HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-10-06, Page 3• I 1 1 t I I ! I / . • .1,414t1.111,..laal GOLD DUST CORN MEAL will ntease the .: rnostpartieulareonk that • ever lived, heenuse it is , so clean and free from • bleek speeks, so golden ' yellow, owing to its free- - . i dom from brim, so sweet and wholesome, Here and there eou ma v find a grocer who i does not Fell it, BIIT SUCH • CASES ARS rtAir4. . • The Tillson Co.'y Limited, TiIsonburs, Oat. '1.)111•7 VG ilUMS1.111.1111.17.10...x.V.,--vramalari i.. • THE INVAL THERTMEHT FOB BEAUTY 1,1\b, ii.AA TIMES, OCTOBER 6, ylarrit fi IJOIWIAE An the Results of Dr. Von Stan's Finealnao Tablas in all dis, orders of the Stomach. • No one need now ()adore the tortures of indigestion and dvopepsia. Within , reach of all is an unredieg remedy which 3 enables a person to get the full benefit of the food eaten. The pineapple Mier-. ally yields a uomponeet Lcuowu tis veget- able pepsie, L produut second on4 to the human digestive seeretiene to its l• power of d;geoting two. 1 °traduced into the human system it is simply in. comparable Rh a Init.:rid aid to the digest, ive apparatus. Dr. Von Stan% Pine- apple Tablets are mainly treo3posecl of the grand fruit juice. They auto in. • digeetion aud dyspepsia positively. They are eaten as evilly end give iu• stunt rlie. Box of CO ru1ilete,35 cents. Sold by A.. L. Hamilton. Delgrave Fall Fair. The annual fall fair of the East Wawanosb, Agricultural Society wile held in 1341grave on Thursday and Friday of last week. Every de• pertinent was well filled with entries. The fruit exhibit was away ahead of . anything ever seen in years. All the inside departments were well • filled, and the hall presented a very ! attractive appearance. The ex- : bibit of stock was good; there being • large, ' numbers cf horses, cattle, sheep•and pigs on exhibition. There was no less than eight enti•iee in the • single driving horses' contest. Mr. Anderson, theobliging Secretary, and the directors are to be congrat- ulated on the success of their show. The attendance Was not up to tbe mark, but this is accounted for by the cold, disagreable weather. The newspapers of the section was well represented. R. Holmes, Clinton Now Era ; A. E. Bradwin, Blyth Standard ; W. 11. Kerr, Brussels Post ; Jas. Irwin, Brussels Herald ; W. T. Hall, Wingham Advance, and II. 13. Elliott, Wingham Turies,being iri attendance, The following is the list of prize whiners :— Every Druggist in town is suppliud with treatioes and • ; FREE SA.R.111$11.1Eg of the 'lb, ve Ileac meet, whieb con- sists of ten remedies for all lakpi-r- - faction° of the Skin, itair and Teeth. Every lady is requested to call on her druggist and obtain these, or to send direct to • THE WINSOR BABLER CO., Limited easurAorunm OHM WM TOB4ONTn, Oar, • . . .• HORSES. ileavy draught --Brood mare, foal Flard-walobtNe orkin by side, Jas. Speir, Robt, Nesbit ; horse fo, R. sbit ; mare•fiat!, Smith Breed.—Aged boar, George Robertson ; brood sew having littered in 1890, W. Scott, P, Gibbons boat' littercd in 1809, P. Gibbons, 1 and ; sow littered in 1809, Gibbons,. Geo. Robertson. otturnir. • Gecse, Geo. Robertson, T. M. Hen derson ; turkeys, T. M. Henderson ; •>*- auks, T.. M. Henderson plymouth rocks„ M.iienderson; leghorns, T. M. Henderson, 1 and 2; spanish, T. M. Henderson, 1 and 2, • pipLials.twr* learnt gate, II. Edwards ; lumber wagon, John Campbell; buggy, John Campbell ; cutter, John Camp ; plow, John L. Geddes, W. Gr'inmett ; gang plow, John Ged des, • john Campbell ; Irous,liarrows„ John Campbell, W, GanSiett ; dise narrow, Jtian Campbell -4. White fall wittai, R. Scott, T, II. Taylor, jr.; recrfall wneat T. K. Taylor, jr., Hefiry Edwards ; sprirg wheat, 11,. Site McGowan; six -rowed barley, II.,;Bcott, U. EdWards; white oats, 1yneott, R. McMurray ; small , Seott, C. Proctor 44 Sons ; • * lailge, peas, Jas. Seeers. 