HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-03-26, Page 17,-1.3t*Pcla, Heather ‘arid, Overholt, C/eb Thompson wouliflike, at this time, to thank the voters of Huron- Middlesex for their support —during-my-recent-palMeat-coni-_- paitim i also would like to thank the many people who worked so diiigently.on my behalf. jimBritne41 THE HURON EXPOSITOR. MARCH., 1$41 #17 roved at t.41 Middlesex MPP led his, amily In singin0 the auoilonges song at ThursdaY'Sc!ictory ceit.)ra- lion et the Pineridge Ot)alet. Freni the left ere Yne Rtioil, soma. and Jacky Ridde.il. IT:A PhotOy Correspondent MARY CHESSELL I , 482-9%4 Tfic higgeSt ,i.rowd this year - 15 tables attended the Orange Lodge euchre parts on Friday night. Mrs. °uterine Watkins •' had thq high, score from Dawson. Pla.vota a man. won the -other -high consol4tion inners were, OeriWtleilit:rha,tier of •,41,trib and Cliffl ht • tutu!. . Of. 11,V•ftead.4.• • ,IFfr4,o Aeigt ‘ViOneiti jOnstort Mtiptc. Grace McClinehey and Ruth Johnston. , Ruth and bolurdock, Morrison returned on. Friday from a 04o-week holiday ssith rylatise at Gulfport. Florida. flies had lovely weather all the% time and Travelled to mans places on that side of Florida. CongratittatMtis µ to .' Bob 104l; • BaVter 'wir• t'cift+ atl award for Abe highest. eMnpOsite • - t-nereok of dine points Perdt and: f.ast .area ak -,i`the :•Dairs. Herd , lmprovetnent banquet at Avonton. Composite refers to the combinesifigures for milk and butherft production. and BCA refers to breed class average. 4 Bill and Eleanor McAsh and Bob and Marjorie Stirling vacationed for two •ret*It dreNifit-‘411*441- Florida. They experienced, lovely_ weather. "The commenial fishing .season sea591) */tA‘begun 4t G.uderlch. Jerry Reid. 01 works for ed wAs out Sunday for t e first run. but experienced some difficulty ,with ice on the return trip. Weekend guests with Jerry and Jean and family were her parents and brother. Mr. and ,Mrs. Cliff St, John and Tim of Clebetr*ittrt, al'irsty.cair ..c•10.v,1-- • .• • CPliege; gq.sk • speaker at Sunday's church Services. Enrollment at the college is away up, bast there has been no increase 1# the number of 'OragSSIXS. A campaign is underway for money to employ more. profesSOrs h,Tight., and lively young. Waawl,,syilt tell, about Life at the c411er'An their Drama service at Carmel • and area Jim JamiSOn of the' audio. visual department of the , Huron county Board of Education. Rev. Stanley McDonald attended the wedding of LloN Shaddick to Derk Garliehs in Keifer Memorial Chapel, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo on . Saturday• Despite the blustery weather there was a good attendance for the St. Patrick's Day Social ai Hensall United Church for the District Ministerial Association, All the ministers of all. 'de. nominations and their wives enjoyed an evening of games. fun and 'fellowship. The meeting closed with a suitable lunch . -with Rev, McDonald as the host. LENTEN SERVICES CONTINUED. For the third Sunday in Lent. Stanley McDonald Added to • his series on Pilgrims on the Roo by • preaching on "Not being defeated along the road", at Hensel] United Church. The text was "Let us lay aside every weight. and Sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with iationee Ate—race-that set before us. looking unto. Jesus. the autinir ,and t • finisher of our faith." The children thought about Jesus. the Lord of the Dance, or the Lord of I. The worshipperS were greeted at the door by Ken Elder and the ushers were Melanie Veal' and John Rowcliffe. Next Sunday. as well the regular morning service. a , special Confirma-tion Service and Reception will be held at a p.m. Eleven new members