HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-13, Page 1w. :
VOL. XXVII.---NO. 1434.
We have still lots of Dry Goods
and 'Groceries to dispose of, and the
stock is pretty well assorted as y et ;
don't pass over this great opportunity
to bay goods as cheap as we are
selling them ; don't forget, that if we
have anything yon want, you can
have it at cost, And in many lines
below cost, We have put in the
knife again and have cut the prices
of about half our stock away below
cost ; we want to get rid of Dry
Goods and Groceries as soon .as pos-
sible, and, if selling cheap will do it,
we shall gain our object. Don't miss
this gbance, but call and let us quote
rides and. you will stay. to bay..
We -Wish to impress uponthe
pablle thefact that we "ftre in the
Clothing (to order and ready-made,)
Boots and *Shoes and Gents' Furnish
ing business TO STAY, and in these
Lines we show a larger and better
stock than can be found elsewhere,
and at right prices. Our Tailoring.
Department is booml`ag and giving
great, satistaction. Don't forget: • to
give is a chance tomake that rail
Suit or Overcoatyou ate wanting.
Win; swat i"ui e_aaa.u"-,'��' aaapasaaal
<<n�l 33.0F OUR STUDENTS
Di have accepted 2ood1 situations. We O,
got on track of eighteen situationsi
tr� fpr graduates in fourteen days. We Cry
U have received as many as four ap-
plications for alike hatpin one day, a
t] Six American :business colleges la
La and two Canadian schools have re- (a.;
Gently applied to us for oar gradu- r
ates to teach in their schools. Lr
it ,surely this is positive evidence C�
as that our college excels in.manyany J
lways. It gives •,, „ r,
training for business life. Students
admitted at any time; Write for
our handsome prospectus. Ad-
W. J. ELLIOTT. l'rilleipal,
i Central Business College, 11
Stratford:, Ont. rit
- Marriage Linen
tamed by piuANIt PATEtisUN, No 23, Vic -
;Ole street,Winghant,Ont. No witnesses
and Weekly Globe till January 1st. 1001, .tad
a eat of 4 noir=e* of elation Han(tf, �•
lane's Works to now subscribers, op jJ
and weekly *dobe tltl January 1, m e + en
1901, to now subscribers tor.. .
and Weekly Globe for one year and a set of 4
voiumes of ,Marion IIarland's $ �'r6A
Works for
and Weekly Globe till January 1st,
1900, to now subscribers for'.. .... .....0
and Family mead and Weakly Star tilt ,Tan,
nary 1st, 1900, to new suhscrlbors A Ke.
for 10. .1110........, Aso/
41111E TIMES
till January let, 1000, t0 now sub,
scribers for ............... . �1
Thebe me epeeist offers and 9hotild ba taken ad -
Vantage of. Tell: Vour nahrhbor 0Eout them. No
sited of borrowingpapers. Tho 4 volumes of Marion
'Harland's Works oan bo been at this office. Cash
[Oust acuompsny all 0 dere. Wo an supply any
S. 'paper you may desire et reduced rate. Address
or 0111 at
Seaver block. WIWGHAM,
All the newest shapes .and
patterns and the best values
obtainable al
The China House,
New advertisements from the loll poo.
will be found in another colusissnq:-•
o E Xing -wanted.
The Tutus -Specials.
Jas X Egan—Coming;
Jas hlaKehie—Special,
Jae Duffield—Last Call,
11 1I MoIndoo—Drees Goods.
N A Farq4uharson—Tollot Seal.
D•MoLaohln--Thu Greatest Soho
A .tiintoui—Linreserved •AuctIon
Lata O. rr -All accounts • d notes due
Jas Duffield must o p'' wi in .two I
weeks. We're de i. acne now; last
call. You will and - at tit old shop.
Jas .ur'.rrs , Wingham.
DisTnicr MEETING.- a District Meet -
lag of I 0 G T will be b Id to -day (Friday)
et "Dewdrop" Lodge near Luoknow.
Geo Spence, Grand Oh f Templar, of To-
ronto, was to be press to take part in the
Remota: Fara, Fan ,-The fall fair of
the Howlett Agricultural Society, held at
Gorrie, on Saturday of last week, .was
a grand auocees, There was a good
exhibit in every dep.-talent and the ail,
tendance was very la ge, It is impossible
for us to give the lis of prize winners in
this issue.
STnxogin Walt P masts. Wo regret to
report that Mr*J H ulmage, of the Brun.
swiok Bonne, was s ickeu with .paralysis
on Sunday last, an.� been in acritical
condition since the Thursday morning
he was resting easi r and was feeling better
than he bad on ar v day since Sunday.
