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The Wingham Times, 1899-09-29, Page 6
t. • .4� ]'.1arIIIte k'ItII .L i31:PT. 29. 1899. • OUR OTTAWA LEITER. From onr own Correspondent, Ottawa, Sept. 23rd. A statement of the revenues and expenditures of the Dominion for the financial year ending June 30th lint, which is practically complete, has been issued by the Finance Depart- ment,. and it proves that the most sanguine anticipations of the i i- uance. Minister have been more than lcealizc;d ; for while Mr. Fielding anticipated a surplus of over four .zni.:lion dollars the actual surplus realized will exceed five millions. The country's revenue is $8,500,000 greater than .last 'year, every de• partment except the Post • Office showing a substantial increase; and the.decrease in the revenue of the Post Office of $300;000 is more than accounted for by the substantial reduction in both domestic and foreign rises that have been in force curl;: the latter half of the fiscal year. The principal inereases in revenue have been $3,650,000 in the Casa outs Department; $1,770,000 in the Excise Department; $550,000 in the Pelee: ;Works. and $885,CQ0 under the head ' : Miscellaneous, That expenditure en capital acconnt has nlereitsed 3.591,0O() the talk of whit was e• maimed i,i railway subsitllei and increased activity in the te„Ir,truction of pnb1ie works, but the Patelle debt h:ts only het'n in- crease,' :1,.7770,(JO0 a> it;;ainst a2,7 7J1stee0 tht1 previous year. TILL: IMPROVEMENT CONTINUES. For the two months that have passed of the current fiscal year, the approximate statement which has been issued shows a satisfactory conditiol, of affairs, eut•reut revenue having increased and the expendi- , ture them -eased. The expenditu'e On Oa;'ital OCCoU rt ft'r the two months, moreover, is telly half what it n';1. dining the cerrf'a lending• two nit,•rile� t f last year. .1tl,tt:her significant fact, showing the exteut to which the ever growitlg pros et'ily is participated in by the pe„pit. 1st ISM ge is that more than a 1xailliott ilr'Uara mare mope; was in cirenil,eon in August than in July. 'The iim,lnnt in cirenleti In in July was $25,490,378 while the figure for August was $26,63(1.795. Of this, more than a third, or 18,903.032 -was in D,.minion one. and two dollar X10' e3. A PARTICULARLY FAT YEAR. Commenting upon the result of the harvest in the Northwest the commeteial editor of the Toronto Globe says;—"T.he crop this year as a whale should grade much higher than last year's crop, and with an increase in the total crop of Mani- toba. of, say 20,000,000 hnshels, and taking the price at ccteary points at 50 cents per bushel, the farmers of the Northwest should get $10,000,- 000 more for their wheat crop of, 18109 than they received last year. But is must be remembered that while the wheat %serene in the Mimi west this year shows a large inereaae, the Northwest farmers are devoting their energies more largely to other lines than in previous year:: There has been a large in- crease in stock raising and the ship- ments of cattle now being made will • TUE i f� IN Li IA.l 1 'L4•FM.G�tS, SEI)T T 1. s i 1, ,4 !F..�' y. t Ill. llll„IYI. .. ..... .. .. T,IN•T1M"M.n F.,.q,.N FA WNV.w+.y* weWresnn,, be larger than in any previous year,.diphtheria hospital in Toronto the 1lany timers halve ,nolle into the mortality was 35 per co;.t before the raising of high class cattle the past introduction ot the anti•toxille treat - two or three years, and butter and anent, bat' that since then it had cheese factories have been multiply- dropped to 18 per cent,. or about in in Manitoba. On the whole, the halt. The doctor urges Joeal boards outlook for the Manitoba farmers is of health to give the promptest at rosy, and looking back over the last. tension tt, every reported a as. t'i' decade of the nineteenth century he diphtheria and to secure tt supply el will recall 1899 as a i+artieulcet'ly fat stn-U.tosine at once, the slerertnesatt year." being ready to tura% it fat talo e;tsf A PLAIN ST:t'rbl\II:N: or t.tere. where the patients ;tett Qa'in � int:t'trn A western Ontario paper. whose petrch;t,e it thelia elves, , editor nccemparied the Canadian , press excurric)n to the eeast, publish- ele'neC'II, I sses•eese Assess tekin Ies the following impressions which be:Ir. 1Ylaitutty i a ih: !