to the bush, of you want me you
must fetsh me from their. Your grateful sar-
vint • .T. WILKINSON.
s "Then he went off into the • thick
bash which covered the mountains in
the interior of the islaud, where no
*bite man could catch him.
"Next morning I had to bear ray
f share of the joke. Whoa the lieutenant
,ofiree on shore, he found me sitting on
the veranda, just where Wilkinson bad
been a couple of days before. He made
• sure he had got his man. •It was no use
my explaining. So I was arrested aucl
taken off to • the man-of-war, and I gave
. , the captain .Tack's letter., He was maa
•: wheu he read it, but there like a gentle.
, man, he saw the joke, though it was
!I sgainst hire. •
'We've been sold,' be f4 'most
damnably sold,' and then .he la bit
1 'Ibi.
ornoers, and they all laughed together.
"They treated rue well on board When
they found that I was innocent, and I.
got them some Samoans to guide the
party which went into the bush in par..'
suit of Jack, but it was no niamv ot
use their trying to catch hire, ovehelf
the natives had not taken care to lea/e
them astray,: So after fooling around in
the bush for a couple of days, olimbiug
up and down mountains and nearly fa-
it* over a precipice, they gave it up,
end the man-of-war sailed away."
"And did Jack get off, .after all?" 1
asked, for 1 could/rot help gympathizing
f with the -cunning scoundrel.
I "Oh, Jack!" concluded the trader,
I "Re mane back to my place after awhile
;and hung round for a month or two,
;put Samoa, he could see, was getting too'
*arm. So he took the first opportunity
lot escaping to riji, which hadn't, been
!Minima then."
Souirvel Story. •
I A tar Herber gentleman tells thit
'story of how the squirrels ori White k -
Oland oft. a spend their time itt feeding
'a flock of sheep from a certain orchard
lthere. lb says that he and his oompan•
ion, who were dndt shooting there last
ffall, had stopped to rest in an ols1 geld
i in *bias these was All Orchard, A flock
' of sheep wee boding near by. It was
'riot long before- their attention was 011,
led to the chirruping of some squirrels
i in a thicket, and they werurprised to
i see the sheep suddenly stop feeding and
-Manifest great otoitement,
The squirrels went into the orchard,
And, climbing into ono of the trees, re.
i armed their loud chatter, evidently tall.
% iug the sheep, since the Omit made et
, (ince for the apple tree, Vhen the squir.
' rola began to bite off the tanCies, which
. fell among the huegry sheep, who would
• struggle for the fruit. like so many
SehocIboys. Vliti squirrels seemed to en-
4oy the fon, and after they had dropped
* few crines front the firtt trite they
1114, WINGRAM TiMEB, OCTOBEli 18, 1809.
skipped to to distant tree, for which the
sheep would make in great confusion.
After the squirrels had thus enjoyed
hgur's funwith their decoy neigh.
bore and supplied them with a sufficient
quantity of the fruit they scampered
book to their Haunts in the thioket, Ioav
ing tbo sheep to regime their grazing...
enebee 'Journal.
The Old,
The anoicat 8panish and Portuguese
war lyrics are wiled redondillas and
remauceros. "Tho Ohrouiele of the
Cid," written in the twelfth century,
bas boon the military inspiration of
the Spaniarda for seven centuries. It
bas been doubted whether the Oid ever
existed, but the researches of et Leyden
professor prove that there was such sr
person, though the Oid of history and
the Oid of poetry are very dissimilar in
oharaeter, The real Oid was a rebel, a
.robber and freebooter, the ally of the
enemieo of his oountry. The Old of
poetry and drama was the type of
knightly virtue, "The Perfoot, the
Born in a Happy Hour, the Invincible,
the Xagneuireouo," He is Roland and
Bayard in one,
Iu tho popular literature of Spain be
bolds a place witbout parallel in the
history of any other here. Sung by
wandering harder in the twelfth een.
tury, he is the inspiration of revolu.
denary songs and odes in the nine.
teeeth. Moro than 200 ballads relating
to his deeds; and prowess have been eel.
looted, Moot of these are of the six-
teenth oentru7, Some are much earlier
and were transmitted orally from gen.
oration to generation, The dramas,
poems and tales founded on the "Poema
del 014" are innumerable.,—.Lippin.
