The Huron Expositor, 1981-02-05, Page 11Schneiders Chunk luncheon-Meat,
Chieken 'Loaf or Beerwurst
527 •
71.1r= .1 '1!
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Jock's Jottings
Jack Riddell MPP
• Dairy farmers in Ontario-aregotagtoget hettli;testia,
,Orogram shoved4own•tbeir thcoats whether they 104 it :0.
net,. • • •' •‘ „.', A •
• k
But, ‘yriu bets
lisOgfe toorct 044liatktr., f4t,,Yegft4ctrOlW*.
what about and poOdar ..1?}PA• the
v al ,t1Aitx herd, improvement ..asgociation •;•• Which :a
nornber.Offarmers,are using? Yes. That, toe.' .•
Dairy farmers have been given plenty' ofopportunity to:
-participate in testing and peribrmance i.etords., Other.
-incentives are available. Both the •-go,-0.10r. 19,45, of
• government, the province and, Ottawa, - have provided
plenty of encouragement in the form of grants and
subsidies. .
But production in Ontario has dropped in the last few „
years and the Ontario Milk Marketing Board wants to
know why. That is precisely why the. OMMB, is going to
impose a testing program on dairy farmers, a program
which will eventually force every dairyman in Ontario' to
keep responsible records.
Every Wednesday is
'Senior Citizens Day!
At one One Ontario was
known a-, the "Lind of
Opportunr. At the present
time it istiot oneetnnton to
heakthe Oression "Ontario
is a niacto leave." thtfor-
tudatelydiere is a reason for
this attiide an'd it relates to
Ontarieff economy. '
UnitaloVMent is a very reeFit to of Ontar.•
tuber 198087% f.
OnemloyOlga occurred fn
0 . v The term "iot,ttit
fa'1Usart Avheo ref
Ot4lt b..0!#90 iti , 1 tO- 24. Of 01.4
WOW.. some '10#1.0 nte
lacteal'sa over
P *Ms matitho and co-inci;
debally- a 7,000 increase-
ott* Deeernbek1979.• For the
ptXte earning group (aged
• 2-to 54 years.) the uneni-
kyment figure for 'Decem-
br 1980 was 128,000 - a
1,000 (10%) increase over
Breember 1979. The total
timber of "unemployed,
tbarkrio-wit 166.000. which
- •
represented a 21.000 (8.6%)
increase, over the previous
December, and an, increase
of 20,000 f%) over, NOY-
emler 1980,
The situation with respect
to permanent and indefinite
1..laypffs is another indication
;of the seriousness y4f the
employment Witte in this
Pr,„9410. SUMO P.910,
ersweroitbicerf on ao
ent itidefinitelarftduring
the 'fit* el evert months ice,,
''Ontario's budgetary post-
lion is also cause for Consi-
derable coacern. According
to 'the most recent 'Ontario
Finances Report, dated Sep-
tember 30th, 19801 Ontario's
budgetary deficit had risen
23 per cent in six meths. The
mini-budget of November 13.
1980, pushed net cash re-
quirements to $1,059 billion,
an increase of 81 per cent
over the final result-S.' for
1979/80. Interest on the
public debt stands at $4.4
Million per day: compared to
$94000 per day in 1971.
her„ economic , 44W
Vittfilt cannot be ioVei-
100(0 is the nittubet. .of
zbankrapteleraihich hnve cc ,
'Ourred,,f ()yea the Vast let
IWCIAldnes-'0114111#400: Cint*Atro ifiave *teased
tenfold. 1979, ihere ,were.
10;590 t!!I province.
In its latest , prov *jail
forecast; dated October 28.
1980. the Conference Ward
also predicts that Ontario will
experience a 4 pei cent
decline in manufacturing
output in 1980, while Alberta
will have 6 per &Ingrowth in
manufacturing output, ' and
Saskatchewan and Manitoba
will also both benefit by
strong performances in their__
manufacturing sectors. Ont-
ario is expected to lag behind
the national average in man-
ufacturing growtl? again this
year, 1981.
Other economic factors
which help to complete an
assessment of the 'state of
Ontario's economy are the
lo'a share, declined.fiman 51.8
income in constant 1971
dollars in Pr:Karla dropped
from. $13.510- in 1%74 rp
$12,916 in 1978. in relative
terms the average income for
tarifiters in Ontario in 1977
was $11,080. $34 less than •
the average national lucerne.
IMAM. for the first time.
0400 qualified for etptalira-
parneritS from the fed-
eral governMent a5 a have:
nnt province. Under the
•.. fommtg, before recent feder-
al • amendments to etraere-
that ncycr
'receive ,pa Meats,' 01004
was entitled' *.'S$00-• i
et,thttp .0:4-19§0 While one
ot tc.aSetta- 0,4000
."13e(ionte .11.00."0.01 is
growth in.provineial cit . and
'gas. reventles , in Western'
Canada; equally important-is -
the ,slow growth in revenues
from Ontario's traditiOnal tax
sources- personal and corp-
orate income tax.
