HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-03-19, Page 7' Correspondent MRS, ALLAN MCCALL fiffT4677 Mrs. Edna Hackwell. opened the Walton Unit meeting with singing 'Tor the beauty of the earth". Mrs. Ray Huether was pia- ... Mg., tftrs,, Hackwell took. the scripture lessOnfrom .'verSes, in Luke and Timothy Id; with meditation, Your own '1)00,4re Mrs..Harold. J301•geried iii prayer.. t: • •10r-i,'Bill.attn1phries•re44 a poem '"fiord 'lord help:. me.% • preeediugr the ,topie• on., the internatienai • Year of ,the • Child. She said we 'are all ptti t'• of a crippled -Mind- ' an, dy•called self pity. we mus fogget about yesterday. • tom° VW is our decision bur today are problems we should worry about. Mrs. Alex Gullutzen pre- sided' for the business open- ing •With a happy St. Patrick's poem. Mrs. Howard Hack- well read the minutes and 16 menthers answered the roll call. Thank you cards were read from - Sadie McDonald- and Janice (Houston) Carno- chan. Thankofferings in April and an evening at central, United Church, Stratfordion April 13. were • -011Qttaced-• Ttte gang* breaktorat the Anet Marc!, .29'4,410 Church and , Sit ndatr ,ogebooL, at "10 4,•Plt W•Alt*Ittt .ttnit• is to 'clean the church (Pt ' :.1.George Saylor tk.ift )qtatt, May. PiliWto pot.,fickoie:r* 'in, ' church or May-MeKillop, June:..17th 4k Boundary, July 1. 4'4, August-Walton. 'Septent, tier 8.th & the quilt .eomrnittee re- ported by Mrs. Reid that they have completed II quilts, still two more to be quilted and one to go in Monday morning at Judy Entmrick )s: A bakeless bazaar with envelopes will he held at the 9, FLAVOUR VARIETIES SEALTEST YOGURT 1 7 5 gr 2F 611.89# SUPER• SPECIAL! SUPER SPECIAL! FRENCH'S PREPARED MUSTARD 59f 2 LITRE JUG 12.79 FABRIC SOFTENER DOWNY. .SPAGHETTI • MACARONI .CATELLI READY CUT ALCAN FOIL WRAP SPAGHETTINI 6p. 45 x 10 m '219 500 gr. PKG. 400 ml BROWN COW • CHOCOLATE SYRUP 1.29 200 gr 179 1 PKG 69° CRISPTCRUST Leo S.CIINEIOERS' • _ 350 gr. PKG. WAGON WHEELS '99# SCHNEIDERS "GOOD 'N' MEATY" SUPER 'SPECIAL! 111111 7itgrorillill E . . (.7.---- KETCHUP 0 1117 3202. • ,BOTTLE SEALTEST SMOOTH & CREAMY COTTAGE .CHEESE 500 gr e 09 • SCHNEIDERS FROZEN. SCHNEIDERS FROZEN ' UICHE LORRAINE 200 gr 1.29 SHRIMP QUICHE MINE-MRS FROZEN • 20,0 WESTONS DELICIOUS CHEESE &ANION QUICHE gt t.19 FAMILY CHOCOLATE ROLL " or 119 # NOWAT AT LOW PRICES :IwE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO. LIMIT PURCHASES "TO REASONABLE WEEKLY FAMILY. REQUIREMENTS 1•11.111111 14 oz TINS -SCHNEIDERS FROZENCOOKED-BREADED BUCKET OF CHICKEN • 900 gr. BUCKET $3.,t9 GREEN OR WAX BEANS OR PEAS • 11:11GU SPAGHETTI SAUCE aREEN GIANT VEGETABLES 2FORS9 0 WITH MEAT °0R 11)90' MUSHROOM 14 oz. SPAGHETTI SAUCE 69# PLAIN 14 oz." SCHNEIDERS DRICK-FARNIERS-MOZZARELLA OR COLBY CHEESE' 12 oz. BLOCKS 1,89 HIGH LINER COOKED FROZEN MOOT INIATIEN • - 16 oZTJ AR PRICES IN EFFECT 6 DAYS UNTIL CLOSING TUES. MAR. 24th ?INNS ITALIAN FESTIVAL CONTEST WINNER: MR. •S. J. ECCLES -37 Spruce St. Cambridge Ont. roP GODERICH- HURON RD. HWY. NO. 8 V '1/4 9%\ 1( IS V It 1 Il i ills OPEN WED., THURS., FRI., EVENINGS 11 13 OZ. EACH PEPPERIDGE, FARMS •• itAfiNNA-VIIICOIArE4ANILLA-riAPtt • SPICE. GERMAN CHOCOLATE-COCONUT ' LAYER CAKES ...GREEN' GI T. CORN •L 12. 04.• CORN NIBLETS OR 14 02, CREAK VYLE CORN NESTLES PUDDINGS - CLARK, ASSTD. FLAVOURS 15 or TINS 69f IN TOMATO SAUCE' , 144)z TINS BEANS WITH PORK BEEF • CHICKEN . F MUSHROO Apr 10 oz. TINS M 1 R PKG OF 6 CHOC HALF MBORSAR APPLE. TURNOVERS St. VACHON MEATS 29 6 PER PKG'. • St..