HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-02-19, Page 14FAMILY PARAME SNOWMOBILE CLUB • Presents one of the lakt great, POKER RALLYS of the season Sunday March Registration 11:00 a.m. -'2:00 p.m. $4.00 per hand - 3 for $10.00 CASH AND OTHER PRIZES Proceeds -to ninalcappea Children . TUG-OF=WHAT? — At times it was hard to tell if the competitors were straining or laughing during the tug-of-war pulls Friday at the SDHS Winter Carnivai. After it was all over, Aurora. Borealis house had beaten 'Comets house in the finals 'to come out on top. (Photo by Ellis) USE _EXPOSITOR WANT.-.- ADS Plan Chtis,tian ' school !fleeting Oddellows and .RebekOhs EUCHRE 8:00 P.M. Wednesday, Feb. 25th LUNCH The Annual MEETING of the Huron County . Wheat Producers will be held in the OMAF BOARDROOM Clinton, Ontario Feb..20 commencing at 1;30 p.m. The • new Is formed Wingham and " District Christian 'High' School' Socie- ty will hold a general' inform. anon and business meeting in the Wing-ham Bible ,Chap- el on Friday, Februars 2 -. at 8:00 p.m. An election of hoard Mem- bers will take place and a :onstittoiom w ill he presen• for discussion and adopt: On: '• COACHING POSITION open for Junior C Club for 1981-82 season Please submit applications to: Clinton Junior C. 'MusUtngs P.0, Box 1147 Clinton, BEFORE Mon., Mar. 9th, 1981 Huron-IVAddlesex ,A. NrDP Nomination to be held in Clinton Town Hall Monday,. 'February 23 8 p.m. STARTS FRI.. FEB. 20 TO 26th FRI. & SAT. - TWO SHOWINGS 7:00 Z 9:00 SUN.-THURS. ONE SINTINS 4:00 P.M. Chevy -GOB Charles Chase Hawn Grodin Neil Simorils Actis±1 SEemslowOwlmEs PARK GODIERICH 1111111M0.7„,1=7:1:-.7.tti-rzIr Kids, teens, betweens hunch of teenagers wearing jeans and doing crazy danc- es INti. the girls had skirts on and some, ad-their hair done It a pony tail., The boys were "greased up" with their hair flipped' back 'and mans had geed ,s,hp.es• 3ot ehue socks on. Don't get the wrong idea, the school hasn't gone crazy., we were; having • a regular 59"s, dance, 'As Is(lisi Dawson. one of the physical education teachers' at the School. 'jived around ,,the gy =ash] and, led the group in a bunny, hop,' switched in a daze. is this hoe they did it in the 50's? If it is, how did they live. through it? The dance was a real success. All ,the kids who attended had a great time and it really did look is if we acre going back 30 years or so. The next • das• was Friday the •13th so just to be safe there were no classes or tests. The, whole school went outside for the morning and participated in all sorts of interesting activities. -When you think of winter carliivals. snu probably snow mobiling and snow sculpturing, Not the SDHS winter.carnivals! There was a of N kiing and there, was supossed to be snow scalp- -timing but this wasn't your regular kind of winter earn.- hat. • OUTSIDE GAMES Friday's activities started, off with many outside games. Meeting in home room,..we took the attendance and awaited further instructions for the day: EveryoneTwas divided up into groups and we went outside to take part really knows the actual standings of the game, either that or no one w ants to remember, but the students won one game and the teachers another, leasing everyone happy. Maybe ti's beSt that vno • one knees the score of the last ganie. Some one told me it was sers. close. . Saturday, the excitement began with a ;pancake break• fast. There weren't an•awful lot of people served. but those who went; didn't go home. hungry. At a,I I :00 the tricyck-race'began. ,Yes.- you heard me„ ' 'Tricycle race. Three teams of five people wmpeted for a $20 prize and points for their house. The Junior • Whippets, came in first followed by, the Junior Bears and then finally the Senidr Whippets.. fun was had by the Junior Bears and then finallythe Senior Whip- Happy Birthday Barb Dupee 17 on Fridas. February 13. Karen McNairn on Tues- day, February' 10. Jimmy ,Groothuis 16 on Feb. 20. Jill Woods 4 years Old on Feb. 23. Brenda Papple celebrated her' 23 birthday on Feb. 22. Dorothy Hauwert was 17 on February 18th. ' Gary ,Glanville will be Me: •hrating his 5th birthday on Feb. 27. ' ' Jeff Britton will be 9 years old on Sat. Feb: 21. 1081. DATE EVENT PLACE Thurs. Feb. 1-9' Mens Broombali Arena Fri. Feb. 20 Ourhanli vs Peewees Arena Sat. Feb. 21 Story Hour Library SO. Feb. 21 Novice HoCkey Tournament Arena -Sim Feb.' 22 ,NoviCellockait tolonarnent Arena Sup.:FO, 22 Moms & 1'i:0,610141g ' Arena Stn. Fetk, 22 . ,- I.H.L. ':' „ Arena Tqe.,Feb, 24 ;Mitchell ve:earttam (POSSible) ,Arena TtfaS. Pet). 