HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-13, Page 211111111311111•111.1•1 111.E, WINGIIAM TOMS, OCTOBER 13, um. ‘66.1.661.1 "A Heart as Sturdy as an geVeund Out, MiMerit Mid WUlking. Eut what about the blood which the heart roost pump at the rata of seventy tenses a luinute t •It the heart is 03 be sturdy and the nerves strong this blood must be rich and pure. Ilood's Sarsapte rilla inakee sturdy hearts bemuse it Makes good blood. It givee to men and women etrength. contidence, courage and endurance. T1OOD'S PITA:4S are non-irriteting and the only cathartic to take with liood'e Sarsapariile. Pare and Hoiden have been set to work in Kingston penitentiary, The population of Woodstock is expected to reach the 10,000 mark this year. "Take time by the forelook," It your blood ie out of order, begin taking lioad'e Sarsaparilla at once and preveut serious illness. The following graduated nurses of the Stratford Hospital have been awarded diplomas and ineclalsi— Miss Florence Van Camp, of Mans- field, 0; Miss Mariam Wanless, of Walkerton ; Miss Mary Burnette, pf Listowel ; Miss Annie Ross, of Guelph ; Miss Maude Spence, of Bra.' Mi'Qc/r:ernpliell, of Guelph, and .1i, ••• eet. •ffit, of lAitchell, 313ositle ely mired by these Little Pills. They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia, Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per. fect remedy for Dizzi4ess, Nausea, DrowsL. ness, Bad Taste in the loath, Coated Tongue Pain in the Side, TO ID LIVER. They Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable. &mail Small Dose. Satall;P:ice. Substitut!cn , the Irma. ol the day. See you cot Carter's, Ask for Ca, er's, Insist and d mand Carter's Lit* Liver Pills. 20 YEARS TORTURE. A. Belleville LadVhom Doctors Failed to11 pi O.ared at Last by Boo's Kidney No one who has not suffered from kidney disease can imagine the terrible torture those endure who are the victims. of some disorder of these delicate filters of the body, Mrs. Richard Rees, a well-known esidhighlyrespectedetdyof Belleville, Ont., had to bear the Burd of kidney complaint 1 for over 20 years an now Doan's Kidney Pills have cured her hen all else failed. Her husband made the following state- ment of her case: "For zo years my wife io has been a sufferer fr m pain in the back, sleeplessness and ne usness and general prostration. Nothin seemed to help her. Doctors and tnedicine all failed, until we got a ray of hope wizen we saw Doan's Kidney Pills advertise as a postiwe "Sielg e to take t ern and they helped her riKh a ayi, and e is now better in every lilkeb,";We thn heartily recom- mend Doan's Kcy Ills to all sufferers, fortheyseem tostriket e right spot quickly, and their action is riot nly quick but it is permanent. "I cannot say mo in favor of these wonderful pills than at they saved my wife from lingering to ure, which she had endured for eo years p st, and I sincerely trust that all sufferer Will give Doan's Kidney Pills a fair trial" LAXA. Cure cons mation, biliousness sick heada he and dyspepsia. Liven Every pilligueranteed perfect me and te set without any grip - hie., weakening or sickening • Pi LLS e eets, dec. at alt druggists. 1•••••••••••••••••• • 'If you don't object I'd like to ask you something', said an old man with a. Cane and a satehel, as be stopped A policeman on Monroe avenue Ask your question was the rePly, I live up in Macomb county, and I have a son, Bill, who comes down here purty often. The last time he was here he came home with his coat ripped up the back and dead broke, and said a policeman had given him, the collar. ° Well? Wall, what did he git ? He got the Tar, probably just as he said, But what is the collar? That's what I want to ask. Why, he was probably half tight and Whooping airing the street and •an officer took •rim by .the collar— this —way—and gave him a shake —that way—a4 