HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-13, Page 411 4 --- CAIVIPBELL/S 111 5 SYRUP OF WHITE PINE AND TAR Cures Coughs, Colds, Sore throat and all Bronchial troables. It is .the best, that's all. For sale only at, LIi kT TUE WIN(,kIIAM TIMES, OCTOBER 13, La% • . . . . . . OA- Iwor”-Mernt THE WAR IS ON. lave atom raatecetis The war is o)a. Tuesday !nothing Toronto, Out. 10,-Reeeipts ati the a. gleam cf. peace was shed by tile western cattle market to.thv- littIe were a heavier„ whittle, combined with Duke of Devonshire's speech and n. lightly improved quality made a reassuring reports from. heath Africa. fair market. The run ofall classes In the afternoon, likes bolt from the was 51 carloads, comprising 500 eat - blue, came the news of the Trans-itles 1,000 sheep tilld lambEi an 1,000 !hogs. Eaport cattle -.Trade was vaal's ultimatum. It was, a virtual Ibrisk; choice sold at $4.50 to $5-a declaration of war. Upon the Trans - vital rests the responsibility of initi. MARKET REPO RT. S. 4. wrsourat. i Wingbatu, October 12th. 1890. i tri . . t..;; , 11. at : 2 Li i A i . . E..: M.O.' • VP: tl T11 IA an . 1.... . Fl:. ..!::4 Ed...,.• Iltl. cy C a gd. •.„a, ire:tot! 'gee: elms, Produce .)ealta:. _ 1 I.4:•c: - 1 a to 2 00 • '• 4 7 1 SprIng 'Wheat 4 tg two 11 2. IA ‘ THE PEOPLE 8 POPULAR STORE 13arley..... ... i)0 .3)31 tt: 00 2355 : H Oats, New, .T'_eaq r TeeerekeT drawn ..... ....' .* 0?) 0?)i to 0?) 061!.1.-.1i.,!!,,,i!, Duoiss, per pair Butter-- ... . .. .-. :.. 00 4017tt°0 00 158° IF Eggs pe' dino,zue: ....... . .... 0 14 to 0 a Bay per ton, ,... 0 00 to 6 00 .. Wood per cord.... .... 1 60 to 1 701 '-'1. Potatoes, per bushel, Dried Apples, per lb .... 0 25 to 0 23 .1 , 0 3 to 0 4 0 4 to 0 5 . 00 to 00 i 5 00 to 6 00 . I 0 20 to 0 50 !slight reduetion in the higher quota; sting what may be the greatest and !tim; light were steady, at $4 to $4.- bloodiest conflict between whiter races 1.5- s steady, $25 to 00. Butchers' eattle-Prices since France and Germany grappled , 80 years ago The Boers have al- . I unehauged, At $2.50 to $4.50. Stock- 13eavy fee ders so Cl British f r - i 0.60, and light If ready crossed the National frontiers ers and feedera Pewand mand steacl y; 114 COLIN A. CAMPBELL'S p nitro =RE. 770.517 -5 -10 -Zi -750,- TO ADVBRVISVRS, Notice of changes must be left at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tues- day evenieg. Casual advertise - meets accepted up to noon Thursday of each week. ugOnt films OCT. 13, 1899. IR SWILFRID LAURIER rIST.TS WrN'QUAti, OCTOBER 20TU. The Right Hon. Sir Wilfrid Laurier will speak in Wingham on Friday afeernoon, October 20th, at 2 o'clock. Since the announcement that Sir "Wilfrid was to speak in Wingham, the Liberals hate been busy making arrangements for the occasion. The various committees are hard at werk and we may look for a grand day in Wingham en Friday, October 20th. Sir Wilfrid will arrive in Wingham on Thanksgiving afternoon, end will be the guest of Dr, Macdonald, N. P. No pablic reception will he held on the day of his arrival, but friends who wish to call on the Premier may do so at Dr. Macclonald's residence. It is the intention to hold a grand procession on the Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock, and the speaking will take place at 2 o'clock sharp. The speaking will take place in the skating rink, which will be comfort- ably seated and ample aecommodae tion will be provided for all who attend.. Special rates and accommo- dation have been secured from both the G. T. R. and C. P. R. It is not often we, so far in the West, have an opportunity of hearing the elo• quent leader of the Government, and -when that opportunity is given it should be accepted by all who ean possibly bein Wingham to hear him. Mr. Fielding, Minister of Finance, • will speak with the Premier at the Wingham meeting. Let