11.'1•Q• Gowan ; flax seed, Geo. Bowler, R.G. McGowan; timothy, Jas.. Speir, R. Scott.. "I have sold Ayer's Hair Vigor for the past thirteen years and have known of no ease where it has failed to give satisfactioh, I sell more of it than eof any like preparation." • J. P. BRISCOE, Harrison, Ark. • " For five years I have been selling Ayer's Hair Vigor under a positive guarantee that it would produce hair on a bald head and restore gray hair to its natural color. I have not had one bottle returned, nor has there been a single case where the dressing was'used that it did not do all that was claimed for it," K. K. ACUFF, Elba, Va. FRUIT AND FLOWERS. • Golden russet apples, Jos. Eran don, M, H. Harrison ; baldwins, R. G. McGowan, Adam Robertson ; snows, W. Geddes, R. Corley ;Rhode Id. greenings, A. B. Carr. S. Speir;a Scott'winter, T. M. Henderson, D. B. Anderson ; northern. spies, P. Gibbons, A. B. Carr ; Ben Davis, R. G. McGowan. Jos. Brandon Canada Reds, J. Speir, R. G. Me - Gowan; King of Tompkins, Al, H. Harrison, Jos. Brandon;.three var. ieties winter apples, Jas. Speir, G. Proctor & Son ; three varieties fall apples, 0, Proctor & Sons, R. Scott ; fall pears, R,. Corley, J. Speir; win- ter pears, John). Fells, A. B. Carr ; variety of grapes, 0. Proctor & Sons, T. Al. Henderson; crab apples, Jos Brandon, D. B. Anderson ; plums, A. 13. Carr, T. M. Henderson;. peaches, John E. Fells; collection of fruit, 0, Proctor & Sons, R. Corley; table bouquet,. Miss E. Henry, E. Sack rider; hand bouquet, Miss E. Henry, E. Sackrider ; flower in pot, E. Jas. Speir Jus. Cunningham • two Saekrider ; collection ofhquse plants, Farmers. W. II. Cruickshank ; year old filly. . Cruickshank ; two year old gelding,Sack'rider. MANI1FACTURES. Longhoursofhard,never- Jas;Speir ; team hrrtes, W.H.Oruick • Union flannel, T. M. Henderson, ending work makes Kidney shank, Jas. Forster. Mrs. Owens; pair' blankets, Mrs. Trouble a, common corn; General Purpase.— Brood mare, Owens, Mrs. G. Robertson; bottle plaint ort the farm: Pain- ful, weak or lame backs foal by side, Jas.Owens, C. Proctor home made wine, Mrs. P. Gibbons, and Urinary Disorders are & Sunt; Ma re real, Geo. Robertson, • C. Proctor & Sons. Jae. Owens; bin se foal, John Case - too frequent. ROOTS AND VEGETABLES. DOAN'S KIDNEY PILLS mere,. 1 and 2; two year old filly, Elephant potatoes, T. M. Hendee - C. Proctor & Sons, T: M. Henderson; • empire state, E. Sackrider, C. Proc- tor & Sons; any other variety, E. Sackrider, R. Scott ; cabbage, E. Sackrider, T. M. Henderson; red pickling cabbagre, E. Sackrider, T. • M. Henderson; eauliflewei, E. Sack - rider; long blood beets, D. B. Ander- son, E. Sackrider ; turnip beets, • W. Geddes, C. Proctor & Sons; mangold wurtzels, E. Sackrider, C. Proctor & Sons; swede turnips,C.Proctor & Sons, W. Scott; field carrots, E. Sackrider, John E. Fells ; early horn carrots, E. Sackrider, C. Proctor & Sons; linen shirt, parsnips, E. Sackrider ; onions from ge'''' s fancy seed, E, ‘Sackrider ; onions of any alcKenzie Braiding, other kind, E. .8,ackrider, T. M. land ; flovvers, • Henderson ; celery, E. Sackrider ; Miss Owens; pair woollen stockinge, water melon, E. Sackrider, T. M. Mrs. McKenzie, Miss McClelland ; psir socks, Mrs. MeKenzie, Miss corn, II, Edwards, T. M. Henderson ; Henderson: mush melon, E. Sack- Clelland ; pair woollen gloves, Mrs. ' •woollen mitts Mrs. year old 'filly, Jas. Forster, H. E. Sackrider • collection foliage help a farmer to work and keep his health —take the ache and pain out of his back and give him strength and vigor. Mr. Isaiah Willmot, a retired farmer living at :3,8 Elizabeth SL, Barrie, Ont., said : • "I have been a sufferer with kidney trouble and pain in the stnall of my back, and in both sidea. I also had a great deal of neuralgia pain in my tetnples, and Ttai subject to dizzy spells. "1 fete tired and worn but most of the time, "Since taking Doan's Kidney Pills, I have bad no pain either in my hack or sides. They have removed the neyralgia pain from my head, also the tired feeling,: " I feel at least ten years younger and can only say that Doan's Kidney Pills are the most remarkable kidney cure, and in addition are the best tonic I ever took." Laita.Liver Pills ours Constipation. • moramonomme.81...mea.,...e,..m...... "Canada for the Canadians." READ THE CANADIAN HOME .,101HINAL A. monthly magazine full of later- esting reading matter and useful in- • formation or OANA.DIAN Vv °DUN AND CANADIAN DOMES • Subscription price One Dollar per Ann u OR you can receive it with this paper for one vear at the same price by Bantling yottr orcitn's to • the publisher •t t the TIM BS at ' Winghani Send le wnta ample cooY. You will like it. Address. John E. Fella, John Casemore; two son E. Sitekrider ; matchless corlies, year old gelding, - John E. Fells; R. Scott ; year old filly, 0, Proctor & Sons, John Ta. for ; team horses, Joh n Oasemore, John Taylor. ' Road and Girriage.—Two year old filly, Jas. Oster ; two' year • old gelding, Sopa & Warwick, 1. and,2 ; year old filly, Stott & Warwick. Jas. Speir; single driver, Rieh'd Williams, John M. Fisher ; hack horse iusadale, A. Robertson, 1 and 2; team horses, Jos. Brandon, Jobn E. Fells. CATTLE. • Thoroughbred. --Cow, R. Corley,. Geo. Sowler R. Corley; two year.old heifer, R. Corley, 1 and 2; heifer ealf, R. Corley, 1 and 2 • bull calf, •R. Cerley, Geo. Sowler; bull 2 years or over, R. Corley ; ball under, two years, R. Corley, Geo. Sowler. Grades,—bOW• , M. H. Harrison, P. • Gibbons, M. H. Harrison;' two year old heifer, D. Scott & Sons,. M. IL, rider t T. M.Henderson ; pumpkin, E, ' e Harrison, W. Scott ; heifer calf, M. '..4: B..Carr, T. M. Henderson; citron. llIcKenzie,t Miss Owens; log • cabin Harrison ; year old heifer, M. II. Sackrider,T. M: Henderson ; squash, H. Harrison, 1 and 2, Ore year old E.Sackrider ; tomatoes, E..Sackrider quilt, Miss McClelland, Miss Blashal)i; steer, .0. Scott, & Sons, 1 .and 2 i T. M. Henderson ; bean k R. Scott, knitted quilt, Mrs. Dr.Carder,Mes.I year old. steer, John Barr„ D. Scott A. Robertson ; collection of -garden ' Gibbons ; patched quilt, Mrs. (4eo. & Sons, steer ealf, M. H.' Harrison, vegebables„ T. M. Henderson. Robertson. Mrs; Dr. Carder ; rsg . DAIRY ritonnen. • mat, Mrs. Saeltrider, Mrs. 13Iashall • Dairy butter,Mrs.A.Carr Mrs G Ito . Berlin wool work raised, Mrs. Dr. John Barr, • , Leicesters and, Grrades.-Aged ram, bertson ; crock of , butter, Mrs. G. , . , Carder, Mrs. Blashall ; Berli'n vsoc,1 T.H.Taylor,jr.,X.Carnming;sheitrling RobertSon,• Miss McClelland , basket work Rat, Miss MeClelland, Mrs. Dr. Carder; sofa pillow, Mrs. Dr, Carder, SHER'. 