HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1899-09-29, Page 41 •
TILE W i:N Uil..A M 111'4E6, SEPTEMBER 29, 1899
4R- ' - ► ljt j + 1 {'r"¢¢r, jJR 1 1"
Wit ' ` REPO I'M S.
1, U fl I1 ' xarxlaxiatt•
f Mr. Win, Stinson shipped a ear of Wingham, September 28th, 1690.
, cattle to Toronto last week. Corrected by 1'. Deans, Produce Dealer.
Guaranteed or money ti Flour per 100: lbs.. ... • ., 1 0865 to
111i•. Hamilton, of Elmwood, has k'rall 1 'heat 0 03 to
lr XS DR. WILLIAMS' PINK PILLS! 1 token a smitten hi the flour mill.. Spring Wlleat 0 255 to 0
1t « 11 13radnock, of PItt.5bu1 g, Oats, 0 to 0
SA.VET} HEl1 L'iF>~. under the parental roof in Burley, . ,.
THIAq fit L I N tl SA is visiting u
(r , this village.
' PASTE r 11CO Q'ISEP TO nED FOIL storm THAN A Mr8, 0. J. Noonan, of Toronto,
. i atat,TFi AND tcFioLF. LD:Al3I,i: TO; was visiting with Ltr.and Mrs. Tuck.
sour; --loon IFne ro BE Az ntI IS airs. Jas. Perkins left last week
ERED TO HER AS TO A UIII.D— • 1 for Lisle, where she will reside with
THANKFUL WORDS OF 1'RAISI• . I her daughter, Mrs. J. J. Williams,
.. .,,..,.. 0 a8 to 0
1 1'ma.,.... , .,.. ...... 0 55 to 0
Turkey, drawn 0 08 to 0
eeeee, " 0 05 to 0
Duoks, pex' pair 0 40 to 0
Batter... , . ...... .. — ..., 0 17 to. 0
Eggs per doseu 0 14 to 0
.wood per cord.... 1 i3O to 1
Ray per ton, .... s 00 to Ci
l?otatoee, per bushel, 0 25 to 0
Tallow, per lb 0 0
Dried Apples, per lb.. 0 0
Dresses' hoes..
cleanses., preserves and
beautifies the teeth,
hardens the gums and
purifies the mouth and
por?u ales the breath.
Price 25c. largo Tube. ri.
For sale only a. ['
--- - unto STortE,
Notice ofcbanges must be loft at this
office .not later than Saturday
noon. The copy for changes
mast be left not later than Tues-
day evening. Casual advertise-
ments accepted up to noon
Thursday of each week.
71.c alitiugam'v .irnts
From the Tribune, Deseronto, Ont. Mr. R. J. M. Perkins left last week
Mrs. Wm. Iitixtater,whose husband j for the Old Country, where be 'will
works en the Rathbun farm, Deeoron-1 put in a term at Cambridge College,
to, is well known in the town and B.FLGRAYI+;.
surrounding country, her home hav- i
ing always been in this vicinity. Mrs i fats, ;Y, Lone has returned from
Doxtater has passed through a morel Eden \tills, where the had been
than usually trying illness, end as spending a week with he sister.
it was said she ascribed her cure to Mr. D. Miettlejohn has gone to
the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pilis, Manitoba.
a reporter of the Tribune was .sent to Mrs, Cassels, of Wiarton, was visit -
investigate the case. It appears that ing with her sister, Mrs. J. Bone,,
Mrs Dortater's illness dates from the
birth of a child on Feb. 15th, 1899,
when the attending phi'sicians found
it necessary to administer chloroform.
The shock was greater thau she
could stand and the result was partial
paralysis, during which her life was
dispaired of. Mrs. Doxtater gives
the particulars asfollows:—"Previous
to the birth of my child 1 had enjoy-
ed very good health, but following
this my health gave way entirely.
I was in bed for over a month,'and
had two doctors attending me. I
was so weak that I could not turn
myself in bed and had to be moved
like a child. The litttle nourishment
I te.ok bad to be administered by my
friends. During this time I suffered
great pain especially in the hip joints,
and one side was paralyzed from the
eshoulder to the foot. The etors
could not tell me what trouble
was and the medicine th gave did
me no good. I . era• despondent Junction, spent a few days in town
and thought I i .0 surely die. I during the week, visiting with :old
got into a high ; nervous condition friends.'
PRIDAT, SEPT. 29.1809.
