HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-06, Page 7•
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Assisemesesmiss.,... . 7
• ed Mut he had cense with a warraut'for Beam 40114., Tours Iniophnitinet "roll Nay Deed the &Wittig, but —
11mBalcitgomiffillaiMo itifill-01.111111 rile; arr137ittiofitongeoavileil.^1ka Wainitkitivieaeuu,telliolt ase soma amuse Remits Not. the Tree." Save the
druggists in Canada. nli
Sold and resammence y all
When diarsese ha famine chrome and,
murder,' erten and it wbole beat of otint
able medleine dismoYeire . lob: deep Heated it ire ottre diffloultto cure it.
rkaaas eaoreetseat to oltrat, 41 That is the tenon why it Vs beet to take t ,
• "In retinal the Officer gOt Au10fit ntuaz- fl -'1146 o S"Ila W.Ten°5641 etru:e :IC iltxxist; Is4artapaeilla when dit.eate lirst 1 .14.1014SanCIS of them Me eTerY sem. ,
tin't 1 cc"' neY" "it° 3.13"e 1 Qui/ .611 Ing amount of information about the 1)•.‘rawfw2T15.611.131‘14.1.4:44.10th."TIghtLX?"Jer.led onveccdpt sham) itself-- in piuiples, heartaches, it. mer who could be. saved by the
this (ley, and no man knows the crooke , beach comber. of priee, one package $1, 111%i VS. On 24411,21•04 digestion, or other troubles whieli tell or timely use of Dr. Fowler's Ext.
tuul twiets of the Samoan charaoter bet. - " 4 Do I know the matt?' says Jaell, ofeterlt Cure. Pamphleta fres to any address. four busal. weak stomaeh i.r d vortiprod of 'Wild Strawberry. ,---
. . ter then Ida. I cannot underetand what t we-,
y ha's the greatest sooandrel un- Tho NIT9Ind CotapaaY. Willdners011& tall.- nr ltidnete, Thle great methettle 1
• gave Jack his extraordinary intitleeee ' eueg, 'awl be,s r • • , t da by 6.3141in Winghunt by Colin A. Ournplicl revolates thk. wholf4 fiy .teryl,, It, never
-over the people, though, to be sure, in untlee leY ra - a Drneelet.
the Hoe he tells the natives. I only NV Wu • ,n,.........4..... - (1191t1111°41t6. I..
""........""r "."Y."."...f.t.,"1.-"Trn.T. .... ...._ . -.,...........
the end they killed birn ort Monello. Eel 1
Thoeld clear isizu out of Samoa.
• I'll tell yonebout that some other time,
e Value SYra
HOOD'S PILLS nre the favorite fernily 1
CHIA III tele.
!native iu the town when. they see ,given
1 ht. a of 400,-1
"So it happened that Jack became P t shIs Help you to catch Why; I
ould think I would, and so will eTerY
ConsiderableMought mime be 'Wheat tiviont about
;tort of subtrader or assistant and would
buy the natives' oil, giving
them in
return ordersm
On e for somuch trade, man-of-war here to. back thena up, The
fellow was here last week„ but he's , betteeleeepettek wilt) watt) to have their no highest
s -
I paid bins a good commission, and J icne to his old place, TOnnnai to try lOinda free la leCy mut to. taae.aa firrtIrC wai 58 cents.
1 could afford to do it, for so loug as jack net sews .ive t in y the niterestIng
PI"."111-A. bY• 000 buelteals 11,111.1 Iced thrOtighent
VMS sober he was the h t li d t h
-138" —at" a'' "'"" " When the lieutenuat beard. this, he and heeptal or • niztetions MAO
gaining with the Sanaortnre I ever saw, For Over Fifty Xe.ars.
MS all in haste to.got away. . appeal to theni rk rising and 1
but wbon • he got drunk there was nO r. 4 .Don't bo in too muela of ft burry,'
bolding him. I had to get a ease a gin on interested attention -4 eve*. de.
said jack, 'You'd better go slow, It's a - rjartment
down from Apia now and agaiu or elect of housework, tO the plea+,
most (humorous passage, and the °halides '
&telt would never have staid with me. ant Arraticrelli100t of the home, to the
aro ten to one you'll get stpok on areef,
Then be would go tearing wild far 0
but if you'll wait a minute while 1 close fflimrtitneut. o tho to e, the k.
