HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-03-19, Page 8— THE' HURQN EXPOSITOR, MARCH 10, '1901 .,.- mrvtrom, THAT'S GOOD sP-AaHETTI Michael Henderson of Sea-for th is obviously a spaghetti-lover from way back. The young man was. completely oblivious to the camera as he sanfpied the heaping serving of spaghetti at the St. Thomas Anglican ChurCh dinner on Friday (Photo by Gait). , That's spaghetti ,M111101. May not need architect for hall Don't Gamble... Be Sure You're Ready For At McGavins we deal with over 35 companies who build the world's top agricultural equipment, and we've been in the. farm machinery business in Huron County for more than 30 years. We are" proud to say that we are dealers for; Leyland, Steyr, °Zetor, McKee tractors Allied F4ivn Equip Ltd. Dunham Lehr Eastern Fartn Machinery. Forano Walco (Grove) Dion • Kongskilde Mohawk Equip. Market Farm Equip. McKee Bros.' New idea • s New Holland Norcan-Plpws Turnco Corp . Bush Hog (Disc) George While & Sons Martin Wagons M. K. Martin EnterpriseS, [thrower Racks, Zero Grazing) • Horst Wagons Spraymotor !ening Ag-Chem Sprayers Heim Welding 1Snowblowers) , Smyth: Welding [SnOwdlowers and New Bean Cutter) Rock-O-Maroc •WBR Stone' Pickers J B. M Gravity Boxes Geo. E Gilbert (Special Packers) Herrgott Indus tries Calsa Sprayers Ezee-On Loaders Farmers Supply WE SELL THE BEST AND cAN GET THE REST McGavin's Farm Equipment 1:40 itk Walton BRUSSELS_ 887.636$ "t'l 'SEAFORTRI 52'7,4245 . .- .." ,................0 --- 0--,.......„.....-,...--', ,....... :::.%.„,,, ----. -..%.-,-- ......„..S. ...,_.,,,, ---.....,!..- ------',..-----..,.„...------' W-- 0 --•----- _A .....---!.-. BEATING THE FRIDAY T-HE 13TH JINX—ST. Thomas 'Anglican ,Church ladies decided one way to beat the jinx often associated, with Friday the 13th was to serve a delicious spaghetti arid coleslaiN supper. Ruth Beuttenmiller (far left) 'and Grace Cornish and 'other volunteers served up heaping helpings of the spaghetti and salad to 170 diners at the church. (Photo by Gibb) Seaforth gardeners hear Hydroponics at home BY HERB SHOVELLER Contrary to earlier beliefs, Seaforth may not need tb engage an architect_ to _qual- ify for a grant from' the Ontario Heritage Foundation to assist in the cost of repairs planned for the town hall. "It is standard proce- dtire..• clerk Jim Crocker told council Monday night. "to have an architect, but when I described the town hall to . them they said we may .,not need one.- The reason, continued the clerk, was that the town was not changing the hall. "only repairing damaged brick work. A recommendation from the finance and general government committee. which would have appointed architect John Brock to file the grant application, as deleted front council minut• es. Mr. Crocker said he is meeting with representatives of the Foundation next week. A recommendation from the transportation and en- vironment committee that the town again lease a grader form Champion road mach- inery ;teal winter was , ac- cepted by council. Seaforth on ginally leased the machine from the Gods-- rich, firm earlier this wooer after continued problems with "'its. uw n N'9 g rader. Champion Offered the grader to the town for $33,000. less 80 per cent of this '.car s rental fees. Council . accepted ?no it quest for tree remin;11. one front Grant Ciirrah on High St. to permit a. thew drts CO as and another front Mrs. Land enbach on Mar ket St.. km. safety reasons. The anthonrat ion has been given. but I don"t limit if the crews has remosed them yet.- said Mr. Crocker. 44b Bct aust tit Loin-plaints of. pointing in a din h south of Market St and nest. of Sparlitrg St.. council referred matter to g.".1_ Ross and \ssoiates. engineers. ,for studs . the engineers will eon-atter the installation of a ,ratt h• basin to eliminate the lloodung. Awned accepted a com- mittee recommendat ton to promote Joseph' Nigh . operator, Let el I, sinet he ss as eligible for t he pro motion according to the lo s] salars . Mr. Nigh will non get s sci per hour. 01) Irons‘ S. A :.,-proposal to pros idc reereation,direcior Bryan Pe-, ter' niti...,a-PhOto cdpterat the arena received extended ,at council. The rea- son for the request, noted arena committee chairman Bill Bennett. was'to save the director several weekly trips to the mu nicipal office for copying. • ,The most skid Ornament for pros iding a,eopier-for the 53' per month rental fee was "ci 4ineillor Gerald Groothuis, lire trips to „get . copies made is not the 'biggest item,- he said. .....he nest. thing sou kilos% we'll need a' .secretars to do the .eo•pying is \\hat I . in afraid of," "lt,sou need a fen copies, it takes at least 20-minutes to soon don it and back.- es. • planted Mr. Cron Let "It's more a matter of ,..ns enience _ than necessity. I think.