HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-13, Page 6THE WINUIIAM TIMES, OCTOBER 13, ts99, eve.5I, • I was a conglomeration of scattered the United States edition alone has . I e 011. tit0 am time$, colonies, but to day she exists in the reached. 7 0,000 copies. • " eyes uf the civilized world as a dis- ' A. POPULAR APPOINTMENT. *"."-'-""'"'""-T2-' '. ''' --" - • — -- - ---1T-'7.-- tinend united nation. If WO are The announcement that Major latIDAY, OCT. 3.3. 1809. found our nation on the principle I chief Liberal Whip has been taken • OUR OTTAWA LEITER. Front our own Correspondent. YCII- SIMI" saerille"aY a the who are acquainted with the genial souvenirs that you cherish, 1 am Major or have knowledge of the Ottawa, October 7th. satisfied that the English, Scotch, I long, faithful and valuable servicee Sir Wilfrid Laurier's appearance Irish and French, should Preserve" he bas rendered to the country in at a, number of public meetings in their history and souvenirs, but 1 prornoting the cause of good govern- Quebee is being, made the oecasion of desire that we should live not only meet. The new Minister has i epre- , . a series of demonstrations of popular for the past but for the future, let seined North Oxford continuously favor and esteem which, whiie they . us act so that our children may be for nearly twenty yearn and ,is as Were quite anticipated are none the proud of our achievements, In any well known and as well liked not less gratifying. Te key -note of his. addresses has been unity, his all- case, gentlemen, that is the 'program oily at the capital but throughout pervading, and it Aould appear all-, hhave traced; that is the program 1 the Province and beyond, as any prevailing', advice being to eradicate avefollowed. andwith your sup• member of Parliament: He will! I port hope it will be carried out, 1 to 'become stronger still we roust Satherlaud, tbe uniquely popular have laid down—equal rights, equal into the Cabinet vvill be received justice, for ell. I do not desire that with unqualified satisfaction by all • diff rence of race and creed every e hope more •, I am confident that on and to stand shoulder to shoulder as the 2Ord of June, 1896, a new day fellow citizens of one grand and dawned in the history of Canada, a eoraroon heritage. No man in Can- new day which marked the disap- ada to day has greater right to offer pearance for ever of the old dissen- such counsel or to look for its sions and saw the new sun arise that acceptance. The man whose tact shines or. us and statesmanship could, in six months, so completely remove one of WHAT WE HAVE LOST. the most dangerously irritating Scarcely a day passes without questions that ever agitated the Do- additions to the already huge =cum - minion from the field of pratical ulatiou of evidence which goes to politics, that the fact that it ever ex- demonstrate the suicidal folly of isted bas been almost entirely for- 1898. A case in point which has gotten, has every right to urge a come to my notice this week is that policy of conciliation and mutuar'eit, an English syndicate having concession upon the nation as a lareeoldings in the Klondike which whole, and to no section of the coin- is paying out many thousands of =unity could he make his appeal dollars solelXbecause of the absence with greater grace than to bis coin- of adequate ,transportation facilities patriots and co -religionists. which the passage of that bill would long ere this have provided. This company, using a number of horses at their works, had to import fodder for them and on a consignment for which $175 was paid in Vancouver had to pay $3,500 before the goods were laid down at the works. With the past are over. You have here the railway constructed from Glen. among you men of all eationalities. ora to Teslin Lake, and the boat 1 have known the days when dis-connections at either end which would have necessarily developed therefrom, a very large percentage would have been taken off this, but then it would have been a big feather in the cap of the administra tion and the exigencies of party therefore demanded that the scheme be blocked. Sir Chivies Tupper has already recognized the serious mistake that was made and. before the close of the last session of Parliament urged the Governmeet to do something to remedy it. Not only is trade handl- capped but international complica- tions in connection with the bound- ary dispute are greatly accentuated by the absence of an all Canadian route, making the only existing route through American territory so vastly more valuable. Of course the Senate did not intend to do all this mischief, but tbe incident clearly