HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-06, Page 5tt,
witevtviattovtovtiev,,,viventriat,,c,a."4„itwou,,e4vwvi ....... , ,,,,,,,,,
Velma Chandler, Peter Kelly, Remarkable Rescue.
1A.1.1; 12i..‘i.ES, OCTOBER 6, Ib99
week in.
Speolai Prices thie
is now filled with new fall stock comprising a good as•
sortmcnt of Fine, Heavy and Medium GradeS, carefully
$1,75 to $2.50 for 75o per pair.
30 pairs Women's Laced and Buttoned Shoes,size 3, regular
extra good value at $1.50.
18 pairs Men's Solid Leather Lined, Double Sole, Laced Shoe,
Men's Perfect Rubbers at 50c.
Women's " " at 35c.
25e Bottle of Shoe Polish for 15e.
selected from the best manufacturers in Canada.
$10,00 and $12.50.
BEAVER OVERCOATS, blaelz and blue, at. efi,00, $7.50,
FREIZE ULSTERS from $5 00 to $12.50.
MEN'S SUITS, Single and Double Breasted, up -to date, from
$5.00 to $15.00.
Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find
us in the CORNER STORE, desirous of securing by fair dealing and hon-
est values a share of the patronage. .The,present stock will be offered at
Housefurnishings, Cutlery, Graniteware; Stoves, Tinware and Coal Oil
always in stock. Special attention will be given to cur
Having had large/experience in cities, we excel in
Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam fteating,
Sanitary Plumbing, Eave Troughing, Steel
Siding, RoOfing and Metal Ceilings.
Call on us. We phall be pleased to make your acquaintance, feeling
sure we shall gain your confidence.
4.1111444C). 1011L.T4U, (Ur etc ii:::10/LV
Opposite Post Office, Says:
Fresh Beef and Pork.
Pressed Beef
Corn Beef Pressed Tongue
Pickled Pork
Breakfast Bacon
Smoked Ram
Side Pork
Having moved to town to the resi-
dence lately occupied by Geo P
corner Centre and Alfred streets, near
the GTR, I ani prepared to pay the
highest cash prices for all kinds of Rags,
Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Wool
Pickings, Iron ancl Metal of all kinds,
delivered at my residence, or if word Le
ieft, I will call ter same.
Fermers, Niby pay 5% and 6 per cent.
interest on your loans ween money may
be bad at 5 per cent. Payments made
to suit borrower. Chaiges low.
Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assur-
ance Company.
At office Friday afternoon and all day
Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &c., THE MILK
always on hand.
Our prices are right Orders OF THE,.........„
called for and meat delivered to any
part of the town. HOLSTEIN DAIRY-
_ Your patronage solicited. .
is pure and cold and
BiAmps pan mr, costs , .
As some are To=day. 1
Pinch your feet in wrong shaped shoes; make
yeti, nervous, irritable ; spoil your temper ; lose
your concentration.
You can't expect to go the even tenor of your
way in a shoe that cripples.
"Slater Shoes" are made to fit feet -to cover
every tender joint coinfortably-Make you forget
you Wive painy foot.
• They fit the first time they're worn, and ever
after, because the stretch and shrink has been for
Iver taken out of them while six days on the lasts.
3 Twelve shapes, all sizes, six widths, all colors,
styles and leathers.
Goodyear welted, stamped, on the soles with
name and price, $3.50 and $5,co.
For Sale Only by ROOTH & SON.
No. 1 at $3.20.
No. 2 at $3.40.
No. 3 at $3.75.
With all the latest lin prove-
medliitlal. on us for your fall
wants in Cow Ties, Lanterns.
Axes, Sze. Lowest prices and •
high grade ,goods.
We are sole nirente for the
Genuine Lehigh Volley Coal.
Costs no more than other i
grades. Prompt delivery.
141. CLEGG 8i CO
:‘ Johnson, Laill'a Elliott, Hazel Little. urs, minhael vbilad,Anbia
• I 1st Cls.-Mag'gie Orovre, Stella Ill., makes the btaternent, that she:
- I he was treated for a month b her
Crowe, Genevieve McCorunek, Roy told her she was a hopeless vletim
Goy, Hazel Mitchell, Bertie Little, consumption and that no medicine could
Gieshom Johnson, Freddie Foxton, cure her, Her druggist suggested Dr, I
' I Norma MeRague, Sarah Goy, Annie itlgto3uN.,ehv iliti:CraYnfttoCitillesrLinglii°114;
;et* 011,11..
