HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-02-05, Page 18Corn lag E‘ eats. SEED • OATS Garry and Elgin BARLEY Herta. Keystone, Trent Pe guis, Bruce SPRING" HEAT Glenlea FIELD PEAS Mixturesinade to order from these varieties Double Cut Red Clover (No: I and Plowdown) Timothy and Alfalfa WHITE BEANS • Kentwood • Seafarer SOYBEANS • Evans Order directly or from your , local dealer. Art .Bolton 5270559 Russell Bolton 527-1428 • 11-91-1 ALL STAR TOURS PIONEERS OF ESCORTED MOTOR COACH TOURS "OUR BUSINESS IS GOING PLACES" • FLORIDA Choice of 11 DIfferencTours No. of Tour " No of 1st . Days Name Depart. Depart. 14Florida AT fti Best . 6 Feb. 4Gulf Coast and-Disneyworld 4 'Feb, 9 6Grand Florida Circle ' 3 Feb. 21 4Rorida in the SaVing Season 2 Apr. 25 NDED STAYS 12Pensacola 3 Feb. 14Pensdeolti . 1' Apr. 19Pensacola 3 Feb. 14Daytona 'Efficiencies 3 Feb. 21Daytona Efficiencies ,,3 'Feb. 14St. Petersburg, 3 Feb. 21St. Petersburg • 3 Feh 14Diseeyworld (Inc. Meals) 3 Feb. 21Disneyworld (Inc. Meals) 3 Feb. 1981 ,SCHOOL BREAK 9Pensaeola - 9Disneyworld 9Daytema Beach PECIAL TOURS ' California and' Risk** West 7 Feb. 21-11,069.. 14Texas and New'Orleans 4: Feb. 7 5 599. 1SUMMER PROGRAMME- 14817-- atalogues are now available and bookings are now eing aCeepted• togramme includes numerous departure of tours: o: ,-Atlantic Canada ,c) to 19 days -Western Canada 9 to 28 days -Yukon & Alaska 21 days . 1.89-8 Foi'More intormation See Your Travel Agent ALL STAR TOURS 1400 Bishop St , Cambridge Wattj 623 3030 or toll free bizat you 1-800 265-8620 TWAY 2$ 6 $ .9 $ 2$ 9 5 2$ 9 $ 2$ From $ 529. $ 599. $ 349. 299. 344, 329. 429. 549. 439. 529. 459. 609, Classified Rates Charges are based on the number of words. Set of numerals as for serial numbers. street ridiabt.is. phone numbers or prices count, as one word per set. Words joined 'by hyphens colint as separate words. FIRST 'INSERTION--15 words $2.50 10c per word thereafter • • SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS; No copy changes. '8c per word. minimum $2.00 . . SEMI-DISPLAY FIRST INSERTION-52.17 per column inch. ' SUBSEQUENT INSERTIONS $1.89 per column inch. (Minimum size in this category 1 1/2 inches., Accepted in multiples of half inch, BOX NUMBERS ,TO THIS OFFICE - .00 per insertion. BIRTHS 15 words, $2.50; 10c per word thereafter. MARRIAGES. Engagements. Death Notnec. 15 words $2.50, each additional word 10c. IN MEMORIAMS-53.00 plus , I Sc per line of verse COMING EVENTS---A1S words $2.50 each additional word 10c. Three insertions for the price of 2. CARD OF THANKS- 30 words $3.00 each additional word. Se. DISCO/MT FOR'CASH PAYMENT ON OR BEFORE • FRIDAY NOON IN WEEK OF INSERTION No cancellation of multiplelesettion advertisements after NomeTuesday Deadline for claseffkd aide 18 12 Noon Tuesdays Phone 527-0240 44 8 Farm Stock . WANTED steady buyer- for 45.50 lbs.. weaner pigs from 85 sow operation. References available. Apply 'to Box 3472 The Huron Expositor. 8-91-2 WANTED 80 weaner pigs from good clean barn 523- 9276. 8-91-I 11 Articles for Sale CLEARING SALE Wurlitzer piano, organs. Farfisa organs. ,used organs and other items are priced to sell; some at cost! Last chance for a real bargains. PULSIFER MUSIC Seaforth Open 19:00 to 5:00 Closed Wednesdays r1-90-4 FOR Valentine day giving - beatitiful'eatural sheep skin rugs. Choice Lamb minimum orders delivered 25 lbs. Adamsdale Farm 482-7446. 