the friends all attend and give the leader a .royal welcome to the County of Huron. All are invited. The population of Galt has in- creased 200, and the value of real property not far from $50,000. A 0000 WATGH is a necessity, and we can now supply you with one from $4.50 DON'T BUY from peddlers or ad- vertising fakes. Bet- ter far to buy from us. We warrant them five years. HALSEY PARK 0 • it.olimiwwwwiliiiiiia4464411611041.44. Their intention is to strike while the } o ce stillrelatively small and before reinfereements can arrive. I Prices down a h. EDITORIAL NOTES. per Cwt; and Id d own at $a35to Dresee hoes feeders steady, at Chickens 3. 50. Sheep and !emba- ttle, at $3.75 to $4 2.50 to 63.85 eacb. iThe scarcity cf veal continues, and Tan West Huron election case ' prices have jumped to $10 for calves, conies up for hearing. at Toronto ranging from $4 to that figure. Hogs -The market fell of a quarter to day on choice hogs, selling clown at $4,37; fats dropped an eighth, to 84. The market was easier. East Buffalo, N. Y., Oct. 10.-Cat- tie-Tbe offerings were the hold- overs of yesterday; the trade was very slow and heavy; it was hard to sell common stockers at any price; there were only a few calves on sale, and notninelly the market was un changed. Sheep and lambs -The market was dull, with 16 loads on sale; choice toextra lambs were quot- able at $5 to $5.10; good to choice, $4.75 to $5; sheep, choice to extra, $4 to $4.25; the close was dull and prices irregular. Hoge -The trade generally was slow, with 17 loads on sale; prices ruled about the same as the close; heavy, $4.75 to 84.85; mixed, $4.90; Yorkers, 84.90; pigs $4.85 to $4.90; grassers, $4.75 to $4. 85; roughs, $5.10 to $4.30; stags, 83.- 50 to 83.75; the close was quiet. again to day (Friday). SIR Wilfrid Laurier and Hon. Mr. Fielding will speak at Kincardine on Saturday, October 2Ist, SIR Wilfrid Laurier will be in Wingham on Friday, October 20th. This will be a grand day in town. Ann the evidence in connection with the North' Waterlco election case has been taken. Judgment in ease will not be given until October 18th, OWING to ThanksgivingDay coin- ing on the 19th inst, Dr. Macdonald, el. P., has decided to hold his Blyth meeting on Wednesday evening, Oct. 18th. The Brussels meeting will be held this (Friday) evening Ocean freight rates have advanc- ed sharply because a number of Montreal ships have been withdrawn from the Atlantic trade to supply the demands of the English Govern- ment for the purpose of transporting troops and ammunition of war to the Transvaal. Sin Wilfrid Laurier and party have returned from Chicago. To a newspaper representative, the Do- minion Premier said that nothing in the way. of friendlinesstowards the Canadian visitors was omitted. Their reception was thoroughly cordial. Not less so was their receptioa from the large number of Canadian resi- dents in Chicagp. Altogether, Sir Wilfrid Laurier's visit to Chicago has been both pleasatt and success- ful. and likely to be beneficial in more'wsys than one. TUESDAY night's war news makes it almost certain that the militia of the Dominion will be called upon by the Ottawa Government to furnish a contingent for service in theTrans- vaal. *the imperial authorities have all along known that the government of Canada will gladly furnish D. force for service in South Africa. It was at the request of the British Govern- ment that the Canadian administra- tion refrained. from making any publie announcement as to , their intentions in the event of certain things happening, but, nevertheless, the war office knew well from dis- patches sent by our government that we were ready. That Threlbbing Headache Would qtneirly leave you, if yOu used Dr. King's New Life Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit, for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build