HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-02-05, Page 9—
Win 'at
Prize wieners at Rebekah
and 1.0.0.F. Euchre were:
Ladies most games: Mary
Felker, Ladies Lone hands:
Rachel Riehl, Ladies conso-
lation: Grace Pepper-, Mens
;Most games: Worden Haney
Mens lone' hands: Frank
Smale. Mens consolation:
Lorne Dennis.
took roc,
New Column
"Oh, I didn't think I liked new wave."
• It is easy to like some of itt -when praCtically, everything
fits into it.
So who have we got left, after sifting through the new
wave heap? There are' several groups which rate high
marks in this 'highly scientific study,
First, a note about one whiCh cloesn:t nuire---it. The
Monks. A lot of , people were fooled when this group
odeased its carefully contrived Bad Habits album.
Evidence the filet that it sat at the top of the charts for
ages. (Note those-things are compiled on.nothing stronger
than album salei,) In the final tally, though, it amounted to
a well calculated construction Of everything OW had,
worked in new wave before: Everything about the opium
smacks of a commercial venture and in noway an artistic
one. That's okay, it just doesn't belong here.
For the purpose of newspapertimeliness, the first two to
look at happen to be playing in Toronto together Monday
night in What promises to be a fast and exciting concert.
• The headliner is Elvis Costello, the weak-kneed ,English
"whatsit" in 1950's hornirimmed glasses. The other, is
Squeeze, a British group which could easily demand equal
Costello lkas bepn.around (in the public domain, if you.
for over four years now, and tit that time he "has
'produced five albums. His first, My Aim is True, arrived
ewhilepeopte-were still preoccupied with being disgusted
with Sid and Johnny. Rotten. The immediate and
, prevailing opinion was 'here's another of Britain's famous
strange acts'. Not alt altogether fair assessment of the
Pistols. and'even less fair of Elvis. I remember that
• opinion because I Was-olte of the ones who held it, (At the
time friends and I were rebounding, from a near fatal affair
• with a blend of country/folk/rock which we now describe
unceremoniously as 'twang.)
Costell, fact, may have laid the groundwork for what
later-became new wave. -(Ityqu can-imagine new _wave's
evolution in terms. Of concentric circles, Castello Would
BY HERB sliovill.F.R
Lest week the suggestion was ogle that current music
being pulled two opposite directions. In one
direction . there is a return to the roots ekock, to blues.
with an emphasis on reworking thefts or developing
new material. In the other is new wave, a genre Toropto
Star rock critic Peter Goddard said on the weekend was
now stagnant and giving Po hints of revitalization. That is
'Op for dispute, although' his argument is compelling.
In between I put the. names of several stoups who
seemed to beheading at stoat speed to nowhere, and
iochtsionof several names, moat notably JiatirneYr ratedan
few e*Orow'S, Atter 101108 tfio'gtoops ievetal,qu lions.,
were lis#ask wh04,c,00141)0 _1404 alt measure
teemmereitt1 400esn't epunt) hreVever and still
Ankle*, they are va1i4.
Last week the•tlisSOSSiOnSpictiso4 O a bltieS, and on some
people doing: interesting ,WPrk'with.the simplicity
dlloPeSlY elf that musical typal. That dras,tine (Breet en.
is week. new waYe7,
There little cloubtkthatt Punk lived and died with, the
With the departure of the CaeStic British Sixmp
some of the anger•and dOillusionment which were their
sharply and-swiftly pared down. We
Wereleff with the uldeKaahle term new wave, a garbage
'eau category into which surely 90 per cent of what is
preduced today gets dumped.
"W, 'at is it?" is' the question.
"Well, it 's...it 's...it's...uh...uh...new wave." is the
prond reply, while the speaker crosses fingers and hopes
not to be pressed further.
50, year award presented to Ned Boswell (left)
by Allan Nicholson.
35 yeataWards were presented to (left to right)
Jim Brown, Dr. Paul'Brady and Bill Brown
For service, account, installation,
local announcements, line locates
Call 345-2341
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Supplying 8 networks and
independents to over 1,450 homes.
Chamber of Commerce
Feb:. 7,, 1981
Cosh Frites paid bock to 5th plate
30 Door Prizes
Feb. 8, .1981.
