HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-04-02, Page 8H. VAN MOORSEL 'INSULATION R.R.5 MITCHELL LTD. "- 348-9376 • SPRAYED IN PLACE-7JIIETHANE FOAM • BLOWN INSULATIONS NEW: FLAT ROOFING & REPAIRS —Insulation Plus a New Roof FREE ESTIMATES Agricultural & Industrial Bldgs. • New &Older Homes • 40 FT. BASKET TRUCK SERVICE OR RENT BY HOUR OR DAY HALF-PRICE SALE. OF MEN'S SUITS Fashion-right, narrower lapels, vests, straight pants. file newest Broken size -ranges. You can't miss. NOW Reg. 129.50 . to 225.00 65.00 to 112.00 M THE HURON EXPOSITOR., APRIL 2, 1981 DECORATING GARY 'BANNON Pelona*, Decorating, PaPeduingIng DrYwelt taping hiterfor and Exterior FREE ESTIMATES PhoP,S27-1582 Sclifoillt, (W- O. tORDPBACii* 0.01:1 CARPENTRY ACCOUNTANTS ATKINSON, IMES, LEACH Si NEILL es alatleActiantretdnArve4g, Auditing," ° • iTailPlanglag and Tax 527-13U6EOLtRitt 46:TAN9g 20 equioock st. . ELECTRIC KNIGHT' ELECTRIC .24.noursevike. Industrial, residential lid farm installations Henaall, Ontario 26 2 14. Carpentry Coricrete Forming and Kidskin* Framing - Drywall Rang trtibiaid 4010100 $V.1530 • Kentucky Style Chicken' Every Tuesday Spec*, Snafk,IPA Oirawnoi nonIer**Plua,- •,; Cormif0PcIdel • NOIS. #NIPWW,WW 887.6677 A Phone vas $liMATAPit Of. *t1'gittlt 10:0 xtf t'Ort), .4.1k V44.1'. • ton Inn la!t Titesclq, „ MOP ni;n8 It jk tft-.fors'141.s. sm'all-sillIne and should be' handy for those needing In phone after the business hours or tjMe of the das • The Tuesday night euchre held in. the community hall had 10 tables in play. Prize winners were for high lads Mrs. Lawrence Ryan: low- -Mrs. Nelson Reid: lone hands- Mrs. Rena Watt. _Myth; Mens high- Hugh Rinn. low- Bert Shobbrook. Londesboro; lone hands- Cliff Ritchie; Institute hos- tesses 'were: Mrs. Keith Rock; Mrs. Viola Kirkby Mrs. H. Craig and Mrs..H.' H u die. There Will be another euchre with the Dessert Euchre scheduled for April 21. PERSONALS ' Master Ron Stevenson and Steve Fritz spent part of Ttsdiay and Overni4ht Inter Wedne!dav with iheir. sehrl„ Clinton Hospital 411CreP he'. hast spent several weeks 01h broken !Opt. 's wash, hint more yoptOiicenle.lit da,y, .1Cs nice ttvheae that Rts- k-an,BrOadf*it ha!' returned 141b,cf h9,1110: 1k villagelag FritlaY after spending the wipter rritinths with Mr: god Mrs, Farquharson of ten- don friends froefi'. the storOurtding area , • 's PECORATIN .'","N BO* cchumu Michael A00141101 4.1r- 1j,4, V4.0.441,s 491!n - Mr. and Mt!, 1`,11P A stmantll Veil il Whr1re 'the, "bosts; „ PartiaPated ,in the, making-a 144P1.c Syrup. • me, ante Mist. -Kerb Trasiss qeciartioltnieet, Mr. arid /la+. 'Hudther _ 'and, John to Lakeland, Flor ...ida" for the winter break week. Stet en Huether spent the week skiing at Mont Ste. Anne. Ouehee with other, Notphties Po 'IN attYlnfing l'inngwr College 'in Totontii Vent: the sy'1ek,enti. nt,"1114,1ioine At lea pare'ntS, Mr.' anti" Mr's ' wilhant HUMphries. • The Wahon Institute teittamed- al lie • Calla Efdar Norsing.Flonle let firusst Wcdtie,4as •, • brantig wrib those t h.:0.1 birthda.y s in .klat, h Mr. Jim Stun" reed has returned to Hurons. leer enrol ir^'• SURVEYOR T. Doug W• Dalrymple