HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-04-02, Page 6J
s Kilbarc an ceoft, ideas
Anna Hoegy.
Lou Sills-' and Peg Grieve
touted Gladys Brightrall and
I in a game (If bridge on
Thursday. The change of day
from Friday seems very
acceptable to most. of our
town players. I Was able to
bring our new aairds again
wl#01 were brought to me,
from Florida with score pad
0Platcti..:rbo'resUlts.ii!.cro, as
follows: -#0g-
0.44y..10440.44 $Agokvvin,,,
iim with t-'40'poloW -aorl.
•400 S &i l5r 444 i 7-79..,.6044.:.
?901,0 is ciatamout WO,
4ty.-.uausUalo'bOU0 bttt lire
agreed, it was att•eltgiting
gaMe-1 ant alWaYs Looking
for. ,reereitsx just call meat
Kilbarehan an4 r beglad• to
arrange a game at. your
Huron-Perth County Roman Catholic
Separate School Board
Mr. Larry Cook, Principal
' Mill Street
Dublin, Ontario
9 a;m. - 5 p.m. [by appointment]
• dreli-need-to-be-5-years of
age on er before 31st December, .1981
Please• bring proof of age [Birth Certificate
or Baptismal Certificate.]
"No one
25 %off all
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Flexsteel has everything! From inside out, Flexsteel is
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i(E II1R
Are wedding C
Duff's United Church. Walton was the 'setting for the
marriage of Janet Marie Heibein and Wilmer Douglas
Mitchell on Feb. 28, in a double ring ceremony with Res.
Charles, A,. Swan_ officiating and Mr-s. Margery Huether
. organist. Janet is the daughter of Mr and MrS". Lloyd
-Heibein and Doug is the son of NW and Mrs. Emerson
Mitchell. Miss Ririe 'Bremner, friend of the bride was
Maid of honour. Douglas .Cousins was best man. A
„,,reception was held at the'Brussels Inn •Ior the; immediate
family. The couple will reside in BrussLls w hcre Doug is
apprenticing fcir auto body repair,
Tuckersmith council puts its foot down
• •,• X .
Good bye
exotic dancer
It was good-bye exotic
dancers at a recent meeting
of Tuckersmith council. Not
that the dancer's have been
known to attend council
meetings. but they were
guests at stags sponsored,by
the Vanastra Lions Club.
Tuckersmith council pass-
ed a motion at their recent
meeting giving' the mert's
club permission to rent part
of the Vanastra Recreation
Centre for an upcoming stag
but without exotic dancers.
Councillors told Wayne
Ferguson, who attended as a
representative of the Lions,
•Club, that they had received
complaints about the last
stag held at the centre, about
six months ago.
Clerk Jack McLachlan read
a letter from rec centre staff
complaining about .damage
to the carpets, people
'remaining in the building
after the 2 a.m. closing time
and rooms being used which
-weren't contracted for in the
rental agreement.
Mr. Ferguson said the club
"knows we were in the
wrong- on .the last one."
adding. "take our word, it
won't happen again.•'
He told council, exotic
dancers have proved a draw-
ing card at the stag nights,
but said the club' could try
something else like a casino
Deputy-reeve Bill Brown
said he could see granting
permission for the Club to use
the hall -"but no exotic
dancer."., the deputy-reeve
said he heard• ruMblings
after the'last stag that wives
were angry at their husbands
for watching the show.
After a brief discussion.
the councillors voted. four to
one to rent the centre for the
spring event.
Clerk Jack McLachlan re-
minded Mr. Ferguson the
club must have a Vanastra
Rec Centre staff member in
attendance at the stag to
meet LCBO regulations.
ET MABEL TURNBULL C.N.I.fi:. London met with
Shirley Luther. Salvation Anna Hoegy with ideas for
Amy: Hensall came Friday, handcrafts
afternoon for 'a hymn-sing Art. Smile. of Staffs visited
including favourite ofd faint with Bessie Smile.
iar hymns. Mrs. Luther Mr and Mrs. Ed. Lastun.
accompanied on the piano. Clinton visited with Mars
She finished with a lesson Layton. also ‘erna Rilde-
front the scriptures explain- brand ,
ing it and leasing something "Marilsii Hillis. Tillsonburg
we can take away with us to and Mrs. E.6. Clegg, Lt
think about. Habra. 'California visited
VISITORS . with Mabel Ttirtibnii.
,jp,t,* t.,4400. E Xv4et, ,Jim ' Birthday' greetings ivi JO
Britttefi. GOderieh. tkorge. Baker March „II '
A,ddisnti and Margaret 'Ltal . ' Jean Hildebrand, 4114
40Pto sisht,4 is ith 144$0 flrOnt visited with Bessie
turrilititl, , ... , . I ' Sinale, ' .,
.. A' 'rept eptlittatiVe front , ciirole, ':&,,tritkiti. klantiltpn „ .
