The Wingham Times, 1899-09-22, Page 66 THE WINUF11.4.11 11.)1ES, SEPTEMBER 22, lot,t), • rror.srr,r- %..Dt 4)tittugam unt41. doubled he would be justified in Itoberteon, Dairy Commiseioner anti undertakthat ing aaventaree would n•thers tin•ough Great Britain last `f••• , • have been foolish in the extreme for smellier when they Met a great .21. 1891 OUR OTTAWA LEITER. 4,14--arurtntrrro Vona our Own Cerro/meth:rt. Ottawa, Sept.10. FL Techoes of the address by $ir Richard Cartwright in Toronto recently have not yet died away ; indeed it is long since any poetical utterance outside the WallOr Parlia- ment 1m8 attracted as much atten. tion throughout Canada and in tbe Old. Country as this lucid and -straightfbrward exposition ef the GUM' ft Nish ip Or the present Adminis- tration by one re' the most able Ilnatisiets•the Empire .11114 Over pro- duced. This speech hail moreover emitted a remarkable amount of excitementsin Opposition ranks, and the enemy's camp bits been in a commotion over snice with prepin•ite goes for hriugtng out their heaviest .artillery with which to attack tbe impreguahle battlements, construct- ed by this splendid "Seidler of Liberalism." A FieW 8.01PLE POINTS, It is impossible of course in a brief paragraph to mud) even the fringe (4 the two hours cogent argu- ment with which Sir Richard met and demolished the charges of ex. travagance and reckless expenditure that have become so familiar in the IISsertion but remain so lacking in the. proof. One or two points how- ever .tuay be briefly reiterated in view ot the promised "replies" *which are to be mace in the near future; for jt will be easier to follow those -replies" when the statements eo bo replied to are early borne Itt Mind. "There are occasions," said Sir Riellard.—"and this is one of them —in whieh the progress of the country in three years is as great as in the pree :offing ti irty years." "The total addition made by this 321QSt extravagant Govet.ntuent to the fixed cherges of Canada between theyear, years 180/ and the 1900 amounts to just iSt55,000—e little over one cent per heed of our population." "It would be far better for Canada to have an expenditure of $40,000,000 $42,000,000 a year to a population of (5,000,000 7,000,000 than to reduce the expenditure to- 05,000,000 and retain our population of 5,000,000." "In 1808 we performed the same services that the late Administration performed in 1895, and we were do- ing it collectively for about a million dollars less than they were doing in 1895." him to Lave undertaken before." many -of the leading dealers, faithless. Tile Team; or 1898, ed Chambera of Commerce and trade I The trade returns for the yen,. organizations and in other ways pressed borne their claim. ot Cauada ; endive' June 30t11 last are a splendid „en f„„ ob,,lity to supply the bole i le -Mende to Sir Richard Cartwright's ',,"4,1,ke'.s. " ' Toronto speech, tor they thew that "'" r The splendidly eonceived i the aggregate trade for • toe year end indefatigably prosecuted eirects I reached the enormous tote! f of cite Dep. rtment of Agriculture to $319,088,774 ad against $304,475o,-11"vek'Pe °° British market is bear.1 730 in the previous year ; a gain ing fruit abundantly. TI1E CHANGED CONTHTIONS. These are but a few sample stet - silents which the country bas a right to expect the Opposition to speeifleal- 337 refute if they hope to convince the electors ( f the soundness of their trideism of the present Administra- tion. Detinite assertions such as the.se at e not answered by generali- ties and until the Opposition has something more tangible to present than they have offered to the country so far, the intelligent elector will appreciate and endorse Sir Richard's emitentien -"that what the Liberal party said itt 1806, under the then existing conditions, was perfectly sighs and true, what they proposed to do in 1900, ender conditions 'white, now exist, is likewise prudent end "else ;" for, as be also observed, "if a merchant's capital is suddenly No Cure for... Bright's Disease In its advanced stages -The Rea- son Why -Danger Prevented by , the Timely deo of Dr. A. W. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. To understand Bright s Disease Is to know that in its advanced stages it is past the reach sof human aid. The cells of the kidneys undergo a wasting change, which leaves them idead so far its performing their functions is concerned. just think of having the kidneys slead. Think ofthe poisons left in the system. when these organs could no longer perform their duties as filters of the blood. It would be difficult to conceive of anything Imore dreadful, and yet this is the goal to which ter ery case of neglected kidney d isease must lead. Whcn the back aches, when urinating is clifficelt or too- frequent, when there are de- mosits in the trine after standing for 24 hours, there is no time to rinse in procuring Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills. It is not claimed that they will etre Bright's Disease in its last stages. They are an also. lute care for kidney tiisease. and so tones the lidileyS are not entirely wasted away they will give new strength and vigor and enable them to resume their duties of filtering LI:chided. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver PillS will atop Utekache tund headache in short Sider by re - *loving the cause. And will positittely prevent Bright's Disease. One pin a dose, Iv. At all dealers, Or Unloosen, Bates & Co., TotOrttos of fifteen and a half million dollars in a single year, end of eighty million dollars in the three years. durieg which the present Admittis • tration hive been in ',ewer, for in 1890 the grand aggregate trade- 111' Canada was only •$239,000,000.• The illantOnSC increase in imports Watt not in any particular line bat indicate a &weevil1 development in Almost all branches Of trade; a most. attestation to the fact that the general prosperity of the country has not beep confined to any 0110 specially favored fsvcrion of the cone munity. PROGRESS IN THE weese. Recent figures that have come from the West touching the sale of land to ineoininse settlers are stitis. factory to all. who are honestly interested in the opening up of the Dominion. During the month of August the Canadian Pacific Rail- way sold. 27390 acres as against 10,500 acres the same month last year, The South Eastern Rall - way sold 7,828 acres for $26,783, and the Northwest Sands Co, sold 9,120 acres for $50,500 Compared with 5,000 for $20,000 in August 1898, the latter companies' total business for the year amounting to 55,000 acres for $295,000. This appears- to be no .temporary bootie for the business is steadily' increasing atid now that the crops have been harvested in such. excellent 'condition and have proved so bountifnl, fur- ther development of vast proportion is confidently anticipated. It needs no argument to demonstrate the fact that one of the greatest in contributing causes to this progress is the vast increase in the influx of settlers, for however desirable the 'country may be and however great its possibilities, they are practically valueless in the absence of popula- tion. THE PROOF OF THE PUDDING. The imigration policy so vigor- ously prospected under Mr. Sifton's administration is bringing in the population in tens of thousands, and no better proof can be offered of the character of the new comers, than this very fact that they are so rapidly buying up homesteads. In addi. tion to bringing in the population every effort has been directed to improving the natural advantages of life. The Federal and Provincial authorities have nnited to push railway construction into all newly settled sections and wbat is equally necessary transportation charges have been very materially reduced. The Government bas a perfect right to claim full credit for what it has done to being about this progress and improvement, for the reforms which have been inaugurated and are being so successfully carried out, were strongly urged on the late Administration, but were rejected by them as impossible of •accomplish. ment. The proof of the pudding is; in the eating, however, and Mr. Sifton has practically demonstrated his ability to carry rut with con omens success a policy which his predecessors declared was impossi- ble. THE BRITISH, MARKET. VIE POT AND THE KETTLE, • While Conservative newspapers ! are indulging in triple and double column heads over the West Elgin MUNYON'S GUARANTEE, i 8413DA T11 SER.