HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-04-09, Page 24detsistott qv,: • titutiA i) • to l'it;.• repltiv.;4; and gas- irk...patter-it tsre. sQrvicS,L,-110Spitai aciroinistrator gerOoh r1• 4%!K:eqtle Sat, irlospitai 0'0 0001 MartiN manager- servtuesr London t40s4itai '1.19qh Services, counts Sheets in,i1303,4 :01.0 loom: With. the% tioPPIOt 0 ' no* 9,9,,419 0 00 iiheh ftprp, tht: :1-09don' torttOwly, the i,111)04 rpOm'sp404WiTr eventually be ose(tfOr some other r,;d: U 411 N 0; • $ ,Smr,.1401c.00.14,r4,, l~ineh •t anageraitt e. ospjtal. •Ioundry to close ominunit). Hos- pital is dosing its launch). and the space will eientuall) lx' used tin patient care. Hospital administrator Lim- Maekenzic said London Hospital Lino) Seri ice will be • providing clean bedding and tato licit: u, for the llotWit41.-• In the fuji,ov• ItHO 'o•111 be di..:itiN3:434,-thter• nine:* %& 'flte adintilistr4tor siti,4 Abe • ACCEPTING HIS PRIZE - Dennis Nolan of Seaforth accepts a stereo unit and congratulations from Ripk Woods, chairman of the Centen"aires Booster Club. Mr. Nolan, Won the clUb's draw, which raised $400 'for the' hockey club,. - (Photo by Hook) Opening Wurday, April 11.t4. EATS AND TREATS OF BAYFIELD 565-2942 Satisfy your every food fantasy with, Easter goodies. hand dipped chocolates, old fashioned candies, copper kettle fudge, licorice. jelly bellies. toffees, dried fruit mixes. nut meats. fresh coffee be-a:ft.-black & herbal teas: Tasty Nu breads, buns & cookies- tasty tool Canadian & Imported cheeses. biscuits. Evelyn & Crabtree jellies and fruit preserves, gourmet comestibles, gift bqskets etc. -*Y OW 11 eat it upt rt. Spring has sprung - Gas has ris Here is where your tune up is .t• Spring into Spring at the Seaforth FREEZE OPEN 7DAYS A WEEK SPRING SPECIAL • Friday only 3 - 9 p.m. Chicken, Dinner $2.25 3 pieces eh-Wien, (no wings). french fries, coleslaw When accompanied bY copy of this ads ertiseme'nt tOnly one copy of ad necessary per.order) Huronview. Huron County's borne for the aged. is being czdied upon more and more to fill the function of a nursing home. and it has been wijusting to meet the .,. • 1.90i- 19$j:,. • .*AppRit4Frolili.1:061-..t,.6%7B04t, 1.0;0.4 Pan, TOW INFORMet 'Ye AND 4V6Nnitei WILL- W077434141 ▪ turns-an.tne history and prodess AI T.111$1filiOilte and'Itgurina. malting out rum,/ seoito with. riourelentanues. tfpm. Royal • DoUlton • WO 'dint prizes 1 Royal Million figurine 1 20 piece set 01 dinnerware. Adollssion $3.00 per person; $2.00 for seniors and students. DOOR PRIZES DONATED BY ANSTETT JEWELLERS Proceeds to theSeatorthCommunity Athletic Field tor .comPletion at facilities. TICKETS AVAILABLE BY CALLING HIGH SCHOOL ti . a 4411Pkx Earlye..N, • Planters= Last soil out, first soil-in ,Creatrog the hest possible seed en voronment is what makes Early Rker Planters the greatest advanr.r.ment since Cyclo An IncIn ,ow units onset disks out narrower teem-n.10 ensure ar, orate seed Spacing Alter the furrow tinning point Wipes trench walls and eliminates the .W Mich the seed es dropped andcovered Covering desks are lodesedually Mounted And 'reverted In eelurn moist sod to ley Seed trench iast out ' 111511n What you gel is a mOusturiit the seedbed spat's virtually the slme • As that of the field below planting Early Riser Planters are 8.1ollaOle en Mut row 10 twelve row Cyclo Air or plate trittipg mglanted models' All give you hist early planting'and • early rising crops Isn't that Pretend of Derlor mance you want for the WO tsn t that worth checking out Early Riser Planters today', • • isistounitumettunosna FARM EQUIPMENT LTD 527-0120 SEAFORTH di •-•., 1,@st wednesoy: (pboto by ''f1,0), taa,•sa were ltslng. - so the' .rests Cot the hospital here steuph goting -too high - tIlt administratoi said. Iso. some 01 the latindt) stall Icutcd in the last teat. and jobs ill be tou red tot the othei staff elsen Mere in- the hospital. Laundry .ittanaget Jot k Bedard ,A itott be It' it manager. .n ti ticvharge of distributitig- the beddwg Iln oi liiil hospit • Mr. Macktriiic said the space taken up by the basement laundry will cent (hill) be used lot additional 1)01 le 11 1 scut ices. He said :hanging 'to a litiendelis cry s> swni %t ill es entuall) sa‘ the hospital in excess of 520,000 annually . lunch ..Inch Call be used to pros ide more patient care see'. ices: He said savings n on't be m noticeable for about a t ear to a year•and.a-half- ith the WM. system. The London company al- ready delivers hospital linens to-the Goderich and Stratford hospitals, and Clinton hospi- tal .is also considering chang- ing to the delivery system. 0 A sure sign of Spring °is Friday night shopping. Starting this week we will be open each Friday night till 9 p.m. Seaforth 527,1960 (Photo by Gibb) OUT OF BUSINESS-The laundry room in the basement of Seaforth Commanity Hospital is goiqg to be closed, and hospital linens will be delivered three times a week by London 'Hospital Linen Seivice. Staff at the hospital posted this cartoon of Jack Bedard, Laundry manager, and an "out of business" sign on the laUndry door lest Wednesday to mark the 'change. Joyce McClure of Winthrop (left -to-right), Connie Flanagan. of R. R, 5, Mitchell, and Mr. Bedard stand beside one of. the carts loaded with dean linen which will be delivered to the hospital three times a week. ' LAIJ a ske • I Gulf Goderich St. East Seaforth Ot ow. 1 /4in it- lit 10.,,sus. Its he lily: of Li% lug al Oat, Stiai410. I Kt' Dts. litoMda "",i %Li tu,1 a ,‘ 11t., Sing. Old i‘ Nittv.- was held in sa I sut,111.414,!on, atrit 1111 I kit lead 1.11111.' 11'.1.1 11111. ,eei Ilalift..1 14. HSI.: .1114.1 MAI k.s;1,1L,1111 111.1. tug tilt halal nistiuments. I ut sitti‘ c‘citing our 1.01 twit t suppyt %%as held at Hilton% it lett a sot. tat II...hot. turkt SUppl.:1 h \ 114.11 1t•Ift. ‘11 It litn\ art' and Ins on. hest, a m itts atiftle ttlt- .411.1,97, t,1)1 0.rt OVici 166 wag atitt ts,tunitt !vas %,4 527-0333 . YOUR GULF DEALER • WILL INSPECT/TEST lEmition System Pre-Analysis: • verify by analysis that vehicle operation can be corrected by completing a tune-up • high tension wires +electronic ignition system „. distributor cap and reluctor air gap • high tension wires - •alrclearter element • P.C.V. element • all belts and hoses *battery, cables, clean terminals • final ignition system analysis SUPPLY AND INSTALL • new resistor type spark plugs LUBRICATE AND ADJUST • lubricate heat riser valve • adjust carburetor • adjust timing r_ Forextracenveniatte titt your Gull Travel Cardend at most stations, Visa-or Master Charge. a THE HURON. EXPOSITOR, ARM 9, 1991 e,as nursn challenge. Atinmistrator Wayne Lester told tomtit counot Iasi nteis The' triajoril % of people admillCd to Huron,* 11:1% [Oda% ,arc peoplit. vihO, need -miler ori„pshag earl:. ite ewtained ,, on.sequentli a .number of -beil.% 41 the. Norsnili C" .11,4:e area • were rift belOgiiiitil . ,• • .. . , ..• - , . •I;91.V.110-uirti,tb.c.tietd. -the, , ,prijtvii,. :3.8., • botts, ..of •'.i.r,04.krut, flpor, •. Niv,rth • , ..;sz 4. • beta s ark', nig he said He reported that as of last N't . 