11-91-2 ONE pair of AxIberg downhill skis with bindings and-Poles, length 70". Phone evenings 527-Q171. ' 1.1-91x1. McCLARY 4 burner range. automatic oven control and timer. good condition, can be seen at Kling's Ltd. Main St. Seaforth. 11-91-2 OAT and barley . straw. Adamsdale Farm. 482-7446., 11-91-2 -MATERNITY clothes,' size 15-16; some size 13-14. 345- ' 2888. ' • 11-91-2 ' Dealers for PFAFF Sewing Machines Spring & Summer Fabric" NOW IN STOCK Seaforth Sewing Centre 527-1900 11-90.2 Used 26" Console Colour T.V. Roger Majestic with warranty only $299.00• . CAMPBELL'S CROWN HARDWARE 5274420 AVCO CRISP, juicy apples, Northern, Spy, McIntosh, Red Delicious, .Ida Red. $3.50 per bushel up. Fresh cider, potatoes and honey at Art Bell's Fruit Farm. Closed Monday and Thursday. Phone 524-8037. 11-89-tf moto•ski Febivary Clearance (9n New Sleds) SPIRIT 250 cc S 1 299.0° MIRAGe E I $ti-399 MIR26A8GEc 11 368 cc $1 1599 00 )99 . MIRAGE SS' 368 cc 1999 GRAND PRIX 496-cc $2299.00 FUTURA 500 s2299 no "Pt ViONIC cc Fv.lUTUIIII:14A464 L.C.E.L.2C'9 9 ." 464,cc $2799..00 worm man! tAP141 FC,ItJ,PMFAIT iiN4 ONE. Pioneer belt driyg, turn table, I Akai direct drive turn table. 1.8 track' tape deck. All in good condition. reasonably priced. Phone Brussels 887-6559 after 6 p.m. 11-9112 Reduced Louisville HOCKEY STICKS Now 6.95 Reg. 7.95 'CAMPBELL'S s'fi4 CROWN c 14 HARDWARE 527-1420 AVCO VISA MM. ACCOUNTING ASSISTANT . . required Candidate Should be second year student in CGA or RIA program or hive equivalent back ground hand experience in accounting send resume stating qualifications to ROSSq SCOTT FUELS Division Sunoco Home Comfort Inc. BRUCEF1ELD, ONTARIO NOM IJO 4.91-; mann TIRE .0, vscr. rt $ cirv. F.W. Tilley Ltd. Seaforth will be closed . on . Wednesday Feb. 11th. , for inventory , RE--OPENING Feb. 12.13130 A.M. Business as usual 411111F - uinnoinn TIRE / KARDWOQE) NSF or TREES. WANTE eA.141:, CRAIG HARDItf0Op' LTD. AUBURN FOR pat CASH PRICES utugnAtio S114""4"9r Stile Afxitid6 526.7220, 5244512 12-90:5' 14 ProPertiY for Sale -1,4 Property for Sale WORKMAN REAL ESTATE LTD. CLINITiNt HAROLD WORKMAN" • 482,-3455" 7- PETER DAMSMA , , 482.9849 SEAFOR LONDEOORO: RT MERO 4430 52 ERR1T WILTS 7' NEW LISTING Egmondville Duplex built in52319472,119- - . one floor with good rents and a large 1034% • mortgage available $55,000.00. . NEW LISTkNG Market St. 3. bedroom sided home with family roots, central air den' and much more $44,500.00 or Offers..' , , - NEW LISTING •Business opportunity, for a small , investment this thriving hair styling shop is now available with all equipment Ann St. t EGMONDVILLE' Attractive setting and tidy yard enchaeces this cozy 2 bedroom cottage $27,000.00. HERITAGE HOME A very elaborate home on 'ng St. completely restored to original with maV rn 'Mode conveniences and extra lot $75,060.00 N ST; 4 bedroom sided home. 1 1/2 blocks to Main St. $28,000.00 or offers; , GODERICH ST. Beautiful'4 bedroom., 2tstorey with large lot. 2 bathS, and much more. A bargain at , • $32,000.00 - Good mortgage available. CENTRE ST. 1'/: storey', frame home on a nice shady, ' ,lot $33,000.00 or Offers. 10 34% MORTGAGE available on this 3 bedroom home on Ann Se in the ,e 20's. I FLOOR'COTTAGE on ,toderich St. Excellent condition - close tq uptown 535000;00. JOHN ST. This .comole*-' renovated home has been reduced from SOLD, to '$38,000.00 for a quick sale, A true bagain114 ' ' - '' - • •• ., - 4 EGMONDVILLE 3 lots with 'a 2 bedroom cottage and small barn-river frontage Under 40.000.00. 