' •"' fbl'ervinse
i week or two ;until it was ell finisbed and the fur° I don't mind going with you of palatable meals, to the „general
perhaps wind up by setting Are to a tan
tive house, or carrying off a woman, 01 and piloting you around. I'd do auy- ettinfOrt of all, to the Witting (f a.
thing to get that wretch caught.' 'helping hand here and there, and to
.sq, °thing like that. 1 bad to pay foi ,
in "Se Jaelt, putting on my best coat,.
went on with the lieuteeaut, and the order and neatness everywhere, are
tia damage, and then Jack sobered '
d wn and went along right enough fox all conductive to a -well ordered
captain, knowiag nothing.of tho coast,
'another mouth or two. ' home, and are the reeutt of executive
WU 'very glad V° accept him a pilot,
"It was this failing that had got the and gave him $20 for his services too. ability
. I ' 1 • b tt • tl '
' village about 20 miles along the east& them a long yarn about the savage pa- precept, and the elleerful energy put
-where he had lived before coming to my tives of Tanuna. They were terribly forth by the housekeepers in these
• place. • The natives there bad pet UJ fierce, he eaid, always fighting, and direettons will always prove contage
With hill1 for a long tirne, but at last Wilkinson would probably stir thOul up
they got sick of the business, and the bus and wid be followed in thee same
to attack tbe lauding party and -so pre-'
' :chiefs of the town turned dead against spirit, ' The keeping of a number of
vent his arrest., They ought to go ashore
hirn and gavp• him a week in which to memeranda has been a great saving
with a etrotig, IITIned force and, if p00-
.elettr out. I never knew rightly what dew, a toad gun or two. of time and thought to busy women.
Ibrought this about, for Jack was very "The advice sounded ' reasonable Instead of, carryink in their mind
ret'oent on the point, but it• must have e u 41:1 to the ea tain and of course - from hour to hour the many details
• bee
was a taupe, a village virgin, mixed
• up in tip businese, 1 ).mow a fine looks
. ,
ing girka" She stuck to him all through
s ind untie away with him to Salus, all armed to the teeth, and a couple of PP
el list of things needed to be done, ,
, . g •
small cannon, which they pointed at the
where I las,
the village. Von inay be surethe peace- written, visits to be made, and -so on.
in.g off an old beach comber's bounce or, ful people of Tauuna were soared out of The setting' down of all . these items
the natives itt Tanuna. Whenever they their wits. • is a great relief to the memory and -
would tarn a- bit nasty he would threat ,tit was Jack's turn now, and he 'made
-en to bring a British Man-of-war dews to.ttre wearniess in carrying so many
the most of it. • He called all the chiefs
' on' them and have them well punished. ;Moles The habit of planning etteh
together into the marae—that's the open ' 's '
This used to scare the people, for men- morning directly after breakfast for
epace in the center of the village where
of -war were scarce in those days, ano they always do their talking—and held tbe three succeeding ineale, iestead
awe of their gunk It's differeat now, a long fono. The lieutenant -stood by all of carrying the .thoUght .ot them for
' tbe Samoans had au almoet superstition;
the time, not underetanding a word of hours, or plaaning hurriedly just
for the natives have seen so much of what wns going oil. J'ack told- the trem- before meal time, and in a. hap -
modern war vessels that they've growe bling Samoans that the great Queen.
' to desiiso them. They aren't afraid of hazard way is' a proof of good
Victoria in her palace of the big seas
being shelled either. 'Why, I've seen execntive ability, Vire have seen an
had heard of. the way in which one of
. them over on Upolu, When a man -of. entire family disturbed by tbe call of
her people had been treated and had sent
war did actually fire ou the rebels, sit. the cook at half past five o'clock for
the man-of-war to blow the village into
, in the berth behind, while the shote the air, to hang all the chiefs and to. something for slipper since nothing
' ting.round smoking quite comfortable
earry-off the rest; of the people as slaves. whatever had been provided by the
were dropping into their village and do. eqeaturaliy the chiefs, seeing allthese , forgetful mother. ' Children were
ing no harm at all, except perhaps set• , , ,
ting ilre to a house or two, and'when, ., a?z,:co ' ' s, ss,,,- -aes - taken from their books or games
by pure aeoident, a shell did fall into a • ' YurtNiat, Market, the father came in
beach comber into trouble at Tanuna,
- "On the passage round Jack spun Exacop e is a waa s et Ian
' something very bad or else the na• . the. officers and nien were delighted. at of housekeeping, and thinking over
would Dever bavo summoned ut the prospect of a Scritntnage‘ • - • • and over. again she uiauy artielea
• - "It was quite a Bak. army which needed in various departments,
o to behave as they did There
landed that afternoon. There was a classified Memoranda are kept, a
whole bargeload of sailors and marines, sho' I' • • 1' t
There is riot a another
who loves ber infant but
should keep on band dur-
ing the hot weather a
bottle of Dia Fowler's
Extract of Wild Straw.
