HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-04-02, Page 12ons once Cortespondmt MARY MERNER 482-7143- - A Foresters_ owstinx1 wars held on Wednesday eveoing. M itch 25th -in the Loodes- boro Hall. to decide is hat to do with the Consultive For- esters Hall, since the fire. It ;was decided to remove the old hall and holy a new one. fly Monday most of the building had—been removed by McLlwain Construction of Seaforth, - Court Constantine 11842 will hold their meeting on' Thursday evening at the hOme of Mary Riley. Sympathy of the siomonn- ity is extended to the handy of Bill Dolmage ,who passed away on Friday evening Jim Thompson has tom. pleted a 10 week carpenter's course in Toronto. Sharon Thompson attOid- ed a flower. show-held at the Harbour Castle in Toroutoon Sunday. Bob Thompson and Mieh- elk tau/on visited on TuAs.- day ' and Thursday with Ins grandparents jMr. and Mn. Terence- Hunter of Colborn: Township. Mrs. Jim Presicator. Bil Debbie & Michael viSited tit Friday. with Mr. .and Mr's. Larry Scott: Dwayne ant\ Craig of Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Me- Cow an visited with ,Mr. and Mrs.. Gus,Bishaek. SealnAh Friday evening and Saturday evening they visited'with Mr. and - Mrs. Don Brown at Aylmer. St. Columban Mrs. "Taiirit Wii and. Shannon' . Kitchener spent a few days during the winter school break with het parents. • Congratulations Rhonda Nolan who-teeieved her Registered-Nursing Cer- tif.-kite, Mrs, Nolan' is pre- sentlY employed at Stratford General Hospital. SCHOLL'S ABATTOIR and Freezer Meats CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING & PROCESSING Monday - Beef • Tuesday - Pork CALL 262=2041 ( After Hours 262-2732) Grade A Turkeys 1.05 lb Kettle Rendered Lard 1,49 lb. Homemade Pure Pork Sausage L09 lb • Retail Hours - Wed., Fri., 8 a.m. -S-D7r11: Sat. 8 a.m.: 1 p.m. MILL ST.HE,NSALL, ONT. 262•E041 4111••••W MATERNITY WEAR NOW % PRICE The Separate Shappet MAIN CORNER, CLINTON 482-7778 (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S W-EAR) OPEN 1-5:30 OPEN 1-5;30 RV : (Captain/ Scot Prisceli On Tharsda.y. March 26 the Seaforth Pee wees hosted Wiatton . Pee %sees in W 0. A. A . Wiarton scored the t)rsi goal on a slapshot by Scott ra Morgan at 9:29. Seaforth carne hack with four straight one each by Chris Camino, Vase Akey. Tat Murray. and Jeff Reid all before the end of the second period.. win g Wtarton came back n ith two goals m 9 seconds on goals by Way ne Thompson and Joe Flarits in the 1rd period. Mark Stapleton an- swered back on a goal tropt behind the net Wiarton's Ai.2 -- THE MACON EXPOSITOR, APRIL 2, 1981 Pee Wees A 1-1EARTBREAKER —7' 'Mt Carmel f ires the tying Goal in the net ,grairit the St. Patrick's School, Dublin team in the final game of the Knig-htS of Columbus tournament oil. Sunday afternbon at ,Seaforth arena. Although the final score was a 4-4 tie. Mt. Carmel won the senior -A' title by virtue -of -the number of shots on goal. (PhOtO by Qibb) ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN I III and Mortgage In-swami; PlatiS Inconw I a% DtAillei a blv Registered Retirement Sat tips Plans.and !notices. Income 1s eraging Annuities Nsidor our new k•IL:Nilste Prermilm R.R S P • RFP121. - Sun Life'Assurance Company of Canada* ' for 21 years, • momoremesemismemesem. Litmommodi .52-M410 GODERICH ST. EAST SEAFORTH your wheat now available in t:ig or.bulk for your wheat Spreaders available, Also check us forForage Seeds and all seeds ALL AT COMPETITIVE PRICES Seoforth Farmer's Co-op , 527-0770 NOTICE We will be CLOSED MONDAY, APRIL 6 for conversion to a new on-line computer system. This new system will allow faster processing of your accounts to serve you better! OPEN REGULAR HOURS TUESDAY, APRIL,/ Commimity CREDIT UNION /00NTAIDOSt. 