�:<.�: gained from personal observation of affairs. in the West :—'•11r. Sifton's speech a allcai flap Chea ate. :. I policy is that of the great west. to lift up its veetea fitiZ vim:•::, k :;:. `u;�,� What this country requires is a of the corn:In en press esa4 Iltee larger population, and the class of i Liberals in p:'Iitim"l*^,4,nrt people who are now being brought the World s:aya to dayin are satisfactory, The Galieians + and Doukhobors are acceptable, Qi We take it that ttt aim the former,many have fax ms already, I closed corruption in the w, ,;hest well equipped with implements and' of elections forma satleiese+t e:p:e which the religious prem is u A.2a- fied in speaking out. The e tenv:la is not slow to 'comment e*t.1 • when it manifests itself in ether departments of life. Why staenuu:I it not raise a note of waiving. against the corruption that per - a good supply of stock, Of the latter 1 so much cannot yet he said, as they I have only been in the country a short time. Of course these people came here nearly all penniless. Under the liberal regulations re- garding homesteads they receive a farm for a small fee and the per- formance of certain ditties. The settler is required within six months meates our electoral system la to go into residence, after which it is Of course the religious prees were necessary to reside upon and culti; it ever so far to forget its sphere as vate his farm for three years. During so max in polities and political galess the tin ee years be must not be tions, eould show no favor to either absent more than six months in one year. Otherwise be will forfeit his entry. As the Galieians are active and progressive, forfeitures are a party, and in responding to this ap- peal to condemn corrupt practices at elections it would be unable to over- look the many iustanees of acknow= rarity. The Doulthobors are of ledged Conservative corruption. On course a different class, Yet they this point neither Mr. Whitney nor are already adapting themselves to the World bat given the religions the country, and of the many press any directions. Should the thousands who have entered ,the appeal be answered and the denomi- country this year only a few, per. national papers begin to criticize baps a score, were in the immigra• tion sheds at Winnipeg on the occas- ion of onr visit. These people are settled in the northern part of Mani. toba and .forth of Regina. They have taken up farms and are now actively engaged in taking off their - first harvest, which of course is new procedure to them. One peculiarity of these people is that they can hard- ly realize that they are in a land of freedom, they having been used to a life of slavery in Russia. A protein- ent citizen of Regina, said of the immigrants, that he believed that they were the right class. He refer- red to one instance where he sold t press in Canada is denominational election methods, Mr.Whitney would doubtless see unqualified opinions as to the circumstances attending the unseating of Mr. -Calder in Soutb Ontario, Mr. Diarmid in West Elgin, Allen in North Hastings. and the revelations regarding Bower's elec- tion in East Elgin. The general belief, is, however, that the religious press will not in- terfere in a matter sufficiently looked after by the daily and weekly secular press. The religous papers have their work and have plenty to do without going outside it, and it must be, remembered that the religious a - number of Gaheians sufficient maintained by the churches to pro- implements to put in their first crop, mote denominational interests, and they bad no money and of course that it appeals to both parties.