What have' the Liberals done
since their advent to power? The
answer will be given by Dr. Mac-
donald, 1\I. P.; Jas. McMullen, M. P.,
and others at a meeting to be held in
the Town Hall, Gorrie, on the even-
ing of Wednesday,- October 11th,
:Meeting to commence at 7 o'clock. A
cordial invitation to all.
TEM Canadian trade returns for
August, 1899, show an increase in
exports of 86,000,000 andinq imports
of $3,000,000, as compared with
August, 1808.
ToRoixo's new City Hall, which
was opened last week, cost over.
$3,000,000. The original estimates
were $700,000. .The city needs a
growing time to overtake that job.
Frani 1879 to 1896 the average
increase per year in the national
Dr. J. Anderson, of Philadelphia,
is spending a few weeks att the home
of is. father, Mr. F. Anderson.
fr. William Rath, who lived fbr
many years in the vicinity of Bel•
grave, but moved a few years ago
to Proton, Grey county, and later
still into the village of Dundalk, died
on Sunday, Sept. 17th, aged about
seventy years. He had been sick
for some time and the end was not
unexpected. on he deceased had 'al-
ways curie farming until a few
months ago when he bought a pro -
perry in Dundalk and .was. only nice-
ly .settled down when the Inevitable
carried hits ofI. His wife survives
and it is expected she will either
move to Clinton or Belgrave to be
near her children.
Mr. Howard Spell, of Toronto
and sleep - wa almost impossible. Mrs. Putland, of Brussels, was
Just as I would fall asleep. I would visiting with Mrs. N. B. Gerry.
start up as though in a fright. This • Miss Mabel Stokes, of Hamnilton.,
was the state of affairs when a friend is visiting with her sister, Mrs. J. D.
advised me to try Dr. Williams' Pink Forsythe.
Pills and I can never tell how thank, Mrs. Oliver Smioh, accompanied
ful I am that I took that. advice. by her daughter, Miss Tena, were
After I had used the third box 1. was visiting with Seaferth friends last
able to leave my bed and move week. .
around the house a little. By the Rev. Mr. Lake, of the Methodist
time I had used six boxes I had gain- church, preached re -opening sermons
ed greatly in strength and was able at Forilwich on Sanday last. Rev.
to do my own housework. I could Mr. Hasking, of Fordwich, took
eat my meals with relish. I sleep charge of the services here.
and am still Constantly gaining in Mr. John Snell, of Wingham, is
strength. My friends were surprised visiting with his daughter,.: Mrs.
at my speedy reeovery after: begin Thos. Miller.
ning the use of Dr. Williams' Pink Miss Mauro, of Milverton;,ia visit.
ing .with her brothor, Mr. A. Munro.
Mrs. Robinson, of Detroit, is visit.
ing with Dr.. and Mrs. Smale.'
We are creditably informed that
Wroxeter is to have electric lights in
the near future.- The power, etc , is
to be provided by Messrs. T. Hemp-
hill & Son, of the oatmeal mill.' Itis
said that a line of wires will be run
to Gorrie, and that village will be
furnished with lights from the same
debt of Canada was $6,563,075. Pills, and I believe that but for them
From 1897 to 1899, both inclusive; I.woald not be alive today. Y will
the average increase has been $2,. be glad if my testimony is the means.
186,321. It has been steadily grow- of pointing to some other sufferer,
ing less since 1897. • the road to health.
A?60Tt3ER rumor is going the People who are run down, weak
rounds of the Conservative press or nervous will find renewed health
and strength through the fair use of
that we are going to, have a general Dr. Williams' Pink Pills. They enrich
Dominion election early in January and build up the blood and stimulate
next. No doubt the Liberal leaders tired and jaded nerves Substitutes
will give due notice as to when this should always be refused as they
event will take place. never cared anyone The genuine
pills may be bad from all dealers in
Kingston citizens have subscribed medicine, or from the Dr.. Williams'
$12,500 to build a summer hotel. Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont., at 50
A $900 gold brick has been taken cents a box or six boxes for $2.50,
from the Crown Point Property in '
the Lake of the Woods district. BLUUEVALE.
By the will of his brother, the late Mrs. John Gardiner is visiting her
Senator Price of Quebec, Mr. Lewis daughter, Mrs..Tohn McDonald, at
0 00
0 85
Porion Acquitted.
Cobourg, Ont., Sept. 23.—Wm,
Hamilton Ponton was deelared in-
nocent of complicity in the robbery
of the Dominion Bank at Napanee
this morning. '
The jury occupied just one hour
in coming to their verdiet and when
Price, of Mount Elgin, Oxford county, Gaderich. they rendered their fiudrng of " Not
will receive $50,000, and his three .Mr. and Mrs. Little and daughter, Guilty" a great shout went up,
daughters $10,000 each. Annie, of Orono, are guests its the elAering being continued for several
residence of Mr. John Burgess. minutes.