Mr Dulmage fp ftp.: 'id. resident of ' nig-
hit= and Itis many friends wi for his
speedy recovery.
Fon SALE. -Fear firs
in good repair, for a
11Io&elvie, at the Star
entatic"e of the Tre
a of Mr John As
on • -ibis wee
•ole>- show cases,
le Apply to Jas
stausju t.
waNanD.-A good *mart boy wanted at
erica to learn .the printing business. Apply
at the Toss office.
that after he bad
there came unto h
from all the region*
buy of him. And
am it they marvelle
saying : "How be it
while we loaf about
spite unto them eayi
I say unto you in this
enterprise it is easier
the eye of a needle
man to flourish wit
advertise in Tho Tule
lady of Wingham left
villa, in the person o
Miss Ross has bee
Presbyterian Sunda
years, and was well i
friends, both in the
Before her departure
with a beautiful Oxfo
the teachers of the S
School class present*
Presbyterian Hymna
friends will regret to
Wingham, .but all V.V.
in wishing her eve
TG WELL. -A repre- • home, •
a attended the auction
on in Tdrnbary, on
Farm stook is
for this . tine of the year.
went 8,lsigh as ' $88.50.;
; and.epring Colts as
sale was fairly well
rying offered was sold
Aar John Currie wielded
tier to the satisfaction
See Halsey mark's awe ise
Dr. Butler, • of London, w
Queen's Hotel; Wingham,,.
Wednesday of 'each mont),i,fr0
till 3 o'clock p. in.,- for do
diseases of the eye, ear, nose
GaN W sr re
o :.
bear in mind that nex Tdesd
the date on which orga• ill
dehvef ills 144ure; "T A ti atrr'r In
the Wingham Congre tional Church,
Town Taxes. -The ollector's roll isas-
been deflvered to 1kIr ni Robertson, town
colleotorrwho is now biisy sending opt
notices, ,and is prepai-d to receive' takes
fox+ the current year. Phe rate is 20 trills.
on the dollar.
ScoMTlsn CONOrnr': Che Sons of Scot-
land havealeoided to tostpone their con.
cert which was aciver sed last week. The
many counter au ctions during this
month have made it eo sar this
e8 y to take h
step. Due annonnc menti will be made of
the date on which a concert will be.
wEDDING BELL quiet wedding took
place at the home of Mr Jno Moffatt, 13
Line, Turnberry, en sfuescay evening of
this week, When Mr Robt J Tindall, of
this town, was unite ' in the bonde of
wedlock to Mars Fenn: Moffatt, of Turn-
:411te. The happy couple
berry. he ecremon was performed by
left by the early G T ' train on Wednes-
day for Torohto. Nti
WANTnr,-Two car loads Turkeys,
Geese, Chickens and a ticks' or Thanks•
giving. They mus be ice dry -picked
and undrawn, and • =1i re Oct 10th or
17th. Why sell y ur eye alive when
you can get one•thir e for them now ?
Why sell two ab8 g e . ne away ? Kill
now and•avoid a gi ten and ]ow market
later. G Klxa.
VPrNolraxt's . Gno TIN' Wingham
has rather e'' ing time this
year in the Messrs Batton
& Peasant t a large addition to
their' aotory & Clegg Pave also
Wilt a large additio to their factory, and
Mr S Bennett Wind ding a new planing
mill. Good, subs ntial dwellings have
been built, .or are in Course of erection, by
Maas Elliott, brio yard, located neer the
Catholic Church Robt Maxwell, on
Frances street; 1ti' Nicholson, on France*
street; Win Dore, on Shutor street; A
Cessna, on tato corer of Minnie and Pati
rick streets; lairs Kincaid, on Minnie.
street; Mr Porter, on Josephine street ;
Bohn Hanna,' on .Edward street; John
Conary, corner 1 Centre` and Maple
etreete;Wm Ngil,'--corner of John and
William streets.
od pri
e audio
e the of all.
the first WA
• 11.30 a.m. alae
ultation .in ma
nd throat. ,,
Besides the above new
buildings, several f ave been greatly im.
proved and Anlarg d, including Wm Gan.
net's and J It Ste ienson'a. The paintere
brash has been m e in evidence during
this summer the it ham been for Many
years; also hien building* have been
resbingled. T`t s ie truly the growing
time and Wing em people are enjoying
their share of pr eperity. ;There is yet
room in 'VI'inghar i for many good, inb.
steadied dwelling house*.
