The Wingham Times, 1899-09-29, Page 5j '11000 it • rheill,W1,41%.101~6,01104044Altibiiii)WIloWaill FOR THIS WEEK 1 epi Regular $1.25, St.00 and 75c Shirts, Laundrieci and Soft Fronts, for 50c, all sizes, IVIeh's Waterproof Coats, reg, $5,00, this week $4.00, new, stylish and up-to-date goods. One dozen Ladies' Kid Gloves, were $1.25 and $1.00 for 50c. Assorted Shades, df 37-4-14,132)) New and correct styles of Mantles, Fur Jackets, Capes, Ruffs and Caperines. The largest and best stock of Ready-to-wear clothing ever offered in Wingharn. See our $i Vests, 12 Rolls of Carpets up-to-date and stylish, Threshers Felt Hats at 25c each. Prices right. tivasaasts,saszawt,aaaawaZaacrN.42.1.a sasZsIMSalSsia T./ res CSASIttMr.Z.St. Having purchased the business from Jas. Duffield, the public will find us in the CORNER STORE, desirous t)f securing by fair dealing and bon. est values a share of the phtron age. The present stock will be offered at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Housefarnishings, Cutlery, G-raniteware, Stoves, Tinware.anci Coal Oil always in stock. Special attention will be given to our TIN •f‘ • 0 DEPT. Having had large experience in cities, we excelsin Furnace Work, Hot Water and Steam Hepting,. Sanitary Plumbing, Eave. Troughing, Steel • Siding, Roofing and Metal Ceilings. , Cali on us. We shall be pleased to make your acquaintanee„ feeling sure .we shall gain your confidence. • ar 7, E3TIL. (?a- 43)2EZa TO TilE FRONT PUBLIC' NOTICE. Having moved to town to the resi- dence lately occupied by Geo P Wells, corner Centre and Alfred streets, near tho GTR, I am prepared to pay the highest cash prices for all kinds of Rags, Rubbers, Copper, Horse Hair, Wool Pickings, Iron and Metal of all kinds, delivered at my residence, or if word be lef t, I will call for same. SEE WHAT THE DIAMOND PORK SHOP opposite Post Office, Says: Fresh Beef and Pork. Lamb • Bologna • Pickled Pork Headcheese Breakfast Bacon . Sausage Smoked Ilam Pressed Beef Side Pork Tripe Cern Beef , Pressed Tongue Spice Roll, Lard, Fowl, &., • always on band. • Our prices are right, Orders called for and meat delivered to any part of the town. Tour patronage solicited. . D1111,1(111 PRE As it Ince C. .GOODMAN AN ITEM OF INTEFIEOT. Parmers, why. pity 53 and 6 per cent. interest on your loans when money may be bad at 5 per cent. Payments made to suit borrower. Chin ges Agency Ontario Mutual Life Assur- ance Company. At office Friday afternoon and all day Saturday. ABNER COSEii S, Macdonald Block, Wingham. THE MILK OF HOLSTEIN DAIRY is pure and cold and costs, 'e 4.1;Ni14'61. SEPTEMBER 29, tb99. I 00 OASES LA Star D. Diamond Enamelled Cathedral Chipped. Roby rind Blue Obscured Leaded., Builders' Hardware. Portlaild Cement, ' $ 1 5 0 ; J. McCaughey, diteh, $2 ; W. Mosgrove.—Couplanc1,—That we things, I ()barged Mr. Watson as be. a committee of this Council at het... Ing an tate! ly unprincipled perjured more, on Thursday, Oat, 5tb, at $ ilar'o'clock p, tn., to examine and take now wish to say that I sincerely wbatever action may be necessary I $ regret having made use of such in regard to drain in Belmore—Car- language, I beg to retract the words lied. used and any other statements OW Mosgrove—Coupland — That we, rained in that letter to which you or take the tile out of and make an he may take exception or which open drain of One part of the Gil - Might have a tendency of injuring more and Gray drain, --Carried, Mr. Watson in his diameter •and re- - Mosgrove — Mitchell — That Mr. putation as a servant in you etn- Cruickshank be appointed to get the ployment. work done on the Gilmore and Gray Trustingabis may be considered drain,—Cerried. satiefactory to all parties concerned, Cruickshank — Coupland — That 1 beg to remelt), Jr. Mosgrove be appointed to ex - Yours respectfully, amine the road in AleCraeken's JeaMs CRAIG. swamp on Morris Boundary and it Accounts were ordered to be paid necessary take actio» to repair.