HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-06, Page 66
\VLNUILAM1:1111.E3., OCTOBER 6, Wit).
bt 0.01auvipm nuts
FitIDA.Y. 00T. O. 1899.
ireent in Australia, to which I made
telereoee last wetk, has het a gen.
A Canadneo. tho Tratiavaal.
tleman wile eetensively interested Mr. .A. J. who for
in the carrying trade between thiel eeara carried: tai plaiting mills and a
continent end Australia, to amen eaalt and deer faetery at Kincardine, -
pewee but went respecting tno Oat , of Welt town tie Was one of
the best known citizene and some
t • le time ego weet to Germiston, in the
action of (:antichan, exporters which t
if correct, ie seemly to the e elm e ,
----- Ile says "Canada will never get her Transvettl, . has written to Mrs.
From our own Unetewohdcut.
full credit for ecatuinercial entererise Evens, who lives on St. Itetrick
Ottawa, Sept. 30t1t, Until her own merehents help t. etreet, Toronto, regarding the pres•
in the course of his speech in To boom the Dominion along. They do cut erlAs, in . the course Of his
ronto recently, Mr. Foster. in Ms not always do so, in • tact many of letter he Says, ;—"As to the mines, it
charter ofvfitaal Opposition expert them :teem to be ' reIrtetant to let is hard tosay whether they will shut
Undertook to prodace figeres to show • Australiane, or other buyers f. a that • . down or not. Of course they re
the relative progress Canada had Matter, Know that they are getting le !;ympathy. with England, • and
made in Vrrious direetions during. Ct.-median goods. In the =MO of against Krugers Government.
tbe eighteen yeare of Conservative my business I have emee woes. Simla the tnines in the event of
,. y
Government prior to June 1.811e1, and I sevet al instances of bad, jadgment war shut downonlkeeping the
during the three yeate wiliche have lend lack of patriotism on the part of water puteped out, it will throw
50men out ot employment,
elapsed tince. Amoth
ong er itemsiCanadian merchants. One of them, over 000
' tube of peteentaoes which was ' a huge exporter of cottons, ingsted including those cereals, dependent
his .
fearfully and wouderfally construct- I upon sending a large cargo of Oil them, Tohannesburg could not
exist t ,
ed appeared cheese, the export of goode to Australia vitt New York, three months withouthemines
working and producing. The situ.-
whielt Mr. i:. assured his ap , because he feared that the ekustra;
don would indeed bo serious and be-
plauding audience, had decreased I liens would not, as. he INd been
during the latter peri -u, while it ; told', purchase any but Tenittal yond my conception. It is true tbat
had inereased under the instering States cottons. lIu made a success all heads of families who could afford
ful venture and of course, he has ; it would send their families to Natal
or Cape Colony, and many would go.
home to Europe or America. It is
difficult to say yet what I shall do, as
it alt depends on the circumstances
that emanatefrom a declaration of
care (.4 u Conservati'O Government
2800 per cent. The accuracy to the
latter halt of this statement way be
judged by a refereiVie to the Domin-
ion year - book whieh records the fact
that, whereas in 1878 .cheese ex-
per.ts amouuted to about %1,000,000,
in 1896 they were less than $14,000,-
000 an increase of lese than 350 per
cent in 18 years instead of, 2800 per
cent. As to the -decrease" since the
change or Government, the figures I immigration branch of .the Depart -
for the t ear keit closed . arc over I meet of the Interior, to place the
21,000,000 as against the en4,000,advantages' of Min Canada before
000 for 1896, en increase of over 50 the people of the Old Country, and
per cent. The year just cl"sed as to bring home to them the- vastness
'run D'IGGEAr AND sioAT PROMISING and vane of the resources of the
in the Ittetory e,f u .cheese trade, Dominion, the following clipping
but the increase in the exportation of taker from. the Dahlia Farming
butter to tercet Britnin is fir greater World's report of the recent horse
even than that. In 1878 the total show in the Trish capital 'may. be
quantity of butter exp•wted was but (Doted :—"The Canadian Govern.