*es There is no remedy so
sessst safe and so effective for
?the diarrheCa of infants,
and none has the endura
.sation of so many 'Cana -
An Ohl hial Remedy—Alm! dian mothers who have
8,,ottlitlg syrup bee eeole proved its merits, and therefore speak
with confidence. One of these is 'Mrs.
Peter Jones, Warkworth, Ont.,'who says;
ma give Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild
Strawberry great for it saved my
baby's life. She wa•-: cutting, her teeth
and was taken with eiarrhaa very bad.
Soli 1,y 'Ave jkLts in �vcry pti rt t My sister advised .nie to got Dr. Fowler's
used tor over 'itty millions. Of
mothers for their ithittiree, while teeth -
lb poriert. E;OlithetitLe
tloa, Hatt -Ise tele guitee tillii) 01.1.1 phin,
ettre.$ wind polio. and is Lila beet remedy
tor diarrtaxm. 11 is pleasant to the at•te,
"For a ieng gine jack had been play big round chief's house. in tho °eater of a list o• f notes and . letters to be
•cookhouae and kill five men they Said \\,L -,s a discoXposed family, and the c
fort .of flie,household was disa
that the victims had been stealing the it'afee
zaissionary'S ducks or else they would because of "Able lack of exe
Extract of Wild Strawberry. I got a
world. Tol-itty•------thotA1.4. Its
woos1.it„.,,,jun,,10,, v.on 00, bottle and it cured the baby almost at
NI re. Whs.*, 's Soothing 8yriip, end "ce•
t .te no o ter 134
At the Oxford assizes before Justice
Hose on Wednesday, ;Nirs. Pott, who
earriee on a grocery bnednese in
Woodetnek, Feted to collect $1,000.
the amouot of insurances le
the Cd Nadia rt Order of Foreatars on
the life, •,f her husband, William.
PO.; ho disappeared frown there
about eight years ago, Tbe action
was practically a motion to .141VG
Pott declared legally deed,
he having pot been heard of for
seven yertrs. ri loidehip reser% cd
of religious teaching, doesn't it? The habit of I'leaving a lace for
ability. , \
not have boon killed. Shows tho belle=
"Well, to come back to Jack. The everything, and li'kyingieverything
man-of-war game at last got played out, in its place, and let m gttd, of getting
' because no man-of-tvar came, and the a good many thine 'Ind. putting
natives would not believe him any lon- them ve in place will proa great
ger. Then ho had to clear, but at the • saving of time a fret tad. energy.
Nary last, when he was leaving, he told ..
In every fam sheets Of tissue
them that ho would soon come baok
with a big war canoe and make them paper, tack and tack lmmer,
pay a heavy fine in pigs. . - • rubber ba , fine twine, ancAmany
•"The Tanuna. people only laughed at such littl tbinge are oontin% ally
' him, bat as it turned out, strangely needed d are most conducti to
-enough, jaok kept his word. Ho had . the sm. th running of oar homes.
, been at Sakai about six months when .
a man-of-war actually did come, not "Yes, obi, you can make some more."' -Be nd the daily ' planning t
after the natives, but after Jaok him- soldiers with their shining guns, he. thou tful. bonsekeeper arranges a
.self. The consul had at last—for news Hayed every word of tho yarn, and grey- far as possible her sewing. 'so that
traveled slowly then—heard of Jack's elod before jack, imploring him ut the -mending and renewing otable
pranks at Tartnna, and had 'sent the least to save their lives. •and bed linen and curtains and
Sea Gull, which happened to be in Apia "Tho raseally interpreter explained furnishing's do not come at' a time
at the tiro, dawn to arrest hira. It was to the lieutenant that the natives witte when the -dressmaking must be done.
