HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-13, Page 53 wiegivt", 1 ionotAbolve,„,41,41".q.,,ivtivowit,,,tvt.1006,41 I A A'S SHOE STO1E1 ..:. ;elected from the best manufacturers in Canada. . ' is now filled -with new fall stock comprising a good as- tortment of Fine, Heavy and Medium Grades, carefully 1 SPECIALS THIS WEP(icr---:, 80 pairs Women's. Laced and Buttoned Shoes, size 3, regular -$1,7$ to $2,50 for 75e per pair, 18 pairs Men's Sella Leather Lined, Double Sole, Laced Shoe, extra, good value at $1,03. Men's Perfect •Rubbers at 50e, Women's " " at 35e. 25e Bottle of Shoe Polish for 15e. OUR CLOTHING WAS NEVER BETTER BEAVER OVERCOA.TS, black and blue, at $5,00, $7.50, $10.00 and $12.50. FREIZE ULSTERS from $5.00 to $12,50, MENt8 SUITS, Single and Double Breasted, up-todate, from $5.00 to $15,00, • • JOHN HANNA. ea tAili,eitestee/CSWtrit.Whset/tiWeettstesttWeltaWtstNsesS u 0 Having purebased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find ns in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing lty fair dealing and lion, est values a share of the patronage. The present stock will be offered at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Hoasefurnishinpes, Cutlery, Graniteware, Stoves, Tinware and 068.1 011 always in stock. Speeial attention will be given to cur 9••••••••••01... rflrr • Speetal Prxecie this week 121 TIMES, OCTOBER, 18, it,99, • '' •••••,•••••••• r fl if11 thtil • Bortil The Lacknow fall fair Wahl tie ' week on business. LUMENOW. : Mr. Andrew Tate is away on a visit with friends in Michigan. Jobn D. MeNab, thelanclsurveyer, on Tuesday and Wedsleada, week, and, notwithetaildisig No, 1 at 8M,20, No4 2 at ti13.4Q, No. 0 at 08.75, With all the latest lnaprove,. Lomita. Call on us for your fall wants in Cow Tim Lanterns, Axes, &xi, • Lowest prices and high grade goods. We are sole orrents for the Genuine Lehigh Valley Coal. Coate no more than other rad s r d • • who was arrested at Gorrie three weeks ago on the Obarge of the ab tROVA, SCOTIAN EARNER TELLS threatoolog •appearasee of tluetlon of the wife of (.4eorge Par-' ' HOW HE REINED HEALTH, • weather, a good erowd was; paeeitt in fact, the able eeeretary, P. a kins, carpenter, was discharged on Saturday, Sept. 30th, by the Poliee 1 comson, said the gate receipt* were .t, evis lux KIPPERED FOB TVAItS ontest newly $100 ahead of but year. lit)e ' Magistrate at Owen Sound, no deem for the prosecution beteg offer. NM: TUMBLE, SICK IIRAPAOftlf AND 'inside exhibit was partieularly ed, Parkins brought his wife from 101XLIMATIPM--Alati017011 AlYtrANOin ladies' work and fruit surpoVileg near Georgetown to testify against nit IN Ian 11E ILAS.POITNI) A OM, any show held this season ; theiteloga,' the prisoner hut she was not pat in 1•••••1."IT.T.W.FIN partments were mita superior tre •thewitnebs 'box. The ease • created Froin the Enterprise, Sridgerva,ter, s, display in the satcre lines at Godzaplikt. cqnsiderable interest, but its condo.. Seem= mentress, of upper The outside exhibits were much 1,4110 sion was not unexpeeted, • Brarieh, Lunenburg Co., N. S., is a gentleman of Scotch deceet, and well Spain's Greatest Need- •known throughout the uotinty, Ide1 Mr. R. °' Oliva, sof Barcelona, Villa is agriculturist of repute and. is spends his winters at Aiken, S. C. ealli trorninent in the local Affairs of the nerves had caused severe pains in the • - • back of his head. ,u using Electri3 aPt let denomination. Referriug to • 13itters. Autericagrea 'e test 13loo1 and Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, he says Nerve Remedy, all pain FOOn tart him, "I consider them a Most wonderful !country needs. All America knows tbat is what bto and beneficent revelation us • the rtignevette I! en $ w e He says this great remedy It „go r •it cures liver and kidney troubles realm ef meclici,ne. Previous to hear of bis escape, although he tees I) LUX 84, CO 1 ties the blood,•tones up the stt;mucrb, using these pills some two years ago, a victim ot the looting stokers who purl - same in extent as those of last year. •TILKNBEISRY. Mr. IL 11. MeIcagne, traveller for W, .T. Gage, ,Ss Co., of Toronto, and Well•kilnwn in this township, was a passenger ort the i)ltated weamer, the Scotsman, Mr. AleKtigue's f d ill b lad to •••••••••.