HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-02-19, Page 7their winter our noses.' Naito pitentitni the here we.sn. ' other good parts of winter - right under l ike the.. birds at the -feeder, the ejean brightness of a February sun. A happy win- ter to you! ZEHRS OWN COOKIES 8 VARIETIES 990 . 400 or 454 gr: PKGS. McNAIRS SULTANA RAISINS SEEDLESS* 750 gr. PKG. REGULAR STYLE EN•GLISH MUFFINS, WESTONS PKG. OF 8 THE BAKESALE'BRIGADE — Eileen 'C'onnolly, Doreen Strong and Irma Pryce manned the baking table at the, Seaforth, Girls' Band bake sale Saturday morning, held in the former Dutch store. , (Photo by HOok) LOOK AT ALL 'THOSE DESSERTS-.--We don't know who this bazaargoer is,, but he had eyes only tor the cakes and cookie's at the Seaforth Girls' Marching Band„bake sale in the tofmer Dutch store on, SatUrday morning. (Photo by Hook). Corsages made and presented at Ladies Aid PrOdzehrs GAY LEA • 500• ml SOUR -CREAM 99' LIGHT 'N' LIVELY SEALTEST A, An h YOGURT IV Yr WESTON FAMILY SIZE CHOCOLATE !IOU io 0. 89 , ASSTD VARIETIES I TREBOR CANDY 175 g. 99 , NEILSON DREAMSICLES OR ORANGE OF OF 12 JUICE STICKS, CALICO PATCH IRONING COVER SET 100q, COTTON gt-g° COVER a. 99 FROZEN 32 oz. PKG. HIGH LINER COOKED FISH IN BATTER PKG OF 12 WESTONS HAMBURGER OR, WIENER ROLLS, FACIAL TISSUES SCOTTIES 79 , '4 COLOURS 200 SIZE BRIMS FANCY TOMATO JUICE LARGE i 419# 8 'GENERAL MILLS CEREAL CHEERIOS $1.0 LARGE 575 gr , PKG 3 VARIETIES - 32 g. MURPHYS al, PUB • CHIPS vir 4 VARIETIES - Kg. CATS CAFE saa DINNERS to, PREM LUNCHEON kir Da MEAT 340 I. STRAWBERRY CIT M'AIRPBS"."LIIKESsa 4Aris. 24 or I. py. McCONNELLS ORANGE PEKOE VALUE PACK TEA BAGS 122 SCOTT DECORATED. WHITE OR RAINBOW Interior R"nian i in Moore It's nice to know that •"Maier. He knows exactly there are still some things you tan depend how to help you get the best-possible re- • " on. Like Benjamin Moore Paints, for in- eufttloolclartY Painting,PrOieCt And that's stance. And ydur Benjamin Moore Paint why he sells Benjamin MooniPaints, SEE YOUR BEN APAIN wow PAINT DEALER. Graves Wallpaper:04 Paint 517.0550 Sitirley Snail Male St -S,ealiortli fr. a APPLIANCE REPAIR Large or small, we'll fix them all... Our repair imports ' will hay* your appllanat In tlp fop 'hap& fast. Call us to- day.. PECK APPLIANCES "IN THE HEART OF " DOWNTOWN VARNA!' VARNA 402-7103 FLEISCHMANNS MARGARINE $2, CADBURY HOT CHOCOLATE REGULAR ''$2 39 M ARSHM ALL OW WITH SAO g 0 • ZEHRS OWN BRAND POPPING CORN 2 lb. BAG 89 0 SOFT CORN OIL 2 lb. PKG,, McCAIN•FROZEN FIESTA CAKES $1•79 NEAPOLITAN CHOCOLATE STRAWBERRY 21 oz THE HURONEXPOSITORt FEBRUARY 10 TM, win all head around the woodlot. circling out again to return past the single apple tree. One group. accompanied by two huge dogs, is even -entering the bush to explore -under the dark branches. They'll find the snit% cover thinner and more difficult 'there. SNOW PARTY • This weekend, a local sad- diF .c10 organized and spon- yareil.. a:winter ',mow party in our; community. Touring' .1,4 'cross, country skis Was, otte of' ,Itte most popular events of- fered- 'hy ;this group, but many Others were also able. Anything spoRsoreci bti .a saddle _dub. likely to include horses. and: thi oc- easioit is np esception. There's a sleigh passing now, horse-drawn with bells. On -the back it's full of people,• both standing• and sitting for the leisurely tour of winter's wonderland. At the front, the ,stoic 'drWer controls tho reins of a hand- Lookipg through our win- dow last .Sunday, it seemed as though every winter pic- ture I'd ever, visualired came alive right before our eyes. As a backdrop. there was thO