HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-04-09, Page 4ANNUAL-MEETING —Present at the annual meeting of Topnotch Feeds: held March 31 in Seaforth, are., from left, Otto Lang, executive vice-president of Pioneer Grain; George T. Richardson, 'Topnotch chairman; K. Bruce MacMillan, president and Jim Cunningham, general manager of the company's head office in Seaforth. (Expositor phOto) WEDDING INVITATIONS THE HURON EXPOSITOR Tqur of 'facilities at Topnoich.annual Topnotch Feeds - Limited , held its annual. -meeting March 31 at the firm's "head office in' Seaforth. Attending the meeting were George Richardson." chairman: K. Bruce MaeMil kin, president: Keith Knox, secretary: Jim Cunningham,. generat manager. Seaforth; 'and Gord Rimmer, Seaforth controller. Alko present 'was Otto Lang. executive .vicer president of Pioneer Grain Ltd of Winnipeg. and F.M. Fuleher. vice-president • of planning and development for . James Richardson and -,- Sons. Ltd.. On-the day preceeding the meeting a tour of '.arious area Topnotch facilities. "as carried out. The company has ten Ontario locations and also operates a grain term- inal in POrt Stanley. . . SWORN SUPERIOR MARKET "Serving You Better Saving You More" A4 THE HURON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 9, 1981 lire visitors offs funeral a door - but now it's paii of the (Photo by Reg Badley) Staffa has visitors Correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN 345-2346 Mrs. Nelson Hunkm. feesuater. has heen st'siting uith Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Miller. The Perth South District Women's Institute met at Pie home of Mrs. John Ternplc- man on Tucsdas ternoon to plan the up-coming District - Annual, Mr. and Mrs. Chuck +het. Stratford, Miss - Carol orrespondent DON IVIeRAE 345-2842 34S-2842 Visitors with Mrs. Millie ans last week sere Charlie and Jack Benn and Mrs. Leo Htegins. Toronto, Mr. Frank Beim. Kitchener: Mr., And Mrs. Jack Clean . London. These visitors aid • Mrs., Es anti attended Met inner-al of Mrs. Mary P*4118. Cloth+. •i411 an4-forriter1) of Duhlin. Mr. '44,4 M. 'Bruce man.. LOnden „ -,^4 Don Ma4ae for 44 ,dzit,Yil til3W • • District Atilletie Al4tOatt.ton,,, ,riegular . Friday am; hingo., April 3 were: 'lit. Nrier: #2 Mecarter. #3 pr:4(14. . #4 MI's. 'Van. Den Akker. Mrs. Wolfecany. Special-M. SY an $29.75.. #5 3 Hodge. 4t) G. Matthews, N. Stores,. #' A. Cronin. #8 g. Porter. Special-T. 'Elliott $29.95, *9 Ruth McGrath. #10 Mrs. Van Den Akker. #11 Q. Matth #12 P. Lee. Special-A. Cronin $30.75. 0 13 Mrs. Van pen Akker. #14 G. Alloya, j#15 R. McGrath. M. McDonald. Door prize-M. Dale. Jackpot G., Pride-S32,.50., L.. Fleming $3 4 _50. E01.14. toinnumioit '$0.41brth Matiok 'W-00•PsslikY eqnauge,44).1,b.ys Rtz4 s.J:am es .vjui Slvke. with Oct Dennis aeeolimany' big at the piano. Receiving mimpunion in .• their rooms sifter the service wer0-Bessie Davidson and Mrs. ./Vlittnic Hawley: '-'19 the Garden" eras Sung at the close of the service as a special request for Doris Wills who is still iccuperating in Stratford Hospital. Friday , morning Father Caruana and Sister Mary Louis of St. James Catholic Church visited'and held mass for all Catholic, residents. - The balmy breezes of spring were blowing last week, while snot'., drops and crocus are blooming profuse- ly in many garden s. On Monday morning a beautiful bouquet, of daffodils was at the nurses station donated from Northside United