SE OF Reree,
eater monthly inee
=efnge Committee off,
n run a sewing
ya to learn cabp,et
ug of the Emilie of
he 'County Council
eG in.C,i n OXi Tii diC --•(J o
ilio y, et ber Bbd:
'sere orran e
T Sid ll, ill
P . , ilia er, Warden
ook, County G lane and Inspector
oats wer present The •Committee
nq ect the faro: and ex re sed the
p � pao
ppia-en that everyah ng was well looked
a'f ter. With the nog driving shed and ice
(house they were una imously well pleased.
'Ohere are now'$2 int ates, and the Com.
imittee consider that this number makes
thobuilding too oro ded, and that an ad-
dition will have to built. The usual
monthly accounts w re passed.
Soine people thin the 19th century closes
at the end .of this ear. Such Is not the
case. It closes member 31st, HI 1 . To
mark the closing /ear, the pu skiers of
that great paper, "The Fa.' y Herald
and Weekly Star,' of Mont -al, are giving
their•yearly subs° ib: 's o magnificent
pictures, instead o o as formerlq. They
haye selected the attle of Alma" as one,
and itis a beauty. The other is also a
gem, entitled,"Pus Willows." l4 pays
to be a subscriber o that great weekly.
Just think of it 1 paper of 24 pages,192
colonies, every las , equal to 384 pages
each week, and these two handsome
pictures, all for on dollar. The publishers
of "The Family H aldand Weekly Star"
promised a surpris , but this beats all. All
new subscribers a well as old ones are
entitled to these p tures. "The Family
Herald" office silo Id be kept busy all this
D atazar• Max _ ;G.. -The semi -anneal
meeting of the De: nery,of Huron was held
in St Paul's chum . school room on Thurs.
day afternoon last The Rev Itnrai•Dean
' Hodgine preside , at the:. meeting the
following gentlemaa being present :-Bev
F. C Jennings, Ba field ;. Rev J Doherty,
Bengal ; Rev J Ten Eyck, Exeter ;Rev
Ott Mills, Blyth ; Revs J P Park and E B
Smith, Clinton; i'r"G .Tyner, Summer-
hill. Mr Mills was reappointed to the
office of Secretary The following were
elected a Mission - iomtnittee to assist the
Rural 'Dean in assessing the several
Mission parishes in the county: -Zieve,
Wm Lowe and 0i 1
Oen and J Metcalf.
of all the business.
read an excellent
disturbance in the
Thele always had
extremiete in the
there always went
explosives dM not materially effect the
strong bulwarks of t :e old Churah. She
has reseed thriingh many it oonfl ioi, both
from w[thru and; vii bout, but her creeds
end ber articles still tendthe attack and
remain more ftrml than ever. -Clinton
Smith and J C Clau.
After the transact; on
ie Rev W J Hodgins
paper On the recent
Church in England.
sen, said the he 'can
hutch an
p y
DAVIS' be such, bat these
And it came to pass.
dvertisod his goods,
great mnititades
round about and did
en his competitors
among themselves
at this man is busy
ur doors ?" And he
g; '"Verily, verily,
aet age of push and
or a camel to enter
han for a bueiness
out advertising, I
•Apopular young
his week for Hunts-
btiss Emma Rose.
a teacher in the
School for many
ked by ber many
hool and out of it.
she was presented
d Reference Bible by
col, and fixer Sunday
her with a beautiful
iss Ross' ninny
r of her leaving
1 join. with the TnrES
y sueeees in her new
' WANTED -••On short term plan. A young
man to learn tailoring and cutting. Apply
to Webster & Co, Queen's Block, Wing.
Tun Creax ni Eva .-The opening .event
of the seoson was pr seated in the opera
hone, on Tuesda evening, when the.
Lyceum Company, . under the • manage.
went of ,Shipman res, presented Shakes -
pear's greatest com dy, "The Merchant of
Venice." The 0 =pony is. away above
par with other eh s which have visited
1Vingbam during he past five years.
