HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-29, Page 8!1.!!° o.1 ys' and ouths O1othinga......,.,........_,........„.:. AND SW'S Special and seasonable at special prices. Men's, Boys' and Yu1.0 's Clothing. SONO 31 =Ts,. trCl,:RF3 e I-��w�'• Ladies ean clt•the their buys here. In natty, stylish garments and at prices to suit every person. Our clothing is well vi=tae, well trimmed,. neat and stylish. Doul,ic and single breasted (teats. We have every- thi' .. ' 'k i of god clothing at low Great stock of Fine Shoes and Underwear, Bats and Caps. New Mantles and Fur Corms. It is getting time to get ready fur fail. You gain nothing by delay. Hurried selections will be neither as good nor as chimp as things bought now at your leisure and out of fail assortment. We now have just passed into stock 30 Ladies' Astra- chart Far Croats, commence at $25;00, extra e.bo:ce. Large assortment of fine ready- made tnantles now ready for inspec- tion. Large assortment of Ladies' Fine Battings in all the new fall shades. Lining and Trimming to match each shade. • Large stock of Corsets, Gloves, Hosiery,. Laces and Embroideries. Choice assortment of Carpets and Lace. Curtains. SHOP EARE.Y. Moindoo's SMALL LOCALS. Campbell's 11_.tdaohe Wafers guaran• teed to cure ht:atiache. . —Only 93 days 1 ft in 1899. —Thanksgiving Day will be the next holiday. —Blyth fail fai is to be held on Oat. 9th and ]0th. —Division Cou t will be held -n Wing - ham on October h. ---Secure the ':nes tilt th end of the years ; only 25 co ta. Seethe fancy Chia cents at —Mr U Sherk as given afresh coat of pal t. —Theori ff will r ea11 air w !1 each piece ten Gametes his dwelling be held on Saturday of nest. —Regular meeti4g of the town council on Monday evonin next. ek. ---Walker Bros & Button have two locals in this issue. Read them. —A. few from le-ingham are attending the derich 'fall air this week. elgrave fait air is being held on Thursday and Fri -ay of this week. 10.0 Fresh Baltimore oysters served in any style at Jas McKelvie's Star restaurant. —Mr D B McL'y:nald shipped a . car of hogs to Collings ood on Wednesday. —The Wingham enyers are paying the highest market pri •e for all kinds of grain. —Are you a sub: nriber to the Trants ? If not, x100 will pay:. for it until January 1st, 190 Mr H Davis has beautified his two houses on P trick'street by a fresh coat of paint. —Sunday next s October ist. With it conies thoughts f winter's supply of wood and Coal. 3-AIt niember of Camp Caledonia, S P 8, should attend the regular meeting on Monday evening - -The regular eeting of the WC TU wilt be held on esday at 3 p m, in the X hish0 block. U'b'lial1,C 1 b o . Import Glaes-5,000 feet double, single and fancy glass. JIM Cease & Co. •-- he longeven gs are now here. The Tonle can suppl you with any kind of reading matter at t e lowest rates. —Mr W 'Taylor 's attending the fall fair in Goderich th week. He is exhibit. ing bis poultry an garden produoe: —Mr A r has told his house on !tett. t.• t• •t• t ,.t . r•zeut uCeut,ied by Mc Jo*I.E. i., A.te 'aCGetUtu vttu,,. +W air ,i o null tin is having hie meat- 13r Vire1tasea fro 1141 on' rranoee *treat beautified by' a f oh coat of paint. —Farmers andd rdeners have been lifting their potatoe during the past week. The crop in this dtiotl is good this year. A. number of Brown Leghorn chickens for sale. Apply at T1aii:s ollice, --The full sitting of the Assize Court' for the hearing of •-ttry oases opened at (;oderiob en Tueeeay before Chancellor Boyd. -•-Mr 14 11 Dever well kuuwu in Wing. beau, has moved fro Goderzoh to, Dies• den. lie wet start mercheut tailor .shop in Dresden. -•-Auction sale of aluablefatna property in Uoeicli ta'wnahi at 13rnnswioit House, on Saturday, Oct. 4th. See advt in au - oilier eulutuu. —Friday night i last week was the ceidees Hca batt: yet huts in ta13 •eeetiun, Mauy et our eitizez 4 had grapes, Blunts, esu. ban ty fiuzeu. A guud Kean ai-11. ud cowl heating ntovo for Bali ett, aB. ler'luire at xi a race. —tietierel of th • sportsmen of town enjoyed a day's . utiug en Tuesday of this week. It 1 . said that rabbits, and partridge suffered. j Mr ,Lt J McCly ant, fortuerly of Wing. 1. haat, Ned late of Wallah lies secured a situation in Port le is Prairie, Man, and his frieude here w 11 be pleased toknow that he is gettiug lung well. —The Tame hat all the latest and most beautiful designs n wedding stationery. - When in need of 0-iythiug in this line give us a cell. Our pr :cos are right. —The !Touter limos firm, of Kincardine, has been turned `to a stook company, under the name o the Hunter Bridge