HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-03-05, Page 7ai rk zehrs fine markets... of fine foods Odds n' ends by Elaine Townshendl Mixed bag earlier Mr. Ground Hog had been snowed Ain and unable to make his a,nnual"appear- ance. Some people turned black and blue from pinching themselVeS-6-make sure they weren't dreatning and to remind themselves it was still mid-winter. - Indeed it was too early to start thinking • about "Petting V,if B-. inter Taed", as Edwin - • John Pratt suggested. "Oki Winter with an angry frown Itestationed on his head his crown, ' And 'grew more obdurate, , , As rumours every day had flown • From some officials near the throne That he might abdicate. Fixing his rivals with his eyes. He thumped his chest and slapped thighs, And ground his. Arctic heel. 'Splintering the dais, just to show That he -was lord of ice and snow, With sinews of wrought steel." his WASHER Model MWG 1150 spiralator agitator 3 wash/spin- speed selections S wash/ rinse temperature combinations 5 wash- elides -- regular, panto:Mint - pre:sort; t .wash , yicoiro, extra wash; and self clean recirculating lint filter bleach dispenser • infinite water level control , •-• • ZEHRS 6INNERS KELLOGG$ HONEY & NUT CORN FLAKES 525 g. PKG.' MACARONI & CHEESE 225 g. PKGS. STRAIGHT OR CRINKLE 100% WHOLE WHEAT MoCAIN DIETRICHS SUPERFRIES BREAD 4 LB. BAG 24 oz. LOAF ROYALE BATHROOM TISSUE ROYALE FACIAL. TISSUE COLOURS STOKELY KIDNEY BEANS 14 FL, OZ. ° TINS.- R 100: • PKG. DEL MONTE FANCY . PEAS, PEAS & CARROTS. CREAM STYLE CORN, ' CUT GREEN OR WAX BEANS 10 FL. 02. • TINS 4 ROLL PKG. - • :89# SOUP MIX - - f 120 g. PKG. OF 2 BRAVO: SALAD OIL LE SIZE * .59 NINE LIVES CAT FOOD vs3F,Aa t 5 „ R r r TINS scifTortE PKG. 40. 60 OR 100 WATT 'OF 2 IMPERIAL SOFT CRISCO , MARGARINE SHORTENING 1 LB TUB 99~-1,NB 1.39 F ' 6.5 oz., P3 r 280 g. R SIZE 9A # . PKG. , , GATTUSO ZEHRS TOMATO PASTE HOT CHOCOLATE SEALTEST ORANGE JUICE H r• PACKAGE.c 0 90RANGE . 'OF 60 • • PEKOE L 181;) TEA BAGS SWABS • SWISS STYLE 1/6 g. -CUPS GAY LEA YOGURT 2F49# RED ROSE QMPS ASiORTED VARIEllES SCHNEIDERS MEAT PIES 4 MESH BRAN I %Tr MUFFINS: , • SCENTED 0R ONSCE TEO ea MOZWELIA on:OnvARYI • 2 1406. PKG. BAN'' ROLL-ON_ _ AL BADEN CHEESE ;4' BLUE1NATER' BOSTON BLUE . „79 ligtjoso , FISH STICKS APPLE SNACK BUNVIJ 99° PAPER MORE SPECIALS A KRAFT - , EffirA NViv ,A LO! T " :5 NORMAL OR OILY SHAMPOO 4,3 29 WESTONS RASPBERRY BODY ON TAP 45° I"' swiss ROLLS: PKG_OF 4 • Err BREAD 16 " 99' ;SIMI ROLLS _0_01.99 # MiCAIN - FROZEN .10'or..PKG: WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT PURCHASES !TO REASONABLE WEEKLY. ,FRESH LARGE EGGS BRUSSEL SPROUTS -69 P. SI:160F 699,— FAMIt.V REOU,IREMENis CANADA'N 'GRADE 1,4401IMICKS BISCUITS 39 FRESH FROM ZEHRS ROYALE - ASS:fij. COLOURS 'TOWELS MAYONNAI1 500 129 ICE CREAM_ _ FOR YOUR LAUNDRY SUNLIGHT DETERGENT 12 LITRE - 4.8 Kg. RIO BRAND MUSHROOMS 10 FL. OZ. TIN - HWY. NO. 8 !II II \", 51,1 H Ih H \1 131 III' 11, THE HURON EXPOSITOR, MARckI • --'!-!•,a,--Febit • •,I !!: V. food to munch, plus all the cheese and table scraps they eau , keg-item the soft-heart- ed. They neVer , need to be Sheared indeed the ritaxt, „mum amount tit' .euat-care reqbited Wouldbe infrequent b4-ir Week lY /)rushing. and occasional stripping :AO! re, wive dead hair. They .shed once or twice year rather than alt• the that. the nuisance of dog hair in the "corners Is minimized; • In appearance. a. cairn -4ands about (Cinches high. floor tQ withers, with no knees apparent. She is briad- le in colout, with dark-tipped ears and tail, and about 14 inehes long. front to Welt. Wisti has a foxli ke or catlike face, as compared to the Scottie. and often ielle-kk her Potpourri by Jeanne Kirkby something more profitable, I ,vvould have been just as happy, and started livestock farming., But, .the, first dog that iheldt,sinelly andtrantie. , , 'attention, just. crawled tdei- my chin' and into our •bearts.,41:ti ;set the , 'ail:liar 40.1nr,' I-bad en,agreethatthis• ,wveld he a birthday .present; • .oniversar0 • 'er'S Hay preseq,. thing else riot: ncutioned for a 'whole , year,...:a0;* did, .1.t was werth. it, THEY DON'T EAT MUCH Our dog., Kristi Meadow Muffin, is a Cairn Terrier: A Cairn is quite a small .dog., ceeighing only 13-15 lbs. 