HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-04-09, Page 17Hensall . Abe
Sale" Qt1 Wednesday.„ April
15th4begintung at 3:00 p-nt,
Everyone is welcome.
Rev. Kenneth Knight con.
ducted the service in Carmel
Presbyterian Church Sunday
speaking on the subject.
"Violence is Oolden”. Doro-
thy Taylor presided at the,
organ for,the service of song.
Choir practise will be held
• Thursday evening., at 7 p.m.,
All choir rotrobokor,irlyonv
to +dr 'with ._.t
V4ster music are -4004,
Dr. and:. •••••?...),
Looking for Efficiency.
Install a Illastarlii.
Some of the advantages are:
• High efficiency motors
• Sound rated
• Fan can be run single, variable
or 2-speed °
• Minimum wattage per C.F.M.
(example %HP-high-efficiency motor
moves 6,300 C.F.10.)
We also offer
Fan-Jet offers:
• Draft free ventilation
•'- Circulation, of inside air
• • Automatic control
• Uniform temperature
• Distributes heat
We stock & install complete
ventilation systems and exhaust
a division of J.M. Moses Limited
RR 1 Mitchell, Ont.. NOK 1t40
Hwy. No. 23 &tooth
CALL US— \ we will give you a '
on your ventilation needs
wishing to contribute to -a
bale for' London Mission is.
asked to leave their good
used clothing in the church
basement the week of May
11 to 15.
A party consisting of Barry
and Pat Taylor. Ron 'and
Joyce Taylor. Jim and Kate
Keys and , Tom and Barb
Consitt holidayed in Wheel-
ing where they went to the
dog races and the country
music show, then visited the
Cathekal of Tomorrow at
Akron. Ohio and the huge
Anderson Fertilizer plant at
Mau rum.
ClaSsilied Ads pay diiiidends
THE 1982
rive-EXIIeflirst two-seater passenger Ford in a quarter century-1s a
fuel-efficient sportcoupe with handling oharacterittics and styling designed to. please
driving enthusiasts. The EXP is available at SEAPORTH IVIOTORS.Although the EXP's
size and sporty atip;earance are-reminiscent of the classic Thunderbird, Ford's newest
model has a combination of high-technology features unheard of in the 1950s. The EXP
standard manual four-speed transaxle and 1.6 litre CVH engine has a Transport
Canada-approved highway rating of 55.7 mileS per gallon (5.1 litres .per 100 kilometres)
and a citythighwayrating of 41.6 miles, per gallon (6.8 litres per 100 kilorhetres). The EXP
option list.--limited because of the car's high level of 'standard equipment-includes- a
flip-up open-air roof, a' premium stereo-radio sound system .and leather or
'shearling-and ,leather seating surfaces.
ik Sales
• Service
• Leasing
• Daily Rentals
"Yeir Satisfaction is our first Concern"
a.m. till 8 p.m.
totoOt Prl!flay a.m. • - 8 p.m.
and Saturday 9 a.m. till 12 Noon
220 Main St. Sop - Seaforth 5274010
MondaY througtieriday 8 1110Mo 5t30 p.m.
.Civie Corner
Memoires Of The Past
WHERE Works Department Garage at back of Henson Town
WHEN' — Saturday April 11, 1981 1:00 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
'WHAT — Numerous articles including 2 copper fire extinguishers,
piano, antique organ stool, cupboard, table desk, pictures,
wooden kitchen chairs, butcher baskets; 120 mugs (3
kinds), old 500 w street light bulbs, antique electric stove,
roll back sink, 2 east iron odourless coil buckets, cool oil
heater, concrete lawn roller, block and tackle, gas engine,
pew type benches, etc.
HOW — Items marked at lowest price, higher bids accepted.AII•sales
final. Terms, cash dayof sale. .
Council of the
Village, f Henson
Amber Rebekah Lodge
it.149 ' members celebrated
their 32nd birthday Wednes-
day evening when the Ths-
triet Deputy President Verna
Thomas of District $23,
Brussels made her official
• visit;
• The„, guests from- Brussels
Lodge • were welcomed ,
jmembers and".:thq •
lyglepmed by'..