34,006,626 pound-, in 181)0 it'had ment invariably makes a• display,
dropped to 5,880,211 pounds,. or a which as an ceject lesson to - agri-
genuine, not imaginary, decrease of eulturists, reeks exceedingly high,
ttboat 70 per cent, while for the The stand N effectively decorated,
current year about 20 000,000 while the array of :Canadian agri
pounds wilt be shipped to the British
Market. Of coulee Auguet i the
great shipping month when more
than 50 per cent le sent .u&; for the
mouth nf Augnst 18e7 the shipment
wan 10.898 cwt., in Auguet of last
year the shipments had, grown "to is conspicuously displayed . also. t. •icho and Constipation
"Let me tell von about Head.' - - • - • • -
15 730. ew t. hat in August 1859. the Mineral products are represented by ' • ,somethingd • • the A despatch from. Sing Sing, N.
had to continue to tell bis *customers
that ne is selling Yankee goods.
Another gentleman who ow ns
large wood working establishment, in
Ontario does tte same thing" Poor
Canadians, these.
As evidence of tbe value of the
practical work being done by the
Agricultural Department and tbe
cultural products is not only large
but instructive. Excellent serapNs "Talk about newspaper wcrk. Ingersoll, and carried by an over -
Why, you fellows who work on whelming majority of 440 votes. EA P
are shown of wheat, oats, barley and `e.
rye in the straw, wbich Indian corn Mr.eTohnll. Smith., Lake Stream
modern papers with plants costing
I will guarantee
that my Rheumatiam
Cure will relieve lum
bago, sciatica and all
rheumatic pales in
two or three bolas,
and cure ia a ,revr.
At- all druggists,
25e, a vial. Guide
to Health, and medi-
cal advice free.
1505 Arch at.. Phila.
Tho Stratford Bank Failure.
Stratford, Sept. 23.—.4 meeting of
the creditors et' M.owa.t, the
signed, was held here yesterday. B
private banker, who yeantly John Brown,. M. P. P., the assignee,
rendered a statement of the assets.
land liabilities, and said that Mr. c
Mowat had. Do proposition to make
to the meeting, Mr. Brown was con-
firmed in bis position. and was in-
structed to wind up the e -tate as
speedily ns possible, .consonant with
the least possible loss. Wm..David-
• son, comity clerk, and Oliver Smith
• 1 were appointed inspectors to act in _.sevieret Basak,-11ours, 10 to 8; Sattirday.. 10 to
conjunction with assignee on behalf
:'.1=osits of $1 And upwards remit ed and interest
• •• , r • •••04, • is "Tilir""•""".
841113A.Tel SI.1111/IOBS. • e
TRODISTe-Rev. R. llobba, pas•
or. Services at 11 a al and.7. p in.
PRIefillYTERIAN--Rev. D. Porrie
patter. Services at 11 a ni and7 p m,
14.1.)1S0OPAL, St. Paul's—Rev, Wm.
Lowe, rector. erview at 11 a to and 7
BAPTIST —Rev. W. Freed, pastor.
Services at 11 am ante7 p m
Cronin, pastor. Services at 11 a ni mid
7 p
Outram and Look in cournand, Services
at 3.p to and 8 p aa.
nun wife in comtnand. Services at 11 a,
na, p na and 8 p in,
In each of the above named churches
Sabbath School le held at 2,80 p in,
bit (1 Ingbit Eialo
,sutiseviptionyrice, $1 Der Year, in advance-
On?, Column $fili 00 54000 820 00 $8 og
ilalt " 40 00 en 12 00 A 00
Quarter " 20 00 12 00 7 00 2 00
one Mei" il 00 0 00 2 1.10 1 00
. .-..-.... .._ .. . -.. ...
-Legal and other claim advertisement. 80 Per lino
Mx Ursa insert mend la per line or KWh Bubo:Tient
Ittfortitn. Meosui eti by tionparal reale.
