The Huron Expositor, 1981-02-26, Page 94. What's happening is a weekly whiny), space donated by The Huron Expositor. To list your event, the l3ecreation Office at 627-0882 DATE Thurs Feb 26 'Fri -Feb .27 2•$ ,Et/„ _FatF? 28. Sat' ree. ,, t3b 28 Sun Mar. I St,trl Mir: Sun, Ntor Iii4S.:Mar,. 3 'tue$. Mar 3 Wed "Mar 4 :0/e4 Mar- 4 EVENT Mens Public Skating. Fl4blicSkatIng Story 1-199r rviittnell vs AtorrlO, .P.UblipS4,4101, morn,' e* Tot-§- ahatin z •, I tqtiefl• 'pan t ants • Mitctletty lfyiidgets MOMA 1-04 Skating VVaritens,Eitoorriball PLACE ,Arena Arena. Arena Arena Litoary: Arena, •Arene' Arena Arerie. Arena Aren Arenp. Mena TIME • 74.1.542-:15 8:;30:40, , y 41 • P-.m.. )3:'15-12;1'6 toms win first playoff match .I. Smith M.Schoonder. Witerd Dam Brow n iktck Mat-Leah Darron Akt. Pat Moytan., B. miller • Pat Nigh -Dwayne Price S. -Schroeder Patti Murray Andy Ball • 23 13 36 1 12 1.5 11 r it El 15 x. 6 14 5 9 14 Beutted- 3 11 14 '5 b II I 0 TO 4 4 8 5 1 p 2 2 4 Legion Public Speakifig CONTEST Seaferth Legion Hall awn .MatCh.1st of 2 p.m. Auspices Seaforth Branch 156 , Royal Canadian. Legion , The winner in each category in competitions. condudted by. Seaforth Publk School, Seaforth Separate 'School, St. tolurnban Separate School, • Dublin School 1 and Centennial School, Brucefield will compete. The public is invited to attend Winners will compete in the Zone Cl Finals —ADMISSION FREE-- Bill Wilhee Ron 8euerman President Secretary Wm. Dalrymple Committee Chairman • March 3 try 6,1981 woo. ta. ....Amon. A *AU., ••••• WM. WESTERN FAIR GROUNDS. LONDON ,..s ADMISSION $2.01) laildren undve7a7accurnpatThied by, an adult- FREE) OEN* loan Streit South. P.O. boa 860 Emetat. Ontatioikk fSti 6189 °Iiiitt•iii*Plittiiestust • t. • „MATERNITY WEAR NOW 1/2 PRICE The Separate Shopper MAIN CORNER, CLINTON 482-7778 (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) OPEN 1-5:30 OPEN 1-5:30 1.11. Sealorth Atoms ti kb) 12 and tied one tf their i s ..;anicS phased during 'their rt.I.:.blat season.. Bla'n Reiter man led the .Atomis in scoring , • 2 goals w bile Tem toa‘ had 21 assists tar the lead in this department. Goalie Tons Van Loon and Irrtt Roth ed only eight goals tit 13. games. 1 he Atoms'started playoffs 4)t ~tit.itell Saturdas, with a 4 I" 0 yeses, Blair .Butivrm:in the Seaforth attack with giro: goals and Darren Alio added the other. '- he next game will be Islas ed m Seaforth Saturda% al 4:30 p.m. Come out trod support the boys and watch stmt.' good; bucket .• ATOM SCORING G. A. Pts. 13 13enerma n 2 7 1' 44 Gras 1 - 21 38 Kelp your Heart Fund Help Your Heart rr AI 1144 Neel II II 851181:41:10-•Li 44a um 110 .5274180 Think Spring • Think Pizi'a • Introducing GARY HARRON Two Candidate in, Huron-Bruce GARY HARRON IS INVOLVED! Gary, his wife Yvonne and daughters Tatiimi 18; and Lisa, 10, live on thair beef and dairy farm in the Allenford ores. • Although living Just 5 miles outside the riding Gary is &lifetime resident of Bruce County and is committed to moving into the riding when elected. • Being a farmer Gary, hi vary aware of !the problems •facing Agriculture today. Problems such as high !Monist. rates, , low prices and foreign speculation in area farmland. Gary has been involved In municipal politics for thapast 12 1/2 veers Incltading terms es Warden of Bruce county and chairman of the Bruce County EconOttlic Devei0gMent Committee. .Thisaxperilince has scqualittecresey with With the problems and patina'', Of HOMO Bruce. • The Problems Can BO Sired The Potential Can fie tiled VOTE .HAIIROti Progressive..conservative- MARCH 19 I pIe:1 iott "I ',FM* T 11111111CL.q.IV 72.74.,7 . PARK Ce00,111ICH o. -A T NI HT FEB. Ono Showing 8:00 P.M. ADUL.:13 • Neil Simon's Ian r','NMI limes SEENs WECILD STARTS 1FR1., FEB. 27-MARCH 5 FRI &SAT. - TINO,SHaWiNGS T00,& 9:00 SUN.