HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-22, Page 19lr•
iSURON: oPosrion. ANUARY
-1~fater .Well,
W.D. Hopper
and Sons
-Dud 627-0828 '
JIM 527-0776 j
TE\X, El 1 F16
son of Knox Presbyterian
Church. Cranbreok of,
Pallbearers were Harry
Gillis. Ross MeTaggert, Jim
MeTeggart, Michael
Oulu-tun, Henry Reesor and
Robert Hennick.
Flowerbrearers were Betty
Buchanan, Brenda Anderson
and Donna and Cheryl Hart
TemPor.at'y Otombtent is in 'the Brussels cemetery
chapel with *Flat tp fellow in
the sprin
Adolf Karel Van Poucke
of 69 Market Stieet, Scaorth
$eaforth. died it Seaforth
Community Hospital, on
Thursday. 1a0aarY 15. i981
at to '16th, year. Surviving
are his wife, the former Elta
Victoria Rolibens, Survived
by children Yvette- (Mrs.
_Henry ..Bianeedyk) Of Kil2.
sor,,anttgatry A..".ofSeafenb.
Vinrityssenoef RAZ, 1340- .
, 1 Only 81 x10'
Last Retail . , • 179.95 la i9 91-
1 Only 8" Natiolial
.Last Retail ' .95 139.95 ,:
inonolywn .
,Last Retail 69.95 4.95
1 Only Portable
, '095'
1 Only -5-Ligbt .
Last Retail'' s 59.9 -
1 Only Air
Last Retail .
1 Only 12!x15'x7' 1 Only "American"
Last Retail _ 86.95 69°95
TENT with Dining Area
Last Retail
219.95 1.79.95 n 119.95
AT ,
I :hi
'FOX •
Victory (Vic) Charles Fos
1 alyth„thedirtVieterfe
Hospital, Lbadon on' Satur,
day,. January .17, fie was' in
his 61st yefr.
Surviving get** wife Jean
(Heinbin) Fox, a son Douglas
0....Winnipegs-aud. daughter
Mrs, Charles (Hother):
Jayes 9f' London. Hc'ls also
_survived...4 orraedehildree
Catherine,. If** apt Kett+,
Also noising' are „ ,
Smith,. Mrs. "Ah. tread)
Steen anda !pother Kenneth
all of TOMO%
The. body was at the M.L.
Watts Funeral Home, Bps,
sets until TinesdaY whets
funeral services were held at
2. p.m. Temporary woo):
mot is -in the Ornsielts
Cemetery Chapeir
Seafurth, formerly ,of grey
Township. died Saturday
Victoria, Hospital. London.
Bern in IvIcKillew Teem, •
ship..Sheweathe former' Lod
-c. •}.*kwo.,..,4.3tpioter of
the late Elmer and Ethel
Surviving are her hushat4.
Rae; three daughters; Mrs.
Pe#eis 03.1e440 Mather R of.
Of TOW *14001 IS*
•,Sara. and
Beth Houston and 'Stamp:
and Jeffrey.
sister, Mrs.
*lei. Fraser, of*Fria
Friends were received et
the ,OrtiMia Chapel of the
fvf,f4., Watts. •tuner* lkettra
1 ,,,untlitdondayhert •
At St. Jiateph'S
London on Friday. January-
.16114 Jacob William Haberer
of 21 Goshen Street South.-
_ Zurich died in his 77th year.'
Mr. Haberer was a well,
known honey producer who
lived in Zurich most of his
life. He is -survived by his
Vera Clare Kalbfleisch.
He's also survived by a on
.1.0htti, TOMO?. Ong` bratnet
of FOrdloand.nOurith; tted-
Joseph, Francis Malone,
dearly beloved' hi:Abend of
Brigid of 325 Carpathia
Road, died' at 'the Heidth
Sciences Centre; Winnipeg,
. recently. -
Mr. Malone waiborn in
• Seeforth, Ontario. June 1-1;
..-1932 and had lived hi
• Winnpeg' for the past' 26
years. He was actively
involved with many young
people. at Sir John Franklin
Community Centre and was a
faithful member of Str 'John
Brebeuf • Parish and the
Kpightt of Columbus. /Mr.,
Malone joined Erne°, Ltd. • in
London, Ontario in .1953 and
was, - manager of the.
