The Wingham Times, 1899-10-06, Page 4E• CAMPBELL'S SYRUP OF WHITE PINE AND TAR Cures . Coughs, Colds, Sore throat and all Bronchial troubles. It is the best, that's all. For sale only at C©Lfl A. CAMPBELL'S A Lana sxoits. TUE WIXNU . AM TIMES, OCTOBER C, i699, • ;Portfolio. Mr. Sutherland has been church, 85 yards gravel for rood i the Liberal 'Whip since the death of div. No, 55, $1.75 , Charles Camp. i James Trow, former M. P. for South bell, 12 yards gravel for repairing Perth. road allowance near bridge on river, Tnn West Huron Provincial Elee• eons. 8 and 9, 6Uc, •, Charles Cztmp• �r tion Case casae u for hearingat bell, 19 yards gravel for read div. � pa dose Ilan Toronto, on Saturda ; No. 75, in 1$98, 95e, ; Charles Camp - ar g •l' bell, 81 yards gravel for road divs, last. Coansal for the petitioner read' Nos, 75, 76 and 78, $4,05; Jas. Ma- ki an aifidavid by the petitioner's Gee, eon. 10, filling around abut - if f solicitor stating that the petitioner' mentst and filling under piers at tI- had been unable to find the witness,' bridge on river, cons, 10 and 11, T John T. Linklater, and asked for r $25 ; Jtis, McGee, putting post under ✓ approach and repatripg top of bridge �� further adjournment. Counsel for 1 at river, cons. 10 and 11, ,1 ; tMrs. `i9 the respondent opposed any .adjourn•;E Reid, 15 3arils gravel for job on re ment in the interests of the respond - a_ rood allowance at lot 3$, cons. 8 Lent. The court pointed out that,the ails 9 65e Jas, A. Scott, gravelling 1 statements in the affidavit were very on sideline 36 aand 37, con. 10, vague and general as to the efforts tri -��� x.7:1.-,'�-._-,`�,-.�'�:�•�G�-.�7r.',.,�.'7�.��i�•�-� made to secure the attendance of the 1$14,40 ; Jas. A. Scott, cleaning out two crossings sideline 36 and 37 con. 9, 75c; George Saunby, 1301 - grave, part payment for gravelling on eastern boundary, $40 ; George Daley, damages drawing gravel on road divs, Nos. 50 and 51, $1 ; Arnos Snell, for stumping, logging .and burning timber, sideline 39 and 40 cons. 5 and 6, $27.5Q; Jas. T. Pell and Geo. Fothergill, fees for award made re Walter McGowan and Geo Quinn, $4. The Ct:uneil then adjourned to meet again at the cal: of the Reeve P, PORTER TaLD, Tp. Clerk, witnesses, but reserved judgment as to the coarse to be taken apart the present application until Friday, October 13th, at 10.30 a. m., inti• mating that in the event of such TO ADVERVISE RS, 'application being refused the court might then give judgment upon the Notice of changes must be left at this petition, subject ' to what counsel office not later than Saturday . might then argue. noon, The copy for changes must be leftnot later than Tues- day evening. Casual advertise- ments accepted up to noon .Tliursdav of each week. EAST WAWAN'OSH. Mr, Donald Patterson is putting up a 1 story brick veneered dwell- ing. -'.VW .M•411.1, The following is the report of S, tin sng am f ant S. No. 9,for the month of September, tr The names are arranged in order of - merit, ascertained •by a system ot 1'IIIDAY, OOT. 6, 1899, daily markings, deductions being • made for bad conduct, lateness &c. �AURIER IN WINGHAM. P. S. L.—Maggie McDougall. a' ,lust as we otopress we learn Sr. TV.—Florence Shiell, Alberta g Rin tout, Mabel Shiell. that arrangements' have been made Jr. IV.—Willie Elliott, Roy Dea- -whereby Sir Wilfrid Laurier will con, Leslie Deacon. speak in Wingham, on Friday, Oct, Sr. III.—David Johnston. 90th. The Premier will be accom Jr. IIT.—Alex. Rintoul, Raymond Elliott, Bella McDougall, Roy Ander- panted by other first-class speakers sou and the politicalu stions of the day Jr. II,—Herb SUfell, Willie Shoe - will be discussed. + all particulars bottom. as to where the eaking 'till take Inter. II.