-VIC:Ps. 1 „,,, , „ • g 4 'fil` int; i)ei Otroxitr Assertions as to Jolt 'What 01w:t low • 4 d 11 '4 14' 09 Remedies Will tab: t eahntes Rothett:Iniettutals: I I, 82:1. ' 1st!. NMI P.111.1.:4 --Ifyv. D. Pomo I Oven o mu ees . • 81.r t wet/ til I I tri trirlitid 4 I. lt8. curs will eura nearly, ,I, ,r,r...cop.% ij, :.,,t, nu, ga.- 'toy. Witi. an stomach troublee; . -,, . , '-'-' ' 11 in end i... tom na 4 few hour.; i aJowe. 1 eelor. i.serviete, ol II that hle Preeelffila Cute i , t t; 1.141,14 1 Bev tV. /Net d, pastor. ••••••••••••,. velli cure Indigestion nud U. WI nit:agrirve: 1:111:1:13t1 0:thictierlisr g S e(r; t;slteft4j;ictl.:11)..::`11'ulti;;A17i*P.-„48,111ev. W. long standieg; tbat ble • peetor, 1-lor vow Il a ra and 7 Headache One will cure CHRISTIAN wOit lc Kees -- Misses (i(thlifsee:;41nleststu"r:ep "sl:ssPit i(tlittY14',"1:1&14:111dI847/411i18.4 '1'114913"a' S"Vie" Com of cold and so on through the entire Bit or If you Deed, medical advice write Prof. ARMY-- pt.. M ttLeod remedies. At all druggIsta, dellta vial. that Ide Kidney Cure or all eases et kidney Munyon, nos A.rett rsint, it is atadutoiy nom 8)1488a ire i it notionand. %rvicetliit 11. a. re, 3d 811 end 8 p business, they should remember oc- , the state nor of thezity ; these could! I" e"h• of the elle" earned churches casionally that their party was diet cease from their funetiona without! .4 41' credited in that constituency before affecting bine • When he is welt; - the Liberals were. Mr. Maenisb was 1 enough, he works ; when he is Inca.. . 1not the first man to be unseated, i DIA! :tiwiloPoPt°Piliet utapitTot, ettaurde I BA..,J n 14 MILTON • There were others, and one of thorn I stingy, way, out with a ne end I th Sam" is held at 0.10 it et was Finlay McDiarmid.large benevoleece. His race is, . nevolent, of all the raves of men, A 1, This being the case, it would be entitled to be called the most be- CROW, 61,4052o. Bost, ei.,000,000 decent and modest to refrain front 1 WINGHAM. chortling. The Conservative party ; Jewish beggar is nut iimpossible, Presidenint t-Jodream does not tnonopolize all the virtue in ! perhaps; sub a thing may exist, but Whio-Prookient.A. O. ItAstear. putF(eroste . Canada, and, by tbe same token, it's there are few men that can say they , is not tree trom all tbe viceJOHN Nome. Gan, Rosen, Will GIBSONu s, Another have seen that spectacle, The Jew A. T, Woo, M. P, A. B. Lae (Toronto). point to lsear in mind is that the 1 has been staged in very uncomp11.1 Lthei•al eonventia. at Wallacetown xnentary forms, but, so far as 11 . Coiner -4. TtJRNBULL. —Ps E MORNINr.1 TRU— ITIftotEn3 OFFICE, JOteePleiNe Greer i WINGIIAM, ONTARIO, 1 el gotiaeription pe y ar,tti advance prie0.--.81.-1. i - - - 1A1.7y1:1.VIZ:itliol)t.AITI:finlo. 1 i Inc; ... , , . , . ...... _,,..... „„,.. ?litjitt t.N412.14.11 I °Id% 401 )n 12 ;2517. 12 0047"."83: 00°0 Unpile!'" %O. tat 1g ea 7' 00 2 00 in,,;1•1;111811.10tlifileTrii,Vril?r41117•44.1.4turilliarlietahinsortlors., 1 "L'et"I'hard 4- titer 5.4,.:(:)1.1 atin,51.)rtItiseniett.C.0tle perli104 for MK. itrortionaind Bo pm line for each subsequent 0. pa line for each subsequent »se I Ad vertimin en te of Loot, Folind. stroyed, Situations and Businees (Maness Wanted. not exceeding 8 line nonpareil, 81 for brat month, and 00o. for each' •)ule/c.ilient mond', 51 for Met month, Duo. per subsequent naon b leusee and Fergie for Sale, not exceeding 8 lint. It Larger advertisements in peoportian. directions will be inserted till forbid and charge& These tsrine will