Gt4n4 ;;Berilia.,214*Gregor
and '.-mernhers, ‘Vice--rikrand
diadYtiCOletitoo reported•fOr
the viSitiuw,eiirtunittee.. Oti4
Haoi Corhett *reported 10!
the finance conntnittee. The
Treasurer Mrs. Ed. Corbett.
gave a very gratifying report.
It was announced the
members will hold a"Des-
seri Euchre" April 29 at
The D.D.P. gave an in-
teresting message on the
symbols of the Order:
Friendship, Love and Truth
and urged the Members to
visit the sta. activate
'Wily. and . to, support the
followitiwihe flieetitiii, the
uotertaininent. entrtinitinq
were ip.'etx•Fge *hen -0.oro* '
Parker as two readinu
The menibens are in- •
sited to nressetst April 1.4 to
open the Morning Star Lodge ,
hen Assembly President
Myrtle Patterson will be •the
guest. This meeting will be
preceded by a banquet in the
Presbyterian Church.
Brussels. •
Hensall Beavers and
leaders took an interesting
trip to Kneehtel's grocery
store, Mrs: Nixon Ted an
inforMallye tour of the Offer.
ent areas. The boys were
Otighted With their .
Abentaty,-1,reat at the end Of
'tbemseerting... .• r
4 80%Yirt Pt00„ctw*b, they .ire tending .and reporting- '
440 week - well toe..
dS• are
In,the 'next eottttle.of 'wgeks,
Beay.ers wilt be making pro-
jects and with mom's help.
treats, which will be deliver-
6'Vd to the Queenswa,s resi-
dents for. Easter. The resi-
dents are always happy to be
entertained with song and
chatter while the boys get
first hand experience in shay,-
ing.and fellowship.
The itleosalt Cubs 4',ere.
hOstedby.theClintonpack tJit
Thursday •vetiltig.. Thy bail
-Frock of Hensall, _came -put-
-- The, • Cubs • were „
• tetlAtijitlg
ed hoine-last .week, after,
,kt01.)tin 'South .Fluion Wisp-
ital. Exeter.
Mr. and Mrs Alf Ross
returned home after spend-
ing several weeks holidaying
in Florida.
The Easter meeting of
Unit -IV was held at the
manse of the Hensall United-
IChureb, April 2 at 2:30 p.m.
ith the leader Nan Britton
presiding. Sin opened. the
meeting with ,in article on
"The •I enceel Season". •Folf
Raking the singing of a !IMO_
Jessie Alp$rung Zondeeted
the Pestitio01 with _Nellie
pasSaktotk fro,ro.
Luke V 40,34. Nits, 0,4•10,-
',strong • then ,sitnite The
Reatib' of pr ng and Ira ter
being the. greatest 'vent,
history. Thai minutes
• Ikelembers of Stanley unit
,ilield,thOr April meeting at-
hop* of Mrs,
,',flathiyell 'after fin Oing
quilting a quilt, alter
Baird; 4 Jed We worship and
read 'a meditation on Easter
-and faith. Mrs: liathw ell
read a poem on resurrection.
Mrs. W. Scott read an
article on the moderator Rt.
key Lois Wilson and the
'worship closed w ith prayer.
after the minutes and roll call
the treasurer Mrs. Cliff Hen-
derson gave the treasurer's
report. The unit was remind-
ed of ins itations to kippen on
April. 44th and Northside..
Scaforth on April 15th. Mrs.
Rathwell served .luitch: at the
close of the meeting.
barbecue. April 22.