up your health. Easy to take. Try them, Only 25 mite. Money back if not cured. Sold by Colin MORRIS. A Court of Revision on the Voters' List for 1899 will be held at the Township Hall, on Thursday, Oct., 19th, at 10 o'clock a. m. Dan. Wheeler has given up the farm °weed by Jno. Brandon, of Manitoba, on account of 111 health. It is reported Ed. Wightman will lease it. -We are pleased to hear of Mrs. Dora Buchanan's saferetina after a lengthy trip up thelakes visiting her friend, Mrs. M. Hughes, atEscanaba, and also'friends at the Soo. A. short time ago John Barr, fourth line, Morris, missed his flock of sheep, 21. in number. Dilligent seareh was made without avail, and • where the whole Rock disappeared to was a mystery. On the side of the gravel hill is a house ivith a cellar base- ment, about I8x24 feet, that was. built several years ago for a hennery. A horrible smell was noticable in this locality, and when investigation was made the lost sheep was found in the cellar. Twelve of the number were dead and the remainder were nearly famished, after their fast of nearly three weeks without food or water. It is supposed that the sheep bad gone into the house to get away from the heat and files and bad erowded tbe door shut, thus making themselves prisoners. Christian Endeavorers. Montreal, Oct., 19. --The annual rally of the Ontario Christian En. deavor Union for the purpose of receiving reports and electing ofii- cers was held in at. Gabriel Presby- terian °Much, and the following officers were unanimously elected: -President, Rev. Elliott S. Rowe, of Toronto ; vice-presidents, Rey. J. 11. I3arker, of Hamilton, Mr. 3. 0. At. A. Campbell, Druggist; kinson, of Toronto, Mr, Thomas Morris, jr., of Hamilton, and Rev. 3. Their Driver Got Drunk. S. Henderson, of Hensel ; provincial Neville Cutcliffe, proprietor of the secretary, Mr. A. T.Cooper, Clinton: Blount Pleasant hotel, near tBrant-, provincial treasurer,Mr. W. 3, Do- ard, was- fined $75 and $7.54 ,costsherty, Hensel!; junior superintend - last Friday for selling liquor without = eat, Miss Wintworth, St. Marys; - a license. At a recent W. C. T. U. provincial editor, Rev. Dr. 3.. A. R. convention held in Mount Pleasant a Dickson, Galt ; number of ladies attended from triet sttperinten Bamford, and a van and driver . Glassford, for t were hired to carry them. While ihr• 8. 3. Du'lea- the ladies were counselling on tem- for the central Detainee matters inside the village H. Lyon, of Ott church the driver got drunk at Cat. district. - cliffo's house, and was mint to drive The Christian them home in the caening. The ti?n heard a ladies were very indignant, and discussed at the pressed the charge against the hotel S• James' Meth -keeper, who had no license to tell far the most int liquor, with the above reault. sports. Thede in by a number Mr. IL T. Butler, late of Chealey, views eapresse and formerly of Stratford, has divergent char purchesed the Napinka Standard. her took the Nepioka is a thriving little town in Christ was in $ Manitoba, while others he councillor and dia. dents, the Rev. W. he western distriet, n Clark, of Toronto, dietrict, and Dr. 'V. awe: for the eastern PELTONT PUMPS BUTTER AN EGG, ateaLF-aefereta-Acsleestea'aelKeeD) It will pay you to come in and see our goods and get otir priceS. We are this week putting into stock a beautiful lot of • 11 I p ared to pa the highest Cash e for all good atter and eg delivered at my warehouse near the 0. T. R. C. GILLESPIE. the reverse, and that their tendency was towards evil. ,.,The Dominion convention of the Christian Endeavor at the afternoon's • meeting elected the following officers for the Canadian connel of the Society of C. E :-President, G. Tower Ferguson, Toronto ; vice-pre- sident, W. L. Shurtleff, Ooaticooke ; secretary-treat•urer, C. J. Atkinson, Toronto. • .Toronto was selected as the next place of meeting. This year's Uhited States earn crop is estimated at between 2,300,000 and 2,500,000,000 bushels, 'Tee, .eet::"^ar-lirlise., Jc.P.Y• • 41. A .