HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-02-26, Page 17UPON a. POSITM fErkfl4AffY
8' years lir queen's Park
Is a Member.
. Jack works for 'W"
in Horan-hilddiesor
Jack ires-work4 hard:to
protect our local hospitals
060ItalitttOta ORTO van:thin es iv/00km 04 !MUCK tooki.1.44akivii,KOAti eau ,t ' a
CIMACIt4418244,14. EXETER 2314045. (1681tRICH 3244234 UAPORTIN51/4/12
Pelolisheti H - sex
The wea a
BY 'volume% RINKER
The decision whether. I
should write a column this
week depends on the weath-
er. Whether I will. whether
won't, wbethei I do. and
whether don't. The weather.
That has been the main
started better. The school is
net closed and you, have to
put up with your hair and
clothes. Lunch arrives And
you;have become dry but feel
even more miserable be-
cause as your hair dried, it
got messed up and incredibly
straight and yOur pants be-
earno dirty and wrinkled,
At the lunch table SOO141'
dne suggests walking uptown,
,get stnneOnifigA4Pee, [t`°
t taihingA, ireu ate
assaredlon will hot lncik, like
yOtt that morning „
course they are ties.5teuleto
04:'11AYAX4414;Alt gig=1011 -
rainy day.
After returning from your
short journey uptown you
find that you don't look
anything like you did that
morning, you •look worse.
Much worse! Theo you
spend dk 'n rest Of the after-
noon worrying about your
hair and Wet jeans) The
pleas* of at: 411.
IrS NOT $1fflaTlt
SiOy011 are ready tor
agalh: The distance
net $tirteri
slierervr `iew
;school. -hut i,4 logo
Iti rrfrzfr .
just going home am; have
nothing special- planned so
there no reason why your
hair should look wonderful
and your pants should be
What's the ,;solution?
thing really. If -it were cold
and" snowy.. I'd complain
abort that If it were hot and
dry. temp& about that,
irs-Acihoh• but jt!e-the.,weath,
- ,youknow1 4.anyoneWbo
gall be celebrating birthday
*****.'.send.:tbelt .14041 axe'
and b thiiay to .Tire
..$40,'Tu..0. k4.4001.1
your friends and teachers as
they drive by in heated cars
On their Way to school. How 1
have grown to love the
teachers whp drive to school
in their comfortable cars
alone and wave to all of the
suckers walking in the rain,or
MOW. Wait until"! get my
licence! say this line
repeatedly eYarY -04PY on' the
assuring myself thilt.when 1
do get 19.Y licence, 1 we'll
tOve.'te,w9kt9 10991 every`
day at ,f do now.
A.106 14T • i
, „4,a, eavateieronatit •
side of the road has disap-
peared and the day has
started to be a complete
The though of crawling
back into bed with the covers
over your head occurs but
you know that you only have
'4,,fso long, until it is time for
schools or work, *
It is -411**Ya, hard tell
Wliether rthe foggy day is
0911WAPOtitil4 or Oeld. 90.%
of the, time 11-1/hut:kegs for
one temperature. will Ake
the ;Other btit
take' 491Leees. *
''0113be'Vrtartietilt iath'44.'"
the thought occurs that may-
be the S be closed
today because of the tag:.
Naturally, the thought didn't
occur to the radio announcer
and- he didn't bother ,td
announce You eat a-light
t eta 1 on a hai 1 ed Naturall u 4- h 5 7s- 240 '
factor in many ofourprohlems
lately. The weather has been
04,1*giog in 59 many ways _
la plan anything tat
requi res driving. or the
0004.5. • '
tot week .04$, out; of pm
worst examples.'14.41)4-ogi to school 15,itstt** hh4, 441940k
aS !ravete•-vithlk nlinte'sk -.-..„.„,,Adielii.thzehl4pthet=hcatothet;
rain or the bbzzard. But
when you can hardly see
where you are going, beeaose
of the fog and the drizzle. it
gets to be a problem.. A
typical day might look some-
What like this.,
You wake up to the
cheerful sound of your alarm
dock. Whether it is your
mother, father, sister, broth-
er, radio; buzzer, bell or next
too you. must,
cressen theway to sebool. an
extternely kind nitoist.goOs
by a mud puddle and treats
you to ,a bails you missed that
morning! There goes your
clean clothes and perfectly
curled hair
er or not is
tweet's the„school closings. t,
door neighbour smashing You spend a good half an'
into your house on his way to hour in front of 'the mirror
work, you wake up paiofully., making sure your hair is
, You. ,stumble over to the , , going to look perfectly curled
window blind to see the for the rest of the day. You
beautiful world awaiting you. choose the cleanest clotheS to
Good 'Morning! Terrible wear as you tramp through
morning! You can barely see the muddy streets and side-
wherethe neighbour crasher) walla on your way to school
into your house. The other
A SPRING-LIKE DAY-Hard to believe' it's February with melting-snows.
and bare lawns the' order of the day. Here Christine Nobel Anil Kevin
Dick take advantage of the mild terriperatures for a walk downtown.