•••••••••+••••••1•1•••••R WROX.ETER. •• 1 strengthens the nerves, puts vim, vigor I had suffered for Years from kidney broke ripen: his stateroom and stole 'and new life into every muscles nerve .trouble and rheumatism, . Many o, almost all of his belongings. . and organ of the b, If weak, tared ailing you needodyit. Every bottle thile bad 1 been. so bad that I coald guaranteed. only h"Oo. Sold by Cohn 4.. do nothing but endure the pain and rjainpbell, Druggist. pray for physical deliverance, My advanced age, being nearly 70 years Our popular butcher, Mr. Robt. 3. BLIIEVALE. old, made a cure look almost impos- Mutch, was married on Wednesday Master Roy Stalker, of Auburn, is sible, hum'mlY eonsidered, in a case • evening of last week to Miss Grace,, staying with his aunt, Mrs. T. Picker. of *such long standing. But ths, daughter of Mr. Wm, Addison, ot Mrs. 3. McDonald and daughter, to the Lord and Dr. William ' Gorrie. We extend congratulations. Genie, of Goderieh, are visiting her Pills, I am here today i Mrs Gregg, of Exeter, was visiting health with 'scarcel mother, Mrs. J. Gardiner. ' ear Having had large experience in cities, we excel in Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Hc-.ting,Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel Siding, Roofing and Metal cenitto. Call on us. We shall be pleased to .make Your acquaintancei feeling sure we shall gain your confidence. rPicJiEllUroU4tar tt5a: • TO THE FRONT PUBLIC NOTICE. Having moved fo town to the res • On Wednesday evening of last week, Mr. Thos, Simson, of the lst eoneession of Grey, and Miss Belle, oldest daughter of Mr. Wm. WI ight, of this township, were united in marriage at the home of the bride's B parents, in the presence 'of a large elk company of friends. Mr. Simson eeeneet and •bride will live on the' Robert ill feeling 4p earei t f;rbine'theMira and pros - t suff'erings. yfubtauPreP.ines8 A .Frightful Blunder . often cause a horrible, Scald, Cut, or Bruise. Bin:Wen% Arnica Save, the best in the world, will kill the pain and Wroxeter friends last week. Messrs. Herbert Thornton and to remind, we o Miss Kate Robinson was judge on Will Aikens, of Wingham, spent Something over t years ago I read the fancy Work at the Brussels fair Sunday in the village. • of the wonderful cures attending the last week. Miss Mary Seott has returned from use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, 1. Mr. Geore Spann bas moved a visit to Galt. thought if these testimonials are true gt into the residua, belonging to Mrs. it, George liing, of Wingham, it is possible the pills may benefit promptly beat it. Cures Old Sores, Many from this place attended the 1 •bought six boxes first, -0 rallvsekriSpoBrersulpUtilooneizg, Boils, Felons, Corns, Best Pile Cure on Geo. Brown on Howick street. visited his sister, Mrs.. George Mc- . even me. Donald on Sunday, used them strictly as directed, and fall fair in Gorrie on Saturday lastMiss McCarthy, of Markdale, VMS Quite a number of the villagers at. with the Lord's blessing they did me earth. Ouly 25 cts. a box. Cure goa- eed. Sold by .Colin A. Campbell, , tended l3russels fair on Friciay and ntachgood. But