4 YEAR OLD Brick and Aluminum ranch style - 3 bedrooms, dining room, carport and large lot $48,000.00. 1700 -SQ. FT. Bungalow with large family room, fireplace, wood stove. 3 bedrooms, no basement $49,000.00. , BRANTFORD St. Neat as a pin - this 2 or 3 bedroom cottage is 3 yeats' old and, 'truly al great 'buy at $49.900:00 with a 101/4 % mortgage. ' SPLIT LEVEL On Jarvis St. 2 years old, 3 bedroom ' brick and aluminum with full-. basement very . attractive $53,500.00 or Offers. BRAND NEW Brick, 3 bedroom with garage. full, baSement and economical gas heat - . Jarvis St.. 555.000,00. . LARGE 10 3/4 % MORTGAGE on this 4 level 'split which feature built-in stereo, family room. 2 fireplaces. garage and much more 559.900.00. WILLIAM ST. IV ;tit "n1 4 level split 3 bedrooms, family room, rec )‘,/leto NJ stove etc. $62,800.00. 2 STOREY 'EXECUTIVE Tastefully decorated. and ' landscaped.wood and oil furnace, 'fireplace, ,double garage.' A ' very impressive 4 year old home 576,000.00. JARVIS ST. Built on 3 lots this 3 bedroom split has a 2,4' x 40' workshop attached garage and many more extras $95,000.00. ' ' ' PUT YOUR FEET UP in this totally luxurious 1800, sq. ft. ranch. Features such as a 20' x 40' ingroun'd pool. 2-fireplaces. built-in bar and waterfall,'heated double garage. private court yard. paved drive and • all the modern convenience - Expensive. EGMONDVILLE 3 year old brick and aluminum split - fireplace. heat pump, central vicutirn and many . more minas $75,000.00. GOLF' COURSE still' a good selection . of lots available at the 'Seaforth Golf Course Subdivision ' ' from $9,500.00 to' $12,500.00. BODY SHOP New building in the Industrial Park - all set up fOr Auto Body Repairs $39,000.00 . NEW BUILDING In the Industrial Park - Brick and Steel construction 40' x 50' Ideal for small business. Terms available reduced to $35,000.00. FOR RENT New 4 bedroom h use with family room, P FOR RENT 2 bedroom, 1 fl r close to Main Street., COUNTRY PR ERITES LARGE 101/2 % MORTGAGE' Mak;iS this modern 3 bedroom brick bungalow a great buy at 555,000.00 Only 2 miles from 'town with many outstanding features. WALTON Large brick home - 10 Towns $26,000.00 ' WINTHROP Beautiful 2 storey brick, 3 bedroom home on agreed '/2 Acre lot 1034% Mortgage available $54.560.00 of Offers. . 2 MOBILE HOMES^I at Pine Lake - I at Light House Cove -..Very Reasonable., HAYFIELD. 4 bedroom cottage - I mile South of Hayfield with access to beach. BRUCEFIELD 4 year Old brick, 3 bedroom - Highway location'/: acre lot - Luxurious $84.900.00 101/4 % mottgae. $4,000.00' DOWN will- put you Mk) this 4 bedroom home on N. Main St. and the vender will hold the balance at 12% total price 540,000,00 or serious offer. 14-91-1 More Classifieds on next page F - THE HURON EXPOSItOR, FEBRUARY 5, 1981 „I entities Day, Or any (lays you'll get more eet ......•••••woommy ,uys .110110.011.0. nerat nager, for' , A diversified lariri'stwIlly eo-operative in Seafortb. ()Atari? Rita)! veignte $I, million Apply in Writing by • February 14, 198.1 stating qualificatioret. experience, and salary ex: pectatiqns to the . SECRETARY, BOARD OF DIRECTORS, P.O. BQX 399, SEAFORTH, ONTARIO NOK IWO 4-91.2 It .Aiticles for Sate „ 191f/V,11Kr and. mast wit.