(Photo by Hook)
Dio,your walk vou wave to
Happy Birthday to Anne%
`Ribey, '19 on March 25.
Mark Upshall; '2. on Feb-
ntary 28th.
Happy ,Birthday: to Jenni-
fer Regier_ 7 years old Feb.
20 Joanne Regier, Sat. Feb.
28 and Janis Regier cele-
brates jeer first birthday
breakfast as you are sure by ; By this timoyou are ready
the time yob get to school the to scream at the world but
radinannouncer will be wide since the morning is just
awake and ready to announce beginning,' you decide to
leave .that until the end of
the, day. Finally you get to
the school., Yott are walking
down the hall and are
greeted by pet5ple saying
such things as "What hap-
pened to yoti?'", or "Boy, are
you a mess!" Naturally these
are the same students or
teachers who drove past you
not ten minutes ago. Their
hair is curled perfectly , and
their clothes dry and clean
but they have the nerve to
notice your dirty, wet, hair
and clothes! Well!
. Your day couldn't have
Hullett pupils I
-If your H&R Block-
; prepared tax return
is questioned, we
step in to, represent
you to the district
year round, at no
extra cost:
We know ail the
',tax laws, arid viiedouble-check your return
• before you,signit, , -
We'll take your place, because nothing can'
take the place at good solid service.
This, year be sUre.
DI 1\1()Nf)k, N11
If-V0111.1?? r III\ ;
(,If 1`,
FOR I. %. I R1 .,(t 1v1(0.
OPEN DAILY: 0-5:311111414 48/2;1111. TO TAO A2.14.-1 \11
Phone S2,- Urn
when tbe LrIndon Symphony labels in the contest held
Orchestra played .for grades between the two rooms.
4 and 5 from Hullett along Earlier in the week grades
with other classes at the five and six had a joint lunch
Seaforth High School The ; in the auditorium following a
performance tot* place on similar challenge.
ihiesd•ay, February 17, at
gout I o'clock and laste for
tout 45 ,minutes.,
The musicians played very
well and the pupils said they
, enjoyed the performance.
-- -On Wednesday, "February
16., the grade 7 s brOught
inch for' the , grade 8' stu-
fent-S. The food -was set up as
i potluck-dinner. ,Mr. Talbot
roil lvlr; Nilson- provided
iiocolaie milk. '
Grade 7. acted as hosts for,
this lunch because grade
Freezer Meats
Choice Local Beef and Pork Fast Frozen for You, Freezer
Jack Riddell is. a graduate of the University of Guelph, With a B.
Sc. in Agriculture. Ho is a former high school teachiar, having taught
.at Clinton and Exeter.
He owns and ciperates a 200 acre cash-crop farm in Stephen Town-
ship. Ho is married and hos a family of five one son and four
daughtors• • : A Liberal member of the Legislature since 1973, he was the
agricultural critiefor the Liberal Party in the last session of the
Provincial Parliament.
Reg. Ground Beef Patties (10 lb. bag) $1.491b.
"Blade 'Roast, Lean and Boneless " $2.09 lb.
$2.98 lb.
.89 lb.,
1.09 lb.
.98 lb.
1.49 lb.
1.19 lb.
.98 lb.
1 59 lb.
• Rib Steak, Tender, Well Trimmed
• Beef Liver, sliced
• Pure Pork Sausages
10 lbs. or more
• Butt and Shoulder Pork Chops
• Loin Pork Chop End outs
• Loin Pork Chop Centre Cuts
• Smoke Side Bacon,by the Piece
• Grade A Eviscerated Turkey
• Side of Beef
cut wrapped- and frozen
MondayBeef T4esOoy Pork
26 -t Alter HoursGalj
Retell Hoare. 8 Sat 4- 1
Lito Sit411 t4iSALL, omit 21a• 1041