374 MAIN ST. SOUTH CLINTON. ,EXETER 4824467 ' 2334640 i• Renovating or adding on a New Kitchen See the best in Canadian Cabinetry. Choose from Cherry, Maple, Country Oak or Pine from traditional to modern European styling FREE LAYOUTS & ESTIMATES NO TAX UNTIL JUNE kitchens limited Floor Fashion Admiral 'Centre Appliances Seaforth Kitchen it Decorating Centre Seafertlit Ont. 5214205 "Cl' Frontal! of your friends. REDUCTION , Used Tractors CHECKED OVER READY TO 00 , 1 M.F.-1500 4 wheel driVe cab air duals 1 M.F. 11550 140 H.P. cab air duals 1 M.F. 1155D 140 H.P. cab air 1 M.P. 11350 120 H.P. cab 1 Case 1410 ek0 H.P. cab 1 Nuffield 3 cy I. Used Combines 1 M.F. 410G qt, dab 1 44-0 pickup • 11NT.815,D 6 row corn head pickup head 1 A.C.G. 6 row corn head 15' cutting head pickup 2 M.F. 72 P.T.O. combines w/pickup Used Cultivators and Discs 1 Kong. 17.5 hyd. wings, harrows 1 J.F. 33' cult. 1 M.P. 520 21' set disc. New Discs 1 M.F. 520 18' 22" blades 1 M.F. 520 18' 20"blacles Special Price Boyes Farm Supply AfassepFergsson Seaforth,. Ont. 5274257 U....-. 772' 77: 7.717_7i W.:4:Z 2.2 2: WOAA Varna rouplo. meet Carter proPfe arolltut!. iere srould: keel.% . r Legion sponsors bowling tournament McKillop news BY JACK ELSLER, 1 ast Saturda . sati• 3-teams take part in the animal 1 egion mixed bowling tour- nail-6:111 , „. teams from as far,,awav as TorOuto..,; If) in all.' and as clike Hensall took part, in the ,L11 dal aunt. One of the teams froM Isironsoarrised Friday night'. and joined with the Seaforth • howlers for a night of Com- radeshiP and dancing ois n Legion. (what a time). On Saturday, both Sea- forth and Clinton bow ling alleys were used players being bused to Clinton at 12:30 p.m. and 2:30 p.m ., Al the eoncluion of bowl- ing a delicious meal is as seri ed by our Ladies Auxil- ary with the presentation of. awards and nri-tess The ewe • One of the Seaforth teams. with a little 'help ,fd-ern ai couple from Toronto, ,iy alkcd away with • first prim. Team members. •werei. Marg and Jack Ungartan. Mary and Ron Botierman and Eleanor and 'Ken Pearce from Toron- to. well known to most of the Seaforth .bowlers. and guests of Jackie and Mela ttson: for,•the weekend. ' Second place went to Branch 31. Mount Dennis. third-,to Branch 3 Toronto and fourth to Branch 31. Mount Dennis. Single, High triple for .the • men went to Paul McComb, with high single to Merle Cope- land. Both bowlers are from Toronto. At the conclusion • of 'awards. of which there wore many more, a dance was held to the music of Jack Hibbitt from Toronto. Jack, as well as"' participating' in the bowling, supplied the 'music- for both 'Friday and- SaturdaV even- ing. Winner of the, fifty-fifty draw which took place at the dance at night was Ron Broome Egmond%illc I he winning amount s $318.50. Next month's tickets will by on sale soon. Consolation prize was won hi Bonnie Smith one 61 the howlers from Toronto. Special thanks go •• out to .loan and Don Eaton.. Don and Ann Wood, Al and Marg Smale lOto worked so hard to, make this tournam ent suc• eels. Plans for , the Scottish- Ceilidh 'are-well 10. ell tinder a% , Tickets for that view are now on sale and ma% he purchased front Jack -Muir. Jack Eisler, Giirr Osborne or Don Jefferson. I would ad- vise yOu to pick up tickets early. as they arc in great demand. Janie", WatSiln Jr. and fiord Scott are .holding V\ hat will be 'the last Stag Crib tournament of the season on April 8 at t3'' p.m. That arc looking for t good turn out! Mi.. hail Monahan ...sai.d tot day. Dets.oll got hi-. c%%ond goal of the game slapshot istossylc of Mira, r, on pa4,. trop • Mstita‘ Pat Morro s. .t. shorthanded .11 lo the third pert,,'. 