my ailments were the guest of Miss Anderson, M the Blvth fair on Tuesday, ehronic, deep seated, and I ma an j'rugul'" Manse for a few days. f+Ir. and Mrs. George Burgess, of old. man. The eure was not eom- _ EAST WAWANOSH. Mr. Gavin Davidson bas gone to Crapand, P. E. L, and Mr, and Mrs, Vete, and 1 got twelve boxes more , _ The entertainment given in the Parry Sound, where bbas secured Joe. Burgess, of Penni; P. E. 1„ ere with all faith in the result, I only Brick churettjast week was an Up. e a situation in 0. blacksmith shop. visiting at the home of Mr. John bad to use six boxes of the second to -date one. *IS was in every respect Messrs, T. Hemphill & Son have Burgess, lot when I found myself quite free-agrand success. The crowd was so orders for several carloads of their mi.. and Dam Summerville, (1 from kidney troubles, rheumatism -great that i eased the joist under and all other bodily ailments, except the floor celebrated oatmeal. Palmerston, have removed t Tenders will he asked for the sant havin purehaQed tbe h +•.:' • use the disability incidental to persons of hurt. ii,ghts, It will not be long before lijitoen1L).ce, lea by Mr. George Me- m,Y were in a measure relieved. I may advanced age, and even these doctor's care at pres,ent, Mr, min J. Walker is under the supplying ot several street electrie • Wroxeter will be lighted b,y electri. Mr. Ed. Coal tes, of Ripley, wheeled add that for a long time before I • Threshing is the order of the day. eity, . over to spend Sunday at home. used ,the pills and when I began The 'rain in general is turning out rve way, but no one was 4 Narrow Escape. i• Miss McAllister 'oBills Gru•n, ache, t e sensation' ** • n . • ng friends othe 1,2th. Mrs. (Rev.) D. Rogers and Master their use, I was the victim of the good. most distressing attacks of sick head. Miss E. Williamson, of Walton, le E. Thankful words written by Mrs,Fred ai•e visiting at 13elmore. Hart, o Grotort. S. D. Wars taken , with a bar! cold which settled oh. roy has returned to Bluevale after a fes„y extreme violence being not a whit On Thursday, Sept, 23rd, Mrs. 3. SEE WHAT THE DIAMOND PORK C. GOoDM,AN • • • • quaranteed or price refunded,' ,g4osis; who, with his bride, is visiting ev ng_ss tbe guests t.f r., 34.1 -rt t•i zies ast ln.cough set in and finally terrain- more distressing. These attacks months' absence Grigg passed into rest after a pro - gave me up, saying 1 could live but ai- dence lately occupied by Geo P Welis, corner Ceutre and Alfred streets, rival the GTE, I am prepared to pay the bigbest cash prices for all kinds of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Rair, Wool Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds, delivered at my residence, or if told be ieft, I will Gall for same, ated in ConsumptionFour Doctors Rev. R. S. (}. Anderson, of Wrox- came on once or twice a week. tracted illness a months in which . • After taking the pills, the attacks short tin3e, I gave myself up to my i Saviour, determined if I could not stay ehttrch next Sunday afternoon at 3 became less frequent and less trouble- out. With .her husband iu'd family with my friends on earth, I would meet o'clock, in the absence Of the pastor, some andy linall ceased ahnost en- she came to East Wawavesh arnong my absent ones ebove. My husband Rev. W. J. West, M. A. tirely. My son who lived at a dis. the first settlers. Be Iser he of kind covery for Consurnpt , inn coughs and Mr. Will aneybas gone to or H T • tance took the remaining silt boxes hearted neighborliuces she won the -was advised to get Dr. Kings New Dis- . Cotdi. I gave it a trial, took in all eight onto to spend the winter. and stated to me that they did him esteem of many. Her husband and bottles. It has cured ate, and thank a This I do know, that The following refers to the mar- much guc-• five children survive and - have the God. I ani saved 'and now a well and riage of _ mr. George Burgess, of he looked much fresher and appeared sympathy of a wide circle of friends. the natural forces gradually burned eter will preach in the Presbyterian Campbell. Druggist. 