—'1'or- could give vary little, if any seeuri- onto Scar. ty, yet in the fall after their first harvest the payments were promptly met.” • TRADE WITS AUSTRALIA, La Grippe and Nervous Prostration Had Brought Captain Copp Near to Death—South American Nerv- ine was the Life Saver. "MY FRIENDS DESPAIR." A report which has just come to. hand from Conlmissisner Larke, Canada's commercial representative in Austialia, should - be carefully perused by all who are interested in the development of the trade with our great sister colony. Mr. Larke declares thatthere is a great care- lessness and apparent indifference displayed by those who should be in a position to work up a paying business, for there are excellent opportunities of developing trade,', B. Sold by both in natural products and mane-- pp+ A. L. Ili Coamlltoo Dru let "I was ailing for nearly four years with nervous prostration. I tried many remedies and was treated by physicians without any permanent benefit. A year ago I took la grippe, which greatly ag- gravated my trouble. My friends de- spaired of my recovery. I was induced to try South . American Nervine, mid was rejoiced to get almost instant relief. I have used four bottles an4 feel myself completely mored. I believe it's the best remedy knowl2 for the nerves and blood." W m, M. Newcastle N faetured goods. In many instances gg . the market is entirely neglected and ' • in other cases the conduct of Cana- Time to Change the Subject. dian exporters is alleged to be such t "It is the •strangest thing in the world," said one of a group of gentle• men a few days ago, "that thesel migratory swindlers we are continu- product, is seriously handicapped by ally reading about ever ,manage to the e fact that an inferior United., find victims in the business commun., States article, branded " 3laeitoba, ity. I can't understand how an has been placed on the market., intelligent man of affairs will- allow Other instances are given where himself to be- taken in by one of the orders are not filled promptly' and in rascals. It is due every time to- an Many cases there . receipt not even amusing lack of ordinary precau- acknowledged, packing ceses are tion." defeetective, the contents of cases not "But one can't go on the theory ':narked on them, and invoices are that everybody- is a scoundrel," pro• made oat at prices higher than are protested a broker who happens to quoted in the first instance. It will have been bitten lately for a small be a thousand pities if a promising amount. and rapidly inereasing market is "Well, I come pretty near going spoilt by the introduction of such on that theory in regard to Strang-' reprehensible business methods as ere," replied the first speaker. "I. these, nor is this the first time that simply take no ebances. That's the complaints of a similar nature have only way to de business nowadays been made against Canadian ex. Always be on your guard. Why,' porters to markets in' other parts of I'll tell you what it is," he added,' Empire,the mpire, Vanning to the:isubjeet, "I would not rash a foreign check for my own T,REATAIrNT OF DIP/ITtrztil,t, brother l" A useful circular leaving reference "Very likely your are correct," t't the treatment of :linhtheria' has said the other dryly. "You know been issued by Dr. Thick, Ontario's your brother better than I do." The' Provinciai health officer. It calls prudent man changed tbo subjeet. attention to the fact that in the —-Isiew Orleans Ttmes•Democrat. as is likely to destroy confidence. As an example of.this Mr. Larke states RARR010— that Canadian flour, which will sell. . for ST5 a ton. more than the local • 0 9 A Disease Peculiar Kthny to Railroad Men, which is readily Cared by Mr. Case's Kidney -Liver