; • , • ^ •
47" etid$
by Elaine Tawnshend
A friend is one of the precious things of
life whose value cannot he measured in
dollars and cents. A true friend cannot be
bought or bribed, fooled or forgotten,
A friend is a patient soul w ho listens to
all our iromplaints and then quietly sass.
"This is how it looks to me.''
A friend is one sure thing w e can depend
upon in the inhst uncertain of times.
A friend is the one frOm whom we accept
criticism knowing it is. fair; a.nd construc-
tive. A friend is the one ith, whom we
w ant to share our troubleriumphs, joys
and secrets. A friend is someone we know
we can limn to at anytime. , • '
But. the best friend of all is the one who
lets Lis know that we are thought of as a
friend as well. And in the end, the give and
take ,or friendship is balanced.
The subject of friendS and friendship has
kept writers' pens, busy since time'began.
For example. "Friendship is the eorn-.
fort, the inexpressible comfort of feeling
safe witka person„having neither to weigh
thoUghts nor measure words, but pouring
all right out just as they arc. chaff and
grain together. certain that' a faithful
friendly hand will take and sift them, keep
what is worth keeping and with a breath ,of
comfort blow the rest away.'; —Author
Hilaire -Belloe wrote:- •
"From homes and first beginnings
Out to the undiscovered, ends,.
There's nothing worth the wear of winning
Bht laughter, and love-of friends."
The following aree -two selections 'by
Lucille Boesken. The first, explains it is the
"Little Things" that count:,
"It's'the little,,things: that others do
That make life more worthwhile - ,
The unexpected courtesy
The sunshine of a smile
The hand reached out in sympathy ,
When skies are dark and gray
The words of warm encouragement
When dreams have gone astray
The speCial little kindnesSes
A favour here and there
Each one a token. from the heart
That says "I really care"
So, count the "little things" worthwhile
And treasure them no end
They mean you have the best in life
They show you have a friend."
The second poeM describes the impor-
tance of going' through life "Side by Side
With A Friend,"
sistted wuti her mother.
Ruby Anderson
t$-A: Whitney called for a
visit With friends.
Doris Hackney, Exeter,
visited with her mother Bes-.
ate Smale.
Mr. and Mrs. Mei Glan-
ville. Hensall and Mrs. Utte -
lab McKay :l
ied ay.
on Oliver
and Charles !s,
Mary tayt911 had Sunday
slitOper and Mrs..
Gordon ffilldebrand, •Vanesta
Mrs- Art Sma4Staffa. I had
a few moments talking to her
and she loves Canada.
George Aeldison and dau-
ghter. Betty and Mrs. Ken
Hulley and j family visited
Mrs. Elia Halley.
Don Brightrall visited with
his mother. Gladys Bright.
Clare Rj'ith and grand-
daughter, ;Heather, visited
resideets eVer flip
J6411.0a Bode 'mooPon:,
pupils come back to you to
brighten your retirement
years. It is over fifty years
since I returned to the home
town and I still hear from
es-pupils in Huntsville. also
from those who have moved
to-other Places ea widen their
The Edelweiss, Rebekah
Lodge met in Lodge rooms on
March 25th at 8 p.m. Irene
Smith. Noble grand, opened
lodge in form assisted by
Vice-grand Margaret Carter.
,Our Treasurer Kathleen
Cuthill everted on our Bake-
less Bake Sale and said it was
going very well with some
money still to come in,
The Social committee for
April was named- Convenor,
Olive Varley, Doris Hugill.
Annie Malcolm. Ruth Camp-
bell, Ruth PapPle, Mable
Handy and 'Margaret Smale.
Bills amounting to $70.71
were passed and an order
drawn for payment to be
A letter was received from
Ray McNichol in regard to an
infolmation meeting to be
held at Cavan. church. Win-
throp in Jude.
Ray is a
registered Nurse and is .Plan-
ning to serve with Canadian
Crossroads International
starting in September. At our
regu ar meeting 'we do-
nated money to Ray to help
him in his worthwhile pro-
Our last euchre was quite
Thelma Bode, our activist.
attended the Activity Dir-
ector§ ,,Selltinar„ in Stratford
on Tuesday. The speaker for
the day was the occupational
therapist of Stratford Gener-
al Hospital.
Denise Brown. Eaetir, vis-
ited- her ereatgrandmother,
successful with ten tables in
play. Ladies high. Mrs. Art
Wright; cLadies lone, Mrs.
Sandy Pepoper: Consolation
Mrs. Chas. Felkar; Men's
high. Bill Kelly: Men's lone
hands. Elmer Townsend;
Consolation WilhurtGodkin.
"A friend is a special possession.
Whose value increases with s cars
Someone who doesn't forsake us
When a difficult moment appears
Someone who lights up the darkness
With a smile that's at warm as the sun
No matter wh.ac cares life may, send
If we travel thei pathway together
And walk side by side with a friend,"
'Phyllis Cull Mabry gives worthy advice on
how" to "Be A Friend":
"If we're always, friends toothers.,
If we don't forget we're brothers.
