HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-03-26, Page 8AL,w- THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 26, 1981 khes honour Tuckermith council briefs 1'4 ' IOUsbers•-and•editors- of-- Ontario:s weekly newspapers are sponsoring a new pro- gram to honour the pro- ,,vince's younger citizens. The Ontario Junior Citizen of the Year Avvards program will recognize youngsters. 'from silt to IS years of ago. who t,Aittleflite eontribu- Aions totfiejr , POO Wenger. .of "tile MPunt Purest' Confederate/ ffPWIY'clec-10Q3rte•bAlletif III the .0E404 eekK, - tatf'i• outice4 'the, 1#0gratti 4,1 reseene OWNA Fornication is •• Torbnio, Pointing Ont.' 110lAr • frequently the media report to the public the Shorleorit- ings and misbehavitnir if young people; lie said 1k.eokly neu spaper Asoeita non intends to do something about the situation. ..Our program is 'going tO recognize voungsters whtp are making worthwhile con- tributions to society... he told his fellow newspapermen , The Junior Citizen of the Year Awards program is open to both bays and girls -willrtlaVe"PlerrOthliirdtic physical heroism. have overcome phySical or psycho- logical handicaps. made meaningful con:gib/9,0°ns to personator familv well-being or have been involved in some worthwhile community sere ice endeavour rOisrtig' people can. be nein-, fliated fijr- the " award ftv t'eadcrs‘Of ihtrpkovike. M,s0", ,toi;Oinatio0 AltniN. • Olt " ite-avoitaDyerarUhoots al CP air ticket sales 'outlets; since the, airline is the to. sponsor-of the program with ,c. Odds ends by. Mine Townshend mi . rtt-T oughts Today's column will be filled' with a ' collection of mini-thoughts that have been running through Inv mind in helter-skelter order. **,k*** Politics is a topic I:usually avoid because., I'm net versed in the subject. However, the (Mario election campaign intriguedrme. kecording,to market researchers hired M the Progressive Conservatives, the voting public could he won with a catchy ad Campaign. I was a hit miffed.-Juvrbetause f could sing the. campaign jingle in the sheiwgr„gikijo4mgan.1 would mark the 1k ballot in the polling booth. , I never' -quite figured out 1v hat the promise as, burl knew who was going to pay for it the taxpayers. I was concerned with the economy; • upempiovn,icnt., eclikuatiOn system that seems -to be cutting a human rights- code' rhat-db-VS"fidf"rifevent diScrintinatioe against handicapped people hi this the international Year of _Disabled . „Persons.. and amendments to the Building\ Code to• make all public buildings accessible to air members of the public. that have been under study kir five years,. By the time ybu read this, the outcome of the election will be history. Advanee polls predicted the Conseriativcs. would be returned-with a 'Majority government. Whatever the results, Ttrust the people of Ontario—voted with • in t e I gen cc and thoughtfulness, and whatever party is now in power, I trust. it will work for the betterment of all' residents of the proVinee, Perhaps now we should take time out to pat ourselves on the backs for surviving another election. two Friday thirteenths in- a4ow. and a St. Patrick's Day that! was almost obliterated by .now. r * * * * * * • • My ego was give\ii a boost recently when a friend aSked me to ceaeh'her-Vertite she took her' driver's. rest. Some of my family reacted, with mock surpirse that she asked and amazement that 'she passed.. can't take all 'the credit. though. because other teaelters rode -with her., too. * * * * ** Annising remarks conic from would-he teachers trying to instruct new drivers. One 'man admits when he let his girlfriend•behind the wheel, "I know' she's going to stop at the stop sign. but find mysel ..ac sling at her. The-most honest advice rye heard came froin another man: ''Watch the way I drive and don't drive that "way .'