'when fully grown. They don't cat much, a -daily ration being about half a semi- moist bureer. and some dry ' owned a red wheaten terriel. named McAndy The Wend- t) temperament of this- dog makes it popular, especially with ehilcken. Cairnt, are so short that they seem to be extra attracted to small Ito- When you walk, to the park. OW dog is in seventh . heaven seeing Si) many kids. anti, must make a fuss liver MOM all, • Ye:siorclAy !. at lite 'puppx. when lAttne4 off:lac - 'Maur Of, the V4.0 just fat , .f9r tityer. seen .;so ntanY '49,0- • ter' ether Ogee befpre. Idso"lung low boa dings bar dere.d tuck and front with runs. houseil- , about of them. ' German Shepherds, Sheepdogs, chows,, Scotties and Westies.,•one huge Great Dane, all barking at us. We approa'ehed the doors, prom,.,,. inently pbsted with''S'pecifte signs, "No • Admittance." "Entrance.•" and oaused until the owner Yesterday, I visited a puppy, farm. Kelly's Kennels dose to London Airport. is a place with dogs to spar t. and- certainly full of temptation for a canine lover Mille yours I don't gel sh'oppirgg. in the cities very much ihymOre. lime,seemS to, be-too short to vend brRwsing .' and .viintit-shnppink .except sf ik's • sot-peaking. yoxt really enjoy. and '.mast ref .our neceWties ' tire puOltased geser Ratite l BAK iklion. 1: do out.. - sOPIS, :04; 4P with another atinpat.-arnOad the house.. Oh.. Ws no' fault and 'nit not coninlaining. • There was a time., When.1 was.,te.aching, that , I brought hOme two gerbilS for the classroom. Later during the. Spring , Steak, the eat ate them while I was caring for these classroom pets, and a rush trip to-the city, to_ find two identical, ones, fast...re‘ friers suited. And when the house was too quiet with only one cat. -Ode* and sedate, definitely boring. We went to 'a pet store, and picked up Banti..- the . wool-eater, a Siamese organgutan of a cat, A .female cat is the gilt that keeps on giving, and giving. ,• litters of kittens. nitit '. : , in front of the fed '„-can get . (A.-.,1A,e,„It tedreithet Ootn, Mo ,,' thetad, 01 yleil, ent31 inlb:g1( 0,0 401' taevett thi'itt,.., ,", devoted animal ' ayer, esPeelally; Our, lug, the . the., wihtvr iiunths: 'kl.u.1:. *e'f09,04•400.4-1•00ln4 i.Orttil of them,,, anti; 000Y settled, • _mm01;11108. only Hand and-Suld 1, just ca'n't stand peace and quiet.. A year ago. on one of our infrequent trips to the city, I fell in ..love with the * . scrubbiest looking little dog , • you could ever imagine. 'My husband think - that if the pet store owner had handed me a calf . or a baby • pig. or head to one side quite intelligently when listening to >4,u. A Cairn may conic in en. anything but white It is many colours, silver v, heat- saidattat the West Highland White' terrier was deN.e loped from this breed. when one was accidentally shot for d Tno -vrt.1.06-T.P.riiPr came • froto isle illands , Svet- tild the,-, centur),, it Was'ItstM .she t the, , ancient, Ocotttilt lOrds. to motet . , exit ,iertaln,airen0Y tAnsed to i:fsr ry It '4.Yr re' ;1,41417 !!'rki44:,1•111 t7s4til g small dogs litirroWing for the piles of ,early scotiond. They're good raciest-es. and -.watch • :KfiSti' especially !Jowly near' groundhog holes 'Mlle Duke of Windsor. and VIII. kept a , re%% of these little !dogs at his Belv edere castle, and more recently. John Dicteithaker stuck his head outlit is very poor form to barge into Places that raise animals, and kminels hate to be extlentely protective against disease. Parvovirus is the Major threat today, and any place that attracts dogs and dog owners has to exercise the utmost ..caution. THEPIRFTWAlil) Wc weiv escorted iota. the MO ward.' where* handler, *as attending a beautiful pint shed ;;Cock r" §pagiet. 