Oa. per line for enol, subsequent Ai smiler.
n000l notices 10o. per line for irst inserti0e,
Ad yertlionuonts 0 Loot, roil nd, Strayed, Mutates
and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding a Doe
nonpareil, St for first month, and 00o..for each
slit, s:ugeire natn
na'°Fnat'rhnis. for Salo, not exceeding 8 line.
41, for fitst month, 00c. per subsequent month
Larger advertisements in roportion.
These terms will be strictly adhered to
Special rotes for larger advertleetnents, or or
longer periods.
accordingly. Trazantury advertisements must be
. Advertainuents and livid notices without specific
direetions will ho inserted till forbid and charged
ap ital., 01,491,520. Rest, $1,000,000 paitin Rods mfanroo
rtC ang co tract aciv
ertisomentr must be to
?resident—JOON STUART. the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appear
Vice-President—A. O. EMMY. that week
ono Promo% 446n, ROACH, WM GIBSON, 1.1P,
A. T. wrou, A. LED gOrOnto),
Fleart Full of Song Because Southlof the creditors, The genera! opiniOn
American Rheumatic -Cure Hasitepoolta also received at, foment
Draft; oftetille:nitt Britain 4tia tho United State.
1 seeins to be that the estate will not
I realize more than 25 per cent, bought and uoid
Healed Her.
"For the benefit ce the au fferinglbn m- Starved Nerves. E. It. 1.)1(1KIN SON. Solicitor.
anity I consider it my duty to inform — -
\it hen the blood is thin and watery,
you a the great and lasting benefit I
the nerves are actually starved and nerv-
ha% e receive rota t e use . ous exhaustion and prostration eoPri pit i ri
1 D - ODD on ItYotes
Atnerican Rheumatic Cure. was a follow. Feed the nervee with Dr. A. vv, Y Q " •
sufferer from rheureatis for a -number of
Chase's Nerve Food and you will impart
years—all remedies 1 tried failed to
to them the new life and vigor of perfect
cure until I commenced to use thie
wonderful preparatiori. it worked a bea"' l'aca cut and Ilia -simile Big"' o ,es Diseount.F0
tura ge Dr. A. W. Chase on every box of
great cure. I trust other sufferere the genuine
may follbw my example with as eatis-
factorilly results." Mrs Bates, 71 Money advanced on Mortgagee at 6 )1', rent wee
Gloucester Street, Torouto. Sold by A. A bylaw to provide for the arant: ettence, nf pwiee at the and of arty year. Not,
L. Hamilton. ing of a $20,000 bonus to the Lake and accounts collected.
Tilsonburg and Port Burwell H.GBT. ItiolN100
Beaver., Block Winithare. Ont •
Journalism Under Difficulties. railroad from Tilsonborg to Ingersoll
was submitted te the ratepayers of
which grows 13 feet hi,gh, and yields up into the hundreds of thousands of Kent co., eneB,, says: "From personal
from 20 to 25 tons of fodder per acre Idollars don't know anything about experleuce I willingly testify to the good G
superannuated editor efreot° Luatreiver P'118 for Sick t .•11"
unprecedented total 60,957 was
reached, an average of about 100
eons a day. There. can be no
question about these figures for they
are prepared by the 13ritish board of
trade, and ro sespieion of pa rtiallity
towards anyone can therefore ex-
. ist.
The butter and cheese trade of
Great Britain is worth looking after,
for last tear she imported 340,000,-
000 pounds of the fermer, of which
Canada suppliet1 less than 104000,-
000 pounds; while she lap -tired
251,000,000- pounds of cheese of
•vvhich Oneida sent mot e that' half.
