The Huron Expositor, 1981-03-26, Page 4, • k.4410N. 'F.XPOSITQR, IVIARcH ?6, d area. -New Canadian. Club names -executive The New Canadian Clnb - ship chairman Cor Van Der recently eleted their officers PrY1- ' for 1981. The new executive The New Canadian Club w is president Peter Van Hcrk:ill be holding their annual vice-president 'Jack • Renne; May Queen,Dance on May 9. first secretary Corry May Queen candidates will be nominated and presented Segeren6 second secretary., ; at the dance. Candidateg .can Cor Dorssers; first treasurer' Ann Vogels; second treasur- "be any girl who is 16 years. er Lou Peeters and member- of age or over. Sewing squad learns' 'to turn hems Grace Hurray's home was leaders demonstrated how to the scene for the McKillop I " turn up a hem and attach a Sewing Squad's fifth meet- waist band. Club members lilt March 14. are reminded that the next • The group discussed the final steps in c=ompleting a skirt including the waist band and the hem. Our meeting will be Saturday April 4th, 9:30 'a.m. at Sharon Eedy's home.- by Sandra Hunt Usbornelillibbert. Mutual Fire insurance CoMpany i(Estabiishe, in 1876) Provides Full insurance Coverage forTown Dwellings as well as Farm: Properties` AGENTS Joseph U Mrs. tai Wally Bu lac e Skinner ton Woodham Dublin Mitchell Exeter , Exeter- 229-6643 345-2512 348-9012 235-1553 235-0350 Ross Hodgert -John Moore--. DIR cToRs 14-41.2kDiUSTORS Jack Harri R.R.3,' Lucan 227-4305 Robert Ga , diner R.R.2, Staffa 345-2739 Lloyd Morrison R.R.1, St. Marys 229-8277 Lorne_Feeney__ Ita,.2_,____Dubgn 445.2543 Ray McCurdy R.R.1, Kirkton • 229-6594 RobertChalfe R:013; Mitchell 348-8193 FULL SLICED ROUND• STEAK soketess _BOTTOM ROUND ROAST 2.38 L. THIS STORE ONLY MEDIUM BREADED CHICKEN CUTLETS 4 OZ. PORTIONS 'DELICIOUS SERVED ON A BUN SEAFORTH SUPERIOR MARKET 4Hers 'ers study ickens at McGregors I - In the final repOrt to the board the board accommoda- tion reView committee will consider the recommenda- tions of the community ac- commodation review corn- robfloo. Where' the board 'determines' that a schools is to be closed, the board atextmntodatioe review eorn- Mince will prepare e report indicating the possible alter-'• native uses or disposition of the school. The board authortred the Director -of Education to appenve requests for extend- ed maternity leases of lees. ttlithonc seart4i hoe t pay/ to permit ;to -,,expfeteet teec.heet011:41,,e a'tbs.." end Of the seboul term print., to die exppcmt dare i?1`..alc.' ,17,4_b 40 , (o.rgtaro tilt-'' VOgiooi-OK .4. .,..+3;191 the beet intoresi the edeleation of children, 'The selleMeternet are Serpi eenbor t to Oeteniber•31. .January to winter break and front winter •break to the end. • of-June, The board the' - Itiderateeet*-pelics to 'ht. requirement that a child BY COLLEEN MALONEY A delegation representing parents from the St. Mars area who fear them children will -be forced to attend Medway ..highschool in Mid- dlesex County presented its case to the Perth County Board of Education March. The parents are worried the Middlesex Board orEdu- cation will initiate changes in a boundary agreement be- tween the two counties. Under the present boundary systems students in Middle- sex County are included in the St. Marys highschool attendance area. The parents want a long term contract between the two boards which would as- sure the boundaries are not changed. "Leave us alone is all we are „saying." said parent representative. Brian Walsh. R.R. 3 Thornd,ale., The Middlesex board wishes , to repatriate' stu- must be five years old by December 31 rather dein January 31. While some trustees thought the board should not send delegates to the 4th Congress of Education or the anadian School- Trustee's Assoetation • annual general reeeteng, both to be held to I. algae), Alberta. from June 21) to 23. •two trustees has': tedieetted they wish'It, attend Jobe) (rtrearY and bill O'Donnell. It was relseetti.ol the neendt . tripe 'filtrate!' to Celgeq_ vserkld antelein tai S42-0 tot', . one , _persim iii grunt) 0140. lcaving ,tune' IC '464 reiortreng 240, with hotel-redo'. rotes, riiiming from $50 to 6-5r per inighi lot the live nights. plus meals. • Stratford trustee. Ronald Mares e as appointed to tht 'Master Plan for Parks and Recreation committee for the city olStrattord to represent dents. But. Mr., Walsh said the students have been at- tetiding school in $t. Marys foe -'5 years. l'How can you return something that was n'evee, borrowed?" he asked. Of 140 families surveyed. 