snow, piles and piles of it', reflecting the brilliant sum light. Drifts, curling around the corner of the house like a solid wall, shelter the win- dows froni, "Sudden windy skiffs of fhiffy, flakes that 44'4 the drift A huge horizontal drift hai captured ibe back OcOlk, bating it cornPletely and disfutsing it ACIAt Shape, The hrtriitiftt of .110wfati xfroves.,, that this is certainly •W•intCr, with a vengcnance. • But the Scene is not still And -quiet arross, the 'fieldS, Skiers, whole tUrnilieS of them. are gliding smoothly acrossthe sculptured surface in scattered groups. The' experienced ones slide ahead easily. with riwthm. while more slowly, the caring Ones coach and boost up smaller figures. In-a wide curve. they some team. as they circle the route. A set:tie from a Christ. nuts card! • Put people„ and snow to- gether in this country. and you will always find snow - Mobiles :as_welf. Long lines- of thern.are 'following pre-deter- mined trails way at the back,. all witlt headlights twinkling. What a• grOat ..annnkin of • distance they. ci ver. thr01,40, tinglOwed • sidertuirls. and woOditit routes.. Snowmobiles hove often been cursed, B.f. high mortality vehicles that _keep deceni people •awaS4.. bs rooming up and doo and rows of raspberry canes, They have also het'n •been blessed as the mosi ettectise rescue c chicle dur- ing winter storms. Renicnw. her the Blizzard of 741 and their contribution in carry- ing hood to isolated homes 'FA and sehools ? Perhaps., like everything else. their.usefut- ness depends on the skill and responsibility of the driver. I see some sitidixis now. proceeding slowly through a clearing. 'a CE.0!ws country skier in tow, As 'the person weaves and dips. -he seems to be waterskling over a hard white lake, Surely this would' be sate.' fOr the. 'Ater, OW" ,always fel gniand. dow1ir ihei, seem to having a. marvelloati Ouse. Where's' my hat ;(nid -coat? WALTON Down'by the hall. there* a sitlnysparCh of. Outdoor X'. 'hilly occupied b. 14itte". young and old., Our local sports club"has keen ‘N nykitig away at this rink :tor many evenings now . It's quite a contract - to prepare and maintain a good outdoor Walton rink. when the snow keeps alternating with the odd mild temperatures. v. ha h can lit- erally melt tour efforts to nothing. Some of our cum munity-minded ,itirens have spent evenings Itw.n at that Rateh. linOthlig and reflood- MO° get, a smooth glassy finish: Now 411 tht. pleashre ...the kids are has I idg scenic to .justify the effort Wartd0,.. :With me• for on Anstant pa,St the ,snow ,hill Planted With slats. 'and imp Ow hail 10-0. rAk141141 4:4 Iwo. 4apgway. spowmats " arid • ly,,as "'nu fet•'r the heat from . wastunglitiachinelitISon.-tho•s;.' f..101.°9'. Tliv %mail of pik hills ifacist~Phi s~}Ihlt Sri feestt.tortee '1,t kN up ,yoar ' Rick delights nostrils, fit F,p. Yet? stacks "Of .44IN and tbrre.:s. Bathing griutps,of peopli are to, do'lli; 0 stnall tables, peal t,r, i.ribbage or flits week • we'ye4 hatt the just chatting Ole) Narnt . party. andlaSt Weekend,' up. in •this, Jtm osri4re ,_the annual snowmobile rally; the Ted. eticiA, and relaxed In betWeen there is 01%01'; the snow, waiting for SOU to steal a few minutes to clip on sour skits. and head for the hack •country City people drwe for miles on weekends r• orts .enjoyed in Potpourri by Jeanne Kirkby faces indicate ia result of an afternoon st,t to outdoors. exercising a.,... all those stresses. and t , ,iNi ral ions II been' a gout'. tI,Io for all participants. ,, - Is participac-titan ., finally to find snow Tor .catching-on in Huron County'' recreation, and There's been a definite with all of this change isi4he Iasi few years. Oh. we' v)6 always had our skaters and our skiers., but- nuw so many more people seem to be getting out, and involved in winter. There Aren't as many snowmobiles around here 'this year, 'but • mine peopIF's backyntd, gtiffS..it.kwe Sptullt0 skits or . Sninv0,00... renictobef era, • baggans ,and. skiing .xiiiwn 3 QT. BAG OR JUG FRESH % MILK r ALL PURPOSE ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 3::Gg .