Thanks to the untiring and intelli-
samples of ores from various import- T enterprise. was ..
ant mines ; the quality of the prairie war down in Tennessee. 1 was states that on Wednesday last George
soil is indieated by the exhibition of running a week's, and Grant kept Crevessa, 45 yeti rs of age, formerly
everything out, There wasn't a a,Goderich, hanged himself through
a specimen ; a 'splendid stuffed
specimen of the head of a Canadian sheet of paper in the town, and our nieb11301411Y. following unavailing
Washington band press had. broken, efforts to bemire work. He was it
steer illustrates to a certain extent
and the new casting necessary to
the quality of the stock; while photo-
graphs, books and pamphlets serve make itwork was somewhere on. the-
afford a good idea of the land in road, with Grant'sarmy between us.'
smug -
the Dominion generally. • We have "But 1 got there, A fellow seldom indeed Inspected so varied Bled in -a wagon load of flour done
and instructive a display." . up in paper bags, The rest was
WHERE XHEY MAKE MONEY. . easy. There was a stranded circus
.A. Western Ontario farmer who in town. It had been there a year,
m and I used the elephant for a press.
has just returned from a trip . fre
his / put the form on - the ground and
Manitoba, has , been giving
experience to the Weekly San :—"it plaeed a flour bag over it, The
' * . - . • d h
e p
gently conducted efforts of the is simply marvellous," he says, "how e epn
Agrienitural Departnient, and tbe people were getting along in that brute to sit dewn on it, and we got
personal efforts Ut Mi'. Fiber, the conntry. Seventeen years ago,—
28 first lass impressions, two more
Minister, the Canadien dairyman who had been working for me moved than our circulation required."
bas now the knowledge width en- to the vicinity ot Oak River, Mame°.
ables him to produce the article ba. When he reached that country
which the British minket requires, he had only enough money to buy a
and the facilities for plaeing it upoe yoke of oxen and carry him through
the market in prime condition. the first year. He now has two
There is no question that 80 per sections of land, consisting of 640
cent of the improved condition of the acres each. He has 460 acres in
trade today is directly traceable to grain erop this year, and at least400
this cause. • , of that is wheat. You will find few
A VOOLISTI PRAcTICE, better stone houses in Ontario than
The publication tit the report of there is on his farm. Ile has besides
Me. Lute, Canada's e0mrciercial eighteen good work horses. He
should have at least 10,000 bushels
of wheat this year, which will toil
from between 50 eents to 60 cents
'Wasted and .. Dr. A. W.
Shattered by Worry
or Overwork are
Revitalized hy Nerve Food
" Nerves. "—what a world of meaning this
Word has to scores of thousands of women
who, through the strains of social life and the
tweirry of home cares, are fast approaching the
Nervous headaches, dyspepsia, irritability by
day, restlessness and sleeplessness by night.
Pains and aches in the body, derangements of
the organs peculiarly feminine, loss of energy
and ambition, despondency and despair.
These are some of the symptoms known- to
• tire woman of exhausted nerves. These are
symptoms which entirely disappear when Dr.
A. W. Chase's Nerve rood is used.
Ily creating new, rich blood and nerve tissue
filo great food ‘euro of 1)r. A. W. Chase re.
stores and revitalizes the wasted nerve cells,
ruts new vigor and vitality into the system and
frees woman of many ills which are clue to
ash:lusted nerves
lir. A. W. Cluise's Nerve. Pood cures by the
building -up process, aviliclt makes the body
soitnil and idunip, and restores the glow of
Stealth to the pale, sallow cheek.
goe. a box at all dealers, or Eilmanson, Pates
&Co., Torotie.i.
False modesty °Mises many penile'to
endure in silence the greatest misery
imaginable trona itching piles. • One ap-
plication of Dr. A. W. Chase'e Ointment
will soothe Mid ease the itching, one box
will completely cure the worst wee Of
blind, itobing, bleeding, or protruding
piles. You have no risk to run for Dr.
A. W. Chase's Ointment is guaranteed
to cure
The Cox-Reattie Tragedy. .
Goderich, Ont., Sept. 26.—The
ease of the Queen vs. Wm. 00x was
Before placino• your order
for Spring Clothingccall and
SC C our
clerk in tbe Molson's Bank at Mon- •
tread up to six months ago.