'ram, John. Barr, John Coultes, jr, ; ofbutter, Mrs.,C. Proctor, Miss Scott ; Mrs. 13Iashall ; silk (pint, Mrs. Blash- yam !arab, John Barr, J"ohn Conites, bread, home made, Mrd. A. Carr, T. alt. Ms MeClelland ; peinting on "For some years my hair had been coming out. It had become very dry and my scalp was covered with dandruff. I have applied Ayer's Hair Vigor regularly for some weeks now, and I could hardly trust my senses when I first found that a new growth of hair had started. It is much thicker than formerly and of good color, The dandruff has disappeared and my scalp seems to be in a perfectly healthy condition," Miss R. WRIGHT, Perth, Ont. "Some time ago, my head became full Of da.ndruff, which caused me great annoyance, after a time the hair began to fall out. The use of Ayer's Hair Vigor stopped the hair from falling and made the scalp clean and healthy." Mas. C. M. AYRES, Mount Airy, Ga. eSt t OrLikal C IOT it "I think there is no toilet article in the world so good as Ayer's Hair Vigor. I am fif ty- three years oldand my hair would have been all white now if it were • not f. -e• the c,f the Vigor, but the application of that dressing has preserved its color, and kept it s..ft and glossy." MRS. W. II. JARVIS, °Beg:), Mich. • "After five years' use of Ayer's Hair Vigor, I can cheerfully recommen.1 it as a desirabla toilet article. It keeps the hair soft and glossy and helps it to reraer its natural color." . D. WARNER, Dunnville, Ont. ).• 41 For about five years my hair kept falling out until I was almost bald. Some New Hampshire friends asked me to try Ayer's Hair Vigor and insisted on getting it for me, I used it during that summer and fall and found that a new growth of hair had started. I continued to use it steadily for about four months, and at the end of that time had art good a head of hair as one could wish." • IIOWARD MELVIN, Carlisle, Mass. "I am well pleased with Ayer's Hair Vigor. When I noticed that my hair was getting thin I commenced to use the Vigor, with the result that the hair not only ceased to coma out, a new growth of hair started. It 'certainly is an excellent tonic." • CHAS. C. GRAVES, Brookton, N. Y. Mrs flannel W McKenzie ; shirt, Airs. W. Miss MeOlel• Mrs: Blashall, feather CanadianlIonite Journal Co. silk, satin or velvet, Mrs. *Dr. Car ; jr. ; pair aged ewes, J. Barr, Geo. M. Henderson ; quart maple syrup, (i..ms) FINE anrs, , der, Mrs. Blashall ; hair flowera, Alias • 'TORONTO, ONT. ' EIenry, ; pair- shearling ewes, John II, ScottA. 13 Carr, —..aseeeweer---!.........— ep.s,-----ey,• reee.see. Iambs, J, Co•ultes, jr., .1. Barr, Painting • still life, miss Owen • s McClelland.; embroidery nn silk,Mrs. 131ashall ; embroidery on linen, •Mrs. . . - Ovultes, N, Cumming ; pair ewe Mrs. John Morton, of Skagaay, , • Dr. Carder, Mrs.131ashall ; lace work, • *•. • • 1;lowns and their Grades. --Aged Mrs, (Dr.) Carder ; • pencil drawing' rale Paul Reid, 1 and 2 ; shearling Mrs. (Dr.) Carder, oil pai ti g M • I Mil* Blashall ; twine lace, 511'44 Ale• Harrison , . Anderson, 18. Clelland ; rag carpet, Miss E, Henry, Alaska, died at Borgess hospital, It al- _.1,b,111, Paul Reid, M, II. Haiti (Dr.) Carder Mrs; D. 13. nn' eid ; pair Collation oil palatine; miss ()wens,. Miss Ovvet.s; collection , of ladies' arnezoe. She was on a visit to her nalr' shearline ewes,r., R " women to enter the 'Klondike. P/GS. • idrs. Blashill 1 colleetion photographs, vt,„,:ork, Miss McClelland, Mrs. D '. parents and was one of the first ime lambs, P-, ReidGeo. Henry. Large Breed —Aged boar, W. II. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. carder. .11IDGES. M. E. Zurbrigg, Miss Edwards. Nothing Equal to Low's. MeOutchison, R. Nichol ; brood sow; Tatting, Mrs. Blashaili special -to • Horses—John :".eariett, Melvilloo :Ass, ,T. &letting, neadtwadd, Out,, having littered in 1809, li. Nichol, 1 i Crochet work, Mrs. Dr. Carder, not Chas, Eaddell, Londesboro. Cattle !•of daily life vvhich become the habits ; they do not gripe Or pain, do ha Niehol, 1 and 2 ; sow littered in 1899, • hooked skirt, woollen, M C l'Wh• h h Sh d ' j i f ba . , but have a posItive tote effect. 264, ayathat elle bas used. Dr. Low's Pleas. and 2; boar littered, in 1899, R I known; head wog 1r, Miss AleClellited; 1 Wm. Isbister, Morris ; D. Clow, 'of a life•time' and whieh are so • irritate or Mame the internal organs, Ant Worm Syrup in her family for the • rs. ,eln•go itee tire . eep an pigs— as, power ol a on of 1111101l, that ar, 'I. M. Ilertiet.son, W. It. MeOuteei. 1 Robertson ; fancy knitting, Mrs. Dr. M. Currie, L. Tastier, jr,, II, Ed. i last, as a modern writer has observed • at till dringgiste or by 'mall of rlothing eo good for children who miler C. L Hood 44 Co., Lowell, Ma s. past eight yenta, and that she knows of , from worm. , son.• 'Carder, Sirs, W. MeXenzie 5 gent's' wards. Poultry — IP. Patterson, the relationship between the two is •`00' -**• 4.; Witigham. Jobb, Wingham. Anderson, Wareham. Fothergill, Manufactures — Wm. Robertson, Wingha:m. Roots and vegetables— P. Metcalf, Blyth; 0. W. La.wreuee Belgrave. Dairy produce—R. A. Graham, Wingham ;, D. Sproat, Bel gra,ve. Fine arts and ladies' work —Mrs. Herdsman, Wingham; Misq Harrison and Miss Hall, Belgrave Implements Grain Fruit T. L. John flowers—Geo. and Marnoch., Children Ory for CASTO just as close as though the were of the- same blood and kin. To give to woman economic independence is to that extent to separate her interests from her husband's, to make her life i a thing.apart from his, to breed, per- • haps, mi -trust jealousy, and to make a. separation easier to thick of and to endure. With all its imper- fections, marl iage as it is now under- stood has, at any rate, been found to work. It has held human society Marriage no Failure. Marriage is an imperfect instita tion, because it is from one point of view a human institution, because it is entered into by exceedingly imper feet human beings; but no one has • suggested any form of union that is together for many thousand years. It has renewed the race with every 1 generation end bas kept itsound and vigorous. And does it really in- volve injustice to the 'woman who enters it? Does she suffer from re- s'rictions and front limitations that press mote heavily upon her tbaii m upon her ate? Is she really a - victim to to q indifference and ar- roganee sui sellimlinees? Headache better, and this mueh, at least, it is Is often a waning that the liver le torpid or Inactive. More serious quite safe to say for it: it gives to the man and to tho woman whom it ?rag:: maga triir61.01: wit unites, every possible motive for at- liver troubles, take taining happiness through each other. 116)° d' Pill , It gives there an interest, it binds i 8 8 them by a thousand little intimaries ' While they rouse the llver,, restore full regular action of the bowels 'Jabal/a Jd •asilaillakabLa • r -