Pills. Did it ever occur to you that most railroad greet die of kidney disease? Such is the fact, however, and the disease is '.known among railroaders as "railroad kidney." The first and mostmarked symptomisaweak, lame and aching back. You may think at first that you are only tired; but its this trouble in. (creases day byday,kidneydisease, with i all its terrors is fat ls ing you seas as a Vietiln. Mr, Geo. Cummings, for ever ate years en. gineer on the Grand 'Trunk running between Toronto and Allendale, says: "The constant tluty with my work gave the excessive pains in any back, racking my kidneys. I tried several Vemedies unfit X Was recommended by my fire - ,Irian, Mr. Dave Conley, to try Dr. Chasc'e Kidney -Liver Pills. Two asses have cont- gnletely cured me and I feel to•rl.ty abetter man than eve. I recommend Mein to all my *lends." Dr. Chase's ICidney.Livor Pill„ one pili a tkesc, deck a box, at all dealers, or Edran.ou, Yates 8: Co., 'Toronto. A cold is danger. olts. .l'ou't let it 1 tfewo tit eek or yon. u e Colt; yore wilt break up ally torus of eudtl ru i. feW 11Curs and prevent: grippe, dlphttlerl t and. pueiRletlla. It sheaths be la ever3r limo and eu'ry vest tt ase n ;teas iesnee once Volley. a°ct ls',zsta1 ;IN P slat. Guide tvkTcaltL, sa v -''-4b,.hr .• trek 1r'.Ui Arch at:,?hila iiNi ,ta„ T'tu'ni 1 ctyL ".un -.et* aux ran, q�' n a"C Clicve •sgleudid bundle's AY:zethe galla and hay are bide Wins tees ithet atebie ptg•peu ? • T4: '' l hila did 1 Vii ) b, fit. theta heti proof fences, .4.*ariit i ticl,is ami.; ? 4`4t > :°.anti that etti.ar slashing? Q,!:4 blab dist 1 W>h a s"svo d:adiy rnustard I lin ham $ grant; erops hid? Whee C oil ht-lte:cil the rowdy ragweed The 4:9$ weal did 1 lt'i'iF0 bent thet s. plethic;, mansion, \tt tr:y.itga,*e: for a lid? Who F"atete.d all that orchard ? The eiil man di.t Ile di' i itwith affection, It was his it'y and pride ; And when lois .Fork was finished The vrd u ua died RIIEt r.r.n NAN DID. When let the homestead crumble, The lilac trees amid 2 Wno wrecked the old 'verandah ? The young man did! Who let the eatterpifler, With tents come in nnbid, To spoil the spleudid orchard? The young man did ! The noble big barn building From its foundations slid, Who let it go to rain ? The young than did ! Who let the rascal ragweed, The fertile fields amid, Destroy the wholesome clover? The young man dill 1 Who with an awful mortgage The noble acres hid ? Who destroyed the sugar lush ? The young man did 1 The farm is lying yonder, You know be isn't there ; He's keepin' tavern somewhere, I really can't tell where. —The Khan in Toronto Globe. "He That Any Good Would Win" • Should be provided with good health, and everyone who would havegoodbealth should remember that pure, rich blood is the first requisite. Hood's Sarsapa- rilla, by giving good blood and good health, has helped many a man to suc- cess, besides giving strength and courage to thousands of women who. before tak- ing it, could not even see any good in life to win. HOOD'S PT brie tire gentle, vet effect- ive.. Brtls'.oh h,14 112 wifi'+W; and Luck- now teas over CSO. Mr. Join R. Smite, L'tke Stream, Sent C,,., ii. Ii., Art.et: el++ eons personal. ex nat•ienhe.1 wlllir, I testify to the good streets ,1f [pas Lisps pills 'fo, Sick Meednch.° near Clow ipatenu " The 1':'lese, vital (,uvernrnent of Quehee i. releioio;r .l, et surplus for the first. 