;People who have weak lungs or are
subject to LiotigiiP, k.0104 ed;ria throat,
.should take a tew bultle:4 of Or. Wood's
Noreay Pine Syrup,'whibb weed heal
and'strengthen thbir lungi4 aunderfully.
• uco. T. Fulford, t f Brockville,
who is at Winnipeg en route to the
Xotetety, hays his Advertising an
eount for nos year in placing bis
patent medicine., befere the public
will be over a million dollars,
..Erigiith Beam Lieta•t 01. retnOveS all
hard. .eoft taiiinukt,d Lumps and
• iiietuibhea ijont borate, Blood Spavin,
Curbe, Hplintz., Ring Bone. Sweeney,
Stifles, pro i Doe, Bore and Swolleti
Throat, 0,..,oges, etc. bay*: 950 by use of
one bottle. Wurranted he 11.10A wonder -
tui Ullro over 'known. Sold by
A, L. tlismilton.
Mr. R. McDonald, of lot 18 on the
8 is con. of Culross, picked fifty
pears tiff it !hub of one of his pear
trees which was only three feet
long. •
Toronto milk dealers have decided
to form a trust.. Capital 6850.000,
r. A. W. CHASE
per bushel,andthe cost of raising .
the same will be only 20 cents per revived here again Ti It will
bushel. All told, — does not Owe be remembered Cox shot his son -in
over $500." law in Goderich township the last Of
CIVIL SERVICE EXAMS. (*.ober, 1898, killing him. Ail in
vestigation took place imitediately
Civil service entrance examine-
tions will be held in Charlottetown, afterwards at Godench before Police
St. John, Halifax, Quebee, Montreal, Magistrate Seeger, a great number
Ottawa, Iiingston, Hamilton, Toren- of witnesses being examined. The ,
a and magistrate discharged Co, on the
to, London, Winnipeg, Victori
Vancouver, cornMencing on Tuesday, that be practtcally acted in
November 14th, at 9 a. tn. Sessions self-defence. The Crownwas on
will also be held at the same hour at that oecasion represented by the
Port Arthur, snit Ste. merle. town Attorney, And Mr, CDR by
examination at, these eentres is the deceased Beattie, with a view of
was started, doubtless by friends of'
Holt. Iteeently an agitation
Regina and Calgary, providing that PhiliP
the number of persons applying for
sufficient to justify the bolding of the having the matter investigated by a
same. Forms of application may be petit jury, and with that object in
view a flat was got frotn the Attar,
obtained. from sir? wm, I,eree, the
ney.General, permitting the Crown
Secretary at Ottawa, and must be officer to put a bill before theigrand
returned to hie address not later jury, charging Cox with manslatight
than the 160 of Oetober. er, whteh was accordingly done this
afternoon. After a careful investi.
Children Cry for lotion this evening, the grand jury
refittirned no bill against Cox. for the
Triumphs over the Worst Forms of
The wonderful success of Dr.- Chase's Kid-
ney -Liver Pills adds to the fame of the great
doctor whose name is familiar in almost every
home as the author of the world famous Recipes
Scores and thousands of grateful men and
women have been rescu.ed from the miseries
and dangers of kidney disease by this greatest
of all kidney burgs.
Mr. D. C.'Simmons, isfalse, Ont., writes :
"My kidneys and back were so bad I was it
Unable to work My urine had sedi-
peulri'koer fil?.451:ktimuusestauirwinug to compciled 1saw get
Dr. Chase's Kielney.Liver Pills advertised and
concluded to give them n trod. I have only
used one box and am completely cured. I was
a great sufferer for zi3 years, but my kidneys do
nOtbother mernow. I enjoy good rest and sleep
and consider l)r. ChaSe's Kidney -Liver Pills a
boon to suffering humanity."
Dr. Chase's Kidney-tiv Pills, one pill a
dose, eAc, a box, r.t all dealLersie or Edmanson,
for 1899. We can afford to
sell New Goods cheaper than
old stock that cost one -halt
more than new and better
goods a the latest styles will
cost to -day.