— as follows: — P. EllISOli, digging Carried. $ diteh, $25 ; J. McElroy, repairing Coupland—Cruickshank.—That we re eulvert, $1.00 ; 13, Kelly, gravelling, pay Sam'l Vanstonei, value of lambs ir $7.20 ; J. Kelly, inspeeting work, killed by dogs.—Carried, J. OLE N & co Youill, gravel, $4.27 ; J. Messer, pay John J. Aloffatt5.3- valoo of 4 spikes, 50e; Shaw and Messer, put. ewes and 3 lambs, killed by degas-, • Ong in culvert, $7.25 ; J. Ferrand,Carried. 1 i repairing culverts, 50e ; Hunter and Cruickshank—Mitchell—That the 0 1 t 1 , I McNeil, work on ball, e370; Wm, Clerk be instructed to notify the 0, Sallin Ig . „dLI ir 11 Jackson, ditch, $.30; Wm. Wells, Township Engineer to come and get $ i I A LANTERN thatissafeand won't blow out le what ever bcdy • wants. We have it, See aur New Barn Our Roller. it will not jump off ihe We are in it with LAMPS, PAINTS ETC., APPLE PARERS, CEDING FAPF.R, • SPORTIRG GOODS mid CEDER!. HARDWAPE, ZETLAND. In the writing competition foe prizes offered by Wingham fall shoVe for school elnldren, Zetland school was successful. in obtaining two prizes, Namely, Miss Ruby Grain, 1st, and Miss Mabel Coulter, 2nd, Little Geo. Jacques' writing was strongly recommended ,Both young girls are 9nly nine and Geo. six ,years old, and as they are all ex- cellent writers for their age, it shows great credit to themselves, teacher and school. Miss Minnie Higgins, of Turn - berry, has been re-engaged as teacher in Zotland school at an in- crease of salary. That Thus ebbing Kew/ache Would quickly leave you, if you used Dr..King's New Li.e Pills. Thousands of sufferers have proved their matchless merit for Sick and Nervous Headaches. They make pure blood and strong nerves and build upy.our health: Easy to take. Try them. Only 25.c. Money back if not cured. bold by Colin A. Campbell, Druggist. , 8. The council met according to ad- journrnent, in the commit room, Sept. 18th, 1899. Members all present; the reeve in the chair. Minutes of last meeting read and passea. • Code—Jackson — That the reeve and Mr. Shaw•be instructed to ex7 pend $40 in repairing road at lot 1, 1st con line.s-Carried. Shaw —Jackson -11r. Cardiff was instructed to have road at lot 11, • con 5, put in a proper state of repair. Code—Cardiff--The lie'eve was 'instructed to draw on the treasurer and pay the. contreetor .65 per cent. on the Garoiss drain as •the' work proceeds. Shaw- Ca t•diff — The Reeve and treasurer were instructed to borrow cleaning creek, 67 ; R, McDonald, the Armstrong drain cleaned out to repairing bridge, $L75; Jno. Barr, original depth early as possible.-- cleaning ditch, ; Jno. McCaughey, Cerried. easts.,sweasa.ee ess. eesea4seeses oes-4,‘ cleaning ditch and repairing eulvert, Mosgrove.— That the $2; Alex, Clark, repairing culvert, Clerk be instructed to close the BELMORE. $1'; A. McCormick, part payment on Collector's Roll on the 10th day of drain, $125; Jas. Sharp, feeceview- , October next.