1i1111' in 25 t41lrs. Eal(©AiDr..o 0 0 PLHY CHILDREN Become Strong and Healthy by using Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food. Children are fregneutly left weak and sickly a3 an after result of measles, scarlet fever, etc., and in this state are easy prey to nervous disorders, rickets, spinal disease, or consump- don, diseases which do not affect robust, healthy children. The blood is weak and watery and the nerves improperly nourished. Feed the blood and nerves with Dr, A. W. Chase's Nerve Food, and the pale, pinched faces will soon beconto rosy and plump,and tiredness. and weakness will give way to strength and animation. Mr. le, W. Day, 62 Close Avenue, Toronto, writes: "My eldest daughter; aged eight, be- came very much run down. " Her fretful, nor• sous, sleepless Condition greatly alarmed her parents. She was taken from school, and, in spite of the best nursing, the thin, weakened, bloodless face grew painfully worse. Fortun- ately we used l)r. Chases Nerve Food, An improvement becantu apparent in a few days, it continued, and in a few weeks she returned to school built up anew,• and greatly to our joy fully restored to health." Dr. A. W. Cha>e'n Nerve Foote, see, a hoe, at ail dealers, or Lchnansun, hates & Co., Toronto. 8.f',.IIllAT11 SERVICES. , l�e FI(I�� Xiltih'- 1Y III .rtrinl4 AI. T1 01 ti:l'1'--Ates. U. Hobbs, pas litlelsoi t 11 talk l'Itl:Slia Tl'llt1AN--Itev. UI . Petrie l I:at emstierviees nt 11 a In and 7 p w. 1 i',1'i1lt'(11'ia, .lt, ;'aortae -Rev. Wm. I Lowe. rooter. Sermon at 11. a la and 7 pat. or. . ervtc•t'tl at tt lu laud 1 " BAPTIST Rev, W. Freed, pastor. Servieee et 11 a to and 7 p w CONtaitl3(z:aT1UN.1.L1---• Rev. J. W. Ootlln, legator. reervieett at 11 a m and 7put. Cfll;:I tT1:#N WORlflu1.M .- Misses Outran: and Leek in et,nan and, Services at alt as and tt p tn. SAI-No.TION ARMY-0lapt. Motaf'ocl 1 ani wife its commend.. Services at 11 e. - ank and 8pna, in ettoh of the above named churches Sabbath School Is held at 9.130 p tn. BANK at HAMILTON �,'tiINGgi1PVt. Capital, 81,4111,520, Rost, e1,000,000 N,ree:dont—Jon 0:MART. Vico-President—A. G. 1tAntsAx. • DIIR.ECTORS JOHN Piu'oroa. t;,xn. ROAOI, weIOMAN, >vt P, A. T, Woon, 31. P, A. B. Len (Toronto). Cashior-3. TURNBULL. Savings 1Banit—Hours, leto 8; Saturdays, IC to • Deposits of 51 and upwards received and Interest allowed. Special Deposits also r000ived at ourre'•t rates of It ,rest, Drafts on Great Britain and the United Stet-, bought and saki W. CORBOULD, ADEN.'. E. L.DICKINSON. Solicitor. IvToney to Loan on Notes. . Notes Discounted AT .REASONABLE RATE: Money advauced on Mortgagee et 6 pet rentwit privilege of paying at the end of any Lear. Not, and aoconnts colluded. - 13,0I3T. lvi'cIN D0O. Beaver'13loclr Wineham, Ont EARLY @LO ING Before placing your order for Spring Clothing call and see our - NEW. SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Goods cheaper than old . stock that cost one -hall more •' than new and better goods of the latest styles will cost •to -day. We make clothes that fit. WEBSTER& '0., Queen's. Block. Thin handsomo.' Dora 'rotten for . (OHN parksoiling two fenotrety ' ,� 1 -I ti17$I{1}�, '�INe$AhT, ONT.. ;,scouts of Itetiotr po , • T , 0 /tit - V luau, and Viutat l'ur � - nnneatlutts, each or :�:, i+ ' b/ . • LICENSED AUCTIONEER. this prnttytuly''watah ; •1 t ()vaulting throe dozen. 1'�•�� i'' Ivrttonna Ivo send the i -: •.,� Sales of Earn] Stock and Farre Ini 7eme T i' lP me eertmno. sell !t, to. "' ^"'�•'""�'�• . specialty, turn the money, fad Ivo ronrurl your watch • All orders loft at tho Tanks once promptly Raoul .1 urinr5os void. 05 to. Terms reasonable. ' HOME SPECIALTY CO. - iroe a• et TORONTO, ONT, --Iia i'linragtiiip--, IlltHlty kilII)0.1 M0BNINts •-••A1 Ttlt•;-••• TIMES OFFICE, JOSEPHINE STRET WINQIXAAI, ONTARIO. Subsorlptton px'toe. $1 per year, lu advance ADVEItT1sxncl RATES in.aee I i yr. (,J4 mo, 1 3 mo. 1- Iiva Hal[ Cohin.n euo o 5 n U' 0 $'t0 0051 uartcr„12 00 d 0000 i'no'loch 90 6 00 :1 00 7 00 300, Q0 2 Local and other rat -Anti alhertiOet,t0nt, So per ll ;- Pot 0rs51uorrtim+,and 3o per line foretellsubscgUe0t in• ealornotices 10e Alpe 11r eitforrMirstiinsertion, Oa, per line for each Advertisements of Loot, lFmen d,Stn-y Found, cd,.Situatioue and Business (Mastro wanted. not ex:veiling 8 tine nonpareil, 51 for first month, and see. for each, subsegtront month. [louses and Farms for fare, not oxea051n9 S !idea. e for asst mouth, Ftwts , 1•cr s hon. eat month 'Ch.eep br erms li T �' trietlyiadhered to special ratite for large: advertisements, or or ;agger periods. Advert,sements end hent notices without epeoifio directions will he iw,arte'I till forbid and .ohar ed` accordingly. Trtu•stt:,ry advortisemonts must bo paid in ad.