• theught i had considered the situation of refugees re.ettling in Canada, but, after meeting a family at London airport two weeks ago. I realize 1 had not fully grasped the trauma. No. one can. artless they have lived through it. 1,wender how l-would handle having to leave my country. my culture and perhaps my family-to settle in a new land :with,. "'unfamiliar language and eustonis. I now have a revived 'appreciatimicif my' - 'homeland and a growing admnattup for the new Canadians who are starting Out in our communities. MINIMUM WAGERATES IN mamma General hourly rate Learner hourly rate Student hourly rate Liquor Licensed premises hourly rate —Construction-hourly-rate " New Minimum Wage rates will go into effect March 31st, 1981. Alurther increase will go into effect October 1, 1981. .1 Effedive Effective March 31st October 1st $3.30 $3.50 $3,20 $3.40 $2.45 $2.65 $2.80 . $3.00 $355 $3.75 Additional information may be obtained from the Employment Standards Branch, Ontario Ministry of Labour, in the following. cities: TORONTO ' HAMILTON ' KENORA 400 University Avenue 1 West Avenue South 808 Robertson Street M7A 1V2 LEIN 2R9 ' P9N1X9 Tel: (416) 965-5251 Tel: (416) 527-2951 Tel: (807) 468-3128 KINGSTON KITCHENER LONDON 1055 Princess Street ' 824 Ring Street West 205 Oxford Street East K7L1H3 , N2G 101 N6A 5G6 'Tel: (613) 542-2853 Tel: (519) 744-8101 Tel: (519) 439-3231 ' orrAwA ' ST. C.ATHARiNFS SAULT STE. MARIE 2197 Riverside tinve 205 King Street I 390 Bay Street ! K1H 7X3 L2R 3J5, P6A 1X2 Tel (613) 523-7530 Tel: (416) 682-7261 Tel: (705) 9494331 SUDBURY THUNDER BAY TIMMINS 199 Larch Street 4 35 James Street South 273 Third Avenue P3E 5P9 PIE 6E3 PAN 1E2 -Tel: (705) 675-4455 Tel: (807) 475-1691 Tel: (705) 267-6231 WINDSOR 500 Ouellette Avenue t443,0i Ouellette Tel: (519) 256-8278 For toll free nUtiters check the government listings in your local telephone directory, o Ministry of Labour Ontario Employment Standards branch *44.0•4* Counv:illvii Bob '13isi,:a4fOO1 re P6rt n' 1.11cks.:tstivitli oatnieil that ilk i.,Mitoi4 Fare Board fkiS1 '541. r title i- swath towtisiiip is respoirSlit,1%, fart -.85 pet 4. 4.- Itt ,,t thox ,is Broaittoot :sai d IN Mitt eet hadi t 1n, rcaSt d sui1/4.L a ,‘ .1,, S-19.000 in 1980 Mt Bioailtoot ,eid,„.1 the o-,4 is olamine.; i, hen SAVE -SCHNEIDERS' 86 C ON 2 . . \ SPECIAL PRId S EFFECT! E UNTIL CLOSING • TUE DAY- . - • MAR 31 OUR ,, . REG. 93‘ 1 LB. TU BS FOR r. , S AGHETT,I. til RIGATO I. VERMICELLI. READY C T MACARONI OR S AGHETTINI OFF I 1: kg— '------" . " OUR REG i 65 iiMIT 6 ciasromEn /12 Off ,..,, i 1 f ' , ' :ftt:, 't 't • PALMOIRE ''....____ ...... . Limit , PALMOLIVE LiQuip DETERGENT OUR Flf G 1 47 1/2 ORANGE- 'PEKOE: OR GAUZE STYLE OFF McCONNELLS i OF 0 . 