—_ WESTONS SPICY NOT CROSS BONS NABISCO WHITE SWAN SHREDDED WHEAT BATHROOM TISSUE UNSWEETENED $90 4 ROLL O PKG. , 6 COLURS .129: 450 gr BOX 1. WHITE SWAN PAPER TOWELS 5 VARIETIES si to 2 ROLL PKG. • WESTONS 4 VARIETIES LAYS 6 VARIETIES POTATO CHIPS 89'r LISTERMINT MOUTHWASH 500 Nil.. $, 89. WELLA BALSAM NORMAL SHAMPOOt 350 ml o PRETTY POLLY KNEE 1111 PER PAIR 3r fitEN" VW 16 di 2 LEMON POUND CAKE 12 01.19 FIT PANTY NOSE PER PAIR WELL AISAM CONDITIONER "Ira it' CORDON BLEU GRAVY 200 gr PKGS, ° NEILSONS 6 VARIETIES ' WILL-04AKS 200 gr. PKG. WHITE SWAN. . SERVIETTES_ WHITE OR RAINBOW In 300's • APPLEFORDS WAXED PAPER. SAVE -ALL REFILL 851 30 M ROLL , zehrs fine markets... of fine foods and area news A April meeting. Refreshments were wised by' Mrs: -Howard Haekwell. Mrs. A. aulutzen and Mrs. Bill Humphries. 8TH-St 16TH UNIT The 8th 16th unit met at.' the home. .ef Mrs. Ken McDonald March 4,nemberS'Pr$04, Ittht1.'OavittS opened . the de*.titienS:yyith ppm 4t, *Patrick Fraser presided for the bu*ess. The group received invita- tions to attend Thankoffering services 'on April at Eg, mondsille thaw! Church and Seaforth N.orthside United Cluireh on April „IS. Plans will j nude for the, Thank, offe. Mg at DuffN :Suitt*. Maya. • • The spiting,. bale 4,111,be ,÷,,Itackedaftet,Mas ,L7. Murray - Also - RETAIL ORDERS &sof 'Choiat Local Boo/ Sides fully processed lb.•11,59 Loins Of Pork Half or Whale fully processed lb. $149 Hornomatio Out. Pork Sausago lb. 11 409 `Pork Ontario Lamb SCHOLL' an S ASATTOM d Freezer Meats GISTOINISLAVGNIENING &mass= Monday - Beef • Tuesday.- Pork CALL 262-2041 (After Hours ?62-2732) Roan Hours 1Frie, S a.m. 5 Pon. Sat. 8 a.m.. 1 p.m. MILL 919**1S1411A9016.01449, 162494 ildren f Noah's ear ark AT THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARCH 19, 191 CW do Want will be guest speaker oath*. Anniver sar service at Duff's. SePtenther -20 West• minister college is Mai 9.-3!. ollego... Aug. 16-19. Copper money was collected. 1.t • was reported the would supph meats .fqr tjw. Myth' I. •vs to 'al .Stinper -July 1,1 andlunktreou'iul Vie neJsameettng to be held at:. the -iVlause t • There were iatite$, in play kim;1c4ses i.e re 61rs,,..fjet. F11,4* 131A at the 41.d Wat4m, MrS. Ray ,card, , Witigm were.. tittotimr, WS, Harvey Craig )4,S' high Elsie shoci,4104, be another game 1.(0?„if *avow, fiwo ., rind mtN. hernia Bolger: totti kand.0 Pearl March 24 ar the seine time, • A-IMO Shertreed; lone F.Ver±.onp is welcome. hands' Gordon Murray; 4nvt, Les Reid. . , ' FERSOpIALS , " • in charge- were Annie Vin- , Miss Ruth Thamer. , cent. Jessie Tibbutt, and Wothauck • visited her Buchanan. NeXt and mother. Mrs. Ruth Thamer final cards will be March 2' . and other members of the CROKINOLE family on the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Don Krick 01 Hamilton and sons spent the weekend With her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Ritchie. Miss Kim Huniphries -London spent •thesseek- end at the home of her parents Mr. and Mrs. Prize winners were high Stewart Humphries and lady-Mrs. Cliff Ritehie, low • v•ii.ted her grandfather Mr. M, rs. Rena Watt, BlythAlgh- " William Bennett. triap.