E4641'" ° Mr. Rem. Robertson has purchased While the jury was deliberating
0 a Cresent wheel _from W. J. Duff, on the verdict, Pare and Holden
agent. were brought into court.
Miss Maggie Patterson, of Niagara, Holden pleaded guilty to the
is visiting relatives and friends in charge, but Pare, incensed at being
th village. left oat of the Ponton case, said he
Then something is wrong, To the
young it always means trouble. It is a
warning to any one, unkss they are already
too fat. Soott's Emulsion cheeks this
waste and b iioge up • your weight
John G. Jardine, Canadian Com-
missioner to the Paris Exposition,
who is preparing for a trip through
Western Ontario in connection with
exhibits for the exposition, says there
will be 500 exhibits from Canada.
He expects them to make a fine
The mansbs being fitted up with
would not plead guilty unless he was
IS a necessity, and a new kitehen. /'° tsromised consideration. for the time
tt e can now supply Miss Aggie `Herbert visited in he had spent.in jail as is crown
you with one from $
$4.50 up.
Wiham last week. ' witness.
ast Sanday was Children's Day Alter some delay the court ap-
at the Presbyterian aural* The pointed F. M. Field, of Cobourg, as
church was nicely decorated with l a lawyer far Pare, and the two left
flowers and the Sunday School Choir I the court for a conference.
furnished the music: both morning . Pare, after the conference, pleaded
and evening oenev. W. J. West, M.; guilty.
I am prepared to pay the highest
cash price tor all good butter and
eggs delivered at my warehouse
near the G. T. 11.
A the pato delivered addresses to Pare was sentenced to three years
the children. The collections taken - and Holden to four years.
up are to be devoted to the Twentieth Roach was arraigned and pleaded
from .peddlers or ad- Century land. guilty, and was allowed to ga an
rertising fakes. Bet -Miss Miss Robertson, of Turnberry, suspended sentence. Mr. Osler said
ter far to buy front tl spent Sundays with hex cousin, Mrs. } that it Roaeh had beet; tried he could
We , . , Arch. Patterson. v per:. vie. ,dr
us. ' a warrant them # Mrs Fred McCraaken and child. .
not have been on
five yews. 1ren, of Brussels, are visiting her
father, Mr. John Gardiner.
HAMEY PARK.:, Mrs. Felix Devlin died very tad-
"denly on Monday in Stratford, Heart
ts, ive 11% ' trouble.
1 AO N'fs WANTED— POR "rift: LIFE AifD
Achievtmeeft of Admtrat Dewey." the vtorie'I
(0e test hetet hero. ky Murat Italvtetel, the fife.
088 fitend. and sdnt1rer of the ntttm'R tdoi. Bip.
kertsnd h,s5 book; otor 500 p*ee. 8x10 lushes ;
scarfs 100,nates h ldtntte iilaittrutla,tfr. Univ 8r.li0.
i:nern,ntle dentend. I318.,ommis,sk,nt. OntSifree•
chance e a et rue, a ((trick e,rma
f ;Hewett. writ Th b i iOn
r Yaaar+aa,tdY.jMR► aNY
psse r411 11Tr rr!vr■,l„asarr .. r17li"rurtetirITArlren
F' .44•` t4i'' iril-r3'`..`-,-tl 'ti.'-rf3: t6-.., : 1:-'; 9
Furs, Wool Goods and Cotton Goods have all
advanced in price. But we bought all our Fall and
Winter Goods before prices advanced.. So that you
get these goods at low prices at this store.
Capes, Caper' nes, Muffs,
Capes, Mitts, Robes in Black
Astrachan, Electric Seal, Per.
Sian Lamb, Moscow Beaver,
Black Coney, Opossum, &c.
Ready -Made Clothing
We have a very'large stock
in this line, and wo offer great
e""• value, Heavy Tweed Suits
for Boys, $2 50 to $8 00. Top
Coats for Mon, very nobby,
Overcoats for Men, Youths and
Boys. Come in and see these
Grey Cotton Blankets, all sizes 4$
White wool "
Grey Wool
Our Wool Blankets are
extra fine, soft finish, guaran-
teed all -wool. with Fancy
Borders, fast colors.
Men's 4.11 -Wool Shirts and
Drawers, 50c to $1.00.