he. strictly, adhered to Special rates ter larger edvertisentente, or er Intiger period, Ativertaements and 'oral notices without epeoltio accordingly. Transitory etivertisements must be l*Itlialinigitel'.afonrcileontract advertleemente must be in the office by Wednesday noon, In order to appear that week Peoeataron. me P041,141184 U. r.. ELLIOTT, has deplored corrupt practices by 1 know, no dramatist has done him 1 SuPPingS itank-nours, tote 8' Saturdaye, loto outside parties, and has announced,the injustice to stage him as a beg. Is received and interest ! ,,ilosvaeorsits of 81 and upward its intention of carrying on its own gar. Whenever a Jew has real need : SPO7ip,1 Deposits' also received at current campaign. • i to beg, his people save him from the rareist• s s 44: ...f.°Str..at Britain and the United States It is not within the memory of, necessity of doing it. The charitable ' b°1104 an4 0°I'l man that a Ponservative convention institutions ofthe Jews are supported( W. CORBOULD, AGENT: E. ever denounced eorruption when tbe '. hy,Jewish money, and amply. The L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. boot was on the other fellow's foot.— ' Jews make no noise about it ; it is . . Toronto Star. • done quietly ; they do not nag and 1 pester and harass us for contribu.11%/oney • tions i they give us peace and set us . ANOTHER BAD ELECTION. 1 The North Waterloo election case was heard Friday and Saturday,Sept. I 8 and 9, and adjourned till the 21811 inst. The evidence so far shows that somebody turned loose a barrel of money in aid of the 3overnment1 candidate. The Toronto Star hits the; will on the head when it refera to, the disgraceful affair as follows "It is a black blot on the record of a Government that once professed honor and integrity, and on a party that has preached purity for genera- tions. So shameless has been the corruption that the member Should throw up his seat, that the party should lose not an hour in gorging itself and bouncing tbe machine and all its workers, and that the Premier and Attorney -General should within this day commence proceedings to jail every member of the gag of men who so boldly bought the con. stitnency, and that he should not - except from prosecution the individu- als who conceived, planned and directed the fraud upon the Legisla- ture and the riding." Not only is what tbe Star says correct but the Liberal party ib Ontario, which is sound at rheart,, must stamp out the demon of corrup. tion which has entered its ranks or suffer the ceratin conseqnences. A. report which has been recently made to Washington by Mr. James Boyle, the American Counsel at Liv- erpool, and, by the bye, a Canadian born and bred, is of very considerable interest to Canadians, inasmuch as it redognizes the marvellous progress that has been made in the, last two or three years in the work of culti- vating the British market. The report quotes from Imperial trade returns to show that in butter and cheese, fish and eggs, and "apples, Canada supplied in 1898 fourteen per ceet. of the foed products of Great Britain, an increase in the volume of trade in five years of 38 peewee, while the increase in the United States trade in the agree period was only 28 per cent. Mr. Boyle dimmed At some length whet he conceives to be tbe sources of this development In the Canadian trade and one point upon whieh be lays special stress was the tont of Mr. Fisher, Minister of Agrletllture, Prof. A CARD. We the undersigned, do hereby agree to refund the money on a twenty-five cent bottle of Dr. Wills' English Pills, it, after using three fourths of contents of bottle, they do not relieve Constipation and Headache. We also warrant that four battles will permanently cure the most obstinate cases of Constipation. Satisfaction or no pay when Wills' Eng- lish Pills are used. A. A. Morrow, Chemist and Druggist, Winghnm, Ont. C. A. Capmbell, Chemist and Druggist, Wiugham, Ont. A. L. Hamilton, Chemist and Druggist, Winghatn, Ont, Mark Twain on the