Tho crowded hour bespoke volumes and
the receipts were t e largest ever taken
in at any perform; nce .in the Wingham
opera house, The avorites in the play
were $hylook and °reuzo, yet Portia•too ie ' at xnk . r •e ee. '1 1 .it Td k y we I, •consider-ing the heavy pao a playing on all
sides. It was -wit out. doubt the best
play ever present .4 to a Winghamaudience. The F remen, wish to thank
the citizens for so ally assisting them in
their first effort and .hey promise to al.
ways ttry and gix'e be public first-olass
-Dr Ross having taken an interest in
the Jerome Dental Practioe, will do all
mariner of dental work, such as plate
making and filling at greatly reduced
prices, and will extract teeth free of charge
every Tuesday and Saturday. All work
guaranteed and first cl ss material used. tf
LEADING AuTnoBIT ' Cosm e. -•-Those of
our res ers w od h suffe from any form of
rupture should not f 1 'to consult with J
Y Egan, Hernia S ecialist, dur' g his
visit to Wingham, Q Ben's Hotel "ednes-
day, (all day and ev ing) on - day only,
Oct 25th, This gentle . n'. social and
business standing co . . ed with bis
thirty, years of succesf practice in the
exclusive treatment- of this menacing
affliction should be flicient guarantee to
those who are afiiiot d that he is the most
competent to entru your oases to -as
you are then ander a care of a gentleman
who is sincere in-ap king as he thinks,
believing as he pret de, acting as be professes, performing ae he promises and
being as he appear to be -that is what
Mr J Y' Egan al 'aye does -and it is
therefore not to be wondered at that be is
meeting with sucl great success -all of
which lie undoubte ly deserves. See "Ad"
in this issue.
25c PER B.
A full Hoe of Spices always
in stock
Dxvxsxorl Corfu. Tis regular session
of the Division Court woe held in the
Council Chamber on J.'hursday of last
week, Judge Doyle presiding. Two
oases in which much ' terest was being
taken were settled o of court. One
case, Skilling vs. Mo tt, being an action
with reference on org n deal was heard.
Several witnesses w re examined, and
deoision was give in favor of Mr
BrinSINE Sm nn rci DEBT. -Anybody
can enter suit to a 'ure amounts due
them by tiling their aims and paying
the court fees. A complete detailed
account of the debt cold be made out,
or if the debt, be rep 'esentei by a note
the latter should be aken to the Divis-
ion Court Clerk wh will enter same for
Suit. If the sow nt be under 510 the
oosts for judgment re $1.25 for clerk's
fees, with 40 cents dditional for bailiff's
fees for service of was summons, prelus-
ive of mileage. •then the amount ex-
ceede $10 the clerk a fees are proportiop-
ate, but in Do case ,xceed
Campbell's 'Headache Wafers gnaran.
teed to cure headache.
--Thanksgiving Da+O. next Thursday.
--The fall moving •nd horse cleaning
time is now here.
-We have been having eome fine
autumn weather.
Just arrived, a car of Portland Cement
-Guy Bros' Minstirels will visit Wing.
ham on October 27th
-Thanksgiving t. rkoys will likely be a
scarce artiole this ye r. •
-Mr Robt E Mc :'enzie shipped three
cars of peas this w k.
T- urnberry and orris township min -
one meet on Monde. next. •
-G T R work= are in town making
improvements in tit engine house.
First-class hotel 1p wanted. Apply to
Box 555, Pltlmerat .
.Hear°Morgan od-in-•the Congrega-
tional Church on T esday evening next.
-Regular meati of Camp Caledonia.
Sons of Scotian on Monday evening
-The regular eting of Court Mait-
land 0 F, will e held this (Friday)
eve g.
„ Mr Thos Field butcher, bad ;his hand
badly cut in a sa sage machine one day
las eek.
Me Geo Howe. t anda
family, mil of west -
field, he,,W' t en . ip their residence iu
For best value in footwear go to
-A number of fur townspeople have
been rather indispr ed' this week with
severe colds.
-A few people f oux 'Wingham attended
the odfrey band ',oncert in Goderich last
Fr' y evening.
Mrere m Bon, had one of
w his fingers
out while at wort in yfle Union Factory
one day this wee
-Judge Masao held Voters' List Court
Wednesd of this week. Several
changes were ma In the list;
-Owing to the cavy freight traffic just
note, the G T E is forced to run two
special trains tL rongh Winghala every
-The bri°kwo k of Mr John Conery's
new r idellce : s completed and the
work n are no' busy putting on the
Mr D E McLJnaid and daaghtdr and
Oleg shipped three cars of
t e Misses Pringl : took part in a concert
at Cliffor, on '1' ursday evening of lass
- Mayor
peas on and a oar oats from here tbie
week. He also ipped four cars of peas
from Eelgrave.
We guarantee" ampo" to mire tired,
sore or sweating feet or money 'refunded,
CaylYpbell's drug store.
