HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-03-05, Page 11O.!
Prices effective-
' until Saturday,'
March 7, 1981
4k8 3/4 -
4x8 3/4"
Rotary cut
• 1
. • *waned+
Jr.:Farmers -g
Several area Junior Farm-
ers are going to be experien-
cing an April in Wales.
Fifteen young farmers from
Huron, Perth and Bruce
counties will be visiting
Wales front April 3 to 17 in
an exchange'which will brine
Wales. said the sni4ti British
country is#197 per tent has"
which means most of the
fanners raise sheep. with
limited• cereal grains grown.
Hp said dairy farms are very
tI.Fpapvrinewrsyhirointitt,4ifverind Tkevoy • F r
raregy icne th4oe couwnctratsil
„ 'cirmers to d o oan ,t tp
Brian Williams of the Sea-
ford) area and Wayne and
Bevan Shapton of the Exeter
area. They will be visiting
mixed farming operations.
The Junior Farmers will stay
with• two host families during
. the two-week period and will
40 Young Farmers aged 18 to end the trip With three_ days 26 yeas old from Wales to .
of sightseeing in. londOn—
this area, in the fall, • , . rt and •T se outs ttao meOttng • h..•
"-fal. Provinelat Junior farm. — . _
WinnerS, ett!Pq 0„ for order of Speaking: Each •'payP:$ rV4I'rti
9404 the PeSsibitity of an 000'4 Agriculture s a,nd the . speaker will be allowed
exchange pro rata With Huron 'Conntyfedetation' of seven.rnintites address the
many ntam •you,,tig Farmers Agrieuth10. have scheduled a audience. The meeting will
he 'visited there. then jointly sponsored All Candi. then be opened to questions
decided, to try 'and organize dates Meeting for Monday, from the floor. While' the
an exchange on the zone Match in at 8.30 p.m, at the questions may be directed at
level for a Shorter period of WinghamPuhlic.School ,The the specific candidate, the
time than the two month three candidates running in . other candidates may also
the Huron-Bruce riding will respond to it.
be present. They are Gary Chairpersons for the even-
Harroni Allenford, PC: Tony, ing will be Gerry Fortune,
McQuail of Lucknow, NDP. President of the Huron Fed.
and Murray Eaton of Wing- of •Ag. and John McAuley.
ham, Liberal second Vice-President of the
jobs to go on the visit. Mr.
Armstrong said exchanges
such as the one he's already
been on are "tremendous
learning experiences.'"•
Local Junior Farmers
members who will be flying
to Wales in April are Randy
Wilson. Dick Robinson. Pam
Cartiosh.an, Roger Morrison.
..„ . . uron-Bruce to have
flip Armstrong ovityint " < trip, pre responsii3to4 0o--
iharnw who
S "/"1814) Lt11111 spo"nscii eci F otA '1"dwir."P wiiY. -11 last 7 44it 9, ; '• Mr. Armstrong. who's
provincial exchange. Mr.
Armstrong said the two-
, month provincial exchange
means some Junior Farmers
interested in the program
can't benefit from it since
they would-have to give tip The candidates wilt draw Bruce County Fed. of Ag.
RadflY Wg$0 0, 41(1 tie's
lOoking, forward to the ett-
change and plans' io • 'jost
and- experience, it; ,
was Ca"jd tlY :Dr' T' IC (S;10-9.Wariti Of tht<upi,v,eaity., $75Q MilliOtt,' ' . , . , , , 74 ) . of Guelph - Oen he told more rhao a ltli) farntert at Vie - ,, ... , l' 4 Tnn excesses in .11* sector put the whole marketnta,
sentitiar they betrei, clean up their act, or somebody else ' 4aarti system ittttOisrePttIe..... rte said. ' ' . • A •
will do h for them. , Aral: that 'S when the hackles' Ottne UP and '!fanners
e,rt in 1 te t , P
.. • , •
food industry. He said: he wasn't against Marketing boards
or even the use of supply tnan.agenteht. just the abuse of it.
He acttssed the "feather" industry - egg. chicken and
turkey farmers-- of ripping off the Canadian public._
not ehgainst supply management only extractive
supply Management." he said, repeatedly warned
farmers that the. abuses of their power may proMpt
governments to '-`throw out the baby 'with the beihwiter,•
by reinoving marketing legislation entirely.
it was like lonskipg Motherhood-4nd aiipie pie. Or
spilling on the flag.
It ; was at4he annual triartiNting seminar sponsered. by the
Ontario Federation of Ailletliturc last week, The uproar
began .lo Wend their symgm. 'Starr otstwoh of the:
tie is, one of three men researchiapand writing a report Ontario Egg Marketing. Board, said ,eVerybody. say* the
for the Economic Council of Canada on regulations.in the eggiprielog formula .is too rich but he didn't know tOO.'
many millionaire farmers. He -candidly admitted the
system was not the best but asked: Who'has got a better
one to offer?
Other delegates saidd marketing boards assured
consumers of regular deliveries of food at reasonable
prices and of high quality. They Said ;they had fogght hard
and long for many years to establish an orderly system of
getting their prodUets to market , with a reasOnable return
to the producers.
They strongly suggested they would be out to fight any
recommendations that would wipe out their marketing
But they were also, told., in no uncertain terms, that they
will have to have statistics, figures. reasons-- not excuses--
for their System. They were told they must be prepared to'
"let it all hang out" by being 'open to' criticism* and ready
• to defend every move they make,
„.,David Kirk, executive secretary of the Canadian
Federation 'of Agriculture, defended the pricing systems,
even in the feathers' industry. He said he simply did not
agree with the whole 'principle of the analysis done by Or.
Warley and his associates in trig • study.
- Pricjnghy_supply management boards, he, said, was not
excessive and the fundamentalg of the' Warley position
were irra. tional. He made a great case to prove that the
costing and pricing formula in eggs. for instance, is not too
rich and that producers are not gouging consumers.
"We're asking for a return on our investment and 1
think 'that's fair," he said. "We can argue on rational
14,',elir. I think some arguments are coming, If and when,
3lyth eicchange will be on the that report goes to the Etabomic Council of Canada, and in
turn, to the Cabinet, the fit is going to 'hit the shan and
ag;riPdnag.yOur neighbours and ' farmers-are going to, he right 'in frottt_of that _
wives to this important meet- Mind you, they are used to working ,in that atmosphere
ing and let's have an active and they will come put 'fighting.
discussion. , I hope.
On March 11, at 1:00 p.m.
in londesboro Hall the Hul-
, lett Federation of Agriculture
will hold their annual meet-
ing. Officers for the next
term will be elected.
A discussion regarding
placing signs on the town-
, ship intersections will be an
order of business. A discus-
sion to try to get a toll free
call area to,glinton from the-
Hullett F of A
to meet
next week
His studies ate, s,Ytoprbetie to tlik; oblen*in the
chicken and turkey industries bill it will Oita**
things have got bak out of hand 41 th marketing.
ageucies becaitse quotas have actielred a value of
Every Wednesday is'
Senior Citizens Day!
Cat's Cafe
Dairy Dinner, Seonip
or Pouftreai '
" • •
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3 Vorieties
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We, have a complete4,range of cupboard hinges, knobs &
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