demonstrates the danger of fooling with matters we don't understand. If they bad only been content to leave the matter in the hands of a Government whieh clearly under- stood what the situation required,all would have beer well. THE PAST IS PAST. Reis justified in declaring :—"The past is past. There may be Freneh- Canadians, and English -Canadians, but, above all, we are Canadians, and Canadians only. The fights of pates based. on differences of race and religion were frequent, but I am glad for my part to have been able to contribute, or, at least to have tried in contribute, to a new era, I have done my hest to banish differ- ences of race. 1 have tried to ban- ish religious animosities. I have done my best to establish an era of peeve and harmony. This is • the gospel I preach here and every- where, whether in the Province of Quebec or in the Province of Ontar- io. I am not the Prime Minister of Quebee ; I am the Prime Minister of Canada altogether. If I have a preference it is certainly for my own race and.my own blooct and I have no hesitation in saying so; nor have I. any hesitation on the other hand in saying that the rights of the other races in Canada are as dear, to me, as those of my own people. I shall defend them with as much vigor, I shall defend them with es mueh respect, I shall defend them with as much enthusiasm as I would the lights of my own people. Just as if our rights were menaced, I would appeal to our English brethren for justice for 1NE ARE BRETHREN AFTER ALL. "There is a common sentiment in the hearts of men, a sentiment of justice, a sentiment of forbearance to the weak, a sentiment of respect tor all crteds. That is the sentiment *which predominates in the Liberal party, and will predominate when Canada becomes a nation, as it will become, I have no doubt; or rather as it is already, for you have made immense progress in the opinion of the world. Tlitee years ago entitle IT'S TOO To undergo an operation for itching . Piles when Dr. A. W. Chase's Ointment is a surer, cheaper, easier way to cure. Cruel, barbarous methods belong to the dark ages of the past. There was a time when a surgical operation was considered the only possible cure for piles. Not so now. Occa- sionally there is still found a physician who adheres to this dangerousandexpensiventethod, but to every one who still believes in using the knife, ninety and nine recommend the use of Dr. Chase's Ointment. Dr. C. M. Darien, writing in The American Perna! of Health, saiL1 • " We know that 'Dr. Chase's Ointment' %fleets all the requisitions of the highest stand. and of worth, that it will be held in high itsteertt wherever it is used, and consequently we endorse it to every reader." 13y force of merit alone Dr. Chase's �nt tuent has won its way into this wide, wide 'world, until it has nettle the name.ef Dr:Chase familiar in almost every home, and won for the sterterale discoverer the title of ''Atnerita's itkeate;.t Physician." Dr. Chase's Ointment has never been known ita AR as a cure for piles. It matters not wlaitber Hind, itching, bleeding; or protruding, I.'thasee Ointment is an absolute and per- fect cure Th'.A. tif.lesfare's Ointment fil ths einem*, ef fici Anther *ft or. ,Aste's Swipe Is11k,ivI0/18 ottralf lalainopnre PI *et erey box of ths gelatins, MI Model, lit lishineasen. Nato k Cw„Torotto. IS • 15. now take up his residence at the Capital and give close attention to the affairs ot government. GLORY AND CHARITY. The Money spent in connection with the Dewey celebration—$20,- 000,000, it is estimated—would have kept and fed 5,000 poor New York families for a year in comfort, or would have transported twice that number to the country and plaeed them where they could make their own living. As it is, the reception is a memory of gunpowder, red fire, noise, bunting, weary, uncomfort- able nights, and big heads in the morning, while the suffering, starv- ing people for whom there is so little charity, will go on their , cheerless way, hating the bands that might have lifted them from squalor with the money frittered away in a gi- gantic howl of welcome to a than whose achievement was only a me- derate triumph over a crippled, de- fenceless foe,. and who doubtless would much rather have had his home coming signalized rather by a great outburst of charity to needy humanitythan bya frenzied demon- stration which jarred on his modesty. It is the way of the world, how- ever, that patriotism generally finds vent in glorification in which the poor 'nave no share, and in which charity finds no place. A notable exception was in the celebration of the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, when many thousands of poor were fed. But, even then, the relief was only for the moment, and the next day the poor were left to their fate. In New York the poor received no care from the people, who thought only of the pomp and glory of naval and military parades. How much better it would have been for humanity had the $20,000,000 been devoted to relieving the men, women and child- ren, who amid all the glory of Dewey Day, had no work, little food, but plenty of sorrow and sun iering.