-THURS. ONE SHOWIN68:00 P.M. PLY TOMLIN IN AN EPIC .COMEDY (GIVE OkTAKt All INCH) THE INCREDIBLE SHRINKING Ka 0 '1 In case nobody noticed. 0, eOn if you just had this nagging suspicion something was missing from your life and didn't know what it was, yes, this ecilumn has been absent for the past coupfe;peeks. It is net that it has been given a tearless farewell-We couldn't withstand. the public outcry but instead it PEtS been placed in a bi-weekly legation with a columns. CQI11. the 41st of-which came screaming off these keys last. Week. This development leads to two thingS. The 1IrSt is a request. If you are aware of indiridnats doing' ,interesting things in any sport .- tiddiPwillk.S. championship VASkefwO#Ving; or even less y thingS•like hde)ceY Or , roditIR.get iti.;tauclt, - hopo is to ire this. "soace to.'intrOduee !Weii .111001"prirse4 from all but .an 4dmiring fed, Ifitf Whak havlieennte a pest eeeVe /her timers., .1hvl tinw Nahatior. surkontlitig 4.-ottirtries. peace tte*atines oew 18,"/.01 syft Fgh, Atio4„,st " the admonishment Js.:.discOed.at 4110-so -1,1,..13t) it 1-.4i1-1 :dok;.ritur whilkb., ,-11101.11,410) cm ow !wa,„,,,;4,04(t o,,,tftomt.s:01,4 orts, freedom a New Colonin by Herb Shoveller , . 1 ,,,le.oz' ' I „a'1:110,i-CriFiAtiiiVitgit!i'44.f able! ;Iiii. ;' ' '1 habits. 1' : '- „, telp:titiscitsnoTrt.1111 :Ai oSolti. t inAlk.isIts4:t.sil.. N-trirituit; ti. -.i r,'44.:1:1,1 14t:t1:,i'.01 ii ' again. 144.4.becanst: IMitil't 4. it its tact 1, irti.t.d it..‘ti., •, tro441. The rciAson I'd balk at anothei opporiiiiiiis is. because ot,sonwilimg I teamed' about tilts, It the judging caused MC to remember when it a as 'mt. , giving ,a. speech in grade school and 'what .1 tr, ii,g ekperictice it w as. II is a tough thing to do to address ail ap diet14.1:. and I "HI we alai ‘ hi the I. t4uitt. sIN ,art Important- ‘.1-14: gases an Interesting report in his brief Lard Iron, San,.... Jose. w hich is in the mountainous middle of the Lomat% ,,. The 4,4i).. he writes. is ringed by vokanoes. both acto.t. aai l ii 'inactive, and he has managed to sisit one of theta As his card indicates. and as he stresses. there is green, es ery where. He . dth, . and this ails make our lutal farmers green With,eny there can hie' ttp tyy.tittee atop ha' cats searls., The molt interesting part of ibis. note . though': ,ottws al the end. He wastes "Kopf,: ars! fro:nifty 410 Ow ;0'iifur% IN '41 'pga!,:e. ftto arizitvi..- .Wheit 1410 that ,41 ,!toes~t ' as' tltDtt: siringo' that ittat A its 'Sts. is te N. NVII.M.,1114 .. ctih:' V9061 ci a tz arid strife to be aewsiN twill. , not ,pt.a.t.-, But, in this, THE .. URON EXPOSITOR, FEOR.IUARY -2f.f 1981 40141 P4); /1,11^'"Ns. .110' The sceon#poiffi WOOS. $1,11.00.04.„.*goltty recostt has "1 been. t. isa kr ilto,,pas.