—Howard Shiell, Berlena place, etc., will be given in our next Johnston, Stanley Elliott, Carrie issue. In the meantime, tell your Deacon, Ida Abram. neighbor that Sir Wilfrid will be here on the 20th and bring all your friends with you to hear him. PUBLIC MEETINGS. Dr. Macdonald, M. P., member for East Huron intends holding a few meetings through his. riding. The first meeting will be held in the Town Hall, Gorrie, on Wednesday evening, Oct. 11, when the political questions of the day will be discuss- ed by Dr. Macdonald, M. P., James McMullen, the well known M. P., of Wellington County and W. H. Kerr, of Brussels. The next meet ing will be held in Brussels, on Fri day evenit.g, 130 inst., when ad- dresses will be given by Dr. Mac- donald, M. P.; A. Hislop, . M. P. P.; Barrister Blair and W. H. Kerr, of the Brussels Post. T. Strachan, the Riding President will occupy the chair at this meeting. The other meeting will be .held at Blyth on Thursday evening, 19th Inst, when Dr. Macdonald M. P., and Robert Holmes, M. P., of Clinton and others are expected to address the meeting. Seats•.will be reserved at all meetings tot ladies. A cordial invitation is extended to the public. EDITORIAL NOTES. JA.mEs Sutherland, M. P.,for North Oxford, has been called to the Dom- inion Cabinet as Minister without 1 AtARK BavnTvcrUBB4M0.W l;`l1.IIC. 11ti iughatu. October 5th, it;99. Clorrected by 13. l,ler.us, Produce Pealur. Flour per 100 lbs 1 85 to 2 00 Tall EYlreat , . .... 0 0 to 1) 65 C Spring 1Yheat 0 W1 to 0 03 ots, N.ew,., 0 '�4 to 0 `du �. Barley .,.,.. �0 tis tq 0 85 °! Peas..... ,..,..,0 55 to 0 58 Turkey, drawn 0 08 to 0 00 .9 Geese, ,. 0 05 to 0 06 C• Dunks, per esti. 0 40 to 0 50 Butter.,........, ., ,. 0 17 to 0 17 70:01p,eorr dozen0 14 to 0 14d per cord.... ,, . ,, .,1Fitto170. tau, , ... 6 00 to 6 00 Potatoes, per bushel, .... 0 20. to 0 25 Tallow, per lb 0 6 to 0 4 Dried Apples, per lb 0 4 to 0 5 wool 00 to 00 Dressed hoes 5 G0 to 0 00 Chioltons 0 25 to 0 35 •,yli': Mli;E ■ P !f R •� Rqq 1s �■pE A�. gD 163,.9■•.qq■q�q•et!4y. �r Y D '. : � �.lp ��. li: 1°:t1i . r 0t i. t 0T00 O 0 "d MO pY•WCOWYW■Y YYYIMY II�WI rY■YYrY,IYYY1YY :1:01/.�i1413i1MY: i Y�.irrI M TT31 IlwII11 C,'B"OI: hI: ■ .1'IY �� TTER AN EG wS TE are • . pay the highest cash prixtor all . • •d butter and eggs ivered at warehouse • near he G. T. R. . C. GILLE 'IE. The League Anniversary services of the Brick church on Sunday last and the rally on Monday evening were very profitable and successful, the church being filled to the doors on Sunday as well as Monday even- ing. The pastor conducted the ser- vice on Sunday morning and Mr. Brown in the evening, Oa Monday evening, a splendid programme was given, Consisting of recitations by local talent, singing by Calvin, Beth- el and home choir, and addresses by Revs.Oaten, Wellwood and Kennedy. In these addresses to the league" some pl.fnts of solid worth were very plainly spoken. We are pleased to see Miss Carrie McGee out again after her long illness. Jr. II.—Barbara Styles. Miss Williamson is visiting her Sr. Part IL --Harvey Linklater, sister, Mrs. Geo. Walker, at present. Chrissy Rintoul, Wilburn Ferguson, Frank Casemore. Jr. Part IL --James Ferguson, Maggie Casemore, Tessa Anderson, Mr. D. Simpson is about to leave the farm he has had rented on the 10th for a number of years. Miss Sherman, of Godericb, 'is John Abram. visiting ,her cousin, Miss Ali e Tis- dale, at present. Mrs. M. Robertson, of Marnoch, is spending, this week with her sister, Mrs. R. Mainprize, of Brussels. Mrs. Geo. Reid, ot the 91,11, who has been ill for some weeks at her brother's, is able to be around again. Mr. Jas. Scott has purchased the farm of Mr. John Agnew. Mr. and Mrs,. Geo. Delgarno are about to .remove. to Bclgrave, where Sr. I. — Laura' Currie; 'Maggie Shiell, Katie Shiell, Maxwell Abram. Jr. I.