9'7 wished their children to remain in St. Marys high - sch o ar nts cited the distance to Medway as the major rea on for opposing a boun- der change. t. Marys is about eight mil s round trip, while Med, way is about 20 miles one , 'way --for most stUdents in- vol ed. "There -is no. justification for he added distance." said par nt John. Garbey, R.R. Th rndale, ''everything we do ravitates to St. Marys." "We-feel we are getting so mu h more for our money tha by.. going where they (at -Middlesex board) {vast us o go." Mr. Garbey said, r. Walsh--said Middlesex thi: 1,041 1.70110/4 tug a lecely discus stun the board .approved giy mg the -Director ot Edu.ca Lion authority tor the harms and use of teacher aides ipara proleselotielsi to assist teachers in the education of exceptional children. in eell- osmium:43 special education classes Board chairman. Ronald Nutlet abdweted hie June • to, vote a egamst. the teettori • as tjt'd till+it c,. l tilt %Jct./4-10nm ,elite of le:Licher eidiee, mate Net -'. Ott per hoer., effective Apes: 0 A vekial t f•Ooritg • wilt Abe held- .on ,Mar,) 31 with iyOgt geiteretemeeinig to be held April 134 Bill- tY2 is a pioeincial ac t that etioin.,e„ tlx.tt o . s g ete_ ceptional pupil , tree-lies education suited to his or her needs and 4611 it , At present these eycep wants the boundaries changed to combat dec•heing enrolments in the county But. both men fear St. Marys' high school will eyen- malty close it the boundaries are changed can, set- dwell the road. themeeroinge le close the, school." -said - Mr Walsh. There are cu rrc n about '50 student', at the school. A public meeting e as 'held at Plovermills Public School, Feb. 4. . At • that time representa- tives of the Middlesex 'hoard assured. "they would bring, any proposal back to the parents" , before .any action vas taken. said Mr. Walsh. But the Perth hoard re- ceived a letter from P.S. Toll, Assistant Director of Educa- tion' for Middlesex. date Maich h., asking for a meet- trig between the two boards. The parents are upset because they were not first 'notified of the meeting plans. "Middlesex hasn't, been tionel education Masses are located in. Huron County at St. Joseph's School. Clinton and to St. Joseph's School. Stratford. Because of the , small number of these stu- dents in these Iwo schools they are not grouped into specific disability, classes but sash class voauld eontete students with 4 %anct of disability problems who re- PiO more than 5.0.-per cent daily instrtiction nu special education setting. Although the numbers 13.14y he v401., the tare and programMing needs , are, greatly magnified alit l .the , teacher requires '`40Watu:e, hem a teacheet,aide •As. Kit • Eckert pointed out. ''We .ant ren- dungy hire a spetial educa- -noir. teacher Viiieti art aide is all that is reqUired Chairman Ronald Murray said. "It seems a e are handing these kids r u albs. telling us the truth." said Mr. Walsh. Mr. Walsh said the par- ents will exert. ':all the pressure t o have' we the possib ly can' in order boundar ies remain unchanged, "We feel that strongc about it." The Perth board has esta- blished-an ad We committee to negotiate with Middlesex. The committee will make a final.report to the board by May 19. Trustee Barbara Osborne said she is cantident the hoard will rake some action before -that' date Trustee . P.E. • Black „stressed the needfor main- taining the present heunder- les. , • . "This is a gravely serious hing because the option area they (Middlesexi arc talking about is within tlwo miles of the (St. Marys) high school." said Black. Changing the boundary. "just doeSn't make sense."- , he said. , correspondent MRS. JOHN TEMPLEMAN The Chickies'and the Egg Snatchers have been busy in the Staffa area with 4-H. The 21 members have been meet- ing at $94114 Church weekly learning to ;make :toe, of: an pan.. the .thick n. in cooking, upusual dishes, (•)uP* ...antt retitled fat. • MIATRIP. To 'earn tttorg iin don wisil 014' PIORci. Whigh rtrst the chit4c0 or' .the'Egg the Siaffa #2 club attentled field ; trip at MeGregor Farms, Mr. and Mrs. McGregor aniwered questions oh' gollea,, ing, grading and cartoning eggs. The life of the hen includ- ing feeding. watering, and health were also discussed. Each member was given an egg as la token of he r visit. The vice president thanked the McGregor's for the field trip which will benefit the senior members with. special projecte. REAMING #4.” At the f184.1000,14 M. 14.