rattled. bis heels together—just &---and— Say, hold on ! shouted the old man. as he picked up Ills satchel and cane and hat and. wo ked himself down into his coat. What's the ma ter ? I've found out 11 I want to know! If BILI got that k nd of a collar and was looked up a boot, go ho wages $4 a mon every Saturday fo was fined 05 to e and raise his and give him a holiday. Liver Co plaint. "For the past year I have suffered more or less with liver complaint, but by using three bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I was completely cured." W. P. Wood, Revelstoke Ptation, B. C. A Mandarin's ife on American Ma 3ages. Saturday Evening Post :--- Mar- gherita rlina Hamn, the well-known traveller and author, called, while in China, .apon lie wife, or rather wives ot a Bret Mandarin. Her visit partook of tI nature of a festi- val, so novel was the experience to the Chinese women, whose lives are passed, almost el tirely within the walls of their yat en. They exam- ined her clan] and were partly pleased and p&rtlj astonished at it. They were shock1 at her shoes and especially by the set that her feet were not con fine.d n Finally one of them said, through an interpreter : "Tou can walk and run just as well as a man." "WI* certainly • "Can you ride a pony just as well as a man." "Of course." "Then Tat mus- be as strong as 1110Smen." "Yes, I think I • "You wouldn't le • a man keat you, not even your husb ,nd, wrield'you ?" "Not at all." .' The Chinese. woman paused, laugh. ed, and then sail. "Now I udder - stand why toreiguers never take more than one wife.. They are afraid to." There swim, to be a great deal Of I discussion among the farmers in re. !- gard to the subject of good milkers, says The 'tura' New Yorker. The remark that it is now almost imps able to find good milkers is quite frequently beard among dairymen. This is a great mistake. I thorough.. ly believe OW there are just as good Milkers th thia and other localities as there ever were, if not better, The farmer who depends en day hands for bis help, as a general rule, is the ane who complains most bitterly in regard to this matter. The average man who is hired by the day will not milk even if Ie can. Wherever or whenever 1fl d a good month hand, one who sys on the farm continually not lis ning for the sound of the 6 o'cloek w not go to town ev • good milker, iL cow should be milked as quickly as possible. A good milker can milk 12 COWS an hour. The mus es of the forearm, ' wrists and hand of a good bilker must be well dev1oped. as .a rule, women are poor nailkers. They require tocnueh time to milk a cow. The evil!resulting from this practice is that the cows do not read- ily give down 4their milk. , Some farmers expect a hian to do too much of this work. Tile number of cows that a man milk, should depend on the amount and nature of other labor that he performs. ,•/: As a rule, 1 do not believe that a wai should be allowed to milk more tha six cows. Nothing Big: al to Low's istle, one who does ry night, I find, a People wbo have iweHk lungs or are subject to (loughs, co ur sore throat, should take a few bo les or Dr. Wood's • Norway Pine Syrup, vbioh would beat and strengthen their Juns wondelfully, Scrofula. Another perninnent cure • by EI.B.B. after two doctors ailed. Ask any doctor a4i he will tell you that, next to cancer; scrofula is one of the hardest diseales to cure. Vet Burdock BlOotl Bitters applied externally to the p*ts affected and taken internally mired Rev. Wm. Stout, of Kirkton, 0 it., permanently, After many prominent physicians failed ; Cured Mrs W. Bennet, of Crewson's Corners Ont., perman- ently, when every/. ne thought she would die. Now Mr. H. IL Forest, Windsor Mills, PQ., states his case as follows "After having used Burdock Blood Bit- ters for scrofula in the blood, I feel it my duty to make known the tesults. I was