- ht: ton it mink no em- olument to rent ilk. copier. though it will stimulus.' to insestigate the. cost. On the recomms ndation of the arena committee. emitted; agreed to promotions of two arena employees.. Both Jack - Price. whO.is being promoted to amnia manager, Let el Ii. and Dolt Diipce. promoted to arena •attendent. 'I.:\ el I. have completedthree•month kriods of probation. Mr. Price will earn $14.293 up froth S1.3,734 While. Mr. Duke's salary ss as raised. from S-I.5" to $4./sh per 'hour. fee- outlined final-plans for 'the Llosal Eisler and Lori Barer night tomorrow even- mit at .the Scatorth arena.' The local figure skating pair nill, perform -before being press. t et.] stirIi rtiggage from Seafort It and Mitchell's may- ors, hoed is ,from Egmond- suite while Miss .Baier is front Mitt hell. 'A reception will be held •at the arena .after the perform any council reptesenta- tixe. May of John Sinnamon. told the meeting the comMis- sant would like to meet ith the public works sommittes to co-ordinate 1)1;111 ,, tot t road and street lighting changes. ...:'The, commission feels it %solidi be, good if we could sit dOw n together and discuss these ihings." he said. The mayor referred to streetlighting, where the towns owns the facility bid the PUC• maintains it, as an example of the. need to work together. The trend now seems to be' to high pressure sodittnu lights.' ,added the mayor. "Most people - don't like 4;i, because of the yellow light. They are more expensive. but—they - are cheaper to operate and maintain.- May- -or Sinn:mon -added 'Work is being done on,,high pressure sodium to develop - a -white light. Council's representative on the Local 'Architectural Conservancy Advisory Com- mittee (LACACi. reeve Wit- ham Date, told touticit the group has designated a sect- ion of Seaforth's Main St. as a heritage district; The area runs front the Queen's Hotel to the library on the east side and- front the Dick House, to 'the Royal Apartments on the •west side of Main St. -' All store . owners are • on. their on tt- if they want to make changes. but we would like to work with them.- reeve -Dale told coup il. • SeaforTh'Horticultural Soc- iety. . met • at the Seaforth • -Public -School--oft--Marcie Rev.' Ure Stewart was Jailed' apon to say grace. Following supper Pres. Pat Rodney welciMuid everyone and said' •she was particularly happy to have so many men in atten- dance: Mrs. Rodney *Irked the yearbook committee on an excellent jobs SeVeral members indicated they would attend „ the District Annual meeting which will be held in Hanover on April 25. Treasurer Grace Cornish presented retiring treasurer Kay Whitmore with a gift in appreciation For her service. -Menrese, Rodney,...pirtehsean pt eadstF phrire-. .sident's pin. Members of the Junior Hortictiltural . Society and their parents were inv ited to attend and president -Jason Rodney expressed thanks on behalf' of the Juniors. -Nancy Kale drew the door , prizes and told the group of guest ,speakers for upcoming meet- ings. The' guest. speaker for the April 8th meeting will be Bob Fleming, from the Ont- ario Ministry 'of Agrieultu, and Food, and,..will*speak on suecession planting to ensure • flowers ,froni Spring to Fall. Nancy introduced the • guest speaker. Ftecl Presein of the Royal Botanical Gard- ens. Mr. PreSeot is sponsor- ed by the Ontario "slept. of Agriculture in" an outreach program and gave a very"- interesting talk on hydro- ponics, which is soiless gard- ening. Mr. Prescot showed slides 'on both commercial Members'are reminded to sign up for their 'trees and shrubs at Hildebrand' Paint and Paper. Memlierships may be purchased there also. Dennis had the birthday closest to St. Patrick's Day so also received, a prize. ^ The lovely decorated ST. Patrick's Cake 'donated by Lila Storey went to Mildred Kerr. The next euchre will be held April 20th on a Monday at 2 p.m. APPLIANCE REPAIR Also check ,us for A.L. AT COMPETITIVE PRICES FORAGE" SEEDS and all seeds p hYdroponies and how to gron; plants and 'vegetables in the Timm • also. -Mes-Presein . was.. thanked by Ruth Buetenmil; le r. LOBA euchre winners The LOBA euchre was held in the Orange Hall with II tables playing euchre. Woman's high went to Mrs.' Crosier, Ladies Lone,to Flora DowsOri. Clinton. Low prize to Mrs. D. Papple. Mens. High to Eldon Ken.. Lone Hands to' Jack Rivers,' and Low to Frank Smale • Lorne • VARNA 111124103 Large or small. we'll fix them all... Our repair *sports have your appliance In tip top shape fast. Call us to- day. PECK APPLIANCES- - "IN THE HEART OF DOWNTOWN VARNA" NEW STORE HOURS Effective Fri., Apr. 3, 1981 Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday 830 - 5:30 Friday 8:30 - 9 p.ine AUTO SERVICE CENTRE will be ,open every saturday, until 12 noon. cornmencing April 3, 1981 ASSOCIATE STORE B.C. WINSOR HOLDINGS LTD. Seafor' Ontario 52143SP