and Boiler Co, limited of Kincardine. We guarantee'•Dampo" to cure tired, sore or sweating feet or money refunded. Campbell's drug store. —Josephine str et has this week been given a good coat of gravel. This was a necessary piece of work, as the road was in ery bad shape in some places. Mr Sam'I Be ett has commenced work on his new ctory, which will be erected immediatel in front of the old buildinst The new factory will bo. 50x54 Feet. —The Wingham inavels gave an enter- tainment in Ripley on Wednesday even- ing. They were eeted with a packed house. Editor Mob ey would come out on top as a result of is venture. ' -Court Maitland 0 0 F, will hold its }regular .meetiug is (Friday) evening. There are impart t matters -'to come before the meeti , and all members should make it a p int to bo on hand. —Yr Ohas Barb r wishes us to state that it was not hi fault that the street 'crossing referred last week was built in the fashion that i was. He says that he simply carried on he instructions given to him. Dr. Macdonald is now permanently at home and can be consulted by his patrons. —Mr F H Kernel the barber, who is a lover of the,gun an rod, had the good luck to shoot a tare. crane on the river bank on Friday m. einglast. The bird measured 5 feet, 8 inches across the wings. - -The western excursion to Detroit, Cleveland, Chioage stand other points aro in fall swing Thursday, Friday and Satur- day of this week. Quite a number from this section are t :king advantage of the chapfares. e —The workmeu who are drilling .the new salt well at t o salt block had the misfortune to loo= part of the pump at the bottom of the hol- on Thursday of last week. They h: e got down to a depth of over 200 feet. • —Mr Geo ?tIc%. enzie has had a well sunk at the rear:,f his block, next to the Beaver block. A good flow of water was obtained at a de, th of about 15 feet. 'This will be a great :onvenience for Mr Mc- Ke,.zie's tenant —We are inf rmed that two of our townsmen visi d Formosa on Sunday last, and when eturning home in the evening lost th it way. They landed in * saw mill nea Belmore before they dis- covered that t.. y were off, the road. CHU : Gil ivo'fles. Congregation: Church—Quarterly Com. mullion Service rn Sunday next after the Morning service Annual thank offering at both services "Freely ye have received, freely give," Pastor•Freed, and Postmaster Fisher attended the P• store and Deacons' 'Con. ferenca of the alkerteb &seociatibn of the Baptist oh cbes held in Kincardine on Monday and Tuesday of this week. The Wiugha •• District Epworth League Convention will -e held in- the Methodist church, Teeswati. , October 12th. The programmes for he meeting have :been issued. The Wi ham League will tend a delegation to the onvention. The Presbytery of Maitland met in the Presbyterian char h here On Wednesday of this week. ltev tr Campbell, Moderator. of the General Aaasrohly was present and addressed the me .ting on the Century Fund. An ofiici A report 0 the meeting Will appear= our Text fes Vu'AWtttb—SEVERAL lilt Fr Vr portions to represent arid Odom by counties, ala - 1 /IL WTNG}IA.11: Tams, ls, SiEPTEMBER 29 HT Aso Weft:ft se managers in this $000 a year d ex+ ppensee. tltratght, bons d no snor., no 1" lark PoeitfOrrporirisnent. O references, say nk'In any town. It to malel oflioe work 'conducted at home. Roterenea ftnoleee oult.sddreeoed otampod antelal►e, Tsie l9oYtiriox Colmar., Dspt 1, °hieege. 01414. Apart. --In Morris, on Sept 1st, the wife of ¥r wvid Agar, of a sow STnt.aatt. In Last, Wawanosh, on Sept, 27th, the wife of Ur,. Richard Stalker, of a daughter., MARRXE Renewrse ---M els WMa—A t the re- •ldence of the briue's father, Vintoria et,, -on September 27th, sly 'astor Iorced, as- sisted by Rev. Jas. Hamilton, of lialtner- ston,lklr, `rhos, 0. Robertson. of the Flluovale roast. to Miss Ebaa,datighter of Id , John MMeUwltin. V 1xt,»Ea---AaDnusna. -- At the resi- dence of the bride's veriest*, Belwore,ou Sept .lath, by Rev (1 V Lake, Mr James Belden, of the they and ll,owick Bound ary, to Al iss A,ddio Anderson. to•iii MmsoN: •-ln Goderich, on Sept Met, il.aroid :strange, third eon of James Mas;snn, aged 18 years, 9 months and 18 days. Cook's Cotton Root Compound Is successfully used monthly by over 10,000 Ladies. Safe, effectual, Ladies ask your druggist for Cook's Cotton Root Com- pound. Take no other, as all mixtures, pills and imitations aro dangerous. Prion, No. 1, $1 per box. No. 0,10 degrees stronger, $3 per box. No. 1 or 2, mailed on receipt of price and two 8•eent stt�aampp-s�s�. The Cook Company, Windsor, Ont. Nos.laud 