ONTARIO LAND SURVEYOR 476 Malin. Sheet, South Box 449, Exeter, Ont. NOWL1S0 '235-2503 PRA C:1 CENTRE Thorriat J. Devereaux - 25 Goderich St. W. Seaforth, Ontario Phone Bus. 527-1242 Res. 527-1942 Fyn eral 39 Main. St. Seaforth .Home .Business .Farm .Auto .Life . Sickness & Accident . Investments ROSS W. RIBEY DIRECTOR • • Warp., Exterior • Paper hanging • Airless Spraying • Textured ceilings Call Tom Burke 345-2756 Mike Uniac 348:9568 Free Estimates References Available 87 Goderich St., Seaforth Phone '527-1390 An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527.0240. CEMETERY • MON,U MEN TS Sincere and courteous service & STEREO Mon ;,.Fri , 8-1 2 30,6 00 Tues Thurs 8-1 2 30.8 30 ' We0i8-3 Sat 9-1 ' .• 527-1610 MONVIVIElknt e'7 Cemetery Monuments 111 APPLIANC-ES.' APPLIANCE & REFRIGERATION SERVICE Authorized factory warranty Service and repairs to KELVINATQR & INGLIS APPLIANCES — Service and repairs to all makes4 ELECTRICAL 'Geo. A. Sills Sons r CHIMNEY SWEEP1 Chirrirley Need Cleaning? Call VERN'S CHIMNEY SWEEP SERVICE- Seaforth 527-0674 Complete Line and area news ' ZENITH `TELEVISION 'AND STEREO SALES SERVICE Londesboro. United Seaforth. Electronics 17 Sparling St., • 527-1.150 Church-deeds toys Inseriptions Markers Sh9%*rn Display WHITNEI-RIBEI FUNERAL. HOM1. Goderich St., West Aamgen for Wingh Memorials Seaforth 527-1390 Graves. 'Wallpaper 'Wallpaper rj a Paint Featuring 'gni —. FEED MILL CliSnadian27W-all0550C:Lafalblertege FLEMING •FEED:MILL • Bulk Pelleted Feed, • Fast Unloading - eleVator • 2 pits open • 24 hrs. a day 4 CLINTON HORNE'S HARDW ARE MERCHANTS- • PLUMBING - HEATING ' & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone: :Sr -1620 Seaforth APPLIANCE on. Fridiwwith Myrtle Fair- service. Mrs. Ross Wilson. Darron. Sarah and r John 'of Woods:tock visited Wednes:' day night to Friday-With her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Shobbrook.'Patricia visitedin Clinton with her cousin; Done Ellerby— Mildred McNall- spent a couple of days last week with her cousin. Mrs. Joe Shad- dick; - • ' Mr. and Mrs. Jack Lee' visited on Sunday with their Aunts. Jewel . and Mary Robinson in Hanover. • Julie Scott of Goderich spent several days last week with her grandmother Mrs. - Jim Scott. Mrs. Joy Carter. Cherri-. and Tracy and Mr. Pete • Black of Cottam spent Satur- day with Mrs. Jim Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Burns spent Monday and Tuesday with.-daughter. Mrs.. and Mr. Collin Paterson. SALES. & SERVICE - 2 7-0636 Seaforth Wood and Trudy Pollard See you next fall. SHUFFLEBOARD Winners of lh'esdne•scla,N, night shuffleboard Lwerchigli.. lady-Audrey Thompson. low • Clara Riley:, men 's high les Reid. loss-Bob" Thompson: playoff winners Bob and Audrey ittatripi.Ott Shuffle- board this ''‘‘ vek. April 1st. PERSONALS Marion Letherlanci teas taken by ambulance to:'Wittg-• -ham hospital Sunday 'hat tog fered a stroke. . Hazel Crockford of Toronto visited •reeently with her aunt, Mrs. Ida Durnin. The date of the ham and turkey suppei had to he changed froM May 13 to 14.. Watch for further notice. Recreation Committee me! on, Wednesday night. Plans w ere made • for a fires Arks display at Hullett Central School on Ma'. 