-99 SCOT TOWELS 2 ROLL-PKG. WHITE, YELLOW GREEN OR ART'S 'N' FLOWERS MIIMM11.1111MIN11.11111., APPLE OR. ORANGE . 0-PLUS DRINKS • 48, oz. TINS McCAINS FROZEN YEGETABLES . PARISIENNE sit 49 FLORENTINE NORMANDIE 2 lb. PKG , PIZZAlc ilIBS $OR DELUXE . 12 oz EACH • PEPPERONI 59 ZEHRS,CHEDDAR . CHEESE MILD MEDIUM $2 49 OLD OR • • OLD NIPPY PROCESS • La "COUNTRY OVEll",NAKERY SPECIALS FRESH SPICY DELICIOUS WITH NON STICIS SURFACE RUBBERMAID,19"x19"x10 1/2" LAUNDRY 5g 4/ti BASKET a. ir 'RUBBERMAID 9 /4",ii7"xt0" HIGH BA SKET 179• TO $ RUBBERMAID TA SET BABY TOM TWO ON SWEET MIXED , , MKS ir PICKLES ' p0 ml. • FREEZE DRIED OR ' DECAFFEINATED TASITERS Sp ON ICE oz. Pt RURBEIjMAID x 22 1/2' OMB 1,99 SUPER FRIES McCAINS STRAIGHT OR CRINKLE FROZEN 2 lb. BAG 4.99 11.99 a WITH NON STICK SURFACE HERSHEY INSTANT CHOCOLATE "J - - 800 g. 99 PKG PLAYTEX DEODORANT TAMPONS. PKG OF 30 $ Zln 99 DEODORANT " 59 • WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIt PURCHASES TO REASONABLE WEEKLY. FAMILY REOUIREIVIENTS FAMILY . NAPKINS 180's 890 69 ZEHRS SAVE•A TAPE PLAN CAN ASSIST THE ORGANIZATION OF 'YOUR CHOICE ASK US ABOUT THE DETAILS /NW A fortner Listowel res- ident. George. ft 'Campbell, now residing in Seaforth, was honoured at a surprise party for his 80th birthday at ,the home of his son, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Campbell. in Brus- sels Those atteuding were: Rev. Morris and Louise Cam: pbell, Holly Lee. Harmony, and Scott of Carnpbellford. Heather and Don Ellis of Ottawa, Mr. and Mrs. Rus: sel Ellis, Lyle Love of Mount Forest. Laurie, Debbie and' Corey Campbell of Brussels. Julie Campbell and' Todd Flannigan of London. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson McCut; -cheon. Mrs,. Irene Campbell. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ben- The Ladies Aid, First Pres- byterian Church diet in the Centennial room of the chur- ch on Tuesday. Feb. 3. Jean Keys read two poems. 80 years: young Mr. Campbell honoured "Reach Out" and "Rain." The ladies read "Great Kings of all Nations" and repeated theLord's Prayer in unison. nett. Mr. and Mrs. Al Weeks all of Li4towel, Mrs. Jessie Finkbeiner of London. Mt. and Mrs. Merton Keys Wild Mrs. Frances Storey of Seiforth, and Mr. Jim Brem- ner of Brussels. Everyone at the meeting was reminded of the Barbara Kirkman Family Night. on . Feb. 27. • • Ann Agar introduced the guest speaker Steven Hilde- brand, who spoke on floral arrangements. Steve made a small table centre piece, and two different corsages. Steven presented one cor- sage to Mrs. Duke Sr., who celebrated her birthday last week and the other co rsage of Mrs. Mabel Crouch, our pianist: • Viola Lawson Steven. thanked FRUIT OR RAISIN BREAD 16 oz. LOAF 1N-STORE BAKED DAILY FRESH DINNER ROLLS DOZEN HOUSEWARES SALE PENTO-NETT 8" PENTO-NETT 10" FRY PAN FRY PAN CALICO PATCH OVEN MITTS WITH TEFLON PALMS 4.'9 .. PR 4.0.0.p...w • RUBBERMAID h FL OZ. COVERED • E. 4. friCHER '1.49 RURBERMA!n TWIST POP ICE CUBE TRAY 2i99 0 ROBBERNIAID 10' 1/2" DIAM., KITCHEN S i An TURNTABLE I+ 77 1 146 " HWY NO. 8 f<0 GODERICH- HURON RD. OPEN WED., THURS., FRI., EVENINGS rld