—Carried. ers' fees, $2; H. Johnston, repairing Tile following accounts werpaissed. England's bridge, $2.25; F. Wheeler, and cheques on Bank of Hamilton repairing scraper, $1.25 ; Wm. Me- issued: — John J. Moffatt, $3,78, Call, cleaning ditcb, $1 ; Jas. Case- gravel account ; Geo. Henderson,, more, refund of statute labour, $2 ; 35e, scraper account.; J. S. MeTav- • Jes. Russell, repairing bridge, $4.25 ; isb, $3.60, gravel account ; Jos. A. Cam. Isbell, tile drain, $1 ; Jas.. Leeeln $1.38, gravel account; Jos. Craig, use of scraper, 50e. For Yeo, $9.80, gravelling acceunt ; gravel.—J. Breckenridge,, $2.26 ; G.. Messer, $1.50 gravelling. account • W. Proctor, $2.45 ; Geo. Taylor, John Armstrong, $1, damages ; Jos. by the best wishes of all the eom- $1.40 ; R. Gray, $4 55 ; A. Hughes, Breckenridge, 50e, inspecting gra,vet 'munity, leave for their future home $1.05 ; Wm. Hopper, $J.35; C. Camp , an boundary H. B. Elliott, $2.25, , in WinniPeg•• bell, $2 45.; A. Adams, $4,S0 ; Jas, printing; 5. Vanstone, $3, repairs on The Kielsepoo Indian Siedielee • Cruickshank, $2.85 ; Ef. Jaelcson, - 13. Line bridge ; S. Vanstone, $3, Co„ have gone to Chepstow. s40;-. Geo., Pocock, $2.73 ; 3. EL sheep killed by dogs d'ogsr. j.Moffatt, A violent hailstorm, accompanied ,Seliars, $6.50 ; R. Skeleton, $6.35. $26,50, sheep killed by dogs ; w. w. , by thunder and lightning passed • On motion of Code, see'd hy Jack- Magaire, $3, rent of over Belmore Sunday afternoon, Sept • son, the council then adjourned to • Mitchell— Mosgroye— That this 17th. The storm only lasted a few meet again on the 16th of Oct. next. meeting do now adjourn to meet in minutes blit it was quite loog enough Was. CLARK, Clerk. , Slaguire's hall, Bluevale, On Monday, to demolish the window panes on the ' E. E. Bryan spent Sunday at home. Oetober, 16th at 10 o'cleck a. tn.— western sides diseases. Mr. Mathew . Mr. A. Shaw has let the job of Ca rri,cd. Willie had his barn partialla unroof-, cleaning out the ditch in front of JohN BBGESS, ci ed, and one of the barns belonging lots 16 and 17 on the 2nd concession, to Mr. Geo. Bremner was -truck by and other improvements. bbed Grave. lightning and barned te Use ground. Mr. Lew Eekmier hag purchased a Oliver, of Philo:lel phis, was the subje it, A ThouSand Tongues ham firm,. •• is narrated by him as follows: ".1.• was in The following report gives the a most dreadful condition. My. skin E. Springer, oiangete rgpress the rapture of Anne of 1125 Howaid • et., Phila- standing of the pupils of S. S. No. 8, was almost yellow, eyes sunken, tongue deluhia. Pa.. when she found that Dr. for Septemberand determines their coated, pain continually in back and Kings New Discovery for Conmituption• , , sicles, co appetite -gradually growing had cam pk.iely cured her of a Hooking position in class for October. Total weaker day by day. Three physician cough that, for many years made life a 400. bad given the up. Portnnately, a friend burden. All other medicines; hud doc- Sr. IV.