24 Eitictiqat VS Mirlgele (PosJIlle) Arena , W04,'Fel?-,251001M-§,,,Tot4.§kati.09 . ' .: • Aren4 Wed. Feb. 25 HOWiCk'yp.,,ir,Rtnge.tte Arena: Wed:. Fe13., 26 Wornens prcioiiitialt Arena ,. • • TIME 7:15-12:15 - 1:30-2:30 p. in, 1 pi.fp.,6p.m, 640, in 7-11p, m. 6'. 44), fn:. 1- ,rn ep m. 8:15-12:1PA1a Nursing. and are •enjoying guns neaten, anti continue to lead active fixes. .Mrs. Armitage's husband. Allan W. Armitage passed assay eleven years ago. and their daughter Elizabeth Anne resides in Toronto. 4.. I heir only brother. Lt. Col. -W. Gibson White of London Ontario died in 1957. Their mother, died. in 1954. BROTHERHOOD NIGHT BROTHERHOOD Feb. 26, /81 Sponsored by 1.0.07 F. Lodge a Legion Hall Social Hour '6 to 7 dinner Local:Talent BOB TROTTER — GUEST SPEAKER Columnist "One Foot in- the Furrow" -eEveryone Welcome COMMERCIAL HOTEL THIS WEEK'S ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday to Saturday *m4 Saturday Matinee 4-6 Steve Wilson & the Good Ole Boys NEXT WEEK'S ENTERTAINMENT • Wednesday to Saturday • and Saturday-Matinee 4 p.m. to 6 p.m, Prairie Wing FINE FOOD FINE ENTERTAINMENT •se to come and 'see,us at the FARM SHOW London Mar. 3, 4,'S & McGavin9 way again this•weekend and it is hoped area canvasses will be completed by month's end, campaign' chairman Mallen Vincent said. In the meantime approaches art being made to businesses and industry, national or- ganizations and former resi- dents. H & N DAIRY SYSTEMS LTD. Sales , Service & installation of pipelines 81 , milking parlou R.R.4 WALTON .r 887-6063 • • " 14 THE .HURON. EXPOSITOR BRUARY 18 1981. c40 HS celebrates at winter carnival whars h-appening i What's happening is a weekly colpinn, space,dona1W by The Huron Expositor. To list your event, call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. pc- -4 4 ,BY PATRICIA WINNER ce) suruftng in the sun! Play ball. Dance the night ass as Hase a, game of weer' Bet cha think going tt., writse about the girls , Wand' • • • gt.tingth7 • Sstoth .-Careleta or summer ectis.it.te6: No. hi writing" ,itiptit •,weeks • 11141.Pr zatnet4",at Si'. • . T4e.4iiklenets..14.rst „heard :Of-. ihie'e,,Fent When- -rioters. stss tis' .apppYrt:;dnt.t.tie teeth titlj Th.est.k. stens gavp sta., -.Acres and teachers the hint thoe..A.0, going to be some ..,‘..cientent • outside of , the regular e%plosIon' in -'''111V lass the math, 'lesson tit Mr Petss.' class. lice „-arnis'al started off on ursdas . February 12 v. ith a dale.... at - 30. It wasn't just sour ordinary dance with 'a at several relays. One of the relays,:ci.nsisted of two tobaggans, 'one for each team. The (abject of the game was to get to a‘. PO $t about lime to ten E. et 0:3*rb-41144'!;.189il ;1•04741“141:1-01It,-;Iiiiticte •' hop on and try. :Quite simple. our hinds title in front of yo.1! Intl,c1f•ag VOO i kNelf alone the, ffiettlt?.!' Serpi htie' a lot of fart..• - 'These polo ,%.,.cre all fen and a real break hom regular ' school work. UntortunatelA v.ith a little. bit of-flick. AB. House won and Tauteis hotew came in last. place - kt leaSt WO were good losers. Atter lunch. there was a ‘0116.ball game. The teachers played against the students. No one pets. Kb was hadrhy all who participated. I, , The SDHS. Winter Carnival was a success. Everyone had a good time and it was a nice change from Nestetore.s First Law hi **nee, clasS. Hope- fully, it the student* council had'anpther of thee-• • vats, ,inure. people parti- wipate rime .peoVe w ill coley. OP fun, • ifs qu ;Maw. of anYiAte wiit14,t,e,khrgting birtydAy' :•Stion. lftetild: their nar1K, age, and birthday; ',to Seaforth, Gitt,' or phone • ,.5 7.024i}: Veronica Etue and Grace Titford have returned from their holiday cruise to South America and Puerto Rico. Bev Eisler of Egrnondvilleiwho visited Halifax. Nova Scotia recently when Lloyd Jr. Was competing in national - figure skating thantRionship_s_. foports food prices in that city are much higher than here. Mrs. Eisler Said a glass of • from 35 to 65 cents per ettp.and eggs were 65 cents -apiece pop was 60 cents in restaurants. cdffee ranged in in city restaurants. But there was, one pleasant difference in the Maritime city; Bev • says temperatures are much milder, and although •the snow was still piled high tin street s; she was able to wear a heavy sweater rather than a• winter 'coat when touring the city sights. One time