•ance Changes for contract advertisements must be in the office by Wednesday noon, m order to appear• that week n. iL ELLIOTT, Panmix'roa esti PDDtisanta. f INGI-IAM HOSPITAL. For the treatment of DISEASES OF WOMEN and: SURGICAL CA:E;4 of ail kinds, For particulars -- addles)) itKENNEDY, ent• liedical6perinen%It4lm, Ont:. D VANSFONI9,. 811 BA itRISTER, tsuLtC1T0.R, Eto., Private end Company funds to loan at lowest rate, lntoreet. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm proper* bought and sold OFFICE—Bearer Block WINol1Aar, - J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, &e., Wingham. out. E• L.-UIC1C1NSC1, BARRIST1t;R, ETC. riosioITOit To DAWK Ob` ILt3IILTO11. LOAN. • Office—Meyer Block- ryh,ultam G. CA5IERU,iv, ,11'oiu y To. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, CONVEYANCER, dee, Office—Corner Hamiltor, and 51. Androty struts opposite Colborne hotel. OODBRION, ONTARIO. A itTIIUR J. IRWIN, D D S, L D 5, Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania • Dental College and Lioeuti.te of the Royal College of Deato]' Surgeons of Ontario, Office over Post Unice, W.ngham, V •S'bim 13: 1). Rossgraduu DENTIST, thea It. C, HAS D. E of Ontario, and is prepared to do all planner of Dental work nt reasonable prices. Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Cense, Wingliam. • JOFIN RITCIIIEe ° GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WINOIXA t ONTARIo3 .e. DEANS, Ja., W1NGRA1s, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FUJI. wale COUNT' OF HURON. Sales attended In any part of the Co. Charge Moderate. 'aveats and Trade•Mark3 obtained, and all patent usiness conducted for MODERATE PEED. My office is in the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send model, sketch or photograph of Invention wits description and statement as to advantages claimed. .11-g"No charge is made for art opinion as to •patentability, and My fee for prosecuting the application wait nob be vatted for ,itatid the patent `raiioteed, "InveNTone Goma„' coo. taining fun information seat free. All Commusl• cations Considered as tttrlctly Conadentlal. FRANKLIN H. HOUGH -WO a' direslerts W.&S IIINGTON. It. C. Cut this int r, d rota n r1 , vvs to no, kith mama of • ytur ne^.r,.at r•Rprros tepee Ca re for yon t') l tend this watch yon to r,aminc. It 18 ori open -lace, potdidotcl, dnst btinct cash Irandsomelvcn^ravel, luteal with Amllhtt t7nu,el liesfl,C,tl etom's rtat tet movement, lady's t scat's the. Itis m good bran phv^ egnal Inn?" ptarancoto atttn.oe wan.. nal 1s just tie tiller; for trading purpo,rs. If, as eararat exar:theationyou are seashell tt.ts ,wmeh 14 torsi tumors than wa elk. p,y tlo expos, oh,lnt ii A5 and expo. s t thnrges and it is year,. :.+rry 'ti:t ies, co., Lau t,, ,, Toronto, Cwt. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and South ICinoardine benne A'EltiVE 6 49 a. m. 3 05•p• fru 830pm1029pna 856am 805pM 668am]1.10am 8-80pm 800pm 1110am- 649ar 880pm 880pm 1020pm 830am SOCIETY MEETINGS. S -• 0damn Caledonia leo.' 99 meeta . ■ the first and third Monday in envy month, in .he Odd Follows nate. Flatting' brethren welccn,+ J. Murray Ohiot. II Elliott, Ree. -sec JOB PRINT N INOe NUI,UDING nooks, Patnphlots, Poston, 1.11 I Roads, Circulars, dee., fico., executed in the beth style of the art, at Moderato priors), and ear short I notice. Apply or address 11. n. newer. t 1' Mss OOaoo, Wingllam , We aro pl.used to announce that any nooks os Magazines left with us for Binding, will have our will be attention.iunlleationo o Binding in Offiee FIs