(0i10, a. variety tittle ':eecntti. has.oconrretti. Th4 togigi Now.c-c*tovitk% ivcefe will he pg'together:Of 411 theSe:retAaTita,ble little ,fhirtP- A.WATelitE$5.1AVNT, Off the top, here's a itii:Uf self.revclation whitih hit me straight out of the bine (1. Week or so ago. I was Off in a jaunt in the careanitneof thesb few occasions it cares to jitunr,when I realized had gone 'Ouse to three months without having time strapped to my arm. Three months in Os:business without a watch: and I've survived. -That, indeed was a pleasing discOvery. Freedom from temporal bondage.. &pan cipation. • It all began in the early when the'hatteryoil tits thing that takes a lickin' and keeps on tickin' didn't' keep on keeping on. Dutifully. and in rapid response to the withdraw which came with not having a watch. I dashed to my local dealer to have a new pacemaker installed. Done. but I soon realized something was wrong. All of a sudden I - started arriving for events 20-minutes, a-half-an- hour. even an boar early. As It,, Happens sarted taking over Newfoundland time. Knowlton became a midnight son and the Leafs appeared to have moved to Winnipeg beeanse their games Were starting at 9,p.m. But when Barbara kept coming on after the World at Six, when Mr. Anchorman didn't start saying "And that's the National, Good Morning" amid: oarscating smile and when the Leafs kept showing up at theOardens instead of --iliFWiiiiirperWtrateVerrstarted-to-suspect--smething----- amiss. My-ticker had been spiked. supercharged. Thai can beirather disorienting, so it received the same unceremonious exit as our dear, departed African quagga, extinetien, coinperkters, Seenietimestiteiare,hard to hod Or prefer to! l'it' e• NME21111M104, ..t1/ "10 11 • `Sitire. -you0ourr irritate- colleagues As it-11- -endless ,R.744,ne4.14, for the time of day. but nut much. Indeed. rites arc rather charitable in dispensing glances at they watches. it,iroary all sound trite'. hut ,1 Lintsider the ability,' to do withOtt1 a 4111trk of, Oer011913. re.*** If.you've been a somewhat begidar readet 11)1,1.014e. you11,tthAlghtsplb' "%qil 1-ttela tng agaat.n5t 4...Ybrigilt430,10,,x,-4414L-' us . x00. jltiuse the tirivitegeOf M41,4;1710! lights.on Llteir ss heyied ..ap;s4s, R,.Ustqunds • mkt • Other drityrS :• can ,constder. ••, 'Min* dim the' high only the!, AN' „thetris.eivesdoing tither road-nsers a 'layout' When dui'.• so hundred feet of you, By !hers/the dantaie7has bye') slow. .1)4yers sheeld sei,ely reality that from at least .a Ositean when atonroaehing another car sou don't need highs. Surely their vis tad neuronS'ilart tiring beher.skeiter it the other guy waits tot) lottg to dim. If must simply by they are. unable to grasp that if it can be done, to them: then they ' could be doing it to others. REMEMBER DDT In this respect. the drivers &Seri- tog the moSt respect arc those ietelligeth enough to understand the hillidim provision of the Decent Drivers: .:1as:'its 1 DULL, I Ito are the ones who dint before the crest of a hill rather than waiting to attack w ith an merdose of ‘)htte light before electing to be courteous. There are too lew. of,,them. Listen- to Aylmer. the sato-% dtphant - dint t, be a deadhead dimmer. * * ** * * Don't take this as a plug. unless. of course. you Want to. We 'happen to publish two maga/Ines here besides the Expositor. and this has to do with one- of the,m. 'The Rural Voice. THE LATEST IN COSTA RICA One of my duties with the magazine is to deal e ith —freelancers.