News Notes.
* •
MuIviflo chureh, Bruseele; 15 ad
vertising for an organist.
The Octilwa "Central" Fair is
$0,000 behind this season.
The outpat of Paisley brickyard
his year is 600000 bricks and 7
kilns of tile.
The Grand Trunk Railway half -
yearly report shoivs a net improve-
ment of $148,760. .
St. 'Thomas citizens are asking the
city council to submit ,p bylaw doing
away with the ward system.
Gillies Sr, •IVIar‘tin, of Teeswater,
exhibited their implements at Mild-
may, Paisley, Ripley, and Teeswater
last week.
Alaska has been shaken by a
series of' terrific earthqaakes, extend-
ing over from 1,000 to 1,500 miles
of coast.
The populotion of Ottawa as
shown by the assessors' returns to be
57,602, an increase qf 1,616 over
last year.
E. B. Eddy, of Hull, has collected
$'15;000 for the Protestant General
Elespital, Of this amount 813,000
has been paid up.
It is reported that a Kingstin.
arm has cornered the ,canned eorn
market by buying up at least three.
quarters of the output in Canada.
.According to official figures, Great
Britain expends $90,000,000 a year.
on the support of the poor. This
does not include private eharities.
Mr.R.MeDonald,of the 8th eon.Cul-
ross, has a curiosity in the shape of
twin apples. Two apples are grown
together and hang from one stem.
In view of the light sentences of
theRrincipals in the Napanee bank
robbery case, Robert Mackie's friends
will move for executive clemency for
ter. John R. Smith, Lake Stream,
Keiit,Co.,N. save: "Prom personal
egperience rwillingly testify to the good
effects of., Ilexa-Liver Pills for Siok
Headache lis0.0onstipatioo.”
• The assessment of Toronto shows
a net decrease of 83,147,807, • the
total being $125,786,000. The pop.
ulation of the city has inereased 6,-
890, and now stands on the roll at
Harriston's pork packing establish -
mentis being rapidly pushed forward
the ice machinery and the two
boilers are already in place and it is
expected that the pigs will be scramb-
ling up the gangway before the 1st
of Nov.
Counterfeit Dominion of Canada
one dollar bills are in circulation.
The counterfeit is dated Montreal
1st, Jane, 1898, series A. The most
noticeable (Idea is in•the portrait of
Lady DniTerin whieb lacks lifelike
appearance and is poorly engraved,
There hires in the township of
Nassagawega, County Of }Talton, an
old lady who is probably the oldest
person in Canada. This lady, IVIrs,
Itosebbrough, is 104 years old and
spent a great -part of her life in
Artemcsia and roton. Shots active
and in full possession of her faculties,
She spends a great deal of her tittle
in reading and ean read the finest
print without theatid ot opecteeles.
Sunflower Seed for Canto room
Sunflowers are no !Unger to be re -
gelded as Mete garden ornaments
with a /Vet*/ fur turning their
heads so that their large, full faces
are aimed always at the sun. The
plant is a big, oilv, gold producing
article of commerce and has its own
peceliar pointe of growth and, man.
agernent. It has just beerelearned
in England that sunflowersced is the
Most fattening of all foods for eattle.
Several farmers there are coining
money by raising the plant whole.
sale for market. Within a mile of
the principal farm in the southern
counties there are more sunflowers
prob,ably than in any other parts of
the wPlg
. The farms look like greet
ellow nit when viewed from Edge:
ton hills, 20' "les away.
There are 50Q aeqes of sunflowers
&together, and 'W,lien the ripe beads
are eat in the fall afie.frop will yield
about 300 wagon loadsi of seed. The
Market valve of the seed is $50 a load
—a total inmate of 815,000 for .the
erop. The seed is crushed and
pressed into cattle cakes. To raise
these great sunflower crops the fields
moat first be fertilized with calf bone
dust, That isan expensive feature.
