HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-02-26, Page 10at the Junior Farmers' (Photo by EMS) Local players competed in the basketball game Winter Games field recently in Exeter. Denise Marey pets, five, can help Farm financial ID BANK TO RIM PAC Por .f he t. HURON EXPOSITOR} FEBRUARY '1581 the finals to looks -r the whtte snits began to grind out another mythodical win during the second half and the final result was no surprise. The Hawks spread thS searitig anions stx players 4s further evidence, of- a well balanced at taelf,. tiered a -miracle to advance. The Flyers. Hawks and Canadians 're the three best outfits in the League and they dl fight it out 'to the' very end. iipkwics fi PENGUINS 1 Tile' Penguins stayed with t he, Hawks Tett 3pmingv§,but BY DA." F ei4)ostc. The Pengtns. Rangers and Bruins all lost isund,,v, night and with thus three ,.tubs falling. %She season of •$tir • prises may finally he oser The Bruins arc out o ate running far a finak iirrth tyttlte ert*:440,. Ranger ...oat? titi*".rT gcrs lead tit penalty minutes with 68. The Penguins and Candians are tied for second with 67 minutes' each. The Bruins have scored the least gnats, with just 22 counted payoff action. Both the "AY andth eekenct ,f.439,tepnial449,1erbt; 14pr.1.4411W1:1t,Vhelx" play at”. l,';1)0, Sat :04y 'Morning 41.te the Ir 'A" teatilaYi.* • 700.% sap:. 10 00• Flyers Brp`rats Penguins Canadians ,,HOWIts Rangers LA.L. TOP' la,PEAY-QFP • SCORERS p 0. y .11 A Pts LOCAL ATHLETES HQNOUREII-Figute s$aters Lloyd Elejer Jr. of Egmondville, and partner Lord Baler of Mitchell, were. honoured Saturday night by the Egmondville -River Rat broom ball team. The skaters were presented with a cheque,for $50 each and necklaces with sMall rats on the:chain, in honour of their winning performances at the Junior worlds competition 'in London in December and national figure ,skating championsh'ips in Halifax last month. The broomball players also presented Lloyd with a River' Rat League crest-, and presented Luri a record by the group Free Spirit. (Photo, by Hook) .7 D. Broome C 14 5 K. Su an qE10' B. Nigh • C 8 4 6 6 5 4 8 C. Klaver E. Delveeehio ,F .1. Nash g F D. Kennedy C 2 ' S. Works H •6 D. Fry H5 M. Htnderson C 4 '19$ 10 12 12 12 , 12' 12 11 II 11 S 6 ,most puzzling question a.: round the I.H.L. these days is: Where does he keep all his trophies? . Ralph • Wood scored the lone Ranger marker on a nice solo effort. The Canadians are 4-2 in plOoff action while the' bi(leakIfta-drOp to 2.4 yiv10.0pRigNs4 Tnt)Vn)7 4' 54in; round-robin plan 14yn4ia10: over Ahg Vgakilituins. th clubs #e0:Inis44 key Per5,0001, during the tatp game. Iq,ck.tL 4idders. with the hati trick while Ens Delveeehios, Jun Carter and Gsienroryes.Barcinger chipped in , John Janmatt. Doug Phil- lips, Marc Robinette and Kevan Bfboine 'replied for the Bears who drop 'to 1-5 in post season play. 1.H.11.. NOTES " The Flyers have scored the most playoff goals with 40 so far. The Canadians have tallied 36 to date. The Ran- Ben Van Den Akker, Tat y Craig. Pete Morris. Casey Gah Finigan and Sid Woeks did the damage for the Hawks. Ken Sysan. who has been on real ripper of late. scored the lone'Pen goal. COAPIANS 8,11.0041P,,t moat theate ThAnner as the 1,1,4wU the Canadians groend'inn,a aintilat win wet' the Rartpli datiti$:$naday's ^ matvh. (Ted 14.41:41. Vie* '40i a',:el'asa, contest jWith five Vecorid por iod goa4^to .Wio easily. Daye Broome., Brian Nigh *lid ?Old Gri4z4k.al11tart two &Jails each For 'the winners. Dale Kennedy and Murray HeridersOn had the others. The Seaforth Dumpers won