—Ettie Agar 384, Alice ativu.K.1 trying imeatrie Biters;' and to tors could give her no help, but she says Paul 370. Ruby Forbes 174my great Joy and surprise, the grist bot- of this _Rose yal Oure-"it eo'n luoved , Martha tie made si'decided improvement. I con- the phin in my chest and loan cam sleep At the bride's home, Sept. 19t,b, James Belden, f the boundary be- tween Howick and Grey, and Miss Addle Anderson, of Belmore vjcinity,, were united in the holy bunds of matrimony by the Rev. Mr. Lake. • Miss Laura, Brawn aeted the part of bridesmaid, while Tony Sample, of Brussels,ably assisted the bridegroom. The happy young couple; followed A btartling, incident, of whioh kir. Jim a new steel windmill from the Wing- naram 145, . at aim 10. untied their rise for three weeks, andsoundly,Poruething I can scarcely re - Sr: III —Xarita Fraser 370, Eva am now a 'well .inan. I know they hayed member doing before. I feel like sound- ing its praises throughout the 'Universe. • So will everyone who tries Dr. Zing's • New Discovery for any trouble of the Throat. Chest or Lungs, Prico50 cents and 61.00 et Colin A. Campbell's Drug .Store; every bottle' auaranteed. • Soueh 369, John Garniss 204. my life. and robbed the grave of another Sr, n.--EmmaJerrayn 362, Annie victim." No one should fail t..i try them. Only 50c. a bottle, every bottle guartin- Oa miss 313, Hazel •Einbuiy 812. teed. at Colin 4. Campbell's Drug Store. Sr. Part IL—Harvie' Knox '371; Willie Forbes 343, Tommy Jermyn • EAST WAWANOSH. 1s5 tive hundred dollats to meet .ciarrent Jr. Part II. Tutal 300 —Vonnie Dr. Sloan, of Detroit, is visiting at expenses. - • , Rutledge 277. Huldah Rutledge 270, the home of Mr. John Menzies'. An application for the position of Lizzie Knox 255. ' - Rev. W. H. Geddes, of Ailsa Craig, engineer was received from Mr. Ale- Sr. i —Mildred Jewitt 280,. IS ed spent a couple of days last vreek at Nabb. Order to be filled. . Agar 275, Norman Snuch 250, Sarah Mr, John Menzies', visiting with his The following letter was received' Agar 250, Roy C. Turvev 213. friend, Dr. Sloan. from Mr. Jas. Crnie : - ' Jr. I.-eNelson Agar 267, Hazel • • Misses Tena and Lizzie Gordon. of Morris, Jul 26th, 1899. Stamper 265. . ., Si. Helens, visited with Miss Lizzie To. the Munieipo I Council •of the Low I.—Willie Agar 260, Tessa . Menzies on Thursday oflast week. Mr. Thcs. A. Powell, who has heen Township of Wails :- , Js rnis n 220. • • • Gentlemene-On the 15th of April . D. L. STaA0HAN, •Teacher. residing in Manitoba for some months, last baying had occasion to WM• . returned borne on Tuesday night. 3 oa with reference to my assessment A Frightful Blunder Mr. and Mrs.. Richard James are and as to the conduct of Mr. John , Will often mem a horrible Burn, Scala, away on a couple of weeks' visit'to Watson, your assessor, towards me, i?ut Ir. itimisg, Bucklenlit Airgice Salve, •their son and daugbter in Cleveland, and promptly heal it. Cures Old Sores, ,On Tuesday of last week Frances which, under the circumstances, were I madef s s he GA t e world,wi the pain 0 10. Fever bores, Ulcersi Boils, Pelona, xa. departed this life n the 68th ymp ear of been employed in that amongst other earth. Only'25o. ft box. Cure guaran- i uncalled for end should not have Corns, • • Jones beloved wife of John Puesle • e Archie La mont, an old man, chock- ed on a piece of meat •vhile at dinner in a Guelph hotel and died. ', Tile bylaw for municiplill owner- ship of the electric plant was. defeat- ed at Almonte by 38 votes. a - Conductor Win. Bright, 'of Strat- ford, who was Censured la the" cor• oner's jury in connection with the • late accident neaik St. Mat se, by which two Brantford Eta' Icibt their lives, has been arrested ret Charge • of manslaughter. His (pee comes up on iday. l••••••••••glap,PhWASIeplletii..0,•••,11141,140 .11•11•4•1!. all Skin Bruptions. nest Pile cure on " is Be tter •otNTS A teed. Sold by Cohn A. Campbell, Drug- ber a•• ge. She was much beloved in TAREE