We make clothes 'that fit.wnoutt:EN L iNfoURANCE
JOHN RIT01118.1
For the treatment of DISEAPF.S or WOMEN and
SI111010AL he Of all Liticls, For pttrtioulogs-
Medical thtperihtethiont, 1% aquas], Out:
Private and Company funds to loon at haricot rata
interest. No commission cheroot', Mortgages, town
and Mrnt propert; bought and sold
3. A, AWItTO.N
• LO&N.
Orme—Mover Meek. Wingilani
°Mee—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets
opposite Colborne Hotel.
AUTLITTli; J. IlriftE, D .D L D S,
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania.
Dental College and Licentlote t 1 the Royal College'
of Dental Suit:eons of Ontario. Oilice over Post
Office, W nghain,
CY • him D. D. Etna, groduute of tbe 1t. C. D, S.
of Ontario, and is prtportd to do all manner of
Dental Wolk at I/nomd° lulus. Beaver Mock,.
Opposite the Brunswak House, %% Ingham.
Qtieen's Block.
This bandanna
boys watch for
oohing two dos, dainty
packets of Ilonotr .00,•
hos% and Violet Per-
im:tont to eta each, or
this pretty lady's watch
for selling three dozen.
Writoand Iva sendthe
perenno. Soil it, re-
turn tho mousy, and 'we forward your watch
a.1 charges paid.
nee w h. 2, TORONTO,
enee charged. Bata SiCo., Toronto.
:aveats and Trade•Marlil obtained, and alt patent
-usiness conducted for MODERATE FEES. My
office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office,
and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed
Send model, sketch or photograph of invention, wiet
description and statement as to advantages claimed.
470`.ao Margo is made for an opinion mato
pateniabingth and my fee for prosecuting the
application Will /100 So ecated for malt the
patent,..!*aitowett. "Itrvisterottei Ovate:, con-
taining furl information sent free. Communi'
tiltions 00081der04 as strictly tonaerntise
WO 10 Iiiv:esets W4SJI1XGTO1 JLC.
0295 get,ito enpiridr:Itnri
- ti7 voiit se;`,04:21tal-pre; eing.:
/- ". th'rntcrthY::"Ice3a1:11'11:r.Ito I:e1:::
e., , s: tee% handsomely engraved, fitted
.e• ';'‘. '",,
axon Mumma not froVelnold,
'l.lady's or preto Mgt 12 1344
1(:00'CHMOr1,1.,,1im, 1ieq.ru1CalaIn
: ., ,t!'earoom fA a05(0Vt0t*i1t
"13.i' tAi11l1tr11.gl
,1;A;e2M1%":*4"1:Irit161t iM i
YtillN pay toe opessn'-j,2tiamel; srhAv% an 18
Vtt41. .rekYWa1411Cu..4.:.1.. w‘Varegitet
10 DEANS. JR.,
Sales attended In any part 01 the. Co. Charge
JOHN CURRIE, Witionem,
Sales of farm Stock and Farm Implemeets
All orders left at the Tnars office promptlysitent
ed to. Terms reasonable.
6 49 a. m. 8 05 p. at
8 80p m 10 29 p m
8 55 4 m 8 05 p nx
6 53 a m' 11 lb a ni
d 80 p m 8 00 p fa
11 10 a m 6 49 a rn.
8 80 p m 8 80 p m
10 2.9 p m 8800.M
Toronto and East
Palmerston mixed
Loadonand South
08 —camp Caledonia, No.
o 49 111000
the first and third Monday 10
every Month, in .,he fold Fellows Hall. Visiting
brethren Welerm J. Murray Chief. It 13
Elliott, Iten.-See
phlets, ste131
; Heeds, Circulars, &O., dm., executed in the bad
style of the art, at Moderato prices, and es short
notice. Apply or add ress
T 1148 Otilce. Wine:inn
We are Moused to announee that any Books es
Magarines left with us for Binding, Will have out
prompt attention. Prices for hindhurin any' 4414
will be given on atafile.stiott 0 the TOMS Office