* • -009r mp.detcqlour -Zgteir ' , Stereo. '..freeZee.. isitc4rtte , set: 'other household• articles.- 5.441-47. • - 1341.41 N ER Used ,•POrg9- 'POT including,• • • stroller' altatAlutOnts ' Navy • .46ric 5285; in or must have 5200. Flo, Dyck. 4*7522. 1 'Coming Events. CLINTON-' Bingo. 1eery Thins4ay, 8;00: p,M. `Ft regular card ;1400 Re, , strieted to Yeat•Ser.oYer 1.$ regular games of $1.5p9.$.5. tenst ont .4ht. Mony other specials. Jackpot '5100.,00. Ni*.v. each wek every Tustlexeveningt at • VANASTRA CENTRE R.R. 5. Clinton 1st regetar card $1.00: I'S regular games of $15.00: 3 e:-'share-the-wealth. Jackpot $200.00 must go. Admission restricted to 16 years or over 1-91- d ST. Patrick's Dublin P. T. A. Card party. Feb. 11 1981 ki p.m. at the school gym. Admission 51.00 everyone welcome pot luck lunch and a draw for.a $50.00 food basket 1:91-1 The,litnoti County -L'etiosites sou to attend the. Child . lint. Health Vat otnpe SeafOrtlf(ommunIty Hospital on Thursdas.F1E111111,ARY I2,. 98 from 4-30 - 11.30 a.m. for: 1 Health Sur. eillani.•e 2. Anaemia Screening 3„ Immunization 4. Hearin Screening 5 Vision -Screening •• Fl uoride brushing for ages.3 tvl 5 years. 1.91-1 "ADULT IMMUNIZATION WILL ALSO BE OFFERED AT THIS CLINIC'" , 1.91.1 EVERYONE Welcome to -Seafurth and District Saddle Club. Snow Party, Walton Community Hall. Sunday, February 8, 1981 at 1:30 p.m. (Storm date. February IS.. 19811 Cards and games in hall, outdoor skating, snowmobiling, cross country skiing, horse drawn sleigh rides. Supper available at Walton Inn. 5 p.m. 1-71A THE HURON COUNTY HEALTH. UNIT invites you to attend the Child Health Clinic Health Unit Office, Medical Building. Brussels on Tuesday. FEBRUARY 10, from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. for: 1. Health Surveillance 2. Anaemia Screening 3. Immunization • 4. Hearing 'Screening 5. 'Vision Screening. 6. Fluoride brushing for ages 3 to 5 years. "Adult Immunization will . also be offered at this clinic" 1-75-1 Lost, Strayed An orange and white cat. Attsers to Tiger. If -anyone „, has him let him go or has seen him. Phone '527-1211 -Childrens pet. 2-91 xl REWARD • 5500. for information leading to Arid .or the return of 8 guns and one T.V. set stolen from Allan Haugh. Brucefield, 5.2"-.0248. 2.90-2 Help Wanted VOLUNTEERS are needed to assist "at the; Tuckersmith Day • Nursery . with handicapped .preschoolers for a morning program beginning February 2. For -more information call 'Karen `;"1144cEwing. Tuckersmith Day ,Nursery 482-'634'. 4,90-2 EXPERIENCED sales person'. required • for • weekly newspaper. Must have own transportation. Pay Seale negotiablese--Reply in con- fidence:14id North Monitor. Box 1126. Espanola. Ontario. POP ICO. 4-91x1 LICENSED Auto Body ' Technician and Mecham+, required. Excelleut pay. For expanding G.M. Dealership in Grande Prairie in the beautiful Peace River Country. Contact I Hunt. Doug MarOall Motor city. 11044 - 100 Street, Grande Prairie,,,Alberta. Phone 1403) 532-9333. 4.91x1 VOLUNTEERS are needed to assist at the Tuckersmith Day Nursery with handicapped preschoolers for a biorning program For more iormation cal! Karen MeEwing. Tuckersmith Day Nursery 482-7634. ' 4.90-2 FULL-TIME Pods Person required for, expanding . farm equipment dealership., Experience preferred but not a necessity. Apply in writing to Box . The Huron Eipositor showing full particulars as to age. • employinent experience. farm machinery , kn'owledge and salary expectations. 