50 cts. and $1.00. Crapand, PE. formerly of4404, in better spirits after their use. Be- m dmg Wm. 11,„ven ism • r, r healthy woman." Sold by Colin A. I do that an over -ruling ' I at present at the home of his father, Power suggests to mortals all the Sunday and SHOP Opposite Post Office, Says: Fresh Beef and Pork. Lamb Bologna Prated Pork' Headcheese Breakfast Bacon Sausage Smoked Elam Pressed Beef V Farmers, why pay 5g and G percent, interest on your loans when money may be bad at 5 per Cent. Payinents rustle to suit borrower. Charges low. Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assur- ance eotnpany. At office Friday afternoon and ell day Saturday. NEB, COSEP, S, Macdonald Blook,Aingbain. Mr. John Btu -gess very pretty Vi ase and one eta ug GORRIE. Rev. A. 13. Forney hid Rev. T. A. wedding Mk place last evening at inVentions which operate to improve MISS Mary C°11tjth "46 the gue" ford, exchanged pulpits on Sunday Cral'a", in which his daughter, suffering, 1 say again that 1 thank Wm. Campbell of Blyth has been last. • . Miss Myrtle, and Mr. George Burgess, the 1..011:1 and Dr. Williams' Pink appointed a notary publie tor Ontario. At e of s moss .ears, manager of the Crapo,nd Creamery Pills for my prolonged life and pre - The new church lately erected by Rev. and Mr's. W. Johnston, of tiers Oos were united in marriage. Rev. good he• 1 h. by . the tengregation of Trnnty, Elms, ris, Man., are visiting with old friends Thomas Hicks was the officiating Dr. Williams• Pink Pills cure to the root of the disease. in the county of Perth, was epened in Gerrie and vicinity, They note elergyman. The bride was support- going for divine service on Sanday. P h i this 4i I i ed by her coUsin. Aliss Mary Camel.. They renew and build up the blood, . thus Another elm e has taken place 1 of Miss Lizzie Menzie's last week. Wright, of Sr„ Judea' church, Brant- the residence of Mr. R G. Cameron, our l'itee, and allay and cure our: Side Pork Tripe . mans auges cnsince• ea le and strengt lee the nerves, no Cern Beef Pressed Tongue . Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &e., Y Our prices are right, Orders ' called for and meat delivered to any part of the town. hand Your patronage solicited.' THE MILK OF HOLSTEIN DM RI( • is pure and cold an DIME) 1111 SHOP. c°StS d ,leaving here, on, u us me 'Jut driving disease from the system. in.the Nixon Company at Ingersoll. dh mb Mr R E S Mr. A. Gamble, of Port Hope, has an t e groo y . . p , taken a situation in Found Bros. tin Charlottetown, as groomman. As Avoid imitations by insisting that • Mr. Ww. Waterwortb has retired .41 the partY entered the Perim' the every bex yea purchase is enclosed from tbc, firm, Messrs. R. H. Cotter cesion, attended the funeral of his rendered by Mrs Hicks. e bride mat•k, Dr. Williams Pink Pills for his interests, cerried a beautiful boquet. The not keep them they will be sent Me. Jas. Mitchell, of the 6th con. Wedding mar& . was gr 'efully in a wreppei• bearinF the full trade and. Gs W. Riley having purchased uncle, Samuel Mitchell, at Woodstock was dressed in white sick and Pale People. It' ecear dealer does att. R. Ross was in Toronto last bridebinald w" dressed ie white post paid at 50 cents box oi• six No ,ye Like the last week. . THREE CENTS A SitrA.RT. • muslin. The bride was given away boxes for .2.50 by tiddressirg