HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-03-05, Page 9VARNA, ONT. Open Weekends - Sun. 1 p.m.. 5 p.m., Sat. 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. Tues. -fir Wed. 8 a.m. Thurs. & Fri. 8 a.rn - 9 p.m. JUST OFF HWY 4 BETWEEN HENSALL ARQinUC EF 17E L D 262 3318 5809 our "Deals or Wheels" If We can't beat your best deal we'll pay for your gas home. .711F 11 7, • • • THE HURON _ITOR, MA 5, v ton WI hears acc 1.0 Londesboro church plans crockinole party Correspondent MRS: BERT SHOBOROOR 523-4250 Greeting on SUnday were Guidon Shobbrook and Gai- ner Wright: ushers were Darlene Bulky. Brenda Nes- bitt, Sandy Merrier acid ana area Twenty members answered the, roll call, "A tip' on_ beating, the high cost •Ort living". A letter was read from Ray McNichol who will -80-011 a k-ros.aroad project to Nigeria Africa in the near future. aslk • ,,The Summary. 'Day for the •ereWel. Ernbroid,erY course . will be kuit .1. The, Irwiturc. is • '4Ske0 to`put', oh' the Untertainment Callender Vosttjg liOute...ArmiSelsJor `March. r • • '•. lvIrs,4cilttlifinOhrire* gaye- a.repott.., 000 •43 'meet-rug the 'District exeePti•41.p her. home recently:.. New, inetobership cards - re .io'.13e given 'to each member .every year. The ()Flyers conference is to . be held at Waterloo .University. May 5, 6. 7. The district ' -annual meeting will be held at Bluevale United Church on Tuesdly-May 12. The nom- ' inating-ccanmittee, -14-. Traviss, .Mrs. H. Hudie and- CHERYL " RADFORD. daughter Of Mr. and Mrs. Len 'Radford. Londesboro. received The County of Grey Award during. the Georgian College Annual Awards Day min-molly held in Owen ' Allen, Next Shuffleboard March 4th. 8 p.m. Everyone welcome • • OARTY Thete were 6 tables in play on February 27th at the W.I. card party. Winners were Ladies' -high June Fother- ,gilk --loite---Artinds-- Mildred McNair; low Dorothy Doer; men high Len Caldwell; lone hands John Pollard; low Lorne Hunking, lri charge Were Genevieve °Allen.. Vi Burns -and Dora .Shobbrenk. Next party will be - March 13th. LONDESBORO LADIES 'BOWLING At .the end 'of February Penny Overboe , still has the high average with 191'. Dor- othy"Airdrie is runner up for high average tlib Dorothy also has the high triple of 733 for the fertgue;--Lena Nesbitt is runner up with 664. High 'single. is Dorothy Airdrie with' 323, • T,Ittri liner Up is Linda Renkettiaowith honours Janice Houston members answered: 'The group was pleased to have 12 visitors. The world's day of, prayer is to be March 8. Someone from Aimwell will volunteer to parliktate. Brenda Nesbitt gave her speech on Terry Fox and.. Sandy Carter gave her speech 'on children raised by the wolves. Markin Snell road the scripture and Helen Lee gave another reading' by Nancy Balding on talents. A small auction was., held. Lunch was served by Marion Snell, Helen Lee and Penny., Overboe with Brenda Nesbitt and Sandy Carter helping. The next meeting will be March 16th. Sound on February 12. She is enrolled, in the Creative Art 11 program and is one of 158 Georgian students who re- ceived an award. She is a graduate' of Central Huron Secondary School, Clinton, Scholarships. awards and bursaries are • awarded to• deserving _students_, on the basiS' of academic achieve- ment and a demonstrated interest in student activities. 4, A large crowd of friends, neighbours and relatives attended the community shower on Friday evenng at Duff's United Church for janice Houston. Mrs,..lan Van Vliet was me. Kini Fritz gave a piano. solo. Jeanne McDonald. Pat- ricia .Hackwell and , Cathy McGavin contributed num- bers with their horns. Cheryl Fraser read a couple of humourous readings follow- - cd by a piano solo by Joyanne Van Vliet: Mrs. Van Vliet gave a hinnourous, poem on "Hus- . bands" followed-by every- - one joining in singing Home for the Wide. composed for the occasion to the tune of Home on the .Range., accdmp- anied'by Mrs. Jim Fritz at the piano., An address of congratulat- ions to the ftiture bride was read by June BoncsclianSke;, janice's sisters Brenda and , Glenna and her future mother:in-law assisted her in opening her gifts. Janice thanked everyone, The bows were placed onkri apron and a Cameo lunch cloth with everyone's , names on was. presented to her. Lunch was ' served•bytheflth & loth, unit. An Expositor Classified. will pay you dividends. Have you tried one? Dial 527.0240. 