a bad lookout for Jack, for there were ' ed to pay homage to the queen, and thut
So ot, all the other and varied work
•enough &lutes charged against him to, they would take stops at once, to find out
baba a dozen men. , where Wilkinson was biding. , to be done in the home, thought and
"I was away in the bush hunting wild - "On the other. hand, he told dm ' care in the planning ot it can bo
, cattle waea the Sea Gull arrived, and chiefs that be bad intorceded or them, made to lessen greatly the burden ;
. that saved Jack—that and his OW11 and that the officer bad Pre,mutiod to and the wear that must necessarily .
.. smartness. The vessel dropped into the spare' their lives if they ()relight next • be incurred, . W.b.t..
lagoon at Salim early one morning and
anchored about eamile from the shore,
.for it was a good, safe knave, though .
rather small. aaok from his own but
saw her come in and guessed what she
was after. Presently she lowered a boat,
and a lieutenant, all gold lace, came
ashore in atyle. Of course ho went to
' , ray place, for it was the only papalatigi
boast) abed, and I suppose tho thought
I would be rash to tell them the
whereabouts of Jack, having hoard that
he had been seen around Salua.
"'When , the lieutenant opened the
,gate, there was ;rack, as bold as brass,
aitting on an easy ohair upon the veran-
de, reading au cad newspaper and look-
ing very much at home.
"I nearly died of laughing when
Jar& told me the story afterward, mim-
icking the hive haw style of the lieuten's
For Infantr, ant. Chien.
The fan-
wr ;
0 t v el 3
0. Yi
ie I. trouble ' with nervousness, despon- (.3
m dency, d'X1austion, loss of memory, (.0
I aching backs aftd isidneys,.painful urina-
i tine, bashfninesAsediment iii urine, losses
1 at night, impotencir, headaches, varlcocele, t
I, ) pimples, ulcers, 'bolains,—The results IP
,n of evil habits in. yout or'atter excesses.
Our Vitalized Treat priNcures the worst it)
43 $
1.0 cases.
Emissions at ifaricocete v
, sap the vigor and vitality and produce A
/A weak men. Our Dollar Treatmesst tii
.) will Cure You. Z
Stricture and Cleet„
No matter how chronic, yield to our Vital- it
f (zed Treatment. No operation, uo p.in, to,
. no detentiort from business. All drams 4
cease. Our Dollar Treat:tic:at will 4
4) Cure You. 11
0 Blood <a Sexual Diseases '
te cured forever. No return of the disease.
4111No Mercury. No Poison. Our Dollar
0/Treatment will Cure 'Von. We
Guarantee Cures.
• We treat and cure all dis- eat nnulis
• eases of men and ornett for USG UtIL ii
Examination and Consultation Fru. Writo for bastion g
List for &so Treatment.
i DOLLAR DOCTORS, 47 Mieltigti, tirhu.13'
Carefully washed, properly ironed,
correctly finished and fairly priced—
thaVs the history of your linen when
brought here. Not a thing in oUr
washing preparations to injure the
fibre of the goods and not a thing
Unhealthy' about our 'work rooms.
Leave Or& re at Darras Feed Store,
When you want a fine line of Printing,
whether it be
Large Posters
Horse Route Cards
Letter Heads
Bill Heads
Wedding Invitations and
Visiting Cards
Business Cards
Note Books
Receipt Books
Or any other kind of Printing, you can
get the best work at the most reasonable
price at
GOLD PLATED. %111,,T,Id.°11
with. your name and address,
and WO will forward this watch to yon !
by express for examination. It is a
snap-baok and bezel dustprodf •
open face, mem wind and sot.
gold plated, handsomely en-. 1
graved. It looks like a solid
pad watch, is Atte& with a 1 •
7 -jewelled American Model 1 .
Movement that we warrant to .
give good satisfaction. and '
just the watch for trodlogpur.
poses. If after careful exam. '
Megan you find thls watch to
be exactly' as represented, pay
tho express agent $295 and .
charges, and it Is yours.
Terry Watch Co. Toronto. Oot,
ant, who, of eourso, did not kuow a
word of Samoan, and took everything
that *Trek said for gospel Utah.
" 'You axe Mr Williams, I suppose,'
said the lieutenaut as polite as possible,
taking off his hat.