Mary Rostbal reported for
the cards sent out tor the
past month. Mrs. Vercv
Kennedy took the offering
and it was dedicated h% Mi s
Britton. Ri.r1 Ms donald
cloSed the meeting w ith
A social hour followed and
ltincii was. ser.‘,‘(1 M,iV‘*'
To) ltrive
:. `lwtttilttifit,t:',41.kge hat nu)
slit itt week.cind es ith 'her
PiqeiltS On Mrs ilitliert
BroadloOtt. —
-laylor. Dun anti i•stato.:,s has c
returned, from a liotittra
Florida. '
Robbal. Shirley Luther and
Mabel Parke.; the committee
in charge.
Prior to retirement.
Mar% tit in. long time
cmplo%cc of the staff of the
Bank of Montreal. Hensall.
C-IllUElairked to dinner at
atm. Fiiuntain Re.f01441-
tij,Itt itl hnittn tit '.seek
the rnonager. Frir Luther and.
yaltt of die bank;
Mr, and
Chaffy of Mitchell •were r0;
4,01 0%iior„s mitt div
and- Mrs., ,Zack.
urfiett. '
SINGINO P.8.01Y0024010
;Ifir .sittgMtp ArotAllt9...11!#' tin; ''Wxtelitnere' from Kim.
tier area will be. at,,Ciirnwl
Stt n-
ila:' Ma% 3
rFte tactics art:. holding a
feu- and -Bake
A big crowd attended the
final Orange Lodge euchre
party of .the season -on Friday
night. Prize winners were
Grace McClinehey, high for
the ladies. and Jean Riley.
low. Bruce McClinchey was
high for •the men; Harry
Baker, low. Winners of draw
prizes were Harry Baker,
Helen Sootheran, Eileen
Consitt, Marg McClymont...
Joyce Burt. Marg Gale and
Oinerine Watkins.
'The March canvass for the
Red Cross in the Varna area.
captained by Mildred Mc-
Ash., realiied .S157.50. up
$30.00 from last year. The
Cancer Society , canvass is
this month. 'Please remem-
ber that the minions from
Terry Fox's cross-country
run were used for special
projects. The regular work of
- .the Cancer Society still needs
thiksupport of everyone.
An ancient Lenten type
service called "The Tenne-
brae". Latin for darkness,
was used in the worship
service at the. April meeting
of Varna United Church
Women. Eleanor McAsh and
Mona Stephenson led the
service, with Mildred McAsh
playing Baiter music. Seven
candles 'representing the se-
ven deadly sins were exting-
uiihed one, by one as prayers
were ofrereittlittf We-,tifight
have victory &et' these sins.
A committee consisting of,
Mildred McAsh, Shirley
' Joan Stephenson. Debra
•Rathwell and Pat Taylor has
the desSert euchre planned.
_ It will start it 12:30 this year,.._
on*April 15. Gifts are still
needed for door prizes.
Anyone wishing to take the
bus to the One Day Sehool for
Women in St. • Thomas. isl
asked to have bus fare in by',
June 1., If there is a full bus,
the fare will be $5.00. Regi-
i stration should soon be made
for Westmirtister Weekend
..from May 29 to 31.
Other events you' may wish
to attend are the Near of the
Disabled program at Central
United in Stratford on April
13 at b:00 p.m. Myron Angus
from Rehandart is one of the
disabled who wilt speak. On
May 9. London Conference is
„haying a Worship Celebrat-
ion Wbrkshop in Seaforth.
Cost is $10.00 including the
noon meal. London Copfe-
erence amnial meeting will
• be at Park Street United in
Chatham from May 26. to 28.
The U.C.W. will purchase
material for banners for the,
front of the chuoh. Anyone
Crowdat Varna euchre
were 'read and the roll call
taken by Dorothy fvtickle.
'with 22 present including
guests. Mrs. Mickle was ids°
pianist for .the meeting..
Business followed w ith
many events coming_, up in
the' future. Rena Caldwell.
social conveder. spoke of
coming events and made
plans for the help at the beef
ngefiet lonit quilts at Rathwell's
itiOt Su . 'with hoe
Mr. and Mrs, ltas tertian
of Union visited with Me.„ and
Mrs. Carl Payne on Sunday.
Classified Ads pay dividends.