King. Johnnie meKtnnon, Bite mncaught cold, which settled on her lungs; I
..1Cormiek, Violet Showers, Annie
family physician, but grew worse. He
liMeleinnon Isabelle Fallis, Bailie found htreelf benefited from lirst ngie. I 0
Sa4le King. She continued its use and after taking 00
Average attendance 45. six bottles, found herself Paned and well,
MINNIE J. Onvis, Teacher. now doee her own housework, and is as I
Mr, 0, Homuth attended court owaetull pabs:ite e Dervuegrgwisats.1a8rgoeld bobtytlCes°1510n1Ats,I$
Goderich last week. and 51.00,
Mr, August Horauth has purchas-
ed a windmill troth Mr, Sherriff, of
Whitechurelt, and intends having it
placed upon his new barn.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Mitchell spent a
Pother of Howick s pioneers has
been relieved from any further
worldly sufferings or care, when Mrs.
few days last week visiting relatives Margaret Davidson, relict of the late
in Hensall and Mitchell. James Davidson, was called away on
Mrs. Thomas Goy bad a few friends Saturday, Sept 23rd., to be forever
in 1 Wednesday afternoon t,o a with the silent majority, Deceased
ting bee. _ had been confined, to her hed for
Mr. Zurbrigg, Photographer, some months, and gradually weaken-
Vingharn hotographed the school cl, and theend was not unexpected,
i and pupil- t Wednesday week. as she was well advanced in life, be -
The '• The tr es have engaged ss
ing of ,hty-two years and four months
. Wilson of Oulross, as teacher for next old. he had been a resident of this
"''-""-----7 year, in place uf Miss Orvis, who place for many years, but previous
leaves at Christmas. ; to coming to reside in the village,she
Mr. Ed. Johnston has been in the bad lived with her husband, who
vicinity threshing. predeceased her about ei ht ears
Master John Bremner lies gone to
Walkerton, where he will attend the
Collegiate Institute.
Apple packers are numerous in
this vicinity.
Miss Jessie Sari -ick is able to be
out again after her recent illness.
We understand that Dr. Macklin,
a former physician of this village,
has purchased a ffne residence in
Messrs. Peter Terriff, sr., and
James Hall, are away on a trip to
Lake Temiscaming. They expect
to spend some time in capturing the
game galore of that region.
Mr. Rohl:. Lane has purchased a
hundred head of calves, stockers
and cows around Norwich, and has
had them shipped to Wingham. Ho
intends disposing of them to -farmers
and ethers in this section.
ismairek's Iron Nerve
Was.the result of his splendid health.
indomitable will and tremendous energy
are not found where Stomach, Liver,
Kidneys and Bowels are out of order,
If you went these qualities and the
success they bring, use Dr. King's New
Life Pills. They develope every power
of brain end body. Only 25 cents at
Colin A. Campbell's Drug Store.
The following is the school report
of S. S. No. 6, for the month of
September, in the order of their
standing. The marks obtained on
the weekly examinations are not
printed, but the marks for October
will be given. More regular attend-
ance by 80nie of the pupils is asked
Class V. -Andy Mitchell, Charlie
Class•IV.-Ilenry Thornton, Net-
tie Br) ce, Bertha Mc]( -ague, Sarah
Crowe, Willie Linklater, Diary Mc-
Kinnon, Fra ncis Foxion. '
Sr. Class Holmes.
Jr. Class • III. --May Thornton,
.Toinmy Kelly, Walter Anderson,
Freddie Hoinuth.
Si'. Class H. -Margaret McKin-
non, Mary Crowe, Leslie Bryce,
Sarah Fox ton.
Jr.. Class II, 1. ----Johnnie Forsyth.
James, Rossi° King, Netta Hegg,
1,..,ekth McCormick, Tommy Goy.
Jr. Class II, No. 2 -May Me-
Kague, Earl Porter, Chat lie James,
Edna Dickson, Minnie Linklater,
Edna Chandler, Edith Homuth,
Henry Foxton, Nettie Showers,Kltty
Part Second Class. -Ella Wade,
g Y
Stonemasons are at present build- ago, and family on the 4th eonces-
ivthe wall for Wilson's new barn. sion. She was a woman who had
Mr. L. lryfeipas rented his farni for known much sorrow, having buried,
a term of years to Mr. R. Dickson. besides her husband, quite a number
Mr. Fyfe has purchased Mr. M 1 of her children, there now being
Lamont's home in Winghani and will I only two daughters -Mary at home
shortly remove there. e believe
Mr. Fyfe has advertised his sale for
r. Bryc* having his home re -
and Mrs. John Grant, of Harriston
-left 'to mourn her loss, but she
bore up bra,vely under all. As a
neighbor she was kind and obliging,
novated and it will shortly appear and was much respected by all who
as ono among the most comforts le knew her. The sympathy of a
of the homes in this vicinity. sympathizing neighborhood is extend.