30 . OUR REG m TC:7----1:KG PER - 6 PER CUSTOMER - t 500 • , 1/2 NIOTTS OFF BEEFAMATO . , OUR RE , 941 469m1 0 HALO NORMAL OR 2 75 OUR 8EG s t 83 350mI ' a SHAMPOO •IRISH OILY 1/3 ANTIPERSPIRANT OFF OUR REG 2 09 75 g SPRING 1/3 DISPOSABLE OFF BIC SHAVERS- •OUR198E C. 53# PKG OF 5 4111 COLBY. BRICK • OR FARMERS 12' or St so BADEN CHEESE • , 1. NORDICA - FRESH tea - 750g. ea , nA COTTAGE CHEESE 'LOY MADE APPLE FROM CONCENTRATE ZEHRS JUICE ___ 4 COLOURS FACIAL TISSUES 4 SCOTTIES '100 t an HIGH LINER FOR FROZEN N . $ I NIA FISH CAKES 24 or , y, YOU BAKING NEEDS m" ' Ft E! SC YEAST H MA N S - ' f At 4' • 4 or TIN I•V17 -- '-i-N-TOMATO-SAUCE- ° . _ ____ 'ZEHRS F SPAGHETTI 14 0.2 49 A, -go 48 or TIN I HIGH LINER .FROZEN HADDOCK $ 0/A FISH & CHIPS- 16 .01.#7 ' WESTONS SOUR DOUGH ` ENGLISH 110 MUFFINS F.KG OF-6.6 7 POWDERED , LAUNDRY DETERGENT It) an FAB 6 LITRE BOX 7.4g 7 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT , 10 11N117 PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY REQUIREMENTS SUNNY FROZEN DRINK At . ORANGE 12 or 6 Y WESTONS-PKG. OF 6 RASPBERRY OR LEMON , # BUTTERHORNS 99 AL CARNATION EVAPORATED 2%' PARTLY SKIMMED A t MILK 385,11I 207 46DILL ' DICKS GARLIC, NO GARLIC 1 LITRE OR PDLSKIE OGORKIE , „. PICKLES Li% REGULAR OR WINTERFRESU COLGATE TOOTHPASTE 200n1 , 51 S REFRESHING SCOPE 'MOUTHWASH , Nir .,,,, 0 IN STORE BAISESHOPS 1 SPECIALS 590 . 11 I 35 - 'SUPER BAR SOAP IBRAN, REG.. SUPER ea A PLAIN SPAGHETTI STYLE _...., 99 0 PAX PKG • OF 40 y BRAVO SAUCE 20 " ASSTO VARIETIES CAT FOOD igi (F) si TOMATO SAUCt.REp es F A A MISS MEW , 6. 0 A 1;HUNTS ) 75 or R ., SPA . C BREAD CHOCOLATE GRANOLA OR TRITICALE 16 or LOAF CHIP ONES ;3KG°1 -SPRING- IRISH Mg NO NAME . 3 SIZES - 1/3 OFF / RUBBER• OLOVESPAIR, FRASERVALE 20 at. ASSORTED INDIVIDUALLY FROZEN AA AdmiAii READY RASPBERRIES '1 YY VARIETIES TO SERVE SOUPS lir 0 HABITANT 28 or 'dr Illr MOTHER PARKERS INSTANT COFFEE ' a, .. 10 or JAR *16111 IF ill CASHMERE BOUQUET REGULAR , BAR SOAP 90 D. '4M . COUNTRY HEARTH MeCORMICKS-4 FROZEN - SHELL ,,,,,, WHOLE WHEAT TART S MSCUITS VARIETIES Ak ,40., StSY AJAX POWDERED CLEANSER 1 ' 4..9 st A EVEREADY BAACtikiliS ENERGIZER , ' 1 99, J 1/2 • PROD. OF FLA. OFF INDIAN RIVER PINK OR WHITE OUR 3/99 11111; FOR dt 1/2 OFF , A TANGY FLAVOUR Owl REG 25 113- _ RUTABAGAS ONTARIO WAXED - __ 1 GROWN ,, , C fine markets of fine A zehrs foods ,1101).- CANADA D.C. EXTRA PROD, D' PROD. ,BEAN DELICIOUS CHINESE Mile"' N0. i FANCY RED OF CANADA FANCY OF ONTARIO SPROUTS OF CAN: DRY SO1A F GlNgoLIs0iiiifiR s, GRAPEFRUIT APPLES PEARS NOODLES \ OR GOLD. ' - - . _ lb' . PROTEIN 1 EA 090 lb agro # lb 78 : , 49 ./1:. . _, 1. 1 , . i CANADA NO. 1 GRADE_ ONTARIO CARROtS b 68# 0 D. OF ONT. NO. 1 GRADE on , ,. MG ONIONS ...., 2 lb 78 0 .... iii i iii r, W Ili sae prest nteJ' with a framed citation cate outlining the inahvido al's or ,group's achiev merit Ontario s weekly pew - a savings bond and a family Pers. portrait tak*;.n uith. the licks Entries Entries must be received renattl-glo.t erlior of t)nt ars , at the OWNA office in Tor-- When the program was Onto by December I. Uri • A ari a t;eie,,eci at the • wtal•of titters vention. Das tient itittl•Avti grOn as 'trich•'ce}ukl, -r'itt. I)t rongc- from. tw ything peOP1F ern Or ti:r an: entity' elasrotitiv. Will hand 'be,seleete: -front the entries. sal 030'..4raa ?era* on help Ow Council accepted the Itie aura board budetet, ' JIO&--- Aird said he would be at the 19:42: convention to present the winners. with their cita- tions,. The Junior I ttuett pro. gra has been lo in A berta ifor cars ' know that in tintartii the awitirds V110 ibeL I; , ilk) s is-et t llYtt tit v..,in•s qtr Wenger lirt..