—Ernest Linklater, Willie Styles, John Johnston, Garfield Shoehottom, Wilfrid Pocock. Louis B. DUFF, . Teacher. The Council met in the.couneil room, Sept. 25, 1899, pursu- ant to adjournment.. Present, coun- cillors Carr, Ellis, McCallum ;axil Currie. ; On motion of Mr, McCalluin sec they will reside in suture. onded by Mr. Carr, John T. Currie was appointed Chairman in the- absence of the Reeve. Minutes of last meeting read and passed. • This Presbytery met at Wingham, Messrs. Jas. T. Bell and George Sept. 27th. Rev. J. Maxwell was Fothergill, fenceviewers,. were pre- appointed Moderator for the ensuing sent and gape explanations regard-- term. Rev. F. A. MacLennan acted as clerk protem. It. was agreed that each office -bearer of the Presby tory receive a copy of Pamphlets on Congregational Temporalities. The Rev. Dr. Campbell, Moderator of Assembly and Agent of the Twenti- eth Century !fund, was present and was cordially greeted. The Dr, addressed the. Court in the interests. of the Century Fund. The Presby- tery resbytery unanimously passed the follow- ing resolution :---"That we, as a Presbytery, express our sincere thanks • for Dr. Campbell's clear, exhaustive and sympathetic preset'. Presbytery. of Marland.. ing an award made lately by them on a line fence between Walter Mc. Gowan and George Qainn, 'con. 3, and asking that their fees he paid, if the Council, Considered the steps they had taken in this matter was in their opinion right. McCallum— Carr— That Messrs, Bell and Fothergill be paidthe amount of their fees ($4) for services. rendered in making this award, and that said fees be charged on collect- or's roll against Messrs. McGowan and Quinn in the proportion oli$2 each.—Carried. is'H►'i'ioa a Carr—Ellis—That councillor John tation of the Century Fund We A GOOD WATGH T. Currie be authorized to look after also express Our approval of . the northern boundary in conjunction said Fund and our determination to;: i the letting of a job of a culvert on •proposed method of expending the O with Mr. Cruickshank,of Turnberry, do what we can to secure the end in- —Carried. ,view. Accounts were ordered to be paid The Presbytery was divided into as follows :—Wm. Coulter, White- groups 'and a minister appointed• to church, 28, 6 inch tile, 78e; George take charge of each group in re Walker. 85 yards gravel and dam. Century Fund as follows : — Dr. ages, road division No. 55, $2.75 ; Murray to take charge of Khmer- Jas. Galley, Morris, 25 yards gravel 'dine, Pine River and Ashfield ; Rev. at 7c per yard, $1.75; Alfred B,.1 A. ?.facKay, Huron, Knorr church,. Carr, 45 yards gravel for road diva+ Ripley and I3ervie ; Rev. D. Perrie, No, 31, $2,25; John Wilson, V. S.,; South Kinloss,St. Helens and East Wingham, 25 yards gravel for road i Ashfield ; Rev. R. MacLeod, Luck. ` div. No, 64, $1.25: George Tisdale, now, Dungannon and Port Albert; West Wawanosh, damages, drawing ; Rev. S. M. Whaley, Wingham, gravel for road div. No. 79, 500j Whitechurch and Langside; Rev, J. David Cook, 45 yards gravel for Ross, Belgrave, East Wawanosh, read div. No. 32, $2,25; G. W. Proc-i l3luevale and Eadies;. Rev. R. S. G, ter, Morris, 9 yards gravel for road' Anderson, North Kinloss,ltiversdale, div. No. 40, 63e ; Mrs, l3radnock, 94' Enniskillen, Teeswater ; Rev. J. yards gravel for road divs. Nos. :3' Malcolm, Wroxeter, MacIntosh,`Bel. and 4, $4.70; Mrs, Jas. McGowan,' more; Rev. W. J. West, Molesworth, 20 yards gravel for road rliv. No. 4, Cranbrook and Ethel; Rev. W. T. $1- Robt. Shiell, sr.,25 yirds gravel Hall, Walton and Brussels. for road div. No. 46, $1; Elarn Liv. Standing committees for the year ingston, Blyth, 1 plank for road div. were appointed as follows f—Aug• Finance—Messrs. MacLennan. Mac Kay and MacNabb ; Horne Missions —Dr. Murray, Messrs. MacLeod and Maxwell Sabbath Schools-- Messrs. Miller, Whaley, Fairbairn ; Church Life and Work—Messrst Malcolm, 'Ross, MacFarlane ; Examination of Students—Messrs. MacRae, Stewart, Perrie ; Y. P. S.—Messrs. West, Hall and Forrest ; Statistics -- Messrs. Ballantyne and Anderhon. The first named is in all cases Convener, - The representative elders are ap• pointed members of the committees on which their ministers are respec- tively. • Grants were asked for Augmented charges.