4-91-2 Energy Distributor seeks Dealers and Soles People in your territory We offer the most com- plete line of energy man- agement equipment ap- proved for sale in Canada. Residential, commercial. industrial and rural. Exceptionally compati- ble sideline for electrical. heating and refrigeration contractors. For further details call 5191655.2181 4-91-2 5 Bus. Opportunity ARTISTS and Craftsmen wishing to sell their work in a new store opening soon should call - 236-4494 evenings. 5-91-2 Earn money! Learn income tax preparation at home. Reduced prices. For free brochure: -no obligation. write U & R. Tax Schools. 18 Roxborough Drive. Toronto. Ontario. 5-91 xl 7 Situations Wanted WILL baby sit in my home 527.1630 call anytithe. "-91 - LAYINGand finishing concrete floors for., basements. garages. drive sheds etc. Call George 482- 3291. 1-91-tf 8. Farm Stock PUREBRED R.O.P. *tested. health approved..serviceable ageHampshire boars. 1„Oon Johnston. R.R. 2, Mildmay. after six, 367-2111. 8-40-4 12 Wanted to 'Buy WANTED to buy, any condition. old style 0' or 027 guage .electric trains. any , make. Also large scale 1/32 ' *scale slot race sets. call '523:V509 after 5 p.m. 12-9Ix2 TABLES for 2-4 people suitable for small tea room. Must be, sturdy. appearance not important. Phone evenings. 527-0171. 42-91x1 13 Wanted GOOD used furniture. 482- 7922. 13.91-tf CASH-Crop land to rent. Terms negotiable. Phone 262-5968 after 6 p.m. 13-91-2 12 Bantam hens. Call 527- 0 i 64. 13-91-2 14 Property for Sale Real Estate Ltd. • Clinton Phonon 4112-5371 50 acres -general farm in Hullett Twp. * « * « * « 50 acres farrowing operation on paved road near Brussels. Additional land available.' * ** * * * 1 1/4 acres in, Blyth-Victorian style home, 26 fruit trees. excellent property for hobby or business. priced or quick sale. ****** 150 acres modern dairy farm McKillop Twp.. 60 'cows. good quot Main St.. Egmodnville I 1/2 storey frame home excellent condithm, on % acres, nicely treed property, gas heat, sun deck, many extras. ***IN*** KIPPEN 2 acres, 11/2 storey frame home nicely decorated. *1***«* Shop and lot at Loadesboro oh No. 4 highway. Ideal for welding shop or• similar business. 14.91-1 RAINY-; 11VER district 263 aores clay loam soil, 90 acres clearibalance bush can be cut fcr pulp. Three bedroom bungalow?' full basement, modern plumbing, 20' x 40' garage. approx. 35' x 70' pole -shed, 4Q' x 50' steel shed, 12' x 24' gicenery $72,000. Call: c/O Hoovers' (807) 487-2263 Barwick, Ontario. 14-91 xl Eveh week more aed mere people discover what nighty jobs are mom- pliehed by ,,low cost Huron Expositor' Ward Ads. Dial 527.0240. HiRc ‘our Message ti% .V.000 peorle 'Free 'On Cable cast 12 345-2341 Courtesy J. Mitchell-Se:031h Cable T..V. We kkoke Reservations Package Tears Air-Trainr Hits Tdurs- Airing' Transportation Service., Bus Charters Group Tours. -90-2 1 Coming Events 4 Help Wanted ..4 Help -Wanted , • ' . sqvp up' to %Y . 01,„„,:efrOm WHITE, FANAi 11,0SOUNA.,..JANOMB Salle up to -s(M,- on fabrics. Sewing eoar4a. $30. regitter now. The sewing.- machine and fahric.pecialist. 1S4E9Woo:1:SsAt eet 12 .d VE C;umdsoniNUIEsontih of. STRATFORD 271.9660 Closed Mondays 11 789-5 11 Articles for Sale 12 Wanted to Buy 1.2 *anted to Buy '4„