HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-02-26, Page 12r; t.19!,c..)prolpa7sa ye4,04.xi.epon /JAI,/ Ant,p• kid spoke to the Young People of the' Christian Reformed Church of Lucknow. There is a possibility of having David Dehler, a lawyer from Ottawa, sj eak.irt this area in the near future. The group'S float in the Wingham Santa Claus parade won second in the children s category-, - - The groud:s annual dinner is on Wednesday, April 2.9th in the Wingham Le ion Hall • • 1 Westons NOT CRO,S BUNS Pkg. at 6 Other special buys on stereo, equipment - Why not buy for less and get the best! & ii TV -AUDI Where r 1P4orrit ,n, w.17(0 ?hear blond', 7v1,tra jtjh So,t,fr rortih (3;14'n 1 0 L,.1 3 0 F rttftays 110 90 9 00 Closed Wednesday 'Yr HURON EXPOSITOR, iERRLIAR:Y. n cloy • t • .?,• _ Oldri SIAM/Y.- there are more criative_people available in_ ),- >.• --thoSe-fancyxnewsroomr-- • -A.0- ,)- )=--v' ).P Getting out of our long laneway becomes a real problem. to all five Huron County High Although we have a snowblower remove most of it, after ' Schools. Book kits have-gone Om snowfall, there is a buildup and we •have • to be to - each of the area higliz, careful not to, dig through the crust or it will take another schools, concerning abortion. half-hour to get to work. I'm like a skunk in February ! I They have been accepted by feel like sleeping all the time so I never leave enough' time- four of the five area high to get out of the lane. I'm late more often than I like to be. schools so far. ,.>,.abtiyotolde.fashienetbrePratcestansekorewiteoethie.k.' iteispireeow000reitowit?Damieolvoro ... at.c),()e,.. Pk. punctual the rest of the yer. a\re\ti To make matters ever mo depressing. along comes (Statistics Canada with that arm 'al story on cash receipts for farmers. They do it every time. They only tell, half the story: Farm cash receipts, rose 11.1 per cent. Every city , slicker in the nation reads those figures and comes to the ‘—edifellitidri"thlit--- faillierS- are living high off the liog. tripping over subsidy cheques-when they pick up the mail at the farm gate, if they can get through the snow, It must make farmers angry. —S...t„.1.1„.. r0„qe....sV,M1/1411c0,8%1§.49IttOISIIIIAPPAIO "-'saine time period' that land costs 'keep escalating, that interest rates have hit farmers harder than any other - -Settdrortlfe Wecinomv:Ifiat tfertilizer coifsThave cleated; My old gtandlnother Failed February the suicide month, The older I get, the more OPpoceiate her 'nickname fOr this tuAtutisgtft_tkfttooths, • • . , Although year tho weathut Ito hoon:uonstinily il it :just the dittoght that winter is, far froln, ov,0 vet the Makesitthat much harder to bear, High Winds as cold and wet, as Op nose and just giS, probing still whine• and hOW1 through the Wait: blaek hardwood in the bush behind the house. Nn C'ang'dian wilt truthfully anew that winter iS-over. We hunker into our heavy coats and scarves and slog through the snow knowing fultwell that at least one mare, probably two or three. storms will ,swoop relentlessly across the It's depressing. We have already been through three months-- some years four-- of winter. I get snarky and morose in February. I'M sick of snowbanks, knifing winds. -yellow-snows white .Snowi-brewn-snow- and-black--snow, Everytime a superci haus television announcer says we are-Ong-to get five centimetres of the "white Stuff feel like punching him in the -mouth. I'm even snarling at Ozzie. our playful. little Siamese cat, She doesn't know the winter is going on out there. A smart cat, she Wiin't even go outside the door;, hasn't been out since the first snowfall. And why do those announcers insist on calling it white bellies-Sufferine-from-malrintrition. Three The. Wingham "Voice of „ Life" held,its monthly meeting on Tursday, Feb, ,S. Sally Campeau opened the' meeting with prayer for the unborn in this, country. A short film "Abortion - 1-10w it is" has been donated that tabor costs are up 1.0 to IS per cent. • lit a recent studyt agroup,, fart000 w4,sP,0!te# by statistici4utut Hie ilotvotsmy of Piteirtliwhith hnitS.es Ong of ,Canada's-, 'best7IMOWO ,cniloRet4 Alter thOse farmers pattiTheinselves wageS. they ended up with ; rate of return.of about 3,5per oat on the capital, initeited ' . }lbw many other, people would stay in icusiness With a rethrnlike that? These Were more profit able farms that were studied. top, conunercial,scale farmers. Look at those huge profits racked up bey oil companies in recent years and you wonder why anyone would be, stupid enough to stay in agriculture. It is fortunate for Canadians that enough men and Women love the land and the rural life to remain in farming. If they weren't so good at what they do. half of this nation would be wandering around with distended ART LAWSON Asaut..4. Rep. ROTHWIEL Absoe. A. Rep Most farmers recognize the value of Red Clover as a plowdown crop. They. are willing to sacrifice a small reduction in grain yield in the underseeded crop. A slight yield reduction is easy to live with if the following craps: 'Pettr4n• and "JIM"' costs are reduced,: Some farmers, hoWiAct, hay.e ex", Perieneed fairlY significant grain yield rexhietion Yield loss of WOhusheistper acre were. reported in 14$1 Yu r"s Vriop grain crops. R PlOvor WAS, still an advaiitage for these farmers. Oats and barley were studied at the, niversity of Guelph and utiderseeding made no grain yield ,differ- ence in two years of re- search. Researchers at Cen. tralia studied Red Clever in winter wheat. No significant wheat yield reductions were experienced; it was felt that the KO Clover -was stilt so small at harvest time that it wasn't competing with the wheat. So why are yields reduced in some fields hut no not in Others? We just aren't sure. Underseeding of plow- down crops hasn't been total- ly researched yet. Planting datei and seeding rates Of clover may affect grain yields , Seeding rates Of over ;h--;pounds per acre may give; APO thick a stand of clover for the good of . th re,groio.