the by her father. IVIany valuable gifts Dr. Williera Medicine Co., Brook, Ma,ster's Eye." is there is a history of were presented to the bride aud tee ville, Ont. weak lungs in your family) ful present from the•directors of the v -v• • groom was the recipient of a beauti AN EASY' PROPOSITION iletinty and style without conifort is easily obtainable, comfort -with- out appearance is equally simple. You' never saw an ugly pair of • "Slater Shoes," yet many a them cover toutfortably most unlovely feet. The, cotnbination of these two— comfort and beauty—ate only to be had in the "Slater Shoe." Miele in twelve shapes, on lasts modelled from actual feet, all widtliS and -Sizes, leathers, styles and colors. • Every pair Goodyear welted, name -and price stamped on the sole, •••••••• • , , ,e‘ s $3.150 AN0 $8-.04), take Scott's Emulsion. rapan rea y • ceremony any relatives end friends • it nourishes and invigor room sat down to of the brideroand g ates. an enjoyable repast. The happy It enables you to resist the eotipte left. this morning for 131nevale, Ont„ for a. wedding tour followed disease. Even if your lungs by. the good wishes of dieir many are already affected, and if Mende." besides the cough you have Tile largest sugar beet faetory it :fever and emaciation, there the United States, to Cost $3,000,000, is still a strong probability of is to be erected by the New England , Sugar Beet Company, at North a cure. sea, Ind. The oil in the Emulsion Mrs. lienderson, Wife of Mr. David feeds: the hypophosphites Henderson, ex -reeve of Huron town- > log after tin illness Of upwards of Boxboroshire, Scotland, some ,13 year's ago and cane to Canada ship passed away Thursday morn lit give power to the nerves- • 6 /kg and the • lycerine soothes and tinea eats. She was born -Deer etVelt •-les,,,,,,s,sgs.,,,,,ssse For Sale Only by ROOTH & SON. heals. , SCOTT& DOWNE, Chemins, Toronto. in the year 11351. se. Linseeds, el steatite You are maser • y u EXETER. health, and if you do not There was. buried here Saturday one, of the pioneers of the district, Dr. John Hynclman, who had been a prominent figure here for the past forty years. He was a successful physician and a publiti spirited and courteous eitizen, and will be missed by the community lit large, In re- ligion he was an Episcopalian, and in politics a Consertive. He was ill for but a few days, and his death resulted suddenly item heart failure. ne funeral was very large and re- preseiitative, many ftsini itdistance being present. • WANTitiN-SSVnitAt niacin AND riONIrsz persons to represent us et anditgera in this and moss by tamales, Salary SOW it year and tx. panto, straight, bona.floc, no nore, no lea salary. Petition isermanant. Our retereneet any bank a.*** any town. It is midlily odice work' in camitiettO at ilond's rills tore liver the 0 0 irriLittijAtold only CAthattid ttIS tt,k0 -With flOotrt attend to duty, the blame is easily located. If your blood is out of order, Hood's Sar- saparilla wilt purify it. It is the specific remedy for troubles of the blood, kidneys, bowels or liver. Heart Trouble -"I had heart trouble for a number or years and different medi- cines failed to belle% trie. I tried Rood's Sarsaps.rina and three bottles completely and perfectly cured me." Mas. O. A. FLS; Wallace Bridge,41. S. A Safeguard-" As / bad lost five Mill- dreit with diphtheria 1 gave my remaining two thildren Hood's Sarsaparilla as they were alibied tO throat trouble and were itot Very strong. They are now healthier and stronger and have not time had a cold." Mat, W.11. FLEcitkit, Pembroke, (bit. • hone, nererenea, moose self..eAdressed stamped envelope. Tat Destines cestentir, Dept,S, Chicago. 6.• • mual • ••• nil m • • a w LthiI