minister in Hensel'. the late lief. William (Padre) Young of Fergus. has been named to the Agricultural Hall of Fame. "Padre - Yeupg's greatest influence 'was on the young- people he inspired during his 20"yearsbs Chaplain of the Ontario Agricultural College., • Active in 'the Junior Farmer's .movement 'he also had mans other interests. being-a skilled hortieulturalistand ahsidels sought after poultry, judge. The Ontario Agrichltural Hall of Fame Gallery 'at the .Ontario Agricultural Museum. Milton features likenesses of the candidates rendered by the well-known Toronto 'artist. Brtiee, Lepper. The Gallery is open to the public seven days a week froni mid4lay until Thanksgiving. Nominations to. the Gallery are afiads lay members of the Hall of Fame Association which is a non-profit organiza-, tion established wifely for the' purpose hl' recognizing the contribution of those who have built the inclusirs. Lifetime memberships are available.•from the Association office at Box 38, Milton. The deadline for nominations for the 1982 •• induction is -September 1. 1981.. - A group of Seaforth and, area travellers returned, last weekend from a two week stay in Hawaii. Sonic of the group of over 59 spent the tuti -weeks in Waikiki. while others visited-the neighbour island of Maui. They agreed: publicity concerning crime has been overblown and that anyone exercising precautions needed in Canadian cities should not .fear visiting the +Stand. Members of the group from Seaforth and Clinton area Were Janet Cluff, JesSie McGregor, Margaret Taylor, Rose -Pringle, Hattie pale. Mr and Mrs. Lavern Hugilf. Mr; and Mrs. EdmundGodkin, Ruby Fulcher of•Vanastra. Mr. and Mrs. "Ron.ald. Beuernian 'and Mr. and Mrs.l Ivan • Bennewies. Others of the group came frobi .Bornholm, Atwood. Milverton. and Stratford. The group,was'escorted by.Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bauer • of Bauer Travel. Seaforth- Fran and Bud a White of, Birmingham. fvfichigan were weekend guests of Andy and Susan White and.Gabrielle of McKillop. Visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Garnet MeClinehey the 'past week 'were Mr, .and Mrs. Ian Crockwell of Bermuda. their-daughter (Mavbelle) and son Donald McClinchey of Cornwall. . Mr. and-Mrs. Bill -Brown of Jarvis Street."Mr. and Mrs. Don Carter, Joanne, Janice. Bradley and Arlie attended alt open house in TaVistock on Sunday .February8 in honour of the 80th-birthday of Mrs. Brown's Aunt, Mrs. Walter (Dorothy) Vogt.' • Mr. Paul Murray'. student at, the University of Western Ontario. son of 'Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Murray, London, received bursaries of $1500'yearly for four years as well as ..$1200.yearly ,for four years, •He has a 90 per cent a.vcs,rage,, Mr. Murray is the grandson of Mr. and 'Mrs. James • McQuaid, Seaforth and Mr. and Mrs. 'Gilbert Mums Dublin, 'On Thursday evening .the Ladies' "Aid of First' Presbyterian. Churth treated the Senior Choir. theif husbands and wives, to a hot beef'sup.per. Dave 'Stewart,. on behalf of the choir, thanked the—t'adies' Aid. Mrs. J. Keyes of the Ladies' Aid replied saying that they were. very happy to provide in appreciation of the very ex cellent solos, duets and numbers provided by, the choir. Colin Reynolds is enjoying a.' ',Reading Week" break from Wilfred Latirier University,- back—home with his- • parents, Don and Yvonne Reynolds. Friends of'the late Mrs. Margaret White. East William St., Seaforth and the late Ernest White will be pleased to hear that their twin daughter Margaret Winfield White Armitage of Allision, Ontario and Miss Ernestine Winfield White of Toronto are celebrating their 70th, birthday on March l'st 1981 with a birthday patty at the home of Miss- Ernestine White 277 Bedford' Park Avenue. Toronto- M5M 1J6. Both Mrs. Armitage and Miss White arc retired from Park donations . Donations to the Seaforth lions Park Renovation Fund have increased 51.454.00 during the past week, according to Gordon Rimmes futid treakiiter. Last week the fund re- ceipts totalled . ,$4 V13.00 and as of the Tuesday the new total was S49,467.00 The' campaign got under Farm. Equipitterit Ltd. in Walton Serving Agriculture Since 1936 SEAFORTH BRUSSELS 527-0245 887-6365, SU LACROSSE, ANYONE? The conditions weren't exactly ideal for a game of lacrosse, but that didn't seem to slow, down _Paul St. Louis as he competed in this relay event during the SDHS Winter Carnival lest Friday. (Photo by Ellis) le