Between 'January and June
1980, 15,744 Qntarians left
this _province for Western
Canada. On a annualized.
basis, this means a projected ,
Corr for MO of over .711.000s
OFA wants
hydro rates
the same',
The Ontario Federation of
Agriculture isurgihg the
provincial government to
make urban and rural hydro
rates the-saine: RaIpN Barrie.
President of the OFA,:,tays
the govern-
ment's $20 million subsidy
program for rural bydro only-
saves rural users $3.00 per
Month off their bills.
Rural users pay 29 pet cent
more for their hydro than
urban users and that figure is
expected to increase.' •
Ootd Yohn, office Manager
for Clinton Hydro, says rural
rates are higher than urban
rates because the costs are
higher. More hydro lines;
lightning "arrestors; and -
transformers " are needed.
Gerry 'Fortune, president
of the, Huron County Federa-
tion of Agriculture, says that.
"We are paying for the cost
of thehydro lines which take •
the service to the •,,town
if is the only *gy .pro41034m; ,
::7:0;*$.1 441 70.'H': !r°;.:g aci„
wow-40104 tegvott,panftttg,eg
:come , • ileg•44,401"0:00t,
•.'eihsteih• cantioilteep the recorda.ef that: *Ity cows ill *it':
• ,, • • - •
tu the' old .daYS. a good' dairyman toe*
alinoStio the -pOund...,-. pardon rne,, the litre -- how each was
producing. But that sort of envelope-record-keeping........
simply won't wash any more..
Under present regulations, each proa*mci is) given''a -
5mdarmektietnessha;or toc•ttap.i0Thvintzo qpurt4teare thenntaIr a allotted,hasi
hefty share at national quota butOti o producers, •
after, their fighting to ,get their share 'V the quota., have
been • unable to- meet 'that quota. Every 'inodtleer was
coaxed, cola and even pleaded with the Ontario Milk
board to keep accurate recordi so that every cow in the
herd couldbt-PrOven a worthwhile producer. ..
No other methods has 'been devised to increase herd
tifiiac `insemination units across the province have
proven sires 'and the 'semen is used by thousands of
• dairymen.
Yet it is not enough, itproducers do'not keep aecurate
records. if some dairy farmers get a. little4esty because
another system maybe imposed on -them, they have only •
themselves triblame. Always, it is a few rotten apples that
. spoil the. barrel. Because some producers. refuse to keep
proper records; a 'fee for the milk hbard's system will be
imposed on all dairymen-.
• The milk Marketing boar-a-is sptmnaginore than $6
million on promotions which are designed solely to
increase 'consumption ;'.of - milk. The advertising and
promotion campaigns are working. Even with the increase
in tpri heceof milk, consumption has been majntained and
butter consumption continues increase. _
Yet, all this. money could be spent in vain if producers
cannorfill the market share quota already 'alloted to this
The best way to increase production is to blare the top ,
producers in a dairy herd and the only way to fin d out is
to keep. accurate records of productions
It seems a shame that so many praducers, are already'
keeping and paying for -- accurate records but yes
windier' system may be. imposed..
No Where in farming is good Management more .
important --thaw- datrying. If the milk board feels . it
necessary to help farmers, in becoming better managers, I
guess this is the best way to do it. - •
•. 'But it seems a shame that all have to suffer for the
-,,neglect of.a. few. ,
Del Monte D DING
reach Halves, Peach Slices
or Fruit Cocktail
Growth rate of public
investment, 1970-79: Orttar-
i^ -O&M; 4e0lioc4 from 37:
per cent ja. 1970 to 26.9 Per
cent in 1979. '
Growth Tate, of
valhea of . ntannfaentring
shipmenta. .1970-78"; Qatar-
...provith rate of residential
constoilion 1970-78: Omar-
:Ws/share declined from 46.7
r tier cant in 1970 to 33 per
,,.cent in 1978.
•- Perhaps more significant
4o individual Ontarians is the
--fact that sivPrsop real isonvilis
pet Fetal in 1970 49.4,, per
cent In 1974.
• Growth rate „of' private
investment. 19704879: Ont. aria's share declined .1ren1 ,
39,3 per cent to 33.4 -per
Ice storms, high winds or fallen tree
limb§ can bring hydro lines down. And even a
fallen wire that seems dead can be dangerous.
don't gonearthe wares, warn otherS
not td and report the fallen wires to your local
hydro or the police as scxyras possible. '
If a line falls across your vehicle, Stay 4
inside until a hydro •crew removes
the line. If there's a live power line
• touching your car, putting even one
foot on the ground can be a fatal move
to make.
.Mclain Peas & Carrots or Mixed Veg.
VEGETABLES 2 1tr. Bogs
r. Farmers..
Spring is just around the cornett
to: be sure of the type you need when the-time comes
Also he thinking of your spraying needs