Story of a Slave. ed to the bereaved daughters and
grand•ehildren, who will miss her
To be bound hand and foot for years
by the chains of disease ie the giding hand and wise and loving
worst form of slavery. Geo. D. . counsel.
Williams, of Manchester, Mich., tells Mr. Ed ward Phair, of Fordwich,
bow each a slave was made free. He has returned home from Manitoba,
says: "My wife has been so helpless for
five years that she could nut turn over where he had spent some weeks,
in hed alone. After using two bottles While there he bought 160 acres of
• of Electric Bitters, ebb is wonder fully land, and is now disposing of his
improved and able to do her own work.' inFd wieh.
Thmproperty or
is supreme remedy for female dia.He has sold
eases quickly cures nervousness, sleep- 1 his house and lot to Mr. Thomas
lessness, melancholy, headache, back- Strong, of the 10th concession.
ache, fainting and dizzy spells. This '
miracle working medicine is a godsend
to weak, sickly, run down people. Every -
bottle (guaranteed. Only 50 eta. ,Sold
by Colin A. Campbell, Druggist. Connell met according to adjourn-
ment on Oct. 2nd, 1899. Members
all present; the Reeve in the chair.
Mr. John Brawn was visiting with I Minutes of last meeting read and
friends at Buffalo and Niagara Falls.' approved.
Miss Maggie Miller and Laura Treasurer's statement showed bal-
Brawn were visiting with Goderich ance on hand of $174. 24. Received
friends last week. and filed.
A meeting ot the ratepa, eas of I James Atcheson asked to have
village was held on Friday evening amount of statute labour of MaePher-
last, to consider the advisibility of' son property expended on beat.
lighting the village with electricity. Granted.
MissJean Gibson, of Toronto, is I John Mole, inspector Manchester
visiting at the home of Mr. F. V.
Dickson .
Mr, and Mrs. Alex Thompson re-
turned home to Guelph last week,
after a visit with the latter's parents
at the•Goften House.
The streets of our village are re-
ceiving a good coating of gravel.
Mr. William Willis has the contraei
for the work.
Several of our citizens have put in
their winter's supply of coal.
Mr. Geo. Forsyth, of Detroit, is
visiting with his brother, Mr. David
"Probably no single drug
is employed in nervous dis-
eases with effects so mark-
edly beneficial a§, those of
cod-liver oil."
These are the words of
an eminent medical teacher.
Another says: "The hy-
pophosphites are generally
acknowledged as valuable
nerve tonics." ,
noth these remedies are
combined in Scott's Emul-
sion. Therefore, take it
usness, neuralgia,
soznnia and brain and the Misses Patterson, of Auburn. I 'inc High School inspector visited
on. the gallon' here last Week.
Lady Aberdeen sails for Canada ! Mr. Eli Snelling, our enterprising
for a month's stay. • barber, is laid 'Up With a severe at.
Are grand, but Skin Eruptions rob
lite of joy. Bucklen's Arnica Salve,
cures them; also Old, Running and Fever
Sore ,Ulcers, Boils, Felons Corns, Warts,
Cuts, Bruises, Burne. Scalds, Chapped
Hands, Chilblains. Best Pile cure on
earth. Drives out, Pams and Aches.
Only 25c. a box. Cure guaranteed,
Sold by Colin A. Campbell, Druggist.WHIT ECHURCH etc., $22.98 ; Wm.Webb, snow fence,
i con., $5 ; John Murdock, gravel
drain, reported work done according
to agreement.
Usual grants of $20 was made to
the Kinloss Branch Agricultui al
Society and Ashfield and East Wa-
wanosh Agricultural Society.
The Clerk was instructed to see
'solicitor re Manchester drain on mo-
tion of McQuillan and Thompson.
The following checks were issued :
-James Atcheson, gravel account,
85.60; II. Smith, drain, culvert and
brushing, con. 5, $96.64 ; John Mole,
inspecting Manchester drain, $10;
Wm.Wheatly, inspecting Manchester
drain, 50;$Wm. Symington, draw-
ing tile, $14.75 ; W. J. Jefferson,
repairing scrapers, $5 ; Peter Wat-
son, gravel account, $20.16 ; C. Gay-
nor, repairing culvert, $2 ; John
Clark, repairing 2 culverts, con. 5,
81.50 ; Wm. McAllister, shovelling
gravel, $1 ; A. Johnston, gravelling
Anniversary services will be held
in the Presbyterian eburchlt140 on
Sunday, October 15th. Rev. J. S.