Chu r ch pussy willows are• peeking out in the activity .roomand 'Others having-been donated by Mrs. Ellen Whitmore. "Thank you Arthur Nicholson accent- panbied by Mrs. Nicholson Was at the home Of Mr: and Mrs. Harold Nicholson on Sunday to celebrate Harold's birthday. ' Charles Ross accompanied by his brother-in-law Ron Sproule of Goderich and Mrs. Henry Ross of Brook - haven Ntirsing Home, Wing- ham travelled to Goderich on' Sunday. to Mr. and Mrs. Sproulet home to celebrate Mrs. Ross ninety-third birth- day on . Wednesday. Ake attending were ' Mrs.,Beth Plunkett of Maitland anor. • Nftq, 04Si was • 'plgOiant/Y surprised to be her, .. fatt4b,. • 1!*11'4••))4roix'll4ilici:14;aren. and., t4Y:si41 - Hortilitoxi OA* 48=1'6 14obvI•On)i;40•9r1 - the weekend. • • James' NOlan . Was 'visited by his daughter Becky.,•her. husband and Mr. Nolan's two grandchildren. •t, Ruth Cluff visited with Frank Case. RosS Haughton was visited by' members of his, family. Mrs. Eunice Keyes visited Stith her husband Wilber. Frank Case tops out on Saturday afternoon_ with his brother. Jack Case. Bessiellavidson was visit- ed by Mrs. Cliff Dowl'of Ritz Villa, Mitchell also 1:ty yrs. Elsie Pridltam And 'grandson. "Birthday Greetings" this past. week to Joseph Downey. At Alley Bowling on. Thursday Ludger Sequin had the high. score with 151. Bingo was held on Friday afternoon with under 13 Charles Ross and Ludger Sequin; I - Ha Gardner, Mary Neville.' Maxine Elliott; N • 'JaMes Nolan; G • Mrs. Margeurite Shill, Maxine Elliott; 0 - Wayne Hedges. Mary 'Neville; full house Mary NeVille: Mrs. Hilda Montague of Canthridge visited with Mary Neville ' oni'Monday. • Mrs. Mary -Finlayson Act. Director and Mrs. Jackie Racho will be accompanying residents to London to see the Ice-Capades on .Sunday. Mrs. Mary °Finlayson: spoke to Unit 2 ladies of Northside United ChurCh on Monday evening taking for her topic "The Need of Volunteers in the Nursing Home." • Brown, Dublin. Mary .,Beta Nevin. 'Mitchell; Mrs. Winnie Pauli. Mitchell; Rosy Smityes, Mitchell; Gladys Pride. Mitchell; Sadie Hag- garty, Mitchell. ,ii?"1-sr Mary *itni4it• and Sister, Margaret of iM Cbtlopomlent MRS. HERMAN. tgioitARDT 445-2419.., • ThedatTodil s on the Altar in St. Peters' ,Littheran,. church, Brodhagen on • Sun• day were from the Cancer , Society, it being Cancer week. placed there by Mrs. Harold Rock. -The two plantS in the chancel in St. Peter's Luther- an Church were in memory of visited with Mr. Mike Eckert over -the weekend and at- tended the organizational meeting for the' up coming annual Eckert reunion at Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ryan's residence, St. Columban. :esjeig. litt0eQnm baFk Andy 1,, . 1111, ' Ronald Buddenhagen who. died one, year ago. placed' there by „Euito4, Lavina and Roy Buddenhagen. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Hinz and family placed a plant in the chancel in memory of Joe Smith who died four years ago. April 4th. Mervin Dietz R.R. I Dub- • ' lin. and Janice Dietz, Kitch- cner. are holidaying in Flor- ida.