the Simeoe Brootnball Tournament on the weekend and Dale Kennedy was named the Tourney's Most Valuable player. He made it back in time to , ' help the Canadians win Sun- da) night, The biggest'. and perhaps --a Bears winning their hothe court, pla1''<ed the tough Stratford Central team. The first two quarters belonged 'to Stratford. and Seaforth at the half a as down by' IT • But Seaforth rallied in the second half. led by Dennis Neilsen and Rob Thompson, ',both of whom scored 27 points. During the second 'half. Stratford was outscored ig both' quay ors and Seaforth won 7340. Then Friday the team. playing again at, home, host- ed Sr. .Marys, ,Seaforth con- trolled the whole game with • the entire 'bench making its mark on thescorehoarti•add- A Bid 'BUMP-The SDHS senior girls volleyball team.. hosted Exeter in an exhibition set but only managed to win one of the three genies, Here: Pia lVlarcussen bumps: the. ball while receiVing a serve from, the Exeter squad. The set was the only home court play that the SDHS girls Qxperreneed this year. (Photo by Ellis) ing tip to a 74-24 win.,,, • The Seaforth team. wino-, ing the last five straight and, with a 5-4 record have only to beat Norwell and have Strat- ford Central drop a game to .Stratford Northwestern to enter the Huron Pertb, Play- offs. ThiSa'waS thought to be impossible just; a 'couple of weeks ago. Friday the Golden Bears play Mitchell in the second game of a two- game total point series to determine the Huron-Perth team eligible to' play in the WOSSA "k" tditinament in March. The BearS lost the first game by points'in Mitchell. - ' BY PAUL ST. LOUIS A week ago last Friday the 'Seaforth District High School (SDHS) Golden Bears- were host to the F.E. Madill Secondary School basketball team. The first qaarter Sea- forth blanked Wirigham 12-0 but Madill' came bock in the second• quarter to take a , 23-19 lead. Regaining their composure over half time. the Golden `4ears took- the laSt twit quarters in commanding fashion and scored an im- pressive 68-47 victory. Eddie Nielsen. Seafo4th's most accurate fprwad. in the game, scored an impressive, 24 pts. •the game's high. The following Wednesday the Golden Bears. again on Bowling scores. Pensions benefit widows HOWLING SCORES LEGIONscoREs 1-11,2h Siiigie Feb 13th- Ka re; 221 a Wood Huth Iriot+: Feb Kare;i and Don Wood S. r. ST A. NrriN(iii #51 ,.112hts • Mr4 #.1'Highlander, et ,Tht: #6 Shogun. h3 #2 Buggv l s 573 #4 Tr, $iard. 1•11X.ED DOUBLES 1 arlies High'Single Nan High. Trtltic `,$1.:;%; tsh H'uh S•ine.ly and • ft rinan - I . High .Single N.1,162 Stotr2 -'4 H1:411 IsCr Men .. Higi.• >> triple and A‘,:r.ig‘ 33'; 422 21.1 STANDINGS 1 CriLkcrs, Mosquir, Sar‘A.igi-; Worn' .Beetlt. Spider. ... BY JACK EISLE-R The February , issue of the Legion.magatine informs wi7 --'dow,s of. Veterans of changes in the pension act. AA hich may benefit them. The infor- mation--follow s: Doug and Peggy Rowcliff came away with top prize and the District Trophy. Con- gratulations go out to them., ThiS is the third trophy to come to Seiforth Legion in the past month,- something with' which to dress• up our new showcase 'in the upstairs halt., Students from elementary and- high schools will ' be competing in the Public cation forms appear. in Le- gion magaaine." • AnYone • wanting further information may contact Comrade Cleave Coombs Branch 156; Service officer. CURLING BONSPIEL Last Sunday Seaforth Leg- ion hosted the District Mixed Curling Bonspieland a team front Seaforth John Patter- son Sr., Gwen Patterson. Men's High Single and Triple-'Reg Dick 292 and 