2,9n beds a1 Hu ton'. %%eft' occupied and toil% 14 were empt‘ By this %%eck he etpt.ttdtoha.eti.eotthos. tilled ht. added He said that while last month there ‘t ere 111 Flanks thrl the ,IIttng list tins monththere art 21 want people died and a loo admitted to the hone' He told tonmillors to L I‘ jlcrt qUe%tiOtiS tt hs. people hay.: been. nitied around in Huron% tett. evplaming as to at Ommiodate the adds'' tional n tng care He also touni it it Laces a bill of S.101.000- to replace the heating system tii the Normal I. are tx mg some f 1.01 within iteti ist 0 10 ihrei::years. ' ,,,t,torny17‘3tarr 111,1311p rt,t.,1 The. „let", i;‘, t -.tx,rf 4411 j use hom ,o L. It twit .1011n Deaii Monica t .11 111 how Hi merit-Id, Glad -• 55 Its tiont Moon. tri:Itt I it ,hu ed bow Bitylield and I mil.' Wolfe from Brod• h a gen • "" '1 " "" 'is Pl." ‘A lit it 11.. 111.1..k*d hull Ins ,01.1 /41 In 1953, has sriting stone leaks. he said and h4 it call be Is p.i furl it mporarth there is it.' sitter how long the 11 /4 palls will hold. He sug,..J. sled ilif111 1110.1‘ %N.001(1 Continued from page 13 , . member from River Canard in second place and Ray Kettlewell and Robert Rani-" say of 'Strathfoy placing third. In the men's advanced.. amateur casogory. the win- ning team was .John Hender- son and John Courtney ,of Amherstburg. with G..Hawk-• and Bill Maelmosh-----of-•••• Chatham in second place and Peter Rasherry, and Dave Rceson ."of Campbellcroft in third. The team nhich placed - first its the .men's expert can'iiest was Rein: Home from south to Kippen • Boogemang. and V. BOoge- mfltros of flens:111. nirh Julius Langpeter and Sia Strange of Windsor in second and Neal Thomas and A. Bank of Windsor in third. The kayak class was won by Terry Chappell of Wind- sor. follow ed hy Corwin Follett of London and Larry Bagncll of Weston In the draw for the 14 foot ... Scott canoe. the o inner was Patrick Hulley of B15,rth. The winner of the.' S20 second . . prize was Irwin Johnston Of Seaforth and the StO prize winner '.vs Mrs.• Ross Engel of Brussels. . , Mrs.. Margaret Mellis Hutchison, St Thomas. who i•s 92 'tsars young attended thg funeral of her brother Wilfred last Tuesday. Mrs. Al • I•loggarth and Janet Hoggarth have return- ed from a pleasant visit with relatives and friends in Lon- don. England. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. For-" rest. Mrs. Vern Aldcrdicc and Mrs. H N. Caldwell attended' the tree platting workshop held in Mitchell last Saturday . Mr. and Mr's. Harr), Van Wiesen Moved to tbdit new home south of Hensail. Mr. and Mrs. George Gib,- son., Wingham ,called on Mrs. W.L. Mellis last Satur- day. MT. and Mrs. W.J.F. Bell have returned tuttin a winter • spent in Florida Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gennnell hate urned from a holiday in t h, south. Members Or' the crewel • embroider) cla.-0, conducted by Mrs. SteWart Pepper arid - Mverei,k..W..1. Old ., ell at tended n- Suunary Day to Exeter last Mr. and Mrs Ken Jones • and faimily. Hillier, visited • recJntr' tt ith \Ir. and Mrs. Harold Jones. Sympathy .,01 the commun- ity is expressot to Mrs. W.L. Meths in t he death of her husband last .1 /4 1-ek. Mrs. Torn Burke,. ,Wroxe- ter is. viy-ting it Ith her sister Mrs. W.I. Meths: I- Fora.fresh start this spring make, an a a pointment for your value-pnce une-up now. FROM 695* ak. 4 CYL. ELECTRONIC IGNITION 6 CYL. ELECTRONIC IGNITION 8 CYL. ELECTRONIC IGNITION PAices include parts and labour at participating dealers. *Engines requiring points and condenser extra. *For most trans. 'l ' FROM * FROM * $3 9 5: 9 5 $ k Correspondent RENA CALDWELL 262-5935 Mrs. Charles Eyre will he hostess when Kippcn East W.I. hold their 'annual meet- ing at her home April IS With a pot luck dinner served at :31Tp.rri.TvTrs. Wm. Bell will give the motto and members are reminded to have their reports ready in duplicalec