will be receivedthough profession of.their faith. The Three Links Senior Correspondent MRS. BERTHA MacGREGOR 262-2005 Rev. Kenneth Knight Conducted service in Carmel Presbyterian Church on Sunday. March 22 when two members of the Southern Ontario Unit of the Covenant Players. Gail SteWart from Kansas „City. Missouri and Chris Rutz from Juno, Alaska were guestS. Dorothy Taylor presided at the organ for the service of song and The Van Wieren 'sisters. Carol Ann, Teresa, and Audrey sang , trios accompanied by Carol Ann on the guitar. The °"Players" took' part in the service and portrayed the sermon "Anybody Know The Way?" in drama. The. service wa's well attended followed by a coffee hour in The school-room when.„every- one had the opportunity to meet-the players. Representatives from all the groups in the United Church attended an audio- visual training night • on Monday. March 16. The training was conducted by Rev. Stanley McDonald and t I Citizens are reminded the April meeting.. is a 'pot luck supper-a t 6:30 p . m. hich ik ill be held on -April 7th, itE,BEKAti LODGE TO OBSERVE ANNIVERSARY Noble Grand' Ber tha MacGregor, assisted b% Vice Grand( dadis Coleman pre- sided the meeting of Amber Rebekah. lodge on Wednesday evening. Elizabeth Riley gave a report of the recent euchre and Treasurer Mrs. Dorothy Corbett reported for bank balances and also reported a - gratifying 'amount rcalized from the sale they catered to on Saturdas Arrangements were made to celebrate the Lodge's anniversary on April • Isr when Verna Thomas ro-- Brussels will make her official- visit. The Secretary Ruby Bell advised the members tickets were available • for the Assembly Morning requested, to purchase their prec.-ded by a banquet at the Star Lodge on April 14th Presbyterian ' Church in tickets hi April I si. PS Scholar Brusrvls.„,,,,MeMbers are soildacr- nti he visits tsoi representative and ons ofJhc Rebek-ah Asseinhly -of Ontario at tbe Royal York Hotel in Toronto in June must be chosen this month. Members were reminded, about the invitation to the Dessert Euchre at Pride of Huron Lodge March 31st at 1:30 p.m. All members who plan to attend the dinner op April 1st must have their names in by. Mardi 30th. Mrs. Edith Bell .was in Toronto last 'sveek attending the graduation from Radio College of her two grandsons Jim Pollock. liensalt and ScOtt 'Beaver, Paris. 'A re- ception followed at the Royal York Hotel. • and Mrs. Mary Roobol attended , the funeral in Brantford on Monday of Mrs. Hensall Minor Hockey Supper was held in the Arena on March 22 for hockey players, coaches. managers. parents. „brothers • and ,sisters. and about 250 attended,. And% {manse organized the day. Rev. Stan called on the 'coaches- and managers Bill Scotehmer and Rich MeGeC and Tykes': Les Gardiner and Harry Moir : Noice: Lester Brubacher and Harry Moir; Atoms: Brad Mann • and Brad McBride; Pee , by all. Les'Gardiner thanked trophy :, Marg Van4iitie pre. speaker was much enjoyed, Wt.:: Brian Decker and ' coach with a gift. Andy Megans Atoms. Each player was presented a tented each manager and McDonald the minister and presented • the guest GeOrge Gawne, the former Mary Van Dyke. a cousin of Mrs. Rimini!. Mr. and Mrs. Bill O'Brien of Brigden visited on Sunday with the latter's mother Mrs. inc Flynn and also with Mrs. O'Brien's father Mr, Flynn in Victoria Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Popock and Jane. and Mrs. Edith M. Bell_ Exeter, attended the, gladuation ceremony on ?