—Pine River, 8150 ; North Kinloss,'Riversdale and Enniskillen, $75 ; Walton., $100. The Rev. D. Formal tendered his resignation ot his pastoral charge of Duff's church, ' Walton. ].Rev... Mr. Ross was appointed to cite the eon- gregation to a..poar for its interests at next meeting. Rev. Dr. Murray reported the charge e of Knox church, Ripley and Bervie, declared vacant and was authorized to moderate in a call: Presbytery adjourned to meet at Wingham, Nov. 21rt at 10 a. m. J. MacN.tnn, Clerk. is a necessity, and we can now supply you with one from 44.50 up. DON'T BUS from peddlers or ad- vertising fakes. Bet- ter far to buy from us. We warrant them five years. HALSEY PARK )'%4444 46„ ,‘4. No. 4, 25e; John Gillespie, White- mentation -•-Messrs. Ross and West; Perhaps you have had the grippe or a hard cold. You may be recovering from malaria or a slow fever; or possibly some of the Chil- dren are just getting over the measles or whooping cough. Are you recovering as fast as you Should? Has not your old trouble left your blood full of ithpurities? Andisn't this the reason you keep so poorly? Don't delay recovery longer but Take 46, It will remove all stnppurf ties from your. blood, It is also a tonic of immense value. Give nature a little help at this time. Aid her byremoving all the products of disease from your blood. 1f your bowels are not dust right, Ayer's Pills will make them so. Send for cur bOok on Diet in C'onsti. pation, IM.+Ndt to our Doctor* We have the exclusive aervidea of some el the tnostemin h dor el Mails In the UnitedpV 7 Motet. Write freely end resolve a prompt reply, trtthoAdd cost. bit..t, C. Ai'E Mt, lase. Yno Fall :II • r a • THE PEOPLE'S POPULAR STORE C641.V0,4'rel.;114VOWIMPW ®:5ra',`:':ia Eu'il lei It will pay you to come in and see our goods ill and get our prices. We are this week putting into Ed . stock a beautiful lot of YI161: ND COMFORT hin JARDENIERS, ETG. Remember quarters for I: this is head- e G .1111 .1111 .1,.1 .11111 :CIO OVERALLS, SMOCKS, &O. Made cif White Duck, .Blue Denim and Cottonade. There is no better make' than the "Arm and Hammer Brand." See our Fleece -Lined (all -wool fleece) Under- wear for men. This is without doubt the best Un- derwear for health and comfort. We have the best. Did you see the New Skirt Supporter. We have them. You cannot afford to be without one. They are cheap. LrnY,.6 IIIlli. I61. :uml■ .111111. ;QIP: P1iii• �Iar9 �I1 nI III:, Ymu 111 n n.• ■. .nlu!,r :011: 11111IY num. .III YI OII Macdonald Block, Wingham. .11111 'alt u c _ _ .■Y■ 'n.nul6ln. af' v--Ev�E3rs•v_..S'1i=EE z�u-_vc'. 9z= EEE =c-E'anal?2E-vv-Ea,9,,Ag.,9 E�'EE3�=[5 'F:N- -:.- ?Epgpp a�e2ij?�Ai�EEJ■ ts 9 RUBBERS TRUNKS VALISES Our stock in the above lines is now complete in, all kinds and sizes. Seeour lines of Rubbers before buying. Everything goes at the lowest cast, price. Repairing done with neatness and despatch. W.JSGREER. Great Bargain Sale T. A. Mills in order to make room for New Fall Goods which are daily arriving wilt offer for the next 3o days his entire stock of Spring and Summer Goods at Greatly Re- duced Prices. 10 pieces Dress Goods, usual 25e goods, for 15e. 24 „ „ " 40e 20c. 15 " 'c " " 50c " 30e. See our Bargains in Prints. 21 pieces usual 10a and 12ie goods for 8e. 25 white counterpanes, usual 1.25 for $1, 25 " .Y " 1.50 " $1.25. Special Value in Wool and Flannelette Blankets 100 pairs Wool Blankets, usual $3.75 for $3, 15 41 t, " " 4.50 for $4. 15 " Flannelette Blankets; it heavy weight for $1, Bargains in Ladies' and Men's Waterproof Coats. These are the cele- brated li1andleberg's goods (sewn seams) guaranteed to wear, Prices from $•i up. in house Furnishings we lead. in Carpets, Tapestries, All Wools, Unions, Henips, Rugs, Linolenms, Oil, Cloths, and Curtains. The largest stock in town to choose from. Prices to suit purchasers, Our Underwear Department is cornplete in Men's, Youth's and Boy's Union Wool and lleeceLn d Goods, prices from 25 cents and up. Also a full range of Large Men's Underwear always in stock. Call and see our New Ready - Made Clothing, prices right.