-Raye• Watson. WV. • Ted flouting,. • Anbarn, Ladies with high scare' in nne *otta - Rock. men,,,chif Ritchie: EUCHRE • .E,44.1ie on, Tuesday .eve4 fling at the Walton Conirram- ity hall had 9. tables in play. Mr. Rick Hawley Auburn, was guest speaker on Sunday at Londesbore Uni- ted. Greeters were Jack 'Tamblyn and Harry 'Snell; ushers were John Cart- wright, Larry Gress, Russell Nesbitt and Gary Wilts:" For the children's storey Mr. Hawley had a book with the story of Noahs Ark and told about the rainbow being a promise that God will always be with us. Junior teachers were Marguerite grass.. Ann and Robbie Adams. Choir anthem was old Rug- ged Cross with Barbara nos- - man and Bill Jewitt taking duet part: 'Louise McGregor. organist and Barbara Bos- man, choir -director. The sermon was "underground critic with text. Matthew , , 13:24-30. the Wheat and the w eeds. B1REAN Berean Unit U.C.W. meet< ing was held on March 10th at Dora Shobbrook. Devo- ' tions theme was "Responsi- bility.- Dora welcomed all and read "This is a new day: Scripture was ready by Tim Duizer. - Business was conducted, by Helen Lawson. December minutes were read by Dora Shobbroo,k. Correspondence inefuded an invitation to North St U.C. Seaforth April 15th at 8 p.m. and Walton U.C. May 3rd 8 p.m. a The treasurerk report was given by Margaret Good. 'Roll call was answered by paying fees. and a scripture verse with the word "love" arid paying fees and a scrip- and a verse containing the • word- "green°. Tltert were 11 present. Happy -Birthday was sung for Ti Duizer, Margaret Good. Helen Law- son and Mary Clark. Clean- ing brass for March is Mary Longman and April Isabel, Airdrie. Annual report 1980 was, given by the secretary. There are 17 life members and 14 with perfect attendance. Margaret Good, Helen Law- son and Hattie good sent- the following cards sent; sympathy IS Anniversary 2 baby 6 Get Well 39 Vase and *me bUdl total 65. 1981 officers Past Leader Helen Lawson. convenor of Group business Helen Law. son 1St Vice Alice. Davidson .secretary Dora Shobbrook, The congregational Life and work and the Sunday School crokinole parfy and dance ' willbe held.. in the Landes- , boro hall on Friday ,March 20 'with Crockinole starting at eight and dance at 9:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. Mrs. Alice Duizer was admitted to Clinton Public HoSpital on March llth with pneumonia. ' and Mrs. 13,ert 7ilteh, brook and 'Theirtia:,,i:Ell4bY visited on Thursday with Ross Millsons in Woodstock and Mr. Leonard Vodden and Norma in Paris: - Mr. and Mrs. Bob Thomp- son attended the funeral of -ber cousin Don._ Wilson on Tuesday at Harriston and spent week end with her mother in Moorefield and visited' her father inPalmer- sum, hospital. Glad to report Mr. Hamilton is improving. An expositor Clasiified will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial. 527-0240. ond sbor The WI Meeting was held March with guests from Atibrit and Blyth W.I. Pres- ident Alice Buchanan wel- comed all and the meeting : opened with Genevieve Allen- , at piano. The motto was given "by, Genevieve Allen. Be yoUrself. • Roll call was answered name a good thing in life that is free by 22 members. There were 20 visitors. January minutes and treasurers se- 'port were read by secretary/- treasurer June Fothergill. Ian and Elva Wilbee were greeters .11P.C4I111 - ing at Duftsiinited Chtirch. Ushers were Bill CQuttS. Jim MeDoaald and Ian Wilhei: Mrs. Bill Humphries was organist. Rev. Charles A. Swan spate to the children 4% Span with its mapeuses•.