Winipeg branch at the time
of his death.
Mr. Malone is survived by
wife Brigid; ,' sons, Bob,
•John and. Tom; daughters,
Barbara •Longfield and her
husband Lloyd, Kathy,
Colleen , • and Rciienaary;
sisters; Mrs. Clare Murray
and Mrs. Shiest Delmage,
both of 'Seafeeth, Ontario;
brother& „ Jack of -Saudi
Amide. and Jim of Sheddon,
Joe, was predeceased by •
his mother andfather and his
sister Mary Margaret.
Prayers were said at St.
John Brebeuf Church. Fleet
and -Lanark on Thursday.
Janaury 15.. Mass 'Of. the
Resurrection was celebrated
on Friday, January .16 at St;
John Brebeuf church, at -,
11:00 a.m.' Rev. r. B.J.
'McKinna the 'principal
telebrant Interment
followed in the Chapel Lewin - Hart who predeceased her in 'Memorial ,Oardens. December of 198Q., • Pallbearers were Messrs'.
Jim Mahon, Frank Mak, Surviving are two
Peter . EdWards, John daughters; Etta (Mrs. Fred
wateen-,4ted, Buchanan) "of Mohan) and
Tom Breen. • Jean (Mrs. Ilose;Anderson)
Should 'friends desire, .of Bornholm and four-sons
donationa made to John' at „home, Charles of
the Canadian Cancee,,Society.,,,„.Goderich, Jamel'atul Robert
(Manitoba' Division) 02-960 Of Grey ToWnship. Alsn'sur-
'Portage Ave. •viving are 18 grandchildren
The fetidly would like to • and • three great=
eitteed their eineLg& lip_ grandchildren.
Funeral and conimital predation to Abemaay
friends and rejatives Who services, ere held fro the .
have given their-,support Brussels-Chapel of the M.L.
. duringJoe's illnesi. to Dr..p.' Watts Funeral - Home ..mi-
.Tuesday,January 6- at 2 p.m. Oalbritith and associates and, to the staff on A6 Of the with Rev., Dr. J.K.R: Thom- . ...
Ifea/th-Saences Centre.
John Hinchley, a former
vice-principal at OSCVf, died
Tuesday in the Owen Sound
General and IWarine Hospital '
Born at the turn of the
Continued from page 4
to free ice time. at the
Vanastra Curling Club. They
have been instructed in, the
fundamentals of curling by
members- of the Club. The
benefits of the Visits cannot
be overemphasized. We
would 99 like to thank the
Vin Era Curling Club and
otiA 4nStructors. Ken Roger-
On, Mervyn Falconer, MO(
TowinSend and Stuart Wilson
for this opportunity.
. Parents are reminded to
keep in close-contact with
their;hild's teacher SP that
they ill be able to closely
monitor the progress of each
child this second term. Re-
member that interviews can '
be arranged at any time 1''
simply by phoning 482-7828,
If you -have a child who will
be attending our Kinder- „
garten class next Septeniber
will you please call the sehOtil
at your earliest tonvertience.
so that we knOw thatthey will'
be joining ns.
t Slaters. itiSo survived 'trtatli deliInitnent at P$On,
by three gtnIrtdeb' kren. Sar- Hewas Yke*Ptinellnd"
tee4e$4 ey, rout otornom
century 0011r Worth, he
gained his education in area
schools then attended a
teachers' college in Toronto.
He began: his teaching
career In Huron Countyt
Early in 1918. he Slimed
the Royal Air Force.