Twenty men are employed in the
bone grinding mill.
The fields have to be watched
closely while the flowers are ripening.
Blackbirds, starling and especially
sparrows know the fattening qualities
of the seed and inamerate flocks of the
birds come from all points of the corns
pass to feast upon the growing crop.
i3oys are posted around the edges of
the plantations during that period to
scare the feathered thieves away.
Children Cry for
Peanut Butter.
. A new factory bas just been put
into operation. in Kokomo, Ind., for
the manufacture of butter from pea-
nuts, says the St. Louis Globe -Demo-
crat. For a year or more Lan Bros,
of t,hat city have been working on a
process a making butter from pea-
nut to compete with the product of
the farm eow, and have succeeded in
producing the desired article. At
the present price of the nuts the
butter can 1. a. sold at 15 cents per
paund. The process of manufacture
is no secret. The nuts, after the
huI1s are are • f ly
hand nicked and faulty kernels re-
moved. They are then roasted in a
large rotary oven. Again they are
gone over by hand for the removal
of scorched grains. The nuts are
then put through a mill and ground
as tine as the finest. flour, the natural
oil in the grains giving it the appear-
ance and consistency of putty as it
leaves theexcept that it is more
of an orange eolor. By the additiom
oI' flltered water, to reduoei
more pliable state, the batter is com-
plete, no other ingredient, not even
salt, being used. It never grows
rancid and keeps in any climate.
It. is pat up in 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 and
100 pound tin cans and sealed. The
The new butter is already in great
demand at sanitariums and health
Pointer for Sportsmen.
• Speckled Tro Open season,
May 3rd ,to Septe er 14th, both
days inelasive. Fishi through ice
prohibited. 50 only ma be caught
in one day by one ,pertion, Xish
5 inches 'in length or less Musebe
returned to the water.
13ass.—Open season, ,Tune 16th to
April. 14th of following year, both
days inclusive. Hook and line only
may be used. When under 10
inches long, first must be returned
to the water,
Pith may not be taken by net or
traits without license, and may not
be killed by explosives.
Grouse, Pheasants and Partridge.
—Open season, Sept. 15th to Dee.
15th, both days inclusive, may not
be sold till Sept. 15th, 1900, no
Matterwhen killed.
Dot:kap—Open season, Sept. 1st to
Dee. 15th, both days inclusive.
Geese.—Open season, Sept,15th to
May 1st lit the following. year. '
Woodcoek, Snipe and Quail—Open
season, 'Sept. 15th to Dec. 15th, both
days inclusitte. May not be sold till
Sept. 15th, 1900,
Qait and Plover.—Open season,
pdpt, 15th te Dee. 1.5th, both days
. liares.Open Sei8011, Sept. 15th
to Dee. 15th, both days inclusive,
Cotton tail' rabbitsmay be destroyed
at any time.
Otter sad lleaver.—Open keason,
Nov. 143 to April 1st in the following,
year, both days inclusive. May not
be killed before Nov. latt, 1899.
Muskrats. —Open season, Jan. lst
to May 1st, both days
Their houses nitist not be destroyed
or injared at any time. Milskrates
may be destroyed at any time by.
owners of property and also when
there is a probability of their injur-
ing dams or destroying* embank-
Trap. --Nets, snares, gins, baited,
etc., may not be set at any. trine flir
any of the above game or fish. 11
found set may be destroyed by any
Eggs.. --Of game birds may not be
taken or destroyed or had in pcsbes
ohm at any tune,
Time. — Between half an hour
after sunset and half an hour before
sunrise rio gaine bird may be killed.
Hunting and fishing on Sunday
Trespassing. — No person may
enter growing= grain, or permit his
dogs to do so, without owners per-
mission, or hunt or shoot upon an-
other's land after being notified by
owner not to do so.
BR. A. W. Clift$ES 2g
a 11
is sent direct to the • disea
parts by the Improved ble• • r.
Heals the ulcers, clears tit. air
passages, stops droppings In the
throat and permanently cures
Catarrh and HayPever. Slower
free. MI dealers, or 1.)t..8. W. Chase
Medicine Co.. Toronto and Buffalo.