-We were please to notice Mr John
A McLean out drivi g this week. Before
many weeks Mr can will be around
again as usual.F
-9. petition has sen eiroulated among
the business nten o town this week, and
which will be pres rated to the Wingham
Electric Light Co The petitioners ask.
the Company to eu ply an all night Service,
instead of closing 0 ' the lights at 12-o'clook,
Alba now dote.
.-The tact that beechnut* aro plentiful
this year has afar ed the local prophets to
work. With a wise • looks as they cite
command they ?rognoetioato the usual
hard winter. Of 3ne thing we are certain,
there have been e tre=es of dry and wet
weather during t10 petit aeatton.--Ex.
r �
for the most beautiful l�
'- flowers ever distilled call and '
A ask to see our V4,1.
Vera \Tioletta
Pean d'Espagne
Swiss Heliotrope ,,,
'4/ Highland Heather 1y
✓ English Violets V
• Marchale Rose
G25CENTS for the Tlan:s and Weekly
Globe until January, 1900.
-The new pro •fetors are - now in
possession of the W gham flouring mills.
Messrs Carr Bros w Il hereafter be found
at their flour and f d, tore.
-Remember the ortgage sale of valu-
able farm property i the Township of
Howlett, at the Brun: wick House, on Sat-
urday, October 14th, :t 12 o'clock..
-Tuesday last we.: a fine day for Blyth°s
fall fair. Many fro a this -section were in
attendance. Mr jas MoKelvie had a
refreshment booth o.- the grounds.
-Last week we f' rgot to mention that:
he C P R had pts on a daily freight
train to andfrom T 'ronto in addition to
the other improved accommodation.
-Try the Tines with your next order
'for Bill Heade, la ate Heads, Letter
Heads, or anything in the .printing line..
We do good work in reasonable: prates.
-Owing to Tht-slay, October 19th,
being appointed to b observed as Thauks-
giving Day, pre cti n examinations
for Enron trill be h d on October 24th
. and 27th.
-work on Air 5
nnet's new factory
is moving along nice . The etonej•,work
is about completed. TWO car ioade of
brick were received this week for ;ilia
Fresh Baltimore oysters served in any
style at Jas MoKelvie's Star restaurant.
-Mr J H Stepf nson bus had his
dwelling Moved aro id on his lot and is
having it built in ttage shape. Mr -
Stephe on will hay a line residence when
the airs are comp .ted.
Mr and Mrs � s rch Pringle, d "' t•:
1 oma
� r
g ,
residents of own, h 'e removed to•towit:.
and will vain tak up their reaidenee
here. e. Ue 1'IUEs . s always s lewa
Y p.
welcome new reside s to our town..
-Mr John Cornua, formerly of
Wingham d a ace
g �. v a s now publisbing,w`_
triweekly newspa •er at Portage la,'
Prairie. Mr 'Cerny i has made many im-
provements in the P rtage la Prairie News
since he took charge t it.
Dr. Macdonald is now permanently
at home and east be consulted by
his patrons. _
•--Messrs Wilson Sc Wilson, barristers,
Napanee, ate send ng out .copies ora,
petition for eignatt res praying forthe
pardon .ora new tri 1 for Robert Mackie,,
who was sentenced o tett years for tom-
plioity in the bank -obbery.
-Mrs Nixon wis yes to announce to tble
ladies of Wingham and vicinity thetaitt.
bas returned home and will hesoeftatelai.:
found at her fires= -making rootnts ` 4n tbb
Beaver block. Sh will be now preptirec3ito
do any work in bit • dresemakin:
Five building ole 14., her of
Patriok and Curti g et- fenced
with a good beard -ens or sale. Apply
to M Latnout, box 107, Wingham. 3t
-Miss Delmarc -, a trotting mare owned
by Mr Gus Goebel of Mitchell, and which
started at the race " here, won a race at
ltedform Centre testa Pontiac, Mich, labt
week. Best that 2,16. Miss Delmaroh
has not lost a sin le race during the sum-
-Tbe annual caevention of the Huron
County W 0 T >I as held in the Ontario
street Methodist o arch at Clinton Teeter -
day. Some of t e members of the local•
V4 G` '1' 13 are ie attendance, and Bev
Richard Hobba le t " deliver an address at
the mooting.
.Mr p' 'tW Oalb ith, of the Guelph
Meroery, who is nage well .kteWerf by
some of our reader*, xnderwent an opera-
tion for appendioits n Prida last. ,At
last reports be was joint{ nicely end his
friends hone for his _needy reoovery, Z r
Galbraith's Melly it ands is the newspaper
business will wish h •m a good reoatvery.