- HIGH- WINDS CREATE HAVOC — High winds 9n Saturday and Sunday brought down trees and hydro lines in some parts of the county. This barn, near the village of Bornholm, used to have roof. Stewart. Hamilton: and Mr. and Mrs, Rob Templenian attended the 25th anniver- sary party for .Mr. and Nftis. Bill •- Hoy. in Windsor 'on Saturday evening. Mike Parsons . is home from Edmonton fin- a feu ueeks. Mr. and Mr.s_.pArt visited recently with Dr. and Mrs. Bob Smale in Midland. At time of writing Mr. Ken McKellar. is a patient at Stratford General Hospital. Mrs. Jean Dill attended the going away party for Martin Dill in. St. Marys on Sunday where 24 • guests attended for the send off. Mr. Dill is Mrs. Dill's nephew. Seoforth Manor ewnks• 41.0.141er. Douro: ' • ill; Mr, Wheihnktl'4is eaMeal- The regular Dublin & Ms- in the Dublin. trict Lions 'Club held their Mr. and Mrs. Andy Whet- Winners regular Tuesday dinner. ham have taken teresidence. Mitchell TV Home Bingo on Pla.ns were disimsse.4 for the in Mr. Matt Coyne's while Channel 12 "re Herb ' Jtine , 14 dance and litiblint home on Netketi. Si., Bash, fest, July 12. More 'on INK Dublin tom 11/41%,'00040: 111 ake the most • oriding ploaSuro. _ 11: 7 1: V \ isiA7 4 ly . .--- .*L1 ,r:.- *Affik...,,, 1,,rs. 1 . :1\zoiro -----..—."_ • MK 651 Get th- most out of going places, on long-distance riding. The Maxim 650 rower engine for sleets good looks, dling.' Strong performance, With shaft Smooth, steady rioWer: • short better /41 ° trips or haS a nar- han- drive for • . ELDER ENTERPRISES SALE'S & SERVICE . DIAL ,262-6142 "HENSALL - ONT. , • Your authorized Yamaha full service dealer. YAMAHA , YOUR LOCAL SUPERIOR MARKET OFFEOS,WEEKLY SPECIALS , NOW ,AVAILABLE ilep eri.r 'SUPERMARKET PRICES, SPEEDY CHECK OUT, ' Mon.-sea. FRIENDLY 'SERVICE , FARM FRESH:PRODUCE , IN, TOWN Senior Citizens PLUS THE BEST MEAT MONEY CAN BUY. DELIVERY SERVICE 00,,DISCOUNT or „ ' WE GUARANTEE IT ! - , t,,;, & M ,t' after R. 1r, FREE DELIVERY Every Wednesday mosissoRson summon* wq SCHWEPPES , GINGER ALE OR' COCA COLA t pEp. .6 /6 2.89 FRESH EVERY FRIDA Y GOOD SELECTION OF VARIETY BREADS ! PKG. OF 60 DELUXE 11 18.5 OZ. COUNTRY RECIPE 529 G. ' SN CAKE 13.5 OZ. DUNCAN HINES MIXES REGT PK G. NEW. FRUIT BEVERAGE MCCAINS .79, OPEN ' THURSDAY APRIL 16th, 981 9a.m. till 9p.m. SINGLE THIN• PROCESS CHEESE BLACK DIAMOND _CHEESE---- 500 GR. PKG. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE COOKING 'ONIONS ' POLY BAG . 'SLAG -.4111111111111101., LB. .38 SKINLESS, 'STORE SLItEflt, DEVEINED- THIS STORE ONLY SPARERIB L IDEAL FOR BAR-B-CUING s I 38 11. PREVIOUSLY FROZEN %Mt . THIS STORE ONLY MARY MILES 'DINNER BOALESS & FULLY COOHEH PREVIOUSLY FROZEN PORK HOCKS LB. III SWIFTS EVERSWEE7 _SIDE - BACON 41. NO G. PKG. MCCAINS ASSORTED DEEP 'N' DELICIOUS CAKES :1.99 19 OZ. PKG. SLICES PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CHIQUITA BANANAS .35L THIS STORE ONLY , PREVIOUSLY FROZEN BEEF LIVER FRESH TENDERLOIN END PORK LOIN - ROAST 2 1/2 -3 LB. AVE. L11.11111 5S .41 CHUNK LIGHT CLOVER LEAF TUNA LIQUID BLEACH JAVEX 1.17 3.6 LITRE JUG U REGULAR 30!S OR EXTRA ABSORBENT 24'S PAMPERS 2 gill DIAPERS *"`fitif PRODUCT 'OF U.S.A., CANADA NO. I CARROTS 2 LB. POLY BAG 159 BAG ..+411111111111111166ba„. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. CANADA NO. 1 , GREEN CABBAGE .11,9 FRESH PORK d LOIN LB. 1.33 ,CUT & WRAPPED POR YOUR FREEZER CHOPS m111451 -FRESH - FAMILY SIZE PKGS.' 'A' LOIN PORK "FRESH" CENTRE CUT ONLY LOIN PORK CHOPS PREMIUM I SWIFT'S REGULAR OR ALL BEEF WIENERS 1.48 1 LB PKG. Use the 'CONVENIENCE of our rear entrance with FREE PARKING provided. vop WE RESERVE THERIGHT 'OMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY REOUIREMENTS. _ effMttive until alo‘ing Sala*, Ap01 1961‘ REVIVE 12.5 OZ. TIN SDINtLiED AND'SERVICE0 SY ELLIOTT, MOON' LT .