„„ 44, ORSERIEOP? We are sure you do not. Nobody wants it. But it comes to many thousands every year. It comes to those who have had coughs and colds until the throat is raw, and the lining -membranes of the lungs are infihmed. Stop your cough when it first appears, and you remove the great danger of future trouble. en herr] Cd011111 stops coughs of a 1 kinds. It does so because t is a sooth- ing and libeling remedy of great power. This makes it the great- est preventive to cOnsumption. • Put one of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral • Plasters over your lungs A whole !Medical library Free. For four cehts is stamps te paypost. age, we Will send you sixteen medICat books. Medical Advice Free. We have the °ulnas% servideS of • sem° of the most eminent physicians in the United states. Unusual oppor. Utilities and Ion q experience neatly at thein for giving yon medical advice. Write freely all the pant& Mats iwyout case. You will receives prompt.roply. without cost. Adams, DR. J. 0. AYER Lowell, Dias& Endeavor conyen. variety- of subjects ydars and Intve them in price from Nire build our punip4 to' last for principal meeting111 $2,50 up. odist Church, but by mem Oyeeeeer, and univanized. cresting was that on Iron Piping bate was participated 'We have si fen Hoek of the ahoee of speakers, and. the &cods. deter%er°Quoitfe aa num- of anything. iti tee Ike very ''' Call and OM p ,..... when ill need ground that Jeans empathy with sports, JON :'-'; I," r :pros, Id that he was quite tei le Pa atsie's Livery it JARDEWIERS, ETC. .111 Remember this is head- quarters for OVERALLS, SMOCKS, 8LO Made of White Duck, Blue Denim and Cottonade. There ivji is no better make than the ' "Arm and Hammer Brand." • . • .,.. • . . ,•4 See our Fleece -Lined (all -.wool fleece) Under- wear for men. This is without doubt the best Un- derwear for health and comfort. We have- the best, Did you see the New Skirt Supporter. We . have them. -You cannot afford to be without one. Theyare cheap. ' 11,3- I-" jj 13 T?, Macdonald Block, Wingham. litieeetcs4elneedeedgenetheectelotieteafereete..tedtae---teeggregateeteeocaoregire-eage-leeteeiaseei4 ts, e. RUBBERS TRUNKS VALISES 1 Our stock in the above lines is now complete. in all kinds and sizes. See our lines of Rubbers before buying. Everything goes at the lowest cash price. Repairing done with neatness axil despatch. W. J.GREER._ Great Bargain Sale • T. A. Mills in order to make room for New Fall Goods which are daily arriving will offer for the next 3o days his entire stock of Spring and. Summer Goods at Greatly Re- duced Prices. 10 pieeds Dress Goods, usual 25e goods, for 15e. 24 " s.s it id 40c is 20e. • 15 " • " =60e " 80e. • See our Bargains in Prints. 25 pieces usual 100 and 12e goods for 8e. 25 white counterpanes, usual 1,25 for $1. 25 a 4 a " 1.50 " $1.26. • Special Value in. 'Wool and' Flannelette Blailkets 10 pairs W001Blankets, Usual $3.75'for $8. 15 st. " is " 4,50 for $4. 15 gr Flannelette Blankets, 11 heavy weight for $1. Bargains in Ladies' and Men's Waterproof Coats. -These are the cele. brated Mandleherg's goods (sewn seams) guaranteed towear, Pricefrom 84 up. In Hotise Furnishings we lead. In Carpets, Tapestries, All Wools, Unions, liemps, Ibigs, Linoleum, Oil Cloths, and Curtains. T he largest stock in town to ch0036 frOnl, rrlces to Snit purchasers. Ou' tintft,rwear Department is complete in Men's, Youth's and 13oy's Uniou tita.,I and Fleece Lined Goods, prices from 25 cents and up. Also a full raige of • Large Men's Underwear always ift stock. Call and see our New Ready - Made Clothing, prices right. ALA, . . . .111011111/1.11.1111r1.....••••••••11,