Jews. The Jew is not a diatarbei. of the peace of any country. • Even bis enemies will concede that. Be is not a loafer, he is not a sot, be is not noisy, he is not brawler nor a rioter, he is not quarrelsoate. In the statistics of crimes his presence is conspicuously rare—in all coun- tries. With merder and other crimes of violence he has but little to do; be is a stranger to the hang- man. It the pollee court's daily long toll of "astottilts" and "drunk and disorderlies" his name seldom appears. That the Jewish home lea • home in the truest sense is a fact I which ne one will dispute. The % family is knitted together by the strongest affections; its members show each other every dee respect• and reverence for the elders is an inviolate law of the betide, The Jew is not a burden on the ebarities of an example—an example which we ! have not found ourselves able to fol 1 low.—Mark Twain, in Harper's Magazine. For Over Fifty Years. An Old and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs Winslos.v's Soothing Syrup has been used !rrLeby1ot31t mothers over t env1 millions with perfect success. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays all pain, cures wind colic, and is the best remedy for diarrhoea. It is pleasant to the taste. Sold by druggists in every part of thel world. Twenty-five cents a bottle. 11s value Is inciiitiable. Be sure you ask for Mrs. Wioslow's S.00thing Syrup, and 'eke no other kind. ---- -Walkerton's Postmaster. Malcolm McLean, postmaster at .Walkerton, is .81, still bright and sctive, has held the office for 47 years, and the people desire and will htar of no change. He was in e'trly days a schcol teacher and afterwards manager ( f the first store, sawmill and gristmill in Walkerton. For the first two years after his appointment as yoettnion(r 8 est:: u neer the dir. ection of lll( Ili iiisn Piwtionster Gen- eral., the! e being no heatl of the department, in en nada. English Swarm Linirmot removes all hard, sort IT et. ilouse d Lumps and Blettaistit s floor t Blood Spavin, Ourl.s, Splitate. Ring Bone, Sweeney, Stitlea, Spraiuee. Sore and Swollen Thioat. Coughs. .'ie. Save 1.50 by use of one bottle. Warrioved the most. wonder - rut Blemish Curd ever known. Sold by A. L. Hamiltoa. Statistics show that Canada im- ported from the southern states dun leg the six months ending June, 1899, 628,000 feet of sawn lumber, 9,022 cubic feet of hewn timber, 12,000 feet of boards, and inane- factnrers of lanthet. to the value of $6,736. SALT INEUX TORTURES Die away before the magical effect of Dr. Chase's Ointment The tortures -of Salt Rheum are almost be, yond human endurance, and as the flesh be- comes raw, and. the itching and burning increase, the suffering is so Intense as to almost drive one crazy. In desperation salves and ointments are applied, only to give rise to further disappoint- ment and despair. But there is hope. There is assurance that you can be Cured just as scores and hundreds of others have been by Using Dr. Chase's Ointment, Mr. John Siron, of Aultsville, Ont., writes: "For sfialn year I was a staerer from Salt Rheum, and My hands were so bad 1 had to VOW igromil gloves. Nothing seemed to help sae, but I WAS ltidtleeti to try Dr. Chase's Oint- Mend, And one box cured me completely. There. is not a trace of the Salt Rheum left'. Dr. Chase's Ointment has effected DMA miraculous cures in all parts of this great Dominion. Could you have better assurance ' that it will cure yott? For sale by all dealer, Cr a:nausea, HAM & CO., Toronto. tQ Loan .on Notes. Notes Discounted AT REASONABLE RATES Money advanced on Mortgages at 5 pot contwilh pze rivileof paying at the end of any year. Noti. and accounts collected. ROBT. WeINDOO. Beaver Block Wincham, Ant EARLY CLOSING e piacing your order for Spring _Clothing call and sce our NEW SAMPLES for 1899. We can afford to sell New Govds cheaper than old stock that cost one-half more than new and better goods of the latest styles will cost to -day. JOHN RITCHIE, We make clothes that fit. GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT WHIGHASt Ontartle, WINGHAM HOSPITAL. For the treatment cf DISEASES OF WOENand SUIIGICAL Cit of all kinds. For particulars -address DR. J. P. BENNEDY, medical Superletentlent, NI Ingham, ant; VANSTObE, 1.1). BARRISTER, hoLICITOR, 'Private and Company funds to loan at loWent rate interest. No commission charged. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and gold OFFICE—Beaver Block WINOIldsl. J. A. MORTON BARRISTER, rk.e„ wingham. Ora. E. L. DICKINSON, BARRISTER, ETC. eolauToit TO DANE OF, HAMILTON. brONEY TO 140.6144. Office—Mover Blonk, Wingbatu - - M O. CAMEROls, • BARRISTER, somaiian, CONVEYANCER, &C. Office—Corner Hamilton and St. Andrew streets opposite Colborne Hotel. GODERt021, ONTARIO. • ARTHUR J. IRWIN, 33 D 8, L S, Doctor of Dente] Surgery of tho Pennsylvania DentaConege and LieentInte r,f the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office over Post Office, Wingharn, r S. aEROSIE, L. D. S,, DENTIST, HAS WITH eJ • him D. D. Ross, graduate of tile It C. D. 8. Of °Mello, and is preparto to do all manner of Dental work et reasonable prices. Beaver Mock, opposite the Brunswick House, Winghain. "WE E E TER & CO. (Nee '8 give this becrutinil Heavy Gold or Silver Plated Chain Bracelet for selling only one dozer, fine Linen Doylies, at tan centascii. Latest and prettiest designs; no two alike. Write, and we will Send the -Doylies, postpaid ; sell thorn roturh the money. and we at once forward your Bracelet, all ;barges paid. Linen Dover Box , Toronto. 0114. Caveats and Trade.Marki obtained, and all patent business conducted for MODERATE FEEL My office Isin the immediate vicinity of the Patent Office, and my facilities for securing patents are unsurpassed Send ntodel, *ketch or photograph of Invention, wit% description and statement as to advantageg chimed, .411 -Ile charge is made for an opinion as to patentability, and my fee for prosecuting the implication win not be (affect for. lentil the patent, "Iitilowed. "Invgsrons' Culno90 con. taining full information seat free. All Comment. catkins Considered AS filtrletly Confidential. $39yont neared express Office a Cut OR out and return sr (A tlf r vitt. name of and we 01)18 8184(8 MN Watch there for you ih eXdnine. It is arl ppen.jao, 140144.111011, dust proof - With Ainerlganinouel 73awcIled Case, lottidionnelY eligraVed, rated . stern wind and hotmovement, A ( 0 0 e. :4104'', iadyh ef. else. It lprea geed time piece renal In Inv Peanut:. tr. a &raid Watch, —70, and is Jost tlie thing for ;t1,y /Pk: 4 -.S.7 trading ptirposeS. If, on thit Watch is canon' e‘airlinatioltY011," um, fa mem than we mg. ; a- • Tref lores4 0101k • , IOWA , • ,e1 rime_ ,ovr, and la 1N ) ••''1. Wtitth w tam FRANKLIN H. HOUGH WS LI scettets IGITASUITIGTORTab.tt got . DEANS, JR., WING4M43 ,LICENSED AUCTIONEER FON. i1E COUNT OF HURON,. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Marge Moderate. JIDEN CURRIB, Wtsunatt, LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements 8Prilo laltrYders left at the Toms office promptly &bleat ed to. Tonne reasonable. GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. Toronto and East Palmerston mixed London and oiith Kincardine DEPART ATiltiltE 6 49 a. 8 05 p. 8 80p m 10 29 p m 855am 805pm 6 58 a m 11 10 a a 80 p m 8 00 p m 11 10 a, In 6 40 a na SBOpm 8 80 p m 10 29 p m 8 80 a ro SOCIETY MEETINGS, Camp Caledonia, leo. 49 toed.0S1011 eS month, In ,thhe 0(1(1flrav t aenelowthahall. itin irdblonvdiaayto ry m htrielltohlrto, nja..esicee4m.• I. Murray Chief, B JOB PRINTING, PUDING Books, Pamphlets, Postero, B 1 Heads, Circulars, &o., &c., executed in the beet style of the art, at moderate prices, and on short notice. Apply or address 11, 23. ELLIOTT. T ruts Office, Winghain . BOOKBINDINO. We aro pleased to announce that any Books or Ilagazince left with us for Binding, will have Our prompt attention. Prieto for Binding In any style will bo given on application o the Toms Office