18th at dusk. Dr.. and Mrs. Wm. Wntters of Goderich tisited LaWson to 'Rey. Scott for int:Lust:ton of elders. '4 • The Aimwell " Unit Of U.C.W. will meet :on April 13 at 8.p.m, at the church. The - speaker will be Mrs. Harold Vodden,. Blyth: on year of disabled persons. This is an open meeting.. Eserteme is -welcome.: --Ptease- 11-61e, the change of the regular meet- ing date. The unit is also havin a Mien L.._ and craft table at the dinners to he served to Blyth Theatre p'at- tons. Any donations would be appreciated and could be handed to the Aimwell Unit:- Helen Lee. Marion Snell or any member, Next Sunday' C.H.S:S.. choir will be taking part in the morning service. • W:i: CARD PARTY There were 9 tables in • play on Friday, March rth. WinnerS were ladies high- . Myrtle Fairservice, lone hands•Fkie Shaddiek. low-Vi Burns: men's higli•Gordon Murray. lone hands-Don Buchanan: low-Wilfred Shortreed: nearest birthdays Alice Buchanan and -ten ••Caltlwell: lucky saucers Sootheran and BrenT Brooks•and lucky draw Allan Shaddick. In charge' were Margaret 'Anderson. Hattie ir10 rt Ftit..i $ F oldloRewlbserTarsnd 1,1 15 Milo St. Office szseaith•oiSs Itrfr; Rm. 5274784 Correspondent MRS. BERT-SHOBBROOK 523-4250 „-- —r_SEWING DECORATING--. NG SHARPENING -1.......,.-.. MACHT/r\ Expert Interior & • -"A—large congregation was welcomed on Sunday at the Londesboro United Church by Bert Lyon and NelsOn McClnre..,Ushers were Ken Shepherd., Theresa Overboe, Julia Shaddick and Crystal Whyte, - R. -Sten 'welcomed. aH and gave announcments. The song fest will be May ,3rd with the Junior Choir and other talented people. More details later. Baby and todd- .• ler care could benefit from good used toys. new toy box, reasonable size pieces of 'carpet. If you wish to donate , call Ann Adams 523-4415. The U.C.W. are invited to the Blyth U.C.W. Easter Thankoffering, April 12. Rev. Scott welcomed the confirmation class. • The children's story" was on caring as God cares for us.' The Junior teachers were Joan Shepherd and Marguer- . ite Gross. The sermon was "Life out.., • of footts..from John 4.1,41_ Margaret Whyte intro- duced elders Susan Jamieson Murray Howatt and John Exterior Decorators Waiicoverings Kern Paints t) Window Shades Armstrong earpets '`'HILDEBRAND i'AIN'T AND PAPER Phone 527-1880 SUPERMARM-1 Over 100machtnes on dishia Service to all makes „Sates -,White, eine. HUsqvarna lots of used machines from 539.95 --SEW AND SAVE Ad types of saws, knives and scissors sharpened Specializing in Carbide_ saws and tools •STAY SHARP - SALES AND SERVICE Gordon Blanchard RR4, Walton 527-1806 Complete Thiel Service with a personal "A../ CENTRE LTD. 149 Downie St 12 Opera =Who! Hudsons) Stratford, 271-9660 15 Main St.. Seaforth ELECTRICAL CARPENTRY —Th ,.