- Oviry4:# settnOtt was 'The Lod IS .14y MlePherd"'.'Re0'.nicit$90 of the Yinitb Group read the- The board of Stewards met on Sunday after church to plan a song fest to be held in drual—n-C-fi on May 3 7:30 p.m. Taking part will be the Junior choir_ Craig Allen singers. Goderich; Rop quar- tette. Tavistock. Ken Scott. Rev Scott and others. Watch for further announcement. Mr. and Mrs. Colin Pater- son, London visited on Sun. with her parents Mr. and Irene Bromley introduced John 'Lawson who gave -his speech "catching chicken" which was humorous. New Business- nominating committee Genevieve Allen and Dora Shebbrook. Next meeting will be sunshine sister and annual meeting April 8th. '6 p.M. ;dues are S3 this year. West Huron Executive meeting April' 6th at 1:30 p.m. 'at Goderieh twp hall, it was moved to'buy a frig. The last card party is March 27th. The group de- cided nOt to have a dessert treasurer Laura Lyon, chute!) nominating Margaret Whyte, congregation and life work. Addle Hunking. Bale and supply Laura Lyon and Mary Longman. Nominating Vi Burns and Mary Long- man. Berean .,L1Ait cleans brass, provides lunch is vaca- tion Bible school, • , The 1980 social report was by Helen-Lawson. A card was signed by Addle Hunking. The study was on the international• year of the dis- abled persons with a reading ''Partners"' by Dora. A read- ing on'retarded babies and how to help the disabled was given by, Vi ,Burns and "more kids become depressed" was read by Isabel Airdrie. A Duffs, me serve pqncakes.-. scriptures. On. March '29 a Pancake breakfast will be served by the gentlemen. manager gmeksbn Mitchell, assistants Doug Fraser and Oraeme Craig, Time 8:00 - 9 a.m. with church and Sunday sektcd *0 at 10,,,,a,10. The *Ag, w th ctin'cke 4044.0 the ebmPtitnOts, of itic'Red C!:00- 4044' can bg '1010e 10, ,ey. $wpt, ea-hre an& moved ta- raise the prlee-ntMeals to SS.SO. Correspondence was a than. you from Eileen Clarke Brenda Nesbitt 4f Hullett Central gave her first prize speech on Terry Fox. Cheryl Bromly entertained with a step dance. Marjorie Duizer introduced Lena Nesbitt who demonstrated icing decora- ting on sakes. A draw .,was made for a dike won by Margaret Craig, Auburn. -Lena was thanked and pre. sented with a gift by Doreen Carter. Lisa Bosman, Blyth gave her first prize speech on Helen Kellar. Some prizes were given for St. Patricks day, wearing green Beth Knox; birthday - nearest March 17; Genevieve Allen; most Grandchildren Annie McNichr4 green eyes Lois Haines. A bake• sale was held by the 'Members. Lunchk-\ was served by Margorie Duizer, Marjorie Anderson and Mar- garet Anderson. reading on St. Patrick's by Vi Buit-ris closed the meeting. Lunch was served by Vi Burns, Dora Shobbrook, Isa- bel Airdrie and Tri Duizer. EXPORERS Explorers Expedition 12 meeting opened with Explor- er purpose and song. Jennif- ' er Sottiaux and Lisa Boman presented the Explorer Em- blem. Lori Livermoire did the Explorer picture Julie kern- er. Beverly Kennedy and." Crystal Whyte had Birthday Pennies. "We bought soon gifts for the Penfound family. Mrs. Whyte read us a story "Liberia" we did a, craft called "Easter Rabbit." Mrs. Bob Burns. Saturday visitors with Mrs,. Aliee_Davidson were her sisters Mrs. Glady Pol- lock and Mrs. Clara Lumar of Toronto and neices Mrs. Barbard Penny and Mrs. Shirley Forel) of Acton, They also visited • mother and Grandmother Mrs. ,Grace Fairy in Clinton Public Hospital. • Wa ton 1 t londesboro church plans song fest