769. Ladies High Single and Triple-Bonnie Bedard 269. and 635. • Note-This above is the last of our regular bowling. George Love's team "The Beetles" took the season's championship. Playoffs start next week. The Legign News Ringette team posts playoff- win Seaforth girls win Pam Betties and Tracey Wright. The team need to win orie mere semi-final game against HoWick and they will advance into the finals. • • "The tlegionCtis concerned that Many Widoo s whose husbands'r disability pension ceased at the time of death are 'not'ays are of the recent change to the Pension ,-Act which 'noo permits the pay- ment of proportionate ' ston S, -",There will he'.NO auto- Matie reviews of the files by the Canadian Pensioa:Cern• mission ' and the a (dna 's must therefore ,anni% SENIOR CITIZENS, BOWLING Ladies high: Rachel Riehlc, St': Second: Jean Keys. 475. Mens high: Bert Walters. 598: Second: Sandy Pepper. 549. • High Lane: Mary Riley. Ann Agar. Pearl James. Campbell Wcy. Matt Coyne ,nd John Shea. , ST. JAMES-BOWLING TEAM STANDINGS. Grasshoppers •38 Crickets 106 Mosquitoes , 104 Beet les 114 tune Bugs Dragon F„l,yv 75 TOWN AND-COUNTRY BOWLING Team Standings: son, and David Campbell got two goals. On Monday Mitchell came back to even the score in an exciting welly played game • for .both teams. Mitchell won the game 5-3. Scorer for Seaforth was Greg Murray with a hat-trick. Good luck in their game• Tues. night as the series continues. BAOTAM NEWS ' Seaforth has met Mitchell for the last three gameS. The first was a' regular season game. Mitchell defeated Sea- forth 4 to 1 onJan; 16. The' first game of the playoffs began Sun. Jan. 22. Seaforth won this game 4 to 2. Big shoOters for Seaforth were David MeLlwairi; Kevin Melady from Kevin William- • 91 from Brenda Wesenburg and Debbie Dinsmore. moy,ed Seaforth to within one. Then Brenda Wesenburg evened score at 4 all with just eight atinutes left. A double niitnir to Nanci' Bennett gaVe Seaforth power play. advantage and Denise Morey - stored with three minutes left to pvt Seaforth in front 5-4. Then with just 2 second left Brenda We nb verted a Jog pass- front Sarah Brill to clinch the victory for Seaforth. Seaforth now 'advances to ******************** nl.,c911g4rs Flipflops Ankle Biters , Hush Puppies North Stars 84, 76 75 68 ELM HAVEN 8 p.m. - Cards. Games etc.; March 1 - 2 p.m. - Public Speaking; March 4 - 8 p.m. - Ladies Auxiliary Meeting (men inOted). MOTOR HOTEL MORE BOWLING SCORES THURSDAY N1GH'ERS Lashes High 'mutt(' Janet Pa , les weeld‘ High Triple-Brits Hirne, +666 lyed sows High Sitiglt r.,to,,i Menittiger ztlyittl.., High I rip1( anti ‘,.••rage Linda (iridia"14 -Is: I') Min's weeks High Single" and 'T .riplo Vlarr„,‘ ,Benne• 'wies "5 Se:1%4111'4, High 'Single. Triple arid 4%,erage• Murree, Rennew tcs :191. gfir and 224 STANDINGS Highway No a West . Clinton s • . The Seaforth Junior Girls Ringette team played two games this past week against Howick. The first game on WedneS: ,day. Feb. 18 hosted by Seaforth, saw the girls win 8-4. Denise Morey opened the,. scoring and managed to get five of the eight goals. Brenda. Wesenburg got the remaining three- goals. Assists went to Tammy Tay- lor. Tracey Wright: Debbie Wright:and Brenda Wesen- burg. Kendra Papple anfl Kisa O'Dwyer did 'a great( job in goal, with help from h strong defence. The next game in Howick on Sunday afternoon.' proved to be, an exiting one. At one point Howick was ahead by two .points, but Seaforth rallied and came back as strong as ever winning, the game 9.5. Goals were scored by Lisa Harvey. Brenda Wesenburg, 'Denise