treated by two skilled tihysicians, but they failed to cure me. I had running sores 9n my hands and legs which I could get nothing to heal until 1 fried 13,13.B. This remedy healed theta and pere maimetly, leasing thditkin and flesh sound and whole." g 5 Oetthis oat mkt :toad it nearest r*rotetW ofliee and 6 WM Ship jr on thl* Violin us irttli the tains otyont *Kb than by ekprafia, ic jact to dxsroloslIon.4114 tx, ambito ItAt/061. oXprerls oflIc. a4,I if you ilnd it Omar rut We roOroPtht it and, nitre1y 44011141actotAltsi the 6*TC,011 u our sOntfal race, e 95 stA express c nix fa It Away Ittatica. titrittbdifywicoemiusiuldapino.1 vletIrril Re, leamplete with fine jam& Ism mots set eft it111lrhIdein. h1141eptOt.gtr4° 011r Ad sWoet 10 Wilda& m .4 Johatton & Aforarkme,:iloo w r. root% Ont Mrs. 3. Snelling,' Underwood, Ont., says thatehe bits used Dr, Low's Pleas- ant Worm Syrup in her family for the past eight yeers, and that she knows of nothing so pod for children who suffer from worras. Pith And Point. Some married min are compelled to take life according: to directions. 'Too many peopitt have a penchant for confessingtheirneighbors,sins. A man never realizes how ignorant he is until a woman begins to tell him things. It's impossible toldrown your troll., bles in drink; they/ all wear life pre- servers. If everybody o yed the laws, the lawyer and the iceman would soon be out of ajob. When a man marries he gives 'his name to his wife, htut when he fails in business he takes 1rs. If men could liv their lives over again they would void all their old mistakes—and m e 'a lot of new ones.—Chicago News. C kSTO IA For Infant and Children. Tile fan- , I oiraile -,, • •• ''"' it 30 tignatare ,91‘,/e/.4-4, oviry oe e Wel ppm Wanted: -0 per day sure' gentlemen, or gales; special work; position permanent; reliable firm, witb best refet•epces;experience un- necessary. Address: • S. M. FRY, Field Manager, Toronto. Wanted:L-Inlustrious men ot character to t .avel and appoint agents. Salary Ind expenses .paid. imAnnEv.eaux:.Tsorr 00., Limited, BRANTFORD, Wanted:—Chlistian men and women ,to in trodfice ' Light ofLife,' the most tnarvelldus book since the publication of the I3ible. A com- mentary dri the New Testament, to- gether with complete lives of the Apostles. In point of art the work is a geni The finest,most touching, life -like illustrations ever designed for the new testament. Sells in every house, and anybody can sell it. Capital or experienee unneces- sary. Freight patd. Bieks on time. Seed for outfit, giving choice of territory, and we will show you how to make money. atADLEY-uARBSTSON 00., Limited, BnAnTlreetei. THE it WEBB. Kicking in the morning, Making all the day, Kicking if he's buoy, Kicking at delay. nue the oleronie kioker Fills bielife with woes, Frowningt grumbling, wrangling, Everywhere he goes. Kicking in the morning. . Kicking all the day, Kicking in the evening, Molting should he petty. Melting when he's thinking ting when in bed, Wondei,41 he'll keep on Kickine‘eghete he's dead. I 04, 41 • At The county Pair. Settin in the granistand , At the county tali', Seemed as if the whole world An all their kin,were there. Way np on the top Seat , Me an Jennie set Wistit I had the co, Y An' peanuts we et Jennie's right good•lciokine But she likes to bo)s; thee tee to bet mon On NetTeglas h s. Like a fool none ib ; 1 • Went down to the t ok. Hoiv d'ye think C fount her 'S Iwas olitribin' baik ? There I met her half 4ay, With another beau, I Stack- ur, sliok-haired ofte4 Thai\ ill Jones, ye now.% Let on not‘te.