2 sold and recommended'by aA reesponsible Druggists tn. Canads. No, 1 and No, 2 for sale •by Colin A. oi.epboll Drneeist STRAY STEED There came on the premises of the undersigned, lot 33, concession 8, East Wawanosh, about the middle of July, a red yearling steer. Owner can have same by proving property 'anti I•xying expenses. CHAS. CAMPBELL, Idacnoeb P. 0. TOM Df VVINGHAM Voters' List. NOTICE is hereby given ata Court will he held pursuant to The Qntasio Voters' Lists Act," by is Honor, the Judge of the Ooun y C rt of the County of Huron, at the ` o n Hall, Wingham, oo the lith day October, 1899, at 11 o'clock a. m., to bear and determine the. several complaints of errors and omis- sions in the Voters' List of the Munioi- pality of Wingham for 1899. All personshaving business at tbe Court are required to attend at the said time and place. - J. B. FERGUSON, Clerk of the 'Municipality of Wingham. Dated at Wingham this 2$th day of September, 1899. MORTGAGE SALE of Valuable Parm Property- in the Township of Howlck. ' Under and pursuant to the power of sale contained in• a certain mortgage beating date the 26th day of July, A. D,1889, made to the Vendors. and which will be produced at the time of sale, there will be sold by public auction at the Brunswiuk Hotel, in the Town of Wingham, in the County of Ituron, on Saturday, the 14th dat• of October, A. l). 1809. at 12 o'clock noon, by Peter Deans. Auctioneer, the fol- lowing property Lot 16, in the. 14th Concession of the Township of Howick, in the County of Huron. Thiele a first Blass property. The buildings con- eist of a two storey scone house 24 x 86, a book barn 60 x 40; stone foundation, with stable and driving shed underneath, all in rood order, Thero is a good well on the premises, and a small stream across one corner of the farm. The soil is a clay loam. There are about 6 acres of good hardwood bus% The rc frt is situated about6miles from Clifford, Gerrie andb'ordwich, about 8 rifles from Wroxeter and 12 milts from Wineham. Torms.10 pr}r nent. on the day of sale and the balance in 30 days thereafter. for further particulars apply to tho Vendors' Solicitor or to the Auctioneer, Dated this 18th September, A, D. 1899. PETER DUNS, PHILIP HOLT, Auctioneer, Vendors' Solicitor, Wingham. Goderich. 1 1 PHOTOGRAPHS For good and well finished photos try M. E. Zurbrigg in the down floor gal- lery. Ile bas a better colloetiou than ever in his window. Gives you any- thing you want in the photo line from the little etamp pbotu at 1. Photos for 25o to the 16 x 20 size. ,also Orayou and Water Colors, Gallery Opposite Presbyterian Oh arch. N. E. ZURBRIGG, Boy wanted to learn Photography. . FARM FOR SALE The west half of lot 39, non, ), East Wttwanosh, containing 100 acres. Good bring house two stories ,High, bank barn and outbuilrtings., 1 miles from Bel - grave and wile from school. Apply on the premises. AbLKE BROS. & BUTTON LINDERTAl Rs, WINGHAM. Night calls at Button Block, or Fifth door south of School House, Shop op. positq Macdonald block. APPLES AMIN AT ViTiltralltekliii. Mahlerl3ros., proprietors of the Wing. ham Evaporator, will begin operations hero as soon as the crop is ready. They will pay tbe highest market prices for all kinds of apples, according to quality. Paceers Culls and-Winefalls included. Parties having apples of any kind, large or small quantities, to sell, will. find a ready market at the beat prices going by coming to our factory, MAHLER BROS., Proprators. CIDER AND JELLY Take notice that the Wingham Cider and Jelly Mill has commenced oper- ations and will run Every Wednesday and Thursday until season is ender!. BRING ALONG YOUR APPLES and have them made into Sweet Sprup. i or Jelly. We intend boiling down the cider to apple butter, for which we will Charge only 1 sent per gallon. If orzer exceeds 50 gallons, we -will furnish cus- tomers with a free kettle. Hastings & Bitchie. "Canada for the Canadians." READ THE CANADIAN HOME JUUDNAL A monthly magazine f 1 of inter- esting reading matter d useful in- formation for CANADIA OMEN AND CAN.A. AN HOMES Subscription price One Dollar per Annum. OR you can receive it with this paper for oneyear at the same price by sending your orders to the publisher of the TIMES at Wingham. Send 10 cants for sample copy. You will like it. Address. + Canadian Home (uMrteo) • • • • • Journal Co., TORONTO, ONT. herson Wishes'to thank the Ladies of Winghalil and vicinity for their kind and liberal patronage of the past sea- son, -and for their kindness in attending her Millinery Display on Tuesday and following days. She is. now fully prepared to have all orders filled in the most fashionable 'and speedy manner possible. oo v 'sti'ays.vv 1.'w� 1vo.o Siht is Priceless • Get your sight tested. It costs nothing. WE FIT SPECTACLES Scientifically, Correctly Reasonably. Try us. , R. MUNS]-AW ate��,.. ellllllni. UlPtICiAN AND JEVIDLID1. v X, v ,. i"cid ti • x :+" 4 it r. 