Morey. Speaking contest to 'be, held at the Seaforth Legion hall on Sunday. March 1" commenc- ing at 2 p.m. Winners from each age group will go on' to Zone Cl public speaking to be held at Seaforth Public School at a later-date. There is no cost to anyone wishing to attend and your attendance 1 am sure, will be appreci -cued by the contest- ants. The 'Ladies Auxiliary haVe 'extended an invitatiop to the members of the Legion to attend their next general meeting Wednesday, March 4. at 8 p.m. This is our chance comrades to have a 'further insight into the oper- ation of such a. ivorthWhile organisation. ". , Last week's euchre win- ners were again Karl Tei- chart and Gerard Meidinger. Next Saturday. Feb. 28 our entertainment committee, in- stead of having a dances have 'decided to• have a night of mixed euchre with a little fun and lunch to follow. The draw for the. 50.50 ticket also yip be made that night. Anyone wanting tickets please contact Charles$,Ged- des or ask at the, bar. I underStand the ticket sales arc going well and the winning share up' front the semi-finals against the 4, previous months, thanks to .powerful Goderich squad. Charlie. The first game Willbe played Coming events: Feb. 26 - in Seafoilh Friday night at Brotherhood Night; Feb. 28 - 7:30 with the second back,at Goderich. The teams will flip for the extra hove game. The Seaforth girlS are also entered in ao eight team, tournament • In Wingham March 7.' Seaforth will play their 'first game at 11:20 March 7. gA Seaforth Senior girls Rings , ette team eliminated Brus- .sels Tuesday night in a real cliffhanger 6-4 win at Brus- sels. The opening period• saw just how, even things were as both teatits scored twice and each picked uptwo penalties. Brussels opened the scoring as Jill McCutcheon scored a minute into he game. Sea- forth came ight back as Denise Morey converted a pass from Michelle O'Rourke a minute later to even the score, Brussels again moved a- head as Sandra Ruether beat Theresa Kratners in the Sea- forth net.. Denise Morey's second goal on a pass from Laurie Flabklrk evened the gaMe. a .• ".Brussels started the sec- ond • period fast as Joan Cardiff and :Karen McCut- .cheon scored to put Brussels up tO"n' goals. Seaforth then came roaring back as Denise Morey. with her third goal Hipwaders 65 Ladies High Single- Jay Ross. 256: Ladies •High Tri- ple and Average- Marg Ungarian, 630. 196. Mens High Single. Triple , and Average- John Van Bakel- 269. 683. 223. Appotring fhb " ih sdeY, friskrig Sotoniay Folitvery 26, 27, "IKE GREAt. IMPOSTORS" THANK. .0 The SEAFORTH MINOR HC1CKEY ASO-. •CIATION appreciateS the following busi. neases and individOals who have donated ice time for their tournament. Genesco ' Vihcent Farm' Equipment The Forge Reddi Chef Dave Stark .Bob & Rettys Sills Hdwe. John Janmaat for profits Superstars 96 Pin Ups 55. Die Hard's . 95 Ades Onps ,/^3 Blues 82 WhipperSnoppers 77 Si'. MMES BOWLING TEAM STANDINGS- Grasshoppers 38 106 104 114 67 75 The omit novol owl In Conoulol Tour lomat* *inipoilohtitort tonkoity anti musk. 'sato** ins- tont of yOlor AisvOrlto ilistarsi An intortsdnIny ate you won't Wont to mitts. Seaforth Sportsmen Anstett JeWellers Sesiforth Cable TV Village Auto Body Huron Expositor Archie's Sunoco ' Marty's Piaci) Humptyitpumpty Campbell s COMM Also our thanks to Pizza Express for the . freesubs, Whitney,Mbey Funeral Home for -. the trophy, and , everyone who helped the Booster Club with tonVonlr sales and: mimic -K MASI NOM 42.11OCOViR CHARGE 4IC It ******************* Crickets Mosquitos Beetles June Bugs Dragon Elies