280. Linda is the . mast {Thurlow • Mr. and Mrs. John improved bowler and is up 22 Armstrong. the occasion to points. t celebrate Mrs. John Arm- In the team standings . strong's 80th Birthday. team 2 is in lead with 94`Pts. The .Berean Unit of They are followed U.C. will be held on_ by team I - march Ho at_ .12 p.m . at home with 92 pis. team 4 is in Third. , of Dora Shehb00014This. is the place with 71. pis. In 1441- fir$1 'meeting Qr1914 490' to WrIgitV„, Gospel. syig pIace is team her. -• *feat was ball. prior ta the service.. •Rev. Scott. weleontetI. alt W.I. MEETING and .antinunced that : the Cult-144 .0114' , hoard, meeting is held on M.archtl.thei3;,,p.m. . • Mar it. 9th. aud,Stssiort .trieets vilt be a' •ntott0., and a_ upctay w.e 4.0,1,TI.Onstrntionf -'00 :cake' .0- • will celebrate World Day .t.:untilts ' •by: Leua • Nesbitt., Prayer. ... • - - • :• Rolicali.will natite' gOod. • -4-dance 9,30 and,Crokin. thing. . in ,life thafi is free. ole gam,* &telt will 'be Lohdesbpro .are invited. held at the, hall On Friday,- . to' •Blytitr ..W.I. on Thurday March 20th. tic.iii7ts„ are .. at Grandmother's available from Sunday ',School Myth and Auburn institues • pdpilst will be guestand a• bake sate During Children's time an will be held in the last ha/Poi ' empty enveletiewas used- to the meeting by members. illustrate the point • •if we don'fput anything in nothing will come out." The - story referred to prayer and asking God to help and he will answer. Junior teacher was Ann Adams. The sermon was Jesus' tranfiguration and our's (text Matt 17: 1-13). EXPLORERS Explorer Expedition • 101 Darlene Hulley and Lisa Bosnian did thtt' Explorer Emblem „ at the opening of ,their meeting. Janet Wilts did the Explorer picture. Mrs, Hulley gave us a booklet about the world day of prayer. Some read verses out 'of it.. We received,parAars and made owls. -• SCHUFFLE BOARD, Wednesday night winners at .She,ffleboard were Ladies high Genevieve Allen; loW - Dora Shobbrook; men high Les Reid; low George Hoggart; playoff high couple Mrs. Bert S.bobbrook. - ha Cunningham„ and. j_o• .m Sunday Mr. and .Mrs, • Mr. and Mrs. George Hoggart, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cunningham., Mr. , and Mrs. Joe Gibson and Clare Vin- cnet went to Toronto ,.9it Sonday 22 and attended the t,,s imwel I_Unit es how cakes are decorated -thisyear, the new Shorter Special Income Tax Form Can make preparing your return More confusing than ever. That's Where H4R alock-comes in'. Wit make mire you get all yourdedUctibns and credits, whether they ale ' contained in the form you' receive or not. We're income tax specialists. So we can help you out. This year be sure. THE INCOME TAX SPECIALISTS ' memosamiosiessesapimmossemst CLINTON 12 ISAAC STREET 4824536 , Oflhl DAILY:14:311PM TO MO SAT.: 94 PM PERSONALS ,Mr.. and Mrs. Jack, Lo spent weekend with her brother Mr. and 'Mrs. Doug ,Radford and girls in Niagara Falls. Sympathy is extenpeo to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pipe on the death of her brother' Orville Hooper of ,Ailsa Craig on Tuesday age *years. ' 'Mrs. Florence Cartwright is h patient in Clinton Public hogpita I Good, Roads convention,. re- turning home on Wednes- day. Muriel Millson, Paulette Parsons . of Woodstock and Thelma Ellerby Clinton visit- ed on Tuesday