Men's Heavy Ribbed Shirts
and Drawers, 40c to 50e. awn
Men's Fleece Lined Shuts :. 9
and Drawers, We to 750.
Men's' Fleece Lined Shits
and Drawers, All -Wool Plceer, ,Gs
very fine, $1.00. Al
}toys' Fleece Lined Shine
Boys' Union .Shirts :inti
Ladies' Veets, all -wool, longsleeves.
Ladies' 'Nests, Union, lou;,;
Ladles' Suits, 2 pieces or
We are offering Carpets Ott
very low prices, -
All -Wool 3 ply Carpet for
80e yd. •
Union Carpets from 30e
Hemp Carpets from 15e to
Stair Carpet, Stair Oilelot
Floor Oilcloth 1 yard, 11-
yards, 2 yards wide.
New Patterns at 25e, 37?;e
and 50e.
Art Squares with Border.
Wool Filling. Cotton
3 yards square, very pretty.
We have just received a handsome lot of All -
Wool Tweeds and Pantings for Ordered Suit.
These are nobby goods at from $io to $15' a suit.
Terms Spot Cash. Goods delivered promptly.
When the children fret their
feet vet and take cold give them
a hot foot bath a bowl of hot
drink, a close of Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, and put them to bed.
The chances are., they will be
all right in the morning; Con-
tinua the Cherry Pectoral a few
days, until all cough has dis-
Old coughs are also cured;
we mean the coughs of bron-
chitis, weak throats and irritabie
lungs. Even the hard coughs
of consumption are always
made easy and frequently cured
by the continued use of
Every doctor knows that wild
cherry bark is the best remedy
known to medical science for
soothing and healing inflamed
throats and lungs:
Feet mob of .
Dre Ayer's
Cherry Pectoral
ever your lungs
Tina Beat Nacficat
Advice Free
Wo no* have some of the moat emi-
naut pipslelans in the United Mates.iiiiusn.tl opportunities and lung export -
Caro evnhlent y lit thorn for giving you
mrdarn) ,ulvlee. write freely all tho
particulars 111 your Vase.
Address. Dr. J. C. AYER,
Lowell. Mass.
We build our pumps to last kr
years and have thein in price from
$2.50 up,
Brass Cys linders and Galvanized
Iron Piping.
We have a ftill,etock of the above
C,a11 and getp-iee- when in need
of anything in'.ut• iire.
IOIUM x'' 1w:IrmoAr,
O pp. l?eatties1 Liver
Oompeoy, 3rd Floor Caudell0% at
13 r Chie,o.
Macdonald Block, Wingham.
M1L _9=_ _ E=A_q- lL.6?6a€ees.rr=mci
K:. gees' St... nd
We have purchased the stock of J. G. Kates
at a rate on the dollar, and we have also added a
brand new stock, which will make a splendid
assortment of boots and shoes in all kinds and
By fair honest dealing we expect to
ceive a share of the public patronage.
Repairing of all kinds neatly and
Promptly attended to
Great B:.argain Sale
T. A. Mills in order to make room for New Fall Goods
which are daily arriving will offer for the next 30 da... his
entire stock of Spring and Summer Goods at Grea :y° Re-
duced Prices.
10 pieces Dress Goods, usual 25e goods, for 15e.
24 " " ,t " 40e " .20e.
15 " " - " " 50e " 30e.
See our Bargains in Prints.
25 pieces usual 10e and 12e goods for 8e.
25 white eteunterpanes, usual 1,25 for $1.
25 „ II" 1,50 " $1.25'. '
Special Value in Wool and. Flannelette Blat'zets
10 pairs Wool Blankets, usual $3.75 for $3.
15 t$ 4$ IC" 4.50 for $4,
15 ". Flannelette Blankets, 11 heavy weight for $1.
Bargains in Ladies' and Men's Waterproof Coats. These are 'I•etaeele'
hrated Mandleberg's goods (sewn seams) guaranteed to Wear. Pril t i from
$<i up. Its house Furnishings we lead, In Carpets, Tapestries, 2:'1 Wools,
Unions, Hetnps, !tugs, Linoleums, 011 Cloths, and. Curtains. 'I he largest
week its town to choose froniPrices to suit purebasers. Our I,i'1, .,'rwear
Department is complete in Men's, Youth's and Boy's - Uniou. W • •l and
Fleece Lined Goods, prices from 25 emits and up. Also a full re ige Of
ILarge Men's 'Underwear always in stock. Call and sea our New 'Leady
Made Clothing, prides right.