Henderson, of Hensall, will preach
at 10.30 a. m. and 7.30 p. m., and
Rev. D. Perrin, of Wingham, will
preach at 3 p. m. gpecial collection
in aid of the building fund will be
taken at all the Sunday services,
A tea meeting will be hel n Mon:
day evening, 16th inst. ea served
from 5.30 to 7.30. R . 3. S. Hen-
derson will deliver his lecture, "A
1an3ble through Wonderland," and
addresses will be delivered by Rev.
A. I, Brown, M. A., Methodist Min.being mostly saved. Th ' tire was
ister of this place, and Re0. S. M, first seen in the roof near one of Niel
' e
Whaley, B. A., of St. Helens. A I chimne,vs, from whieb it is supposed
splendid musical programme' I
hos I the fireeys,
catight Insured in the!
been prepared. Among those to British American; amount not known.
take part are David McGill, Blyth lbut will cover loss,
account, $1.60 ; R. Kirke, tile drain
on W. boundary, $8 ; Wm. Nixon,
draiat Donnybrook, $15 ; Kinloss Good health,
Branch Agricultural Society, $0; thidly, of
Ash field and Wawanosh Agricultural e kidneys, liver and bowels,
Society, $20. is sure to come if Hood' s Sara.
Council adjourned to Meet on Wed-saparilla is promptly used.
nesday, Nov, lst at 10 o'clock a m.
wm. S. McOrtosvE, Clerk, conTsheiqsuesnectuvreigsorainftahire foruatmsied,el'viathndthae
glow of health on the cheek, good
appetite, perfect digestion, pure blood.
Losil of Appetite - "1 was in poor
afternoon fire broke out in the dvvell- down.i =I?L'f2S;. krsaa=1:tri=
ing house of James Coghill, which awhile I felt much better. Itood's Sarsapa-
was badly damaged, the contents fnsb,naisint Itosagtt, ld
that is safe and won't blow
out $i'what ever body
wants. We have Ir.
See our New Barn Door
Holier, it will not jump
off the track'....
We are in it with
Smith & Pethick,
i•UNNI•40.• • ....••••)//Wearb..1101140.1•11•1•••••
tack of typhoid fever. His business
is being looked after by Mr. Melville
Reviengton, Of Toronto.
Mr. Prang Hacking, late of the
post office, left for Mount Forest,
Monday, where he has secured a
position in Halsted's bank. Frank
will be much Missed here this winter
as he was a clever hockey player, and.
an athlete as well.
Mr. Will Livingston leaves for To-
ronto University. He is taking sec-
ond -year vvork, with an honor course
in political science.
Mr. George A. Fraser, of the Im-
perial Bank Staff has been transferr-
ed to the head office at Toronto, and
left town on Friday. Mr. R. B.
Conquest of Toronto takes bis place
in the bank here and arrived this
Miss Gibbs left town Friday morn-
ing for Detroit, where she will spend
a week or two inspecting the millin-
ery displays in that city.
Mr. H. B. Morphy's new residence
on Vic,toria.street, will soon be ready
for the carpenters. It is of red press-
ed brick, with white stone trimmings
When completed it will be one of the.
most beautiful for which Listowel is
well noted.
Mr. D.D. Campbell's new store on
Main street, is undergoing extensive
repairs. The old shelving is beteg
taken out and'up-to date ones being
put in their place. Mr. Samuel
Bricker will occupy it.
$10,000 For Four Old Stamps.
The Galt Reporter prints a story
about John Kay, of Deticeit. formerly
of Wright, Kay & Co„ t1;at iewn,
having disposed ef 1411;itp f four
Hawaiian stamps for IRA lies than
$10,000, and probably nearer
000. The affair has created a sen-
sation among philatelists. Mr, Kay,
however refused to divulge the name
of the purchase!' or the price. He
says he bought them originally for
$2. It is rumored an English col-
lector is the purchaser,. and Mr. Kay
is already credited with the intention
to invest his find in a Woodward
avenue house. Mr. Kay is the hus-
band of Miss Griffin, daughter of
Rev. Dr. Griffin, formerly of Strat-
"A Fair Outside Is
a Poor Substitute
For Inward Worth."
About 3 o'cloek Sunday afternoon bitih,tre9ble with dizziness, tired feeling
50e. snd $i.�, sit draggists.
St:Orr .6 BOWNS. Chetkists, Toronto:
BillOtiSneSS-" I have been troubled
with headache and biliousness and Was
much run deft. Tried DOod's Sarsaparilla
and it gave tne relief and built me up."
Momusox, 89 Defoe Street, TOrOtito, Ont.
iinalvillps ear* five! ins ; te aria rrit714,31. tits
tike ici'd's ars*