Drags using W SRE performance classitleations in
stet • mad stock • open mod.
Registration starts 10:30 a.m.. closes 12:30 p.m.
Drags start at 1:00 p.m. sharp.
C;row for trip to Orlando, Florida to .be held,
Sunday, February 8th.
Blyth Lions Snowtravellers
PoNooe Poker Rally solo) Sunday, Feb. 15th
Blyth Conservation Club House
1 corner north, 3 west of Myth ;
Registration 10 a.m. - 2p.m.
$3.00 per hand
Many other donated door inizes
40 km, beautiful groomed trails
1st Hand- $60
2nd Hand 420
3rd,Hand ,$*
The Annual
, the
Huron County
will be held in the'
Clinton, Ontario
Feb. 20
' Dr. Charlei Toll and Mrs. oll write from Plymouth in
the island of Monserrat in the West Indies, that; the
weather has been warm and sunny. The Seaforth dentist,
who has been volunteering there says panish better costs
S9.50 a iJounct, and Lipton's tea $9.76' per 100 bagt.
Mr. William Miller who recently - underwent an
operation in Stratford General Hospital has now returned
to his• home. ,
Dr. Chuck Robbins who has been on the staff of Seaforth
Veterinary Clinic has 'purchased a practice in Wiarton.
Mr. and Mrs. Eric Jensen. John and April returned to
Olde, Alberta after spending a month with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Bill McMillan:
Mr. Tom Williams, Mrs. Mary McMillan and Mrs. Anne
Riches, Brantford attended the funeral of their brother in
Holiday, Florida,
PC7 -IlutonBroot. •
Progressive Conservative Association
Invites you to ottehd the-
Thurs. Feb. '12 1981
8 p.m. at
Kincardine Community Centre
(Kincardine Hall)
Guest speaker to be announced
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South. Carolina
S.D.H.S. Girls' Trumpet Band •Performing
Saturday, March 2L Returning March N
No overnight driving
• Luxury Motor Coach
• Baggage Handling
• Major Golt .Courses Available
(Play where the champions, play)
'325.00 United Trails, Call 5274380 Seaforth, Ont.
r what
belong close to toe, Middle!)
So what makes him different? Well, certainly there's the
musk, but that is almost impOssible CO translate here. We
are left with the words, and even they might lose some
effect by being disessociatedfrem their musical context.
Ten years ago, for instance, these would Om have been
lyrics for lost love (except maybe with Beatles and Run For
Your Life - if you can little girl); "You're upstairs with the
boyfriend/While I'M left here to listen/ Angry/ I crept by
war window/ I crept hy.yoor.doori yee've found Some
other joker who could please you 019relrel' not angry."
You may say tacky,• but you also forget it la!nntettnnii
some-people feet, Olich.. makes it 'important., Thnkc-,1YriCa
,0*tepteAelltatiVe.V. yx!! of his writing, y4tIcItia•littteilY
Create-40* Flg*ti011** 014 .914)" address some which hame.teen-1.04•OtnrfOttaL0*-knotell. ottV0P.Fr„ • al e, tool are differe t Ilierv•"ftPultS0 some....
ntt4Ousling tnatOttal.-itkpartfeu*4iii.iitek .IWelfetti.
• otet verfeitMet;the intent);••Victivneg4arneacettent and
the music faq ..-Pagetlaletaitse: they are hrlintipg
with the group it IS that sometimes one getkThe sense they
want to head in sOireraillireetieltS 4000 with tkir music.
It is indeed to explore and try new things, but it
seenispiwork better -to do it froth album to album-Anther
thee song to song.
Which brings us to talking Heads, Exploration from
album to album typifies this group, which to a large extent
is an extension of leader David Byrne. The simplest way to
.investigate that is to listen to an earlier album, More
Songs About Buildings and' Food,. then. compare it to the
recent effort, Remain In Light.
The difference is not so severe you don't knew you have
your ears tuned to Talking Heads, but it may come close.
Collaborations from - perhaps tee, most experimental
1., Musician today, 'Brian Eno, :lead to some fescinating and
unique .cempositions. Remain its Light is worthwhile, if
only for the sake of watching something grow rather than
being fed upon until it -dies. • •.