- k.etter' eTtkt!tit44!` ,haelinC7.4:kred:s7antilbse- .4ittaa,rYy , be '''true, ,for Red citwoC • Broadcasting tho dov'ui seed, after the ;grain, is planted, may also reduce early Competition with the grain seedling's. Maybe single cut Red. Clover is less aggressive than dou- ble cut and will reduce grain yields less. (These are just my ideas. l fealty don't, lthow.) One observer has com- mented' that the grain yield reduction' isn't so had. We doulget a good stand of Reif Clover every year, The time you get a -reduction' in yiel.r1 in the underseeded crop is, pro- bably the time you get a real good' itand of Plover. The reward will be the better soil condition and higher yield -of the following crop. The Soil dr Crop Improve- ment' Asiation will be-! watching t problem for the next year so, It would be good to develop .a recipe for a good stand of Red Clover without giving up 'any more grain yield than necessary in ait4ntionst making a tuolitk. and Pita* making pair ot Pants llukt ,At'N'oni:•7 the final •Rtotiout is ng•to be pair of pants 'custom made, " individual attention' throughout the , 1:104§,f3 is.necessary. Thus the the companion coll)- We'a ttlte to hear about your experiences. Maybe you have some theor- ies about the efficts of clover on grain yields. When you see us at the winter meet- ings, tell us what your ide.as are on this situation. ai.exox‘c>i.cxxot,olkantleill*Kh000i;,'F Are.yoiktired.of not being able to ~buy a pi* of R.its, drat properly?. .1M0 -heitti4gO apoutiing the tin*. ey* eltpenSiveOantStHave. you always wanted to loam" bow to,toAko a pair of pants that redly fit but-don`t' want them to' look like you made enrolment in each will be' them?' Then this *course, May • 'restricted to 14 people.. Yon 13e lust for you! The, '44ants. are strongly urged to re- Fitting and Sewing' course spond quickly if you are offered' by the Ontario Min- interested in participating in istry of Agriculture and Food this program, as enrolment. emphasizes the steps of -will be ok,a,first come, first measuring yourself correctly, servedbasis. Three courses buying the right pattern, will' be held throughout Want to sew pants that fit? e Uer t • . mgor Apfit )1k. ,P.?11. • ,c4.0ty i n Clinton and • 00§4-4040 consist of -:-,throa • s+e lions the first he hatf.day,.' the father two day, For :mote • infertnotion and to place your name on the participant's list, phone • the Home Economist . at ' Zenith 7.3040 (south and • central areas id..olturon)i Zenith 3,3190 (north) and 482-3428 froM the Clinton ,area. Loralee Marshall - and Jane Muegge r. Home F.eartornis0 LOTS OF FREE PARKING FOR YO XxkItx ))4 3x, 7.4AM' GARBAGE BAGS Pkg. of 20 Fuel saving tips Reduce fuel consumption with these operating tips. The high cost of diesel, and gasoline has made-getting the most from each gallon a high priority concerti ,. for everyone, esrpally, far; mers. To male sure you get the most from each gallon of fuel: Sam Huber. extension agricultural engineer at the Ohio State University. offers -the-following tips for better fuel efficiency. ' The best way to warm up an engine, says Huber, is to start it up "and permit it to - - idle with na load for up to a minute. "This lets the oil circulate to all parts of the engine." he adds. After you've done that, place the engine under a light:load and increase the load as the operating temperature Starts to, rise. "An engine will warm up much more rapidly if you place it under a light load," says the agricultural engineer. "Ancr: of course, rapid Warm-up is extremely important in terms of im- proving your fuel economy," If the engine will idle for more than a minute,4shut it down. says HuheOf it has been Under heavy load let it run at fast idle for about 2 minutes. This will allow the engine to cool before it is turned off, he adds. According to Huber. the best fuel efficiency is usually obtained if the engine is run at the lowest speed that will pull the load. For example, a tractor is usually sized by the tillage implement it must pull. So when the tractor is used onlightloads.such _as- cultivating, spraying and similar -10115. -.the engine should be run at a lower speed and shifted into a higher gear. Running the engine at a lower speed reduces friction within the engine and the 'engine be- comes much„ more efficient. Del Monte Beans,Peas,Cr. Corn,P‘g Prices OffeCtive until Saturciay, February 28, 1981. -HITACHI --------------- .ir_i2411eltrDrive Turntable 140 7Bt?19-00. Granny Pkg. of 12- BUTTER TARTS Dietrichs 100% Whole Wheat ROLLS Pko. of 12 x 155 jirieratibirs" Font panel Controls Auto return and cut VisCous damped cueing Air suspension insulatOr feet Wow/flutter 00&% WRMS SIN lobo' 65 dB (DIN-B) 17 1/13 (W) x 5 x 14-314 (Pk tai itp CHECK01 store e for a& CROT You could wi trip to DISP WORLD- Get in xs.