-ELECTRICAL MURRAY Fred Lawrence Eictrical Contractor IMPROVEMENTS —N MacLEAN HOME IMPROVEMENTS K.,MURRAY CARPENTRY ELECTRIC Renovations, Additions, Sheds, 24 hour service Framing, Any Home Improvements HENDERSON HOME FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING Phone 527-0032 Free Estimates For Siding - Aluminum and Vinyl, AluminuM Windows, Doors. Awnings, Railings PIANO Farm, residential. Industrial and commercial wiring' Phone Auburn 528-7505 Or . FREE ESTIMATES Mitchell 348-8884 527-0984 Seaforth 527-0731 (—CARPENTRY-7-N MUFFLERS • House - Renovations • Additions • Siding • Any Home , Improvements BOB REGELE 527-0715 TRENCH COATS -..For the Smart Dresser SPECIAL AT $65 • 00 FARM SUPPLIES 2 :41,3 APPLIANCES Appliance and Refrigeration REPAIR SERVICE PIANO TUNING • Rapairs R. Rebuilding-- • Keys Recovered • Damon-Chasers BRUCE 'PULSIFER 348-9223 Mitchell. Feed Seed Fertilizer Farm Supplies Petroleum Supplies Heating Oils Mufflers guaranteed as long as you own, the car SEAFORTH MOTORS LTD. 527-1010 *Jim Broadfoot Seaforth Co-op 482-7032 J '527-0770 CARPENTRY ' CUSTOM BUILDERS !r" IMPROVEM,ENTS ( FUNERAL HOME e—CAR-PENTRY FLANAGAN CARPENTRY Double-breasted style with full belt, slash pockets, gun-patch style with shoulder straps and ventilated yoke. • LARRY McGRATH CONSTRUCTION 14 years experience • Ceiling Tile • Paneling • Dry Wall • Ceramic Tile • Trim Work • General Home Repairs J 8t J CARPENTRY w''_FEENEY. CONSTRUCTION LTD. e Custom builders R.S. BOX FUNERAL -HOME Custom Built • Contracting • shedS, houses, • Complete building service Smart Maid cotton lining with rayon slip-On „,,shoulder linings. • Custom Built Houses, • Additions, • Renovations, • Aluminum Siding, • Sheds. renovations, house add- itions, cupboardS, spiral stairs, concrete finishing.' John Ryan 527-1520 John Peckitt 482-7567 • Huron County Board of Education Funeral Director Cardno • NeW homes • Renovations ' Farm buildings 345-2405 Dublin Mid-sand shade only. Sizes 38 to 46. KINDERGARTEN REGISTRATION • FREE ESTIMATES CALL COL LECT ANYTIME MITCHELL 348-9407 1 • '0' Peter Flanagan 527-1399 47 High Street Seaforth Phone 521-0885 s65. o0 OTHER ALL-WEATHER COATS OPfiC141 WIRING INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL and FARM WIRING • Brodhagen. Electric GARY DILL 345-2.442 JOHN ELLIGSEN 345--2447 Huron Ceniennial School -.1981 April 06 09:00-15:30 Please call for an appointment CAR0 CARE Stirveyor MASONRY Kiar • MASONRY David Langstaff Ltd. Optician 87 Main St. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTS AND ormatimouldnis Prescriptions FilledKorriptly HOURS: Mon.. Tiles., Thurs:. tn. 9:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. • 12 p.m. School 482-3330, Public Health Unit 527-1243 55." to 79.50 Christian R. Limited Brick Otone Work Specializing in Field Stone And Fireplaces IVAN NIELSEN 5274603 Seaforth Public School - 1981 April 07 13:00-13:30 Pupils register (527-0790) 13:30-14:30 Parents meet with staff Walton Public School - 1981,April 08 13:30-15:30 Drop in at the school. (887-6219) GORD'S GULF CALL. Ontario Land Surveyor 4),ed West Street' Gerich, Ont. Licensed Mechanic -1 a * Service to all makeS of cars HOUSE CALLS AVAILABLE Children born in 1976 are eligible to enroll. -Please bring proof of age & OHIP number Arnold Withers Paul roll, Marie Toll HCPS Prittel •SPS Principal, WPS Closed et) day Wed: COMPLETE OPTICAL .SginficE 521-1303 Zenith 4-2250 tnachargc to calling party ask operator for 2-442501 5274)333