QUART. PP the circle in which she moved and Than .Precept. When the human foot was first introduced to shoes it was exactly as nature had made it, strong -symmetrical -handsome. It has been revolutionized from what it was to the foot of to -day by sixteen centuries of distorting tightness and freakish styles. Slater Shoes " are made to fit et 'Hess( s ay • • 'st4"`. se,-ssass feet as they are to -day, cotnfort first, •- but good appearance never forgotten. Twelve shapes six Widths, all Ft 'sizea leathers and colors. a/.76° Goodyear welted, name and price romped on the soles, $3.eo and $5.00• efalatlassactlIse s • For Sale Only hy HOMUTH & SON. There are three conditions: TIJRNBERRY. When the blood is poor; When more fieshisneeded; Maguire's Hall, Bluevele, on Mon - When there is weakness day, Sept, 251,b, 1899 Members of. •council all present, The Reeve! of.the throat or lungs. in the chair. The minutes of last ' meeting were read, approved and There is one cure: that is Scott's Emulsion. It' contains .the best cod- fer'irmaarwc4g.jellieistl 'dTP' nligineer am drain; also rain, also the liver oil emulsified, or from re litoundsoarrom the Reeve of Morrie y Line; also from the the hypophosphites and, e'er Of Culross re drain in 13 giSicerine. It promises more more. et. The Reeve reported that he had prompt relief and more last - gravelling on the ilth ing benefit in these cases than there are Many who mourn her de- • • • Minutes of council meeting held in sistent Christian life. She was eon It not what we say, parture. Mrs. Pugsley lived a con bat. what Hood's Sarsaparda signed. Communieetions were read 1 gested, and combined with dra, jelhnf See" re Artnstrong • Pattersen at 60e. per can be obtgined from.. the rod yards to rod, township to pay for gravel. use of any other remedy. • Mitchell se Mosgrove — That the . Clerk be instratted to notify M. Socand Slate druggists. SCOTT Si DOWNS, Chstuists,TOrolztO. Jarvis, Councillor (..f Coiross, to meet vetted at seventeen years of age end for tvventy-flee years she was a does, that tells the story. member of the Methodist church here, Thousands of testimonials are where her funeral sermon was preach- txan2pies of what Hood's ed last Sunday. Her forefathers shouldered at se r. eta. hisLo Ygaul ins tws when nd dutyherfeaatilleet; 1 ...kis done for others, and what it will do for you. and at the battle of Stony Creek fought under the Union Jack, nr. and Mrs, Pugsley were married forty-eight years and their union was blessed with eleven children, all of whom am still. living. The loving mother is first to be claimed by death. The children are :-.Airs. Wreahrown- iee, Texas; Mrs. Netterfieid, Dakota ; Airs. Bradley, Simcoe; Mrs. Bolding, St. Thomas; Mrs. Parsons, hayfield; Mrs. Small, Si, Thomas; Mrs. Smell, Clinton ; Mrs, William Arener, auil Mrs. Allason, nutlet; Miss Eunice( at home: John, of Manitoba. talDnYtiSugPespPesilisa, -1)"yispwepasslawaenadkinadlitgclesthioatc! in severe form troubled me. bottles of Bood's Sarsaparilia.made me well and strong." 11138. WILLIAM VAISVAtk8SunGE, Whitby, Out, .A04980osdurstadrlienlanein-0"11VefahmaiNizre taken Rood's spring 'medicine and used Hood's Pills for billowiness vend found both medicines very effective. or Impure blood we know liood's Sarsaparilla is a good medicine." R. S. Pnro..4r, publisher Dee, Atwood, Ont. otodei 070.rW ‘S s Iltiod's rills crab Ilya, Ills) thii riondrrItitting iiii4 Igiliriiith1117ars Solitpit . --- . •