> see me, Went righrpn 9 -past. S'pose she thougheird ast her ,Where slit's gad': so fast. Warn't no use to fo,114, , ' So I let 'em go. Funny how things sometimes All go wrong jes' so. Lost a pile on Ja,kersilioss ; Couldn't ring a oat e. Fellow swiped my go dine watch, Then it poured do n rein. Tell ye 'taint all suns ine An' all "pleasure r re" Settin on the gran' s nd At the country fat y Agents:—Our '160k "Breakfast, Dinner and Supper," is a revels. tion in delightful cookery. It's the best ad% ertised, most patroniz. ed, least eritleised and most eulogized. A snap for snap hunt. ers. PrtAbtrz.cimatrasott oo y Malted, STIANTWORD. 6 Cider 1.1a ing Time. Theyeare gathering the applerlin the °et - °hare on the 1.3,- I, They are oarryin the baskets to the humming cider ,pi ill; , The breeze is blowing sweetly and the autumn days arei fair, The happy farmer ilwhistles as he works away out there, , . • And the athoke is mulling upward as it used to, long ago, fl• When the winds that •taitde our noses rather moist beopn to blow. Down the crumple leaves are dancing from the branch s overhead, And the doves are oftly cooing, on the weather•beaten shed; . The ground is stroWn with pumpkins where the corn is Get away, And the slopes beyoiciit the valley lie in something soft an grey. $ Vhi1e a soet,of dream music issnea from " the humming Mill And the wind Ia litodfing softly through the orchard on' th 'hill. They are gathering th apples that winds have shaken dow), And the child is full "of wonder who is visiting from towe. vi 0 an amber streitna f something fit for 'gods isflowiug ou , While a daring yello -jacket sips serenely from the spoutl 'i ' Ah, the mill is humming gaily as the golden apples fall, And the frugal farnioq's busy grinding Jup . the worms and all. —S. E. Kiser. Predto Ever Sufferer. Those who are affli ted with Rheum. Sciatica, Lum ago, Neuralgia or or Gout can have a ftJ1 sized box of,Mil- burn's Rheumatic Pil e, free of charge, by seeding their nam arid fullstatement of their ease to T. Weimer & Co., TO- RONTO, ONT. , Port Elgin all will allow a discount of 3% on t XeS paid before Nov. 1st. • w t From the 13th of June till the 13th._ of September, the e have been 78 convictions before thE MagiStrates of Bruce county for Violation of the law, ranging froro such trivial of. fences as pCtty tr spass to the more serious charge of spiting: The fines amounted to $454,88. One offender was tent to three months in jail and ft two others to thirty days each. AGENTS WANTED* OR "WIZ k,TVE AND Achievements et Admt 1 Dewier? the wOrld'S ft:thero.?iriIt boot Murat Halitteed, the life. 1 the nation's Idol. Big. BOOInes, SX10 inches 001/100 puns halfteti illustrations, Only $1.80. EnottilOttil demand. B1 commissions. Outfit free' Mince of a Malmo, Write gook. The Dominion cueepsay, itrd Neer Otateo flldg., Caloago. • 6VA. r Iq3Ti..i'liI,I6611611060661.1.16.1161 .) W.76 -i--- • •• 4ysvz kr; • 111/71 IA\ qt41. 77.177 I AVegetablePreperctionforlis sirnitatito, titzFeccintlriRCV 013" Lha Stomachs aL'ara.'15 of Vri05.7),i$44;%4TrOfP4151?1111514.P • . or••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••+• PromotesDigesUon,Citeerful- nenn njwiRestkontains neither Opitiro.,110Sphifle nor Mineral. 4. NOT' iieteitS4 OTIC %/age eel 22r.571a7:47171771471 ,Eimphsis Seed - ithcSenna .1?oeficao - 4121,ri &ea + Appetmint CosMaaeXerfa., 11( v ?Seed - elletkve Jiver . ftltivrecti, Nam,: • A perfec t Remedy for Cons tIpa- tioa, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, 'tvorins,Corivulsions,reverisit- • • ratzs amiLoss 0 F SLEEP. ."•4 mile Signature of 1HAT THE FAC.