-0 St484 .Churcb. Pte diictissiOn itte4t1pd the'sump maT4atiOn of the ma or 4n)4 of °BO 49•*AM and; ikP13.floJOkof t40-0•WOrtY olio 4 to ho; March '30. The, Metn,berS learned hose to _040 4. and make hard and soft cooked eggs •and the techniques of adding eggS- to a hOt sates, 1 'Mrs. Benne, Taninty Par- sops and -tort McBride de- monstrated cooking eggs while . Templeman and Wilber „ Kerslake made Cream Puffs. Chicken a La King was demonstrated by Belly Upshall and Sandra Vivian. The meeting was thenott. adjourned by Nancy Mrs. Frank Hamilton pre, sided for the March meeting of the Margin Ritchie EVS.111- Mitigar;e0"..inMark 077:1144); scriPttlrey.rtagintfttnl'1.4lke 114°, ta ot1et4::vit!Mter sraso. 541.1' iolf, prayer •;:tr, satit )'lards accompanied • '4100, • • Sally Scott chose' an article. entitled "Wha a ',:_njinister does between,$utv, *4441%selr-s. Alec Miller gave a report on the spring excel'• five meeting recently at St. Andrew's Stratford. 'Plans were finalized for the entertaining evening on April 7, Mrs. Lloyd Miller gave a reading,' -**Thiteing Teir Picture roitk." " The study book on .todia was laden. by,.40#11 ClltCY PERSONALS • Mr. --MVSL. Laye,rtie. Wallace, 04 :441.14.' :410:00 rta .Mr*-;,100.10.01. Betti•'c'''Ffprty nd 400,b-Pfd: Oittner gitelts of Mr..akdIdis, Rob Templeman and family .on thursday--evening. c,reqati--. • Avg farrtles.. 3rd birthday. Bill Striate is visiting this' week -with his sister Helen in Vancouver British Columbia, BY WILMA OKE The Huron-Peril) County Catholic school , board ap- P.rove4 the draft policy on, School AftninintedetiOn Re- view at a meeting Mondey night following a .lengthy discussion. diSeussion. William Eckert. Director of Education, in outlining the policy, stated a school shall , far further, ,review if there•Wa,patter.1 of eointlettlert the- • number :of ;pupils; -an. oar.. - ettpancy. ratio Of less than -per OM', a cost VA . pap,' in e.24•ilenfltie syetenl iii4Pritge, • 'or iti:-44*,,t1f, ministry grant, per .pupil '"for the board;and staffing •Pat-, terns ivahicti,are less Thum • these fee the ,syeteM. Mr. fekert •said e rtieni• - bership of the board• accom- modation revievb commieteceeek will be the chairmapeel the board and the -Vice-chairman, the standing ' committee chairmen °of the finance, property and transportation committees of the board. Director of t Education and theSuperintendent 'Of Busi- ness. If this committee. after it prepares an initial school accommodation review file. determines -that a further review is. necessary. then it may recommend to the board that it establish a community accommodation review com- mittee'- Thi$ committee would include four parents who • ore, Catholic School supporters; two trustees., one representing the . review school plus one frinn another area appointed the chair- man of the board and who has served on the board accommodation review com- mittee: a supervisory officer to act-as executive secretary of the committee: the review school principal: a teacher appointed by the 'branch affiliate: and the pastor of the parish • school community. St. Marys students Reject Middlesex school 1 YOUR LOCAL SUPERIOR MARKET OFFERS WEEKLY SPECIALS , NOW AVAILABLE SUPERMARKET PRICES, SPEEDY CHECK OUT, - A. Mon-Sat. FRIENDLY SERVICE , FARM FRESH PRODUCE , ' ' IN TOWN PLUS THE BEST MEAT MONEY CAN BUY. —DELIVERV—SERVICE WE-GUARANTEE IT ! . after 4 Part. GROUND. BEEF BUY A L1TTLE—EXTRA FOR THE. FREEZER. 4. , Sao • THIS_4011E__Ony----------- 1.28 LB. THIS STORE ()nit '!FROZEli''S-tORE PACKED IN RANDOM WEIGHTS smoKEn COD LB1 a ETS THIS STORE ONLY SWANSON'S ASSORTED BREAKFAST ENTREES 99 4.5-6.-OZ. PKG. FRESH EVERY FRIDAY GOOD SELECTION OF VARIETY BREADS ! PURE VEGETABLE SOFT BLUE BONNET MARGARINE o . 1 LB. TUB - ASSORTED- NESTLE SCHNEIDERS SLICED 500 GR. PKG. Use the CONVENIENCE of our rear entrance with FREE PARKING. provided. it -ma Nusiasessse +suit Senior Cit4ens 5% DISCOUNT or FREE DELIVERY Every Wednesday WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILV,REQUIREMENTS. PRICES EFFECTIVE-UNTIL CLCISING MARCH 2110 USK FRESH U-Tiury GRADE ROASTING CHICKENS 5.6' LB. AVERAGE SCHNEIDERS 3 VARIETIES WIENERS 1 LB. PKG. PRODUCT OF U.S.A. FANCY GRADE ANJOU PEARS• 5/99