‘b,:tv,kl. E1Thik, to ensure the,- loUnot ,Clinton is; protect ed by a reSi,,,Tve !Ichicle , w hen ffitmen are out 41 a Tinal Flte coquet-11,n said the lift area-board was roid the earliest dottven t.uc tor a triiik. even if it wcit ordered 1)CM . w ould he nevi Dee tuckersmith council •Litt.s. Clat-rtight_aceepted-the tender of Riley''Construct ion, leeswater. for gravelling tow tiship roads in 1981. The Teesuater company sub. nutted a bid of 53b.'§-20 to do thejob. abouLthe saute price as the firm charged last year. Clerk; Jack McLachlan found 'IOU error in their tender sidninsvien.init the 'firth still' whrth-ftei/ . twit asst bid,. strere!! '$45.44illl from Iretind•O‘anst , ruolon, tti4ail and 50. 42t) *Qin Lasts COnstruction, • , • Y 014,1N golf (Air 01,19otter, teh, othited the boat est price for. Ns: and. Ountries surveying work whirls ititti he soinpleted by ;for Itickerstnith Limped Clerk Ja-Cli'Meta-elifan Nero tr-to-fette arca ehgtneering firms ask mg for quotes on completing a survey of township pits Mr Kiar submitted the low est hid of SI which council accepted. Other bids wene $2,000, bi Gamsby Ltd. of Guelph. --52300 An112500• tsr fleM:''fioss and Associates Ltd,: of Goderich and $p40. by Paragon Engineering. Kit- chener. The gravelpits ow n- ett.hy Tuckersmith Township must be surveyed. and stile plans drawn up. prior to the pits being licensed by the Slinistry of Natural Re- - .i.::illiVii:CdtkUsintflti:br:f7011111C1111 Orrit; t 'oil 01 111.e.-<fethiration7s next .inetiting tells he on -flit:, tltotie t Alisgtitiie.-FOreign nershipAit ft,nroo Quany. professorsfront the l'ilinersit% of Guelph's Rpm, program is ill present their tindingS at the meettng. held tt Met Pune- School on .1pril 2 At 0,41.9 p•_m• Council received a letter Iron; William Praiser of Egnionth ille, ubjeeting to the construction of a storm • drain on Wader Street in that village: Mr. Praiser said the drain was being built for the bertefitnt-mo-liiiititN on the street which here coif strutted on low ground. The Egniondv die resident also unnplained about the unsightly condition of the property next to his. Council asked clerk Jack McLachlan to, wtite. to Mr. • Praiser , advising him- the drtlin wa:t a road. kIng,TOX,9- . silent dtAig. and was 11191. being. buhf con17,,v , to benefit iii n individual homes, ..(1)46406.itiNg10,414 kvhigil* WitOd "` on .the' ao.,0 101+41r, Pfaiser'$, 'bow. AN:.A:5ked, 041..aetilan to-,aLWise Praiser the matter was being imesligate,d. Deputy-reeve Bill Brown declarVd a conflict of-interest in- the discusSion. TuaetStiiith council was invited to atiend a' Heiman recreation meeting on April 7 for discussions concerning the creation of a joint recrea. thin committee. Council de- cided since it was the date of their next regular council meeting. they would be un- atftto5end.a.tielegate to-the meetin. The Ontario Genealogical Society requested a list of ° township cemeteries and their caretakers since they be doing a suotexof *at cemeteries ' this summer. ;lack McLachlan, was asked to advise t #em about contact, peOple for townStifF burial siro40.14. ? Clerk :look MOAchlao told copilot tip-i*#pplyinix 9r 09 IttOelits towork pAragi.h*Ihisiotiodeetijnki thivlidiklistry, of!,intetiMiOttli, 0V/401, Affairs #innielpsii adinifitStratiOn program. - - ConneiL was, advi$eit lay the MniStry of Agrictilture and Food that the Warble Fly ContrQI Act has been Te- WOO; Council passed a motion to accept the Hensail Fire Area Board budget as presented. An Expositor Classified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527-0240. • "