0'.110194 Ih‘ sore 4:0 for s, dorth and gstalts. utters -.tett and stapts ton shared the Shia • 0111 skert C'titic:;° .1 Seaforth and area. Th. !,,arnameni pro. once to be a stis,,essful „ under• -taken bi •the t'..),91.11 for the area south, a-, litre is as excellent hot k. % hi the teams and 'last: Attendance both days. Th, knights of Cislumbus - t efforts put forth hi the teams no, oli Winner ol Cham- pionship trophi in (he Senior Disision was Patrick's Dublin. The s\ or "B" ChamPlonshiP "as won ht . Jam, s' School, sca tort h. , Winner of th, ' ' ,Cham. pion s h p/troph Ju 1110r ision'was Ou r Lodi of Mt." Carm•el-Sehool. Carrnel, while the -,8 -chdrupioillip trophy went to St komtace School. Zurich. .lim Malone'. Program chairman for thi. %otincil and co-ordinator Leo'it Maloney were in chart:!s• the . schedule and games Bowling SENIOR CITIZENS Ladies high. Pearl James '489: second: has het Richt 480: Mens high- torn Carter- 525: Second- Philip lames- 515: High lane- Pearl Junes, Bea Suireil Mary Coleman. Rachel Richt, lint Keys. Correspondent MARY CHESSELL 4$2-9969 BM and ,loses' Dow son and Ulan and, Marjorie Hayter had a unique experience when they stopped at Plains. Georgta on their iva% home Irom Florida, they shook hands is it•hfOrmer president arter and his vide Rosalyn. flit; also saw 4''‘%0IPAP Ihcy IMIQVC yeti PrIeWkilt'Aftwar, ;40',Aciiite0 and Margaret Taylor dun Were in the Tampa al:4;111• On Sundat, _Rule Webster. :and' he,i _girts enteitatned about 25 ;viols es at a bridal ,'.bower honoring BOh's mete, Joan Hart of Brussels. ysho is being married April 18. Darlene Harter has re- turned to Fort MacMorta% after a week's sacation at her home. ENROLMENT -UP There are 200 stucilmts. ages 22 to 70, enrolled in basic and 'advance courses. 100Pis since 1969. If each envelope contributor .in the four central Conferences were to ,contribute--$3.500per year for he -three - years. the one and, a halt' million they hope to get front this source would be realised. There will he a campaign here in the near haute. Misk Hart, who has a degree in Physical, Educa- tion, bad.. been prayerfully considering the ministry for some time, and told, how a visit to Israel so impressed her that her desire to mini- ster was confirmed. Young people ttf the eharge were invited to talk with her during lunch after the service' at GeOlen. The Women's Group is meeting again Tuesday after !loons at 1:30 for study sessions. A quilt is being 41One this Week, and hopeful- ly. banners for the -front of the sanctuary-. Please re- member the Easter meeting Correspondent • MRS. ED. REGELE 527-1106 Mrs. Phylis Burch of God- chii visited on Saturday at the home of Marsha ang. 1-arr% Milers and Randy, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Regele y kited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kismet- at 'Brodhagen, rink skipped by Tem. Ward of RR #4. Walton n on th•first.draw of the Motikton Ladies Curling Club is lad ttp. T ern Ward-skip. , Lillian Smith ; site. Vera -Pehlke. second and Arlen Sinnamon, • lead.: Eat Irrecrived a trophy. Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Schulte • of- filv-th -visited "With Mr. 'arid 'Mrs. Fd Regele SundaY afternoon. The Henson Atoms, the team Jim -kin 0.4, Stott Kirton play for. had a 4-4 tie game against their .dads Wednesday night. VARNA 4.-J1 CLUB The seventh and final meeting was held at the home of Kate,Keys.; The meeting, opened with the 4-H motto. "1-eal'ill-O do by doing." The ri;lLettit answered With.. "What curd co-ordinote7 With, year our 'garment •Reeord'. OVAiittiekement in Really.---Get Set...Spq.1 we played' tfle 'Clotheatine Gatir'... When it was' done correctly, you'had a skirt old . vest on paper. Lori Hayter will be .the commentator. fpr the Fashion Review-- on Achievement Night. Peggy Van Wonderen and Jacqui Taylor will ex- plain the exhibit. ,We, de- signed our book covers and talked about our trip to the Ice Capadess STANLEY TOWNSHIP The recreation committee -has awarded Gail Horton with a _gift for deOgning a Stanley Township crest, This crest is now available from any of the committee mem- bers. Chessell, has been hired as caretaker for Stanley, Tiaw itship hail park. In. April new Awing wall be inStalled far protection around both diamotidg. „, '- The ea,erdinatars are busy. drviti,zwg warns ond finding coayltes. You tria,y kayter Sharo'n Chant for, infornladirin i4orieetning ball, , The next committee meeting I", at 9400 o'clock April 29. Brian Chesseh and Liz% McNutt were among area teetragers—ivho attended a TOC ALPHA executive meet- ing in Oshawa on the week- end. Brian was elected editor of their quarterly newsletter. Seaforth did well in the , • _ -trophies with Legion . Marg Scott picking up the 451614% . High Triple for the ladies and Marg Ungarian the High 101PC , g Ow' ?At I he Inth annual Knights of Columbus hoekei'.toti:ina- ment for he .Separate St:htvals in't he council area was held 'My Saturday. March 28th and Sunday: MarCh 29th at the Seaforth Memorial Arena. Nine tears.-competed for trophies which are donatv ed the 'Faifkr Sicpht'n • Nine teams Olt K of C tourney of U.C.W. tonight. Thurs- lowed bt St atorth's t bras The (linty), Nintee team t a(rstno. his si:ionLj„ot, the coached by gen Jewitt and gams. and I re % or 1 t scc s Doug MeAsh, won a beauti- goal making the store - 4 tor ful trophy it the Zuri, h Scatorth Goals,. Ray mond Weekend touria.ment. They Ansteit and Stitt Sittpltnit)ti- defeated Hensill 3-0 Frida,. were m goal tor Sealorth Huron Park 1:-2 Saturday On Sunda% Mardi 24.th morning. and Morningion- the Seaford) Ike w ac's Ira, DMA (Manktcp area) I-0 yelled hack to Wiation, hop Sainrclay after000n. :These mg to bring horny the cliton-, Iscids P14, 19/41llsillgV giaOd monship. Si. 4t1Ortkis; yyitti, likEnkikTspn,4 *;i: p.!'1,,,,°1 .1! jr/I t t ..s4da cs:,v,ifir„, v.*, hits ,,, io, hocko filettor4e., , , On:4A soared a ' short -Karen - Orisetili tot making mg I.K. caner*. , 1 miityt, addt 'affection- rg..fyiyiotto our' goo re- 1144-Welt goal at h ,4S Qt., Ow thil?:'ve,Ii . *0 il"ht A1141 Pr '. The, %%ere art Wititn-r• 'Ha- -FA. c ions;01,: ion of Kew,: port 0 garinkin sheet. and first period. St at .4 St.tplettiti ,, ' .:tit lilt: ti ilivIi 4t3 k . 144 set) f.01•44).4r.thipl , OW ViSite4 afld' Marg. ..liecti:,itt.. `clint911,,, ' • giii'f01,4V 0416-fison ' ,*i:f•- , icedre 1;5 ,Sei,one.ls batty •Jnak ' 0-1i=is, mg togarni - •Iii.Nkh,:t r.' . With 1:10 aild, Willa' Tayilor, -,ot Brwc,c ti,o4,,, .0 Juat • and hour, :Own, :.evalillifion of 0: „ .C,Z.