-SJIVIOX 31'..ANATUR1 1$ ON THE WRA 'PE R. OF EVERY BOTTLE OF EW YORK. • 141 Castello. is put up in °weak° bottles only. It e•;. is not sold h bulk, Don't ann. anyone. ,;o sell you anything elso on. the aloe or promise that it is ujnot as good" end "Will answer ovary For* • 4;e; pose." air 141 CO that yon get 0-A-0-T-0-e.I-A. Cho too- :/9 71sACT COPY Or PIR A • cbmila so too -7-+ • tdrOtlaq 4..ze • we" owso,,, wrapper. WEAK,1ERVOUSADISEASED MEP LI Thousands of Young and Middle dyed Nes are annually swept to a premature grave through early indiscretion and later excesses. Self abuse and Constitutional Blood Diseases have ruined and wrecked the lite of many a promising young man. Have you any of the following Symptoms: Nervous and Despondenp; Tired in Morning,. No Ambi. tionehismory Poor; Easily Fatigued; Excitable and Irritable: Eyes Blur; YilnPles on the Face; Dreams and Drains at Night; Restless; Haggard. Looking; Blotches; Sore Throat; Hair Loose; Pains in Body; Sunken Eyes; Lifeless; Distrustful and Lack of Enemy end Strength. Our New Mal,•hod Treatment will build you up mentally, physically and sexually. rivin KENNEDY 86 KERGAN Chas. Patterso",. Hrvn 44, ,f "At 14 years of age I learned a bad habit which almost ruined me. I became nervous and weak. ale back troubled me. I could stand no exertion. Head and eyes became dull. Dreams and drains at night weakened mo. I tried seven. Medical Firms, Elec- tric Pelts, Patent Medicines and Family Doctors. They gave me no help. A friend advised ate to try Drs. Kennedy & Kagan. They sent me one month's treatment and it cured me. I could feel myself gaining every day. Their New Method Treatment cure; when. Cured in one mai, ail else fails." They have cured many of my friends." Dr. Moulton. 4 ,1111S G11,111111111) R MNLY RZnID:B. • "Some 8 years ago I contracted a serious constitutional blood. ' disease, I went to Hot Springs to treat for syphilis. Mercury almost killed me. After a while the symptoms again appeared. Throat 2, became sore, pains in limbs, pimples on face, blotches, eyes red, loss of hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend advised Drs. Kennedy & Kergan's New Method Treatment. It oared me, and thaw( had no symptom; for live years. I am married and haPpY. As a doctor, t heartily recomena it to all who have this terrible disease- Careyo0.L., dgu. • opiate." It will eradicate the poison from the bleed." Capt. Townsend., 15 YEARS IN DETROIT, 150,000 CURED. "/ am 33 years of age, and nvtrried. When young I led a gay life. Early indiscretions and later excesses made trouble for me. I became weak and nervous. My kidneys became affected anal feared Bright's disease. Married lif was a/Isaacs. factory and my home unhappr. I tried everything -all failed till I took treatment front Drs. Kennedy and Kergan. Their New Method built me up mentally, physically and sexually. I feel and act like a man in every respect. Try them. Or No Names Used Without Written Consent of Patient. 7.441 • t 4 1,74w • 1.1.1“0 .Our Our New drains drains and losses; p systesmyspzi drestor We Guaranit Weak. Par • never fail,: in caring Dimas of raeal ethod Treatment It strengtherts the body, %capsi rifles the blood., clears the brain, builds up the nervone and sexual lost vitality to the body. e to Cure Nervous nelbility, Falling Manhood. %let:mete, Otrtcture, Gleet, Unnatural aisemeerges. S and All =Willey and Bladder to Iseases. ER ran no risk. Write th save you years of rept Drs. Kennedy & Horgan ate the •led.ding, specialists of America. They guarantee to care or no pay. Their repu- tation and fifteen; years of business are at stake. Yon or an honest opinion, no matter who tarited you. It may ourrarimr. Charges reasonable. Write for a eiid Book Free. Consultation Free, EDY&KERGAN 148 Shelby St. Detroit pow. TO PATENT Good Ideas linity be secured by our aid.. Addrea, THE PATENT RECORD Baltimore, MC • vcr iviAK4._.. Sewer and •Culvert Fiipes .411 SIZets 're 4 i ii. 10 OA 1'. •t unit. I1 3 4 . vv.'," ere Also Int UP '111r1 • C vt; FAcTonY UnLat:.0. SO fe4 It'3tnet . d e • - LOGS ! LOGS ! Highest cash prices paid for zit kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph Pole, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts delivered in nur yard. CUSTOM SAWING, SHINGLE GUTTING. dune at lowest prices and satisfaction guaranteed. Call and get ptiees be- fore dispo4ing of your timber. - MoLEAN & SON es