After demobilization, he •
went to Queen's 'University
Where he got his honors
degree in shisthethatim:lh'ess
tairghtia 'gait Etrtkettbrd and
C010081#004 before roaring,
to 0WF4 $(4144' to iota tho'
Oharre/Of 004. nor Funeral NOtoos, 40,00Sh, tdra,,WW-tello 1:400.t°,
en $tieet North, 4nrich. two
sorts; $0114- Jr.. Of,./4sit
Seintdi% and, -SOnday;* then' and Edward' of QakVille, and
to Peter's Lutheran, one brother, flattt .ef
Cherch, Zurich for funeral • .ltenftew,
service on Stinday, .4 2 p.m, Also surviving are seven
With 'Pastor Jack Dressier grandchildren. ,
officiating. Temporary en- Funeral . services Arecon
tombment with interment Friday at 11 a.m. at the
4ter in St. Peter's Lutheran Breckenridge-Ashcroft
einetery. Donations to the, Funeral Home.
charity of your choice will be
appreciated by the family..
Pallbearers were Fred
Harberer, Harry •Flayter,
Charles ' ['Word. Albert
Reader,- Carl Herber and
John Wettlaider.
ahltePtiqn ittitt Seth. Visit.. 19$0 to t
atiO waS:' the iliestlake He is Snit*his wife
Adolf Karel Van Poucke.
74. of 69 Market St., Sea-
forth, died ThurStlai at Sea-
forth"Community Hospital.
Born in Belgium, he came
le Canada in. 1949 and
fanned on the 8th cone, of
Morris Township ',until retir-
ing to Seaforth in' 1975. Hp
was 'a _veteran of the Second
World 'War ,having served
with the Belgitim Army.
Surviving are his wife, the
former El4a Victoria Robbens
to whom he was, married in
Belgium,' October 24. -1930;
one daughter. Mrs. 'Henry-
(Yvette) Binnendyk, of RR2,
kippen, two,sons. Marcel P.
of Windsor, and Garry A., of
Seaforth; one sister Mrs.
Leontin Vercruyssen, Qf RR2,
Blyth; two brothers. Leonard
and Joseph, both of Belgium
and 12 grandchildren. He
was 'predeceesed by two
brothers mid two sisters.
Friends ,Were received at
the Box funeral home, Sea-,
forth,. until Saturday when a
:service was held at 11 a.m: at
St. James 1Rcanan Catholic
Church, conducted by Rev.'
J.C. Caruana. Temporary
entombment was in Pioneer
Memorial Mausoleum with
burial later in St. James
pallbearers. were David
Linton, Allen. McCall.,
.George Blake. Fernand
Vantyohen, Cor Dorssers and
Gordon Nobel. "
Mrs. George (Susannah
Ellen) Hart ' of R.R. 2,
Brussels died at the Seaforth
Coinmunity , Hospital on
Saturday, January .3. She
was in her 85th year.
- She was born in Grey
Township, daughter of' the
late Angus Cartriithael and
Snsarinah Shiels., She was
Married, to George Henry
Phone 521-0240
and one brother Leonard of
Belgium. Also 12 grandchild,
ten survive. The late • Mr.
Part Poucke rested at' the
Se,aforth.1.- - '
Services were held. from St.
Sentes:, Roman.. Catholic
Church. Seafonh Satur-
day, January 17th. Temper,
ell -entombment in P • neer
Memorial Muusideunt, ea•
Laic in.
Janis cemetery.
Grand.: Bend, Oieftnas
MW1,01.5'HOVFMK, 'AU4SOr, and, Janice,:.
rs Catherine 'Hods, .c.aigaty; Alt.."; two SOPS.
64• Market ° of ,KkOritdoiv
1 Only
L4str Retail ,109.95
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" Campers,
431. 95
'Last Retail 174.95
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8-Track Recording
39 •
Last Retail 179.99
..N..0§(1 07:•.. • .•..11gPlr,$.41.:11 Atv4 31M 'az• ti.
• -.