'h 1: . ves If you want a first-class stove at prices buy a <41 q4 • v v v ev �}f v A f A YOUNG AUT I A !moderate ran wi Cook Stove, Si'ores of them in use in this vicinity, and giving perfect satisfaction. • Ask your neighbor about the qualities of the Grand Jewel. Every stove guaranteed. 11 r C Are you still in .a, We thought you would have been ,run out of here before this. 10 or 12 oppositions have been in the business since you came. How is it you are still to the front ? Oh, that's easily answered. We have always keptto the front by keeping the largest and best assorted stock of medium priced Furniture, nicely assorted, clean, .well made goods and at reasonable prices. We don't have fancy prices, but always try to deal with the public as we would wish to be dealt by,. and by so doing, we find that our 'sales during the past ten months are the largest we have ever lead during the same i,e tin , since we came to Wingham,. 18 years ago. n And we have to -day a larger and nicer line of goods to supply the demand than ever before. And in proof of it we ask any one, old or young, if you wart to see a nice up-to-date Furniture Store, if you want to buy anything in the Furniture . line from a Common Chair to a Parlor Suite, we ask you to come in and see our gdods and we think we can convince you that you can get better 'value for your money than elsewhere. And why do we think so ? Because in medium priced. Bed Room Suites, Sideboards and Tables, we are the only dealers selling the Unlott .Furniture Manufacturers goods, - and they are known to be the best manu- facturers of such goods in Ontario. In Parlor Suites, Conches, Lounges and Mattresses we sell Walker & Clegg''s make. Chairs, we sell Button & Fessant's ; and in better goods in Cat Oak and Curly'Birch (of high grade quality) we sell Messrs. Bell & Son's. We believe in patronizing Home Industries, (especially vvheu we have four of the best manufacturers of Furniture right here in Wingham) by buying our goods at home. We have neither freight or packing charges to pay, and consequently are in a position to sell at lower prices. WOOL CARPETS—We sell also (direct from'°she. manufacturers) and. wade to order) to fit your Brooms. A nice line of Wool :Carpets. Call and see them, Also Carpet Paper and Stair Pads, Easels,Screens, Curtain Poles, Parlor Tables, Parlor Rocking Chairs, Pictures and Wall Pockets. And we make a specialty of Framing Pietures'and Wreaths. We pro- fess to take the lead in this partic alar line, and have the largest stock of Picture Mouldings to be found in Wingham. When you are in Wingham jest take a look atottr window. We think we have the nicest store front in the town. Then .when you have seen what is in our Show Window, -come inside, See what is on the first floor, and don't go out thinking you have seen u11, for you must go upstairs to see the nice Chairs, ouches, Centre Tables, Sec., &c. We have only a small part of otir goods in our show window, Our store is open every day (blit Sunday) from 7.30 a. m„ till 9 o'clock in the event g, and we car - cordially invite any and every person, young car old, rich or poor, to call and see a niee Furnituae Store. We take no back seat in - either goods- or prices, add remember we deliver goods free (when bought in quantities) vvitltin 12 miles of Wingham, UNDERTAKING. --As for the Undertaking, we wish to say only a few words. Three things We aim at, viz (to attend in all eases) where requested, PersonalIy,Promptiy and Quietly,and we try to conduct Funerals on the same three principles. We have yet to bear from anyone (out of over One Thousand Homes we have been called to) state to the contrary. We be- long to no combine. Never did. We have no agents out speaking on aur behalf. Nor have we ever had an opposition undertake 3 r ebarges are one single dollar less for the 'same outfit (notwithstandts that have been i tretl,lated to the contrary in the past). We don't for one moment say that there should be no one etre in this business, but all we say is in prices, none have been more reasonable. It Matters not whether the person requesting our services be deli nr poor, 'we give the same personal attention its alt cases. S. Citm.R.A.OM-Y- ••• Furniture Dealer and Practical Undertaker.