The Walkerville Novelty Company
has been'lneorporated with $10,000
capital, to manufacture buttons and
other small wares.
Mr. Dan. McConnell, of the first
concession of Kinloss, plasterer, and
well known in the vicinity, passed
away on Sunday,- Oct. 1st. He has
been in poor health for some time
past, and was 51 years of age.
Bsibte. After. Tooa's Phosphoaine,
Xhe Great English Remedy.
Sold and recommended by all
druggists in Canada. Only rell.
able medicine discovered. .5ta
packages guaranteed to sure all
forms of Sexual Weakness, all effects of abuse
or excess, Mental Worry, Excessive use of To-
bacco, Opium or Stimulants. Mailed on receipt
Of price, ono package 81, six, 55. One writ :deuce,
RIZ Will cure. Pampbie.ts free to any address.
Tho Wood Compeisty, Windsor, Ont*
Sold in Wimps, u Cohn Co It 1 d
Posils Il'
laavatioiri Tor(' dteriell
toning two iloz dainty V `4
itnno at Picts. each, or
ibis potty lady's witch
Vomiting. throe dozen, t
Writaand wo send tho teerii,
eortomo. Soli it, to. ''
.teriontri,hvesnliza.y. aad TN:Xi:ward yaw. alt
1101111c sPrzc:?..r.i.-.7 co,
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.:74rAi„,..t:•% TRAe•Tt ..tigra:
COPYr105ri 3 tic.
Anyone sending :etch and deecrietion mar
quickly asonttitin OM' 'opinion freely hether so
Inventtne iq nrnb*b)y Intentable. Communion.
none sti Ions rimilaeritlid. Ilandbookon Patents
sent free. t Wiest agency for-seouring patents,
Patents taken tbrou.h Atone P Co. receive
speetal notice, wil bout charo, lathe
Scienlific JLTE,;:tricatio
it: handsomely illin,treod irerii•le, 5 -art *it
culation of an 000010 „IL iii -i ..i. Terms. $3 a
. year: emir months, git. f ';‘,1 I by: .1 rietvectniert.
UNN ifi..en,tt IR,-•.,P,,t.", r7,1 York
Am.. Oilice. ,...;., v Et.....0.::...... It it
. .
Palpitation, Throbbing or le -regrew
?sating of the Heart, DizginesO,
binOrtneee of Breath, Distress after
Exertion,_ Smothering Fooling,Spasms or Palo through the Breast
ancl Heart, Morbid Condition of the
wiled Partial Paralysis, sloe
nese, Nervousness,Anemia._,Gene—
rat Debility, After.- 1.. ffeetS Of Grippe,
Loss of Appetite, 0.0.
Remember IVIllburn's Heart and
Nerve Pills cure the worst cases
after other remedies fall.
Carefully washed, properly ironed,,
correctly finished and fairly priced—
that's the history of your linen when
brought here. Not a thing in our
washing preparations to injure the
fibre of the goods ancl. not a thing
unhealthy about our work rooms.
1 -axe -Livor Pills euro Constipation. Leave Orders at Carr's Feed Store,
I I!? wee w WI I 1 IS
When you want a fine line of Printing,
whether it be -
Large Posters
Horse Route Cards
Letter Heads
Bill Heads
Wedding Invitations and
Visiting Cards
Business Cards
Note Books
Receipt Books
Or any other kind of Printing, you can
get the best work at the most reasonable
price at
Don't Spend a Dollar.
until you have tried
You can buy than in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
Two duo to out up ohm* to &atter kb* inblifritt IptosNal dliswItit Or 4 low inidlat
If you 'don't find this sort of
Ripans Tabules
At the Druggists
Send rive Centsto 'hat Am* Oinducks. ComPANIN tag*** -
Spruce St., New Yerk *oaths, will be sent to you by *mai*
ts omens will be milled for eti cots. Th noes sire ts*4
me that Itipiuts Tabules ArO ths eery rciedi o you nos4
Noma t