—Toronto Star. A PRACTICAL SYMPATHISER. The presence of Mr, Gilbert Parker, the popular Canadian author, in Ottawa this week re- minds one of the valtable assistance he has rendered in developing the literary life of he Dominion. Not Only by his personal works, has he placed Canada in the front rank, but the material advantages which have been secured to the Canadian author and the Canadian publisher by his efforts co have the Dominion recog- nized as a separate market, clear , and distinct front the United States, When the judgment is weak the have been of inestimable intrinsic prejudiee strong.—O'Hara. Iva I ee. When he first entered the Avoid popularity ; it has many literary field no English publisher snares and no real benefit.—Penn. thought, of reserving Canadian Politeness is good nature regular. • rights when selling to a United ed by good use.—Sydney Smith. States representative, but Mr. Park- An acre Of performance is worth a er's insistence that this should be whole world of promise. --Howell. done in disposing of his works, and Those who are greedy in praise his influence with the Soelety of prove they are poor in merit.— Authors in London, has so complete Plutarch, ly changed the 03 and unsatisfactory Ile that swells in prosperity will conditions that now there are Can be euro to shrink in adversity.-- adian edViens of most of the best Colton. authors. This is to the great pecan. Pride is increased. by ignorance: iary advantage of both aathor and these assume the most who know publishes' and. the reareely less stibe the least.—Gay. Mantle!, though perhaps more senti The higher we rise, the mere tnenta I, ad va ti tog e to the country isolated we become; all elevations !and the nation. are cold. --De Houffices, Your readers %Ill he interested in Ile travels safe and not nnpleas hearing that Mr. Parker is about to antly Who isguarded by poverty and pablish new novel in which the guided by love.—Sir I'. Sidney. secne is laid 111 C.Inada. It deals Punetuality is the stern virtue of , with modern French Canadian life1 men a busineas and the graceful and the anther declares will differ! eourtesy of prinees.—Bulwer. ' from anything - he,' has previously There sfre no persons more SO1131 published. ilk last great Canadian oris about The preserVation of rank ' work "The gaits of the Mighty" has than those who have no rank at all. had a tremendous sale. Already —Shensttae. A CARD. We the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, if. after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do nol, relieve Constipation and Headache. We also warrant that tour battles will permanently cure the most obstinate cases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Wingbam, Ont. C. A. Campbell, Chemist and Druggist, Wiogbam, Ont. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Druggist. Wingham, Ont. Aphorisms. Ido not believe there re a rase of dyspep- sia, iudigestica or any stomach trouble that canuot bo re - Sieved at once and permanently cure by my DYSPEPSIA CURB. IkILTNYON, At all druggists, 26c. a vial. Guide to Health and wed!. cal advice free. 1505 Arch street, Phila. , .'••1 ,..fe• Ktetio..ir Division Court Di Bruce. SABBATH SERVICES, kee. M. THODIST-11;. Ilobbe, pas (11)b e 0 01 MA bra 111 0101111 CS. or. Services. at 1.1 n In and p PUSBYTERIAN'—ltev. D. • Perrie aeor. Services at 1/, a in and 7,p at. flIPISCOPAL, St. Paulte—Rev.. Wm. 1 Lowe, rector. Servioes at 11 a in aud 7 m. BAPTIST —Rev, W, Freed, pastor. Services at 11 am and 7 p rn CONGREGATIONAL*— Rev. 3. W. !Genie, pastor. Services at 11 a Iii and 7 p CHRISTIAN WORKERS — Misses :Outram and Look in et.mround, Services lat 3 p in and 8 p tu. I SA LV1,TION ARMY—Ont. M °Lead eno wire in commands. Services at 11 a, m,*3 p ut and 8 p nt, In each or the above named churches Sabbath School is held at 2.30 p In 1898, 210 suits were entered in 1 - the Division Court at Wiarton, 140 at Chesley, 85 at Lucknow,- 35 at Liens Head, 54 at Ripley, 40 at Tara, 9 at Underwood, 81 at Fortl Elgin, 65 at Paisley, . 115 at Kin- cardine., 89 at.Teeswater, and 209 at Wnlkerten. The amounts sued. for were as follows :—Walkerton $6779.