Then we'll have an understanding heart to
Be a friend- go on begin it.
Draw a. circle, bring folks in it...
All it-takes is one totnake the circle start."
Meses=te)ia, cif St. day and played the feano.for
British, Wear indtest t , a -isra.89rtg-
pp pii dt 1:04104% c for t;Iiitriiigyour talent With
Iggt;, • Visited; with 'Marion us.
Simile and ;Nisei:re .Mr. and' bed 4 YI•sk
• • • i aii Eaefer Oupint in our Yard."
brow ni$11 grt celout- rather
. that} the traditional white.
Doreen Brightrall and her
sister-in-lad Elsie Hogg.
Trenton visited Gladys
Brightrall on Wednesday.
Ruth Beuttenmiller visited
Anna Hoegy Gladys Bright-
rall and others.
Birthday Greetings! to
Mac Vincent. March- 24th.
By appointment. the Sea-
forth firemen under the
leadership of Fire Chief
Harry Flak made a tour of
inspection of Kilbarchan to
"God put such lovely things on earth
The miracle of Spring's rebirth
The quiet peace of fallen snow.
The crimson sunset's afterglow.
White-capped waves upon the seas,
Leafy boughs and budding trees.
Blossoms lifting thirsty heads.
41, colour blend of flowerbeds..
But more than these. ; . God,'s goodness brings
Friends to share these lovely things!" tern has as its prime goal, to
make good citizens. These
"Friends Are Where You Find Them". young men are doing their
points out Elizabeth M. Gems: part. I also have in mind two
"Friendship is a funny thing- - couples in , town having_
It simply can't be planned-- " --Aatight—toth -huShand-wife
In just a twinkling two hearts meet
And. feel and understand
And from that brief beginning
Comes a bond so deep and true
That it will last a lifetime
And mean all the world to you;"
Friendship is something we all have to
work at everyday:
"Begin the day with -friendliness:
Keep friendly all day lonW
Keep in your soul a friendly thought-
In your heart a friendly song.,
Have in your mind a word of cheer
For ail who come your way.
And they will greet you. too, in turn-
And wish you a happy day."
' —Author Unknown
Who rejoices with us when we're happy become familiar with the
Who praises the good we hase done building residents, and• safe-
ty And our road will be smooth- and un- equipment. Ralph Wood. a
former pupil kindly sought
me out and we had a short
chat. I'm sure we will feel
confident knowing the fire-
Men have our interests at
Katherine Nelson 'Davis talks about all the' heart. Paul Hildebrand, also ,a things that can be shared w ith friends: .
fireman and an ex-pupil calls
in for a chat when he comes
to see his grandmother Bes-
sie Smale. It makes me
happy to see former pupils
taking an interest in local
public affairs. Donald Bulky
was a former fire chief and
Bill Bennett and Bob Dins-
more serve on town council.
Our current educational sys-
Tianitand..Helen Wilbee also
Frank and Janie Goldng. It is
a reward to have former
Plans were completed for
our meeting with the presi:
dent on April 15th. Banquet
and meeting to folioir at
CPT euchre and draw; is to
be held in Lodge rooms April
8th at 8 p.m.
Rebekah's report ces bake sale
ea* pries In stfact didll Saturday: April 4th.
Quakrarts kit sowing it growiit ng . mowing it at 0own.lo.earth
prices. now and locator °mew:Igor Booster awnhol We reserve the
eighth/ lard quantities.
Regular prices Indicated ere Canadian The overydey taw prices
../....... . ,
L. Vianele p2c7 I 'eniffe41-.
. .
''in Area Churches .
- ' -
59 Goderich St. W.. Seaforth ,
Minister: Rev. T.A.A. Duke Organist: Mrs. D Carter
11115Worship-Sereice,Sunday Schookii-Nursery
Sermon "Joy in Suffering"
. .
ST. THOMAS Anglican Church
The Rev. James R. Bioadfoot B.A.. M.Div.
' Seaforth -
Sunday, April 5, 1981-5th Sunday in Lent
1-1:30 atm HolYCommlinlott-Sermon: The Unveiling
will present a concert of sacred music,
Wed. Apr08 10:00 a.m. Mldtteek servieb
of Holy, Cettuounkm , '
NORTHSIDE ''* United Church
54 GriderichSt. West. Seaforth
'Fifth Tunday Tn Lent ,
II a.m. Church Service
• What About The IVIIraelest
Church and Nursery at the same time
' Rev, J.G. Vanslyke. Minister
Margaret Whitmire Audrey McLlwain
Or anist - Music Director Jr. Choir Leader
• .:
Area congregations are invited to take advantage of
the church directory to announce their church services
each" week. Church directory announeementg are
available for _,minimum of 26 consecutive weeks in
mitt of two eolunin inches at $2.25 per unit. Changes
in copy may be made each week but must be received '
before noott on Tuettlay. . .. ..
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TS, Gefieb eta
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