with Mr: and Allen Shaddick were in Kit-. chener at a bridal shower for' their daughter Lloy at the home of Mrs. Doris Snyder. Sunday dinner guest with, Mr. and Mrs:' Glen Carter and Colleen Were Mrs. Rose Atmst&mg, Clinton:. Maimie Crawford, Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Arm- strong‘Ann Marie and Rods 'The. February meeting of the Aimwell'Unit was held at Helen 'Lee's. WS. Lee open- ed the meeting with a reading from the works of tlriiy Balding. after which MacDougall for their work in the past years.. We were very pleased ,to have Lena Nesbitt demon- strate her new talent of cake decorating. Cathy ' , MacDougall brought a crib quilt that she: Brenda Radford and Audrey Thompson had made. It is now on,sale. Roll call was answered with an unusual Rift; 15 euchre next Tuesday slim: time. same ,place. everyone is welcome. INSTITUTE MEETING The Walton Women's Institute Family and Con- .surner Affaies meeting was held February 25. - Mrs. Harold ' HUdie pre- sided 'for the business. Mrs. etal . rrrtr "Watson, "Wat .Convenor.,.Convenor., ueed eticy a, • ‘Chatieretir n,es.ntirttant he ..gave many hints on your. 11.1100.tne :reports. ,,Site 410 stressed to• ..x;rnalte.-440. ,yeti hive ..a ••arwl have tbiugS , well ittenti. Mrs. Ray Hoether,thanked Oct Speaker' arid • presented her with a gift after .she. answered many, questions from the floor. • PENNY SALE Mrs. Watson and Mrs. Huether conducted a most interesting penny sale that caused much excitement be- fore the 4-Li girls left. Mrs. K. McDonald are to bring in the slate of officers for the following "year. Committees-offered for the up coming euchres and the Dessert Euchre is set for Tuesday. April 21st at 7i80 p.m. The price will be $2, ,and. several (dared' tp make 'posters W. be PIA tIP, at different tOwn's. Lund'. was served by Mr's. Dave Watson', Mrk. Torrance ,Dandas; Mrs. ry erp TraiO4 and 'Mrs. NelSOTI fteirt. CHTIRWNEWS Greetefa sAmlas, at Duff's United Church' were Dorathy $holdice and Sandra. Organist ,for -the month of March. Mrs.. Mari qrie Haimphries. 'Ushers for this month. Keith. kVilbee, Bill Courts and 'Jim McDonald. The children's story was on "Faith", and Rev. Charles A. Swan ser- mon was "Forward with God' basement Ilitritif"'Suinn board17 meeting evening, r . was held hti Condolences wereoffered to Mrs, Viola Kirkby in the loss 4 her I nai week.eske4s. Donna Miller, Tl • t On g ch spee0t Sunday,.for plan - will e i lt,e114:4:1. :01 n29;14h1::4:fta:04fe4f coe;e4ac waoa'd1,0;14:7110:1!) ,, 640111"rb401.$7!Pilh4;1- Prckk$tio*. ot fOjt4; , .• • a Church' r 4 20 ,w,04tenS0 every or4, t on !• .. Invited. • R Kirkby , Cr a St twe nalld e d atIlhde Pres- byterial byterial at Nordiside United Church. Seaforth„on Tues- day. The: bulletins on Stindny were coMplimetits .of Ithe John Milton Society for the blind in' Toronto. Correspondent MRS, ALLAN McCALL 887-6617 • There were . 8 tables of progressive euchre in play, Tuesday evening at the Community Hall, • Friie Winners were high lady-Ws-Rath Tharaer; IOW .1-44-44rs.'...Stanley When," Seaforth; high man-Ralph TraviSs. to* man Cliff linegy, Welty number-Mrs. Nelson Reid. Travelling gift- Ted Ifunking, Auburn. b Institute hostesses were Mrs. Lavern bodkin. Mrs. Graeme Craig. Mrs. Bill HumphrieS and- Mrs. . Ken Niktere willna*' be another , • S Presidenthower Florence 'Cart- she "thanked -'llte""tutgoing wright, secretary Jane Foth- . ergill and treasurer •Cathy SAVE ON ACCESSORIES Moto-X-Foi Our Rl g. Prke $139 • Installation • On All Motocross Boot. chrome • fr°61 and $1 I 9 y Accessoiles Free Pancake Breakfast . Sat & Susi. 9.1 • FACTORY REPS • FILMS , 40 REFRESHMENTS GREAT DAYS OF SAVINGS • •.,"'j pool MISS THE BIG OPEN HOUSE AT ,I1OLLY . GULLY '.-1FRIDAY, SATURDAY* SUNDAY OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE SEASON i • ..12k A Si • • ,1 1,7, , • '