- 64, Teeswater $1060.45, Kincardine $3562.69, Kincardine 88562,69, Paisley $871.56, Port Elgin 82037,1 Underwood $786.17, Tara 82387.07, Wiarton $6566.27, Ripley 82119.87, Lions Head $1529.07, Lucknow $1188,39, Chesley 84582,06. The average amounts involved were as 1 follows :—Underwood $87;85, Tara $59.b7, ' Ripley $89.22, Lucknow 833.81, Walkerton $32.75, Chesley R32.72, Wiarton $19.98, Teeswater $27.19, Port Elgin $25.14, Lion's Head 823.51, Kincardine $22.27, Paisley 18.40. miasmal— MORINTIN4 —XL 055— TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINESTRET WINGIIAM, ONTARIO. seneoriptionpriee—,$1 per year, in advance ADVERTISIND RATES 134. 0..me. 1 eio:-1-173i) .10111z 800 00 S40 00 $10 90 I ie00 10 00 10 12 00 4 OCI• 20 09 12 00 7 00 2 00. Quarter " d 09 00 0 00 3, 00 LniLittriliteltiliiiotioi CASUAL veribiSMent, Se per lino for tint insertion,aud do per lino for each subsequent ineortion. Measured by nonpareil scale. basal notices 10u. per line for first insertiont 5, per line for each subsequent nsertic Advertisements of Lost, Pound, Strayed, Sittuttibell and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 8 line ell, $1 for first month, and 50o. for each surly the que it month, (Tomes and Farms for Salo, not exceeding lino. BANK of H A 1 LI 0 N for first month, 50e. per subsequent month Larger advertjssflle,,ts In pO1)Ortj3,, 'Cbc,o lqane will be strie$Iy adhered 10 Special rates for larger advertisements, or Or 'VV' INGHAM. directions. will ho inserted till forbid and charged Advertisements and local notices without spoolflo accordingly. Ti•arotury •• advertisements must be Capital, 01,494,520, y Wednesday noon, in order to appear Rest, 81,000,000 paid in ad,•ance Changes for contract advertisements must be in In. I10EpilLILET0I0aTTAND PUBLISHED President—Joan Smuts,. Vice.President—A. RAMSAY, MAECTORS Joan Plwerralt. GEo, ROAMS, Wal GIBSON, P, A. T. Wron, hi. P, A. B. Lien (Toronto). Uashier—J. TURNBULL. Savings Bank—Hours, 10 te d; Saturdays, 10 to iiic,Dyeetosits of SI and upwards received and interest iregroom also -received at current rateDr:tfts treat Britain and United Stet* bought and cold W, CORBOOLD, AGENT E. L..010 KIN ON . Solicitor. Money no Loan on Notes. Good News for Our Readers Who have scrofula taints in their blood, I and who bas not ? Scrofula in all its forms is cured by Hood's Sarsaparilla which thoroughly purities the blood. This dieease, which frequently appears in children in greatly to ba di•eaded. It is most likely to effect the glands of the neck, which become enlarged, eruptions appear on the head and face, and the eyes are frequently effected. Upon its apperance, perhaps in sliuht eruptions or pimples, scrofula ehoulct be Sal tirely era- dicated frow the system by a thorougla couree of Hood's Semen illa to prevent all the painful and sickening con- sequences of running scrofula sores whic'e drain the system. sap the strength and wake exiatenue utterly wretched, . C. P. It, machinists from Fort William to Vancouver are out on strike. i.nlidrert Ory for r earn •%-.• A Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES et ooctwftl privilege of paying at the end et any1.:ear. Note and accounts collooted. ItOBT. BleINE000. Beaver Block %Ingham, Ont Sir Wilfrid Leerier will speak at Paisley on Wednesday, Oct. 18th; at 2 p. m, "Canada for the Canadians." READ THE CANADIAN HOME JOURNAL • A monthly magazine full of inter- - estiog reading matter and useful in- Iformation for CANADIAN 'WOMEN AND CANADIAN DOMES Subscription price One Dollar per Aunum. OR you taw receive it with this paper for one year at the same 1 price by sending your orders to the publisher of the TIMES at Wingharn. Send 10 'o n Ls fee Pimple copy. You will life it. AdilreSSI, Canadian Home Journal Co.* Liairpol rgisenre, ONT. • 00D HEALTH FOR WOMEN Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve rood Re- • stores Weak, Sickly Women to Robust Health. • Any irregularities in the monthly uterine notion is sufficient cause for wotnen to be skinned about their health. Whether painful, suppressed or profuse menstruation, the cause tan be traced to some derangement of the nerves. A few boxes of Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food will completely build up the exhausted nerves and restore the regular monthly action which removes from the body the clogged mat- ter that would otherwise eause pain and serious disease. It is as a restorative for pale, weak women that Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food has been singularly. successful. It counteracts the dcbi. litating diseases peculiar to women by feeding the nerves and creating new nerve fluid, the vital force of the human body. Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve rood has restored 1 scores of hundreds of weak, sickly women to 'robust health. see. a box at all, dealers, or Edmanson, Bates & Co„ Toronto. Dr. Chase's new illustrated book "The Ills of Life and How to Cure Thum," sent free to your address. EARLY GLOSING Before placing your order for SpringClothing call and see our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old stock that cost one -halt more than new and better goods of the latest styles *111 cost to -day. We. make clothes that fit. WEBSTER, & CO., Queen's Block: Cet;tits out endreturn UM - 3 year nearest express Oleo to tt s, with z000 of nam r r tilopyrrli.filae.yatitoietdolvploilinsodmen,bidedth.thalkwabprteo.aonhi ea0e. handsomely engraved, Ilttatl wIth Amarlcuit woad Tjewelled stem wind mut sot movement. lady's or eon, 'a BIZ% It Is a good time pleee, eqnn.1 in ap• pcaranee ta o2100 watch. aahdij7ttitbfor touling 0n tnueantrtraam conVIneed this watch Li Worth Smitten, than wo ask , pay tho express agent and 010.31%16 charges and ft fa Venre. './reary Mask CO.. 4 IttIX I, 'Toronto, Can. Caveats and Trade•Markl obtained, and all patent • business conducted for MODERATE FEES. My office isin theimmediate vicinity of the PatentOifice, and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model., sketch orphotograph of invention, vita description and statement as to advantages debited, Ar.hro Aar ao is made, for are opinion (sato pafenterbiliem, and my fee for prosecuting the application taut nee forl o ailed tor unlit the patent, *.allotoodl. "IFIlfEttrOngl' Cutna," cosi mining fad information seat free. Al! Comment./ Onions Considered as strictly Confldentlal. FRANKLIN H.HOUGH eta JP Seleatite wAsuerrtorrost. 1. CU that week WINGHAM HOSPITAL. For the treatnzent of DISEASES OP WOMEN unit SURGICAL CASES of itil kinds, For partioulaelle address DR. 3. P. KENNEDY, Medical Superintendent, Wingham, Ontt R. VA:NSTONE, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, Ete.. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest rate. interest. No commission oharged. Mortgages, town and farm properti bought and sold OFFICE—Beaver Block Wiriouste, J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, &c., Wingham. Ont. E. L. DICKINSON, 13ARAISTER, ETC. soixoteos TO BANG OLANHINILTON. NotisT TO Office—Meyer Block. Wingham ltit G. CAMERON, .1N1 • BARRISTER, -SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, &Cc Office—Corner liamilton and St. Andrew streets. opposite Colborne Rotel, GODERIOTI, ONTARIO, AUTHOR J. IRWIN, D D 5, L D S, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the kennsylvania Dental College end Licentiate of the Royal Collbge of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post OtHce, Winglittuo S. JEROME, L. D, S., DENTIST, HAS WITH V • Mtn D, D. Roes, graduate of the it. C, D, S. of Ontario, and Is prepared to do all manner of Dental work at reasonable prices. Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Rouse, Wingham. JOHN ItITCIIIEl GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINDHAM, DEANS, JR., Wotegan, LICENSED ONTARIO, AUCTIONEER Fah .erIE COUNT OF HURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. jeaHN CT.IRIt/E, Wreoaest, ONT.. LIOENSED,,AIICTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Iniplemeate specialty. All orders let 1 at the Timm office promPtly•latenf ed to. Torino reasonable. GRAND TRUNK, RAILWAI. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South lincardine presto Anne 6 49 a. 112. 8 05 p. ra 8 80 p in 10 29p 8 56 a rn 8 06 p m 6 63a IM 11 10 a m 3 30 p ra 8 00 p m 11 io a M 6 49 h m " 8 80 p m 3 80 p m 10 29 p m 8 80 a tat SOCIETY MEETINGS. h 6 Camp Caledonia, No. 40 Meet O• Lie et —.the first and third .blonday in every month, in he Odd Fellows Rill, Visiting brethren welccm s J. Murray Chief, II B. Elliott, Itize..Sso JOB PRINTING, TNOLUDINO nooks, Pamphlets, rosters, J. Heads, Circulars, &a, &c., oxeetzted in tbe beet style of tho 551, at moderate prices, and on short nate& Apply or address II, B. ELLIOTT, T Sias Office, Winghatzt Esey Ntt or WNW *Po sive this beautiful ,/, 1 BOOKBINDING. reI, rioted Chain MOM for Selling only one dozen I 506 MUM MAMA at tan cents *Leh. Latest rind prettiest ! We are pimsseti to announce that any Books or postpaid; Mil WM, MOGI the rot y 8114.04111. Mr for* MOM: no two oaen oaks. Writs, d we 1,111 *eel the abyllsersa Magalines left with us for Binding will have our rt,,,,z zuceb,t, an oboygmt pat& °linen Dozjz lico4 prompt attention. Prices for Elndingin any Style max w I Toronto. Oats will be even on auplicution o the Toots OfOos