One more: The Vapors: In my sometimes slow to operate
mind the, significance of the album title, New Clear Days,
on radioactive-likecover, veliiirmssed. If Bad to be pointed.,.-':
out to me. (Say it .fast.) Anyway, who caret about things
-like that? It is the music' which counts, and in this case it
counts for slot. This is full of good stuff, 'and a good diving.
board for, those caught up still in the mid-70's rock rut
New Clear Days did quite well 'for a first-time
production. It rose as high as 15 or 16 at FM station Q107
in Toronto; which may or may not be significant depending
On how itch stock you place in those things. The lead cut,
Turning J n.esei -is tYpical of the material on the album. ,
A good-frien a itiiisician,in fact, judges a great deal--of
music on whet er • the preformer is 'givin' "els,' Which
means whethei the group is putting out. A listen, to
Turning3apenese and you know they're 'givin"er'. •
There are four, and there are a lot more. There is XTC,
of course, and the Specials come to mind (though • you
'better be inclined to appreciate ska). Some dayfwe. may
have a look at them.
Before the topic of music is left behind, and.while we're
op the subject of ,ehanging apd expending horizons, a
dassic case came my way Friday night -in KW-Wetter.
I,hadn't seen him perform for six years, and at that time
all he had was his guitar, his piano and a stand-up bass
player, the consummate folk smger. Friday, it was a five
piece band, and electric, and good, td it. was Bruce
rn Cockbu, and Fib still shaldng my head in amazement. I
now have-renewed respect for hint Not bteatime-hesione-''
. 'electric - that doesn't matter - but that he has changed.
For his outstanding contribution to the
Seaforth Branch of the Royal Canadian
Legion, Morley Storey was Resented with
a life membership !by his• fellow comrades
Saturday night - The Ladies Auxiliary to the Seaforth
At the award banquet- ZPne Comander Branch presented awards to several of its
Bill Riehl, of Blyth presented-the award tol members, including Eva Brown, Peg
Mr. Storey who has beep a Legion member "CooMbsapd Helen
-for. about 35- -years, since returning; from 25-year Pins, Dilys Finnegan. 20-yea-Pin; 1
overseas duty in Woad War Two in ' and • Mary Doig, 10-year pin.
February 1946. , In the Ladies' division, badges were
Ned Boswell was , presented with a 'presented to past officers: Donelda Barry. •
50-year award by Allan Nicholson. Paul Olive Betties, Eva Brown, Jean Brown.
Doig was-not present to receive his 50-year • Mary Chap*, Peg Coombs, • Thelma
award: . Coombs. Hazel Dillon, Mary Doig, Ida
Merle Laycox was presented with hie Earle. Helen Anne Elliott. Dilys Finnigan.
40-year award. -• , " Jerry Fraiset Leona Hiusser, Helen
Dr. Paul, Brady. James 'Brown and Holland, • Betty Huliey, Edith -Jessome,
William M. Brown' were presented with Olaye Little,- Ina McGarth, Ruth. McGrath,
35-year awardi by Deputy Zone Comman- Catherine •' Morris, , Ella Munro, Helen •
der Bob Chapman- of Goderich. Les Beattie Nicholson, Jackie Racho. Rachel Reihl,
was absent and his 35-year, award will be Barbara Scott, Mary Ann Smith, Pat
given to Aim; Later.
Dr. Brady 'resented several books on
stories and e history of wart to the
SERVICE AWARDS PRESENTED-5ervice.awards:were presented to
(back row, left to right) Gordon Beuttenmiller, Arnold Stinniisen, .Dr.
Paul Brady and Jim Brown and (front row, left to right) Bill Brown,
Morley Storey Ned Boswell and Deputy Zone Commander Bob Chapman
of Goderich. Photos • by Wilma Oke
Legionotres honoured.
Branch library.
Gordon Beuttentniller and. Arnold Stin-
nissen were presented with 25-year
awards. Harvey Beuermen was absent and
will receive his later.
Schellenberger, Dora Taylor. Ann • Wood ,
and Ariel Wood.
Dancing followed..the awards ceremony.
S4AaglES lrQURErt"tQ6
Ladies -a bltillaryi m
:r".1tIGtr timiay pitWeteback::roW; Finqicn 1 ItD9h
..and (front rOwl Eva. BrOWITi"'PO:1 Coombs and hiefeh Nithotaen
• a