-March loth. 1481 at the Ball Room of the Royal York -Hotel.' Toronto when Jim Pollock - graduated with hnnours from Radio College of Canada as ari- Electronic Eng ineering Technologist. Jim will be employed by Toronto International Airport, news, Hockey players, helpers honoured him with a gift. Andy [manse spoke again and real surprise was given Marg Vansione when Janet. Moir presented her with a gift for being a 'Hockey Mom to the players ,and the loudest cheerer at the. games. The draw was made on a needle point donated by Tom Munroe and Bob Goudie and won by Peter Bedard Second prize donated by Brian Decker-a hockey stick plaque -- winner 'Dianne Kirton. The Minor League officerswish to thank everyone who helped make it a very special. day 'for the players. Saturday. March 2811 is the dance and the mit Meeting is. April 6th at 7 p.m. at 'the Arena. The Chiselhurst .Ladies entertained the residents of Oucensway Nursing last Wilfred Mousseau. is a patient 'in South Huron Hospital. Exeter week with bingo and treats. Mrs, Eric Luther conducted the church, service. Visitors, with fmma Wilds were Kermal Dogan. Don and Dianne Wilfred Mrs. Henry Geortz. Patrick' Wilds, Frank and Mariea Wilds. Mrs. Kay Coskivell, Henry and Marie Wilds, Alma . Witmer, Valerie Studeries and Daniel and Mary Kuesnet. Visiting with Alice kozendal was, her husband Don. Dirk -and Marie Rozendal. Steve and Miuke Soper. Doris and Alicia Bectard visited_ with. Fanny Clark. Walter Florence Whilhelm visited' Edna Youn Bill Triebner visited with his Mother Mrs. Muriel Triebner. a ALL READY FOR CHRISTMAS—Ruth Pepper of egmondville is going to be prepared well in advancefor next year's Christmas celebrations. She's decorating a ceramic Christmas tree at the Tuesday night school class taught by' Mary parroll of Seaforth. (Photo by Hook}, "se -.47±1.2-• Qualif ied speakers on: Pool opening', chemicals, automatic pool cleaning , solar heating Poo V' Chemical Seminar 25 NEW 1980 & 81 GMC PICK-UPS *In Stock And Ready , For Delivery Now!! -- *CHOOSE FROM GAS OR DIESEL MODELS AND 1/2 , 3/4 OR 1 TON PICK-UPS all chemicals and solar blankets Until May 2, 1981 Act now and save' \ make an appointment and come toour showroom and try one You'll like It WHIRLPOOL? Never been In a e point_ 311S-eggino, automatic power-sesatIna, power brakes. chrome mirrors, chrome bumpers. Worm Grande package and much more. Serial no. 5239111. 00 plus tax ONLY -443-25-. &licence, - 23'4 North Main St., Seaforth 527-0104 milimmeeimmimisismit emseina0011.11 Sat:t3:1"Yonl. FREE DRAWS f Coffee and dotigbnuts Of r Everybody Welcome 7 , uesday, April 7th, 1981 - Middegaal We are booking now for pool openings „f WAMPOLE . VITAININ E twilk----29- -ATURAL- - 400 I.U. 100 CAPSULES ONLY INV • -IVORY LIQUID DETERGENT 99 1 LITRE ONLY 111 • 40 Alirsillrlerard.W4,4102,011012/20111101.4020 TRIANG LE C CI LI Ntistri THE SQUARE, 00001041 NIA1114 CORt4iR CLINT ON/ SEA-FORTH Altitkis Trientile your firstilitop for Voloot I wish to express my appreciation for your support and good wishes during the election. It was my pleasure to meet with many of you and I look forward to meeting with you again, in the it, upcoming years. Likewise I look forward to serving the needs of tliii opie_ oaf_ _HurOnAriate.,_ 7rd all who woriced'xpliard in the election effort, I say "Well done!" The effort put forward, by all of you was encouraginicto 00 and indicates that the people of this riding have a healthy respect for our democratic process. Aoki thankyou for the confidence thatcyou have shown -me. I will work hard to uphold your trust. Sincerely, leck-volth-red-Interlon-lots-of -chronterarnititrradle; rally wheels, sliding rear window, fats, lots more. 'GALL TO-DAY FOR A PiticE WEST END PONTIAC BUICK GMC TRUCKS OF MITCHEll LTD. 82 Huron Sfreet 348408 or ,$459 Open nkjhibt till 9 till any tclitt;Zidy • $