" 'Yesair,' said jack. 'Glad to meet
you. Step right in and intake yourself at
homer.' •
"So the lieutenant sat down On the'
veranda and Jack fetched out a bottle
rof gin, and they had two. or three bob -
biers quite sociable. The dicer explain,
morning a whole boatload of pigs and 13y thecultivating of' execu.tive
yams and taro and bananas, all the food alsility our women will be enabled se. YEAns'
• -
they oould raise. The natives wore g
6 do more and more for themselves,
to get off so easily;the young men were
sent at once to plantatious, and they and for others outside their hoes,
promised to have everything ready in adding to their strength and v pi',
the morning. both mental and physical, and mak•
"After some more talk, just
to cover ing then. hotnes all the more enjoy -
up his deceit, Jack informed the lieu- able,--s-Christian Work. ' *A
bush, but that the natives would send •Tjulmas D. Sheridan, for over 25 Thaw: MARKS
tenant that the Mali they were after had P.
years northern passenger agent or: Anyone gentling n skot oh and description may
goes to a place a few miles off in the
morning. fhe Grand Trunk Railwa. died a lotp
z. griteklY agnortnin our opinion freee/oliethelct
ItlIgarTetilly"Vilnitgattlinialailok 151:tenta
t tents.
after him and briug 'aim baok in the
, teeaseate4estta
his men and his guns back on boitrd his borne in Bnffalo. ggt'i tg'?ou.h ,)Pou.receive
0,04/notice,without theme, in the
"So the oalcer, well satisfied, took Yf
again; and • jack stoPped 'with the na- The Toronto Globe recently eon. S
th,es, being treated now with tbe greats
. eat reaped. Wined ,a list of 65 millionaires Adlandsomely 111mq-rated week15,. Lorgest cir.
war canoe, which seated 20 paddlers on Afriea, Who is credited with
"Next day he had •the latge village headed by John Bight, of South WI
(ow; four months, $1. Boa bran newsdealer&
ation of any sictentiflo Terms, $3 a
000,000 and. ending with President
each side, loaded up with pigs and fresh
Paul 1Crttgear whose fortune amounts
provisions of all kinds, and went off to
do some business with the Sea Gull. AS to $05 000,000. The other 63 have
they had had nothing but salt horse on fortu-nes ranging between these two
board for a month, the purser was glad
ted $100 amounts, the total amount being the
to_btuhye tthrfgotioetieloattiLd Jiitteekapidoehk4 give the immense sum of $3,860,000,000.
natives a' penny of it, but told them the • ------. by
inan-of-war evegeld let them off thit Nverrenatsavattet MIGHT AN» Winn'
persons to represent 05 as Managers in this
time if , they wotlds proMiee to behave
and close by cOnnties. Salary $000 a year and ex..
themselves in foture. • '1)011501. Straight, bons-lide no Mere, ne lobs salon,
"Then be informed the enptain ng Position perrodnent. Oilr 'r toren es, any bank In'
Mny town. It Is 'mainly offidee trik conducted St
had learned that Wilkinson had gond
, home, Neter/me& inclose welt. dressed *tamped
kettigl the LtrIlltatt..1111 to eilana. and that en) elolte. Ina OmastosComra1ur, Erept.S, 'Chicago.
.• it i
utiN & co 381Brcadway, yosk
Arfinoh 425 P st.. wnstiorvv.
Spend a Aar
Me icine
until you have tried
You can buy them in the paper 5 -cent cartons
Ten Tabules for Five Cents.
MI pit le put Up cheaply to gratify this unimersallfragestt demand for o tow Petri
If you don't find this sort of
Ripans Tabules
At the Druggist's
Plat Chain /hamlet
Vb 406 this beautiful
tor selling nig' ono &eon
Healy nal or Saver
556b nen Doylies, at ten cents mob, Latest and 'prettiest
deelifnei no two snot Write, and fro will solid the -Doylies,
postpaid; Sall them, return the money, and we et once fbrward
raw Ik'smist, sit twee tem WPM, Dealer Co..
nloal 4, I Turtat,o, Oleg+
Spruce St., New York, WI& they will be sent to yea by malls W , _
i2 cartons will be mailed for 48 cents. glances ore tee to
me that 'Ripens Tabules ire the very tnecli4ne you nee&
,• •