'Pep pies' approximately rstus,uldi la. an, assdrtnien hth t of ' breeds, • vecalrod from their casesAnng-ill'e .wall. it was feeding inte. and .all the', FoOdles. Dalmatians; and a little brown4yed 'Pekinese clamoured for attentin 'as the warm beefy gruel was being ladled out. We had to leave the kennel and go into the house to see the Cairns. Picture a tin y fizzy little animal, disorgan- ized looking, with a. huge • it We're' busy this week - OOP. Ong a corner for,,him, .and tryng to thia up an unique, yet dignified noon. - 1st the spring,- !ell! ..build an e'er, else rein, .and print:Me a ofe ottitdobr corner. This will be especially bandy when 00 co.oig,•••• • A '5 baby tomach. When I held him. he quietly licked my fingers. and snuggled up under my chin. The poor little outfit had been flown in from Missouri that morning, andyehse. wwea.sreve;eyttisnlegepaY.new dog. as soon as his quaran One and care period is over. •••••••.••••.. LIPTON PHILIPS SNICKER, NOODLE -LIGHT BULBS 6°1ANiT'° 2F0' SAUCE ' , 14 oz ZEINIIS BEANS wITI:f0 RETURNABLES 000A-CO OR SPRITE 750 ml. BOTTLES PLUS DEPOSIT SPECIAL -PRICES • IN EFFECT , UNTIL CLOSING • TUESPAY MARCH TO When the snowflake's came back to 'enver the mud. theyyseere big, fluffy and swirling. riett as though I was driving through a pillow fight- perhaps a dispitte between the Jolly Green Giant and Mrs. Giant. As suddenly as the mini-storm started. it. stopped. The felithery flakes were washed down , by moist air, and- hardened by tlYbTiiiiiiribmperatures. The streets be- - came temporary ice rinks again, and the Carl Sandburg described fog poetically: , "The fog comes-- on little cat feet., It sits looking - over -narbour and city o n silent.haunches and then,' MOWS on.' The February, fog Sit on its haunches over Southwestern Ontario for a long time. I woke up at: my parents' farm one" Saturday morning and %wttle* what was wrong,. Then I realized that blue thing outside the window was 'sky. I hadn't seen 'it for a. week. FOrther investigation showed the neighbours, their houses, and their barns hadn't moved away, after all. Few tieople saw the fog in the imagina- tive way Carl Sandburg did. Most were.too busy' trying to stay on the right side of the road. 'Then the rain came and people were ocCupied pulling their boots out of sucking mud, watching for wash-outs and listening - -his summer sleep-and gives him a warning: to river ice crack and water roar. • 14,,wes-itardlutelievelhat-just,twerweeks- tttttttttttttttttttttttt „.. You give your promise not to stir, And not to roar or wail, Or send. your north wind with its snow. Or yet the east whose vapours blow Their shuddering sleet and hail. "So help you then for evermore- If yop so much 'as cough or snore. My seen -SigterS," ' - Who follow after me in turn. Are under strict conimand to burn Your •body up with blisters. "Of Autumn. too, you must beware. For if yoti rise to scent the air. Our Indian-summer maid Will Plague you past what you endure, Until you think your temperature One hundred Centrigrade." The mention of spring and summer gives us something predictable to look forward to. as we wander through the mixed bag of weather tricks March is sure to bring. MOFFRT- TRUCKLOAD, SALE • Yes WE Bought A Truckload Of MOFF'AT Appliances And We Are Passing The Savings On to You! - . Almond $10.00 Extra and trade NO SALES TAX ALL 0111111 MOFFAT APPLIANCES OiSALI CONIEJN WWII SELECTIONS GOON DRYSDALE NI A JC OE NR TR": APPLIAN CELT D -1.4f Re (ebet ;.(1.` . it DRYER Mode! MDG 1150 • autortiatic drying system 3 heat selections regglar,delkatcand fluff 4 dry cycles — 'normal, automatic winanent peon, delicate and automatic 'lomat drum light , fixed end•-ef,,cycle signal large capacity parcetaki enamel druoti lint collector -Almond $10.00 bttrir $32 and Trade NO SALES TAX 4 • sanders were put back on the roads. Although the sun shone the next-day-and-'',.'"•'‘""—""" the temperature rose, most of us took the broad hint that we still have the long winter month of March ahead of us. We'd bitter enjoy this respite while it lasts. -- March may give Old Man ,Winter a tussle for his crown. hitt usually it takes April, to put the season in its place. Edwin John Pratt, goes on in his poem to describe how April settles Winter down for Op V re I e , , • • cotpuRS I. ,