-and-througfrorte-of-thenr-t'ane today -.able to give you the latest news from San Jose. Costa Rica. The information comes front Robert Steel. • elm is Voice correspondent for Grey County. He is also a member of an outfit called Execntives Overseas. or sonieflang like that. ., His latest venture has taken hint to Costa Rica. _a small "cotiotry between Nicaragua and Paltarea in tempestuous Central America. ' The prohhtsm was this." he kids w cr.' good. all ot them selecting initiets was no eas.s. Lhor,.. for at', sell and alit too other judges h became espectall% ihtlicult OK senior group Whore fist: competed for tour winning spot, ',One bAsor.,...Dbbte;li 114)1 real!‘ because the student 0. .1 '1‘ close in the final talk the-difference was til'v11414thl.1.; It was just d'art) hard to pick the ;User.. and. in 1.4i:tattoo to Illy Own Metmortes. b was even harder. No, certainly I'd do it again. 11,Nx as cnikw It was runt a shame with such good effort. that theft had to the It t ar' • litortuary and Eugene, both of LI mdtin. and Ross, of 299 Brunsw ick Stratford; three (laugh tern. Mrs. Stet (Ruth' Woodhouse. of l2x Trinik S(.. Mr.. Marts tHelent pop- lar, of 4' Strat ford Si,. both of Stratford. and Mrs. Karl VGloria) Koss aisch. of RIt!;. Stratford: -IT grandvhildren and . one, grew( grandk She was predeceased b‘ ant son, Frederick Donald. Friends were meek ed the Westlake Chapel of Michael P. O'Connor loner:11 homes. Zurich; where - sere- ice and committal were held at t p,m. Wednesday . Res . Barbah Laing oft kialcd. gurial will ,be later in Em- manuel United Ceineterv. As expressions of sympa- ._.thy„ donations were matk• to the charity of one's choice. I nd drivers MRS. EDNA LIEBOLD • Mrs. Edna Withelmina Lielmild. 05. of RR.),, 'Zurich. died Sunday at Unkersit‘ Hospital, London She was the former Edna Gaiser. Surviving arc her bus- • hand. 'Theodore Henry Lie. hold: three sons, Raymond Stag for Cord Carnochan Saturday, February 28th HOURS Sun. - Thtfrs.,11 a.m. - 12 midnight' Fri. & Sat. 11 a.m. - 2 'a.m. EATTN OR TAKE OUT 527-0180 Sea forth What can be done in'81? Come ante[ find matt EDUCATIONAL P110dITAMS. ACHES OF EXHIBITS AND 1981'S NEWEST FARM MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT . OPEN Willi/ 1440 A•11.40 MSS P.M: teldamItiato at 44H KM.) MUSCULAR DYSTROPHY, CONTRIBUTION ACKNOWLEDGED—pick Robinson (centre). president of the Seaforth Junior FarmerS. presents Don PletSch (far,left), past-presiden"t of the Firemen's Association and' fire chief Harry Flak Afar right) with a cheque for $300 for . the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Last fall the fi-rernen_raited $2586 altogether for the association with their canvass cif Motorists passing through the town's main intersection and donations' by organizatiOns like the Junior Farmers. (PhotO by Gibb) 11111118111‘ iviotidayr rg i M. E AGRI BUHDER$ Wilt Be Holding A Seminar On Grain Storing, Conditioning, Drying A, special emphasis will be placed on the drying and storing of corn. If you 'have ever had problems 'in this area plan to attend. We will have quest speaker's from. CALDWELL MANUFACTURING COMPANY . and SH I VVE RS ENTE.RPRISES INCORPORATED This event will be held at Huron Hall Centralia College of Agricultural Technology, Huron Park, Ontario MONDAY, MARCH 2, 1981 , Registration 9:30 A.M. See You There' SATURDAY; FEBRUARY 28 at 8:30 'p.m. LUNCH PROVIDED EVERYONE WELCOME 5.' )