The Wingham Times, 1899-09-22, Page 37110 .00d DEEP TY:1,X4,TXCENT. Ali gr These Songs ee,
flumeeets neetos Amin DISEASIN AND Announcement was made laet week of a
PATS nitneetsT , Sunday World ;quote Album of ten on
ILE W IN (3. IA 34 l'IMES, SEPTEMBER 22 1b990
and 41111' NEn
Paloe's Celery Com cacti is
Always Victorious Over
the Most Stubborn
Diseases, ourselves, take some simple remedy; Hatranan,comrser of earoaast Moltes,"
; to be issued weekiy. Following le the %ma -
i Mr, linfitins, of Indiana. avenue, '. WeeGlenlitelite, Shadow of the Carolina Ellis?
ieanie home one night last weekith wby George Teggert end Max t3. Witt, au
la big. book under his arm. , there of "The moth and the Vieille."
I "There, I reckon there'll bean end oharlea Gm
raha, author of "Two Littio
• t'if aIl the Gide' Were Like You." by
of doetor'
1 s in this (wily after, Girls in Slue.?
i this," he said, "When the Hafkins "I'm Nothing but a Dig Wax Doll," by
1 •
get sickafter this, we'll do the only t Mic.rerIP1 Wililams. autl'pr Olt '10 A311/
I sensible thing— diagnose the disease !'14.1,toao Have to Tromoor,,, by Abe
land save 8500 a year in uselessIti."' greatest ea "alit hit of the season.,
1 efeweet Nome," by Gu i 'I', ri
doctor% bills."
, thor of "The Baggage Coeur ii71eal''
After dinner Mr, Utifisins sPenti
two hours readieg about rheumatisns, aanearfi8liheQt4wo8t"1 ,b,cyooWnsi"illaalnuttirr ocif
, gout, consumption, whooping cough I.Doret Like No Cheap Man."
Tell Mother Not to Worry," by 140018
I and insanity. The next Morning hal vr
—YII, composer of "Coontown Cement'
I got up with a crick in his back,
"Louis," be said briskly to his; Ca,l.tpeerit'attleltirt"g pickaninniee,,, by Max D.
fus, composer of ,,A. Carolina Cakewalk."
. eldest bov "go ovth
er to e drug
a ' "Day Georgie, Lady Loye by Steeling,
, store ard get me half a pound of noWard and Emerson authors of effallo
Some medicinea equire evoke of use
before su Greve can realize any promhi.
iog results. and the great mii3urity of
patents are wort li:efs, and in tuaray unties
positively dangerous to use.
When week, broken down, 'sick and
diseased men and women IMO used
• PAIOS'S Celesy Compound for a single
day their doubts vanish, hope fills the
heart, and they are added .1,e{ the tens of
thousands that grii tcfuJ4v Pound the
praises of a timbre e th,gt truly poesesses
life-giving virtues.
If your Me is in p II from such stub-
boru and deepera diseases is rhenrnn-
tisw, neuralgia, liver complaint, Bright's
(bemuse, diabetes, nor voile prostration, or ,
ailments reeulting from impure blood,
and have not yet tried the medicine that
has cured others, do not hesitate another
hour. Pinue's Celery Compound will
assuredly do for you what it bas done so
well far your friends and neighbors, It
will cleanse the blood, drive out linger-
ing rheumatism and neuralgia, banish
kidney trouble and liver oomplaint,
build up the exhausted nervous system,
clear the complexion, givo good dates.tien, healthy sleep and perfect vitality.
One bottle promptly begins the good
citrate ef sal soda anti 12 four grain MaBaby"
tablets of pbetmigamia." emere Aiet No Use to Keep on eiang.
ing 'Bound," by Irving Jones, anther of
Louis carne back in baif an hour ',Got Your w ,10
(with a bottle a citrate magnesia One songs eech meatier ten weeks First
I and a dozen phenocetine pills and eong published Sept. 3. "In the Shadow of
said the druggist thought • they the Carolina Hills."
The entire eet is to be given away with
would fill the bill. ' ten Sunday Worlds, and will be sent post-
"Thaes what 1 said; that's what I paid, including ten Sunday World ataga.
sent you for," remarked Mr. Hut. zines, Axt Portolio and Comio Weeklies
kine for 50 cents. •Send 50 cents today,. to-
loftly as be swallowed six of morrow or next week. This is a most ex.
the tablets and took a teaspooufull °optional offer and is only put forth to
of the magnesia. By night Mr. advertise the great Sunday World. Ad.
Eakins said the symptoms haddress, Music Editor, The World, Petit=
changed, and be recognized himself Buildin, New York.
a victim of gout.
Rules to Observe in Gardening.
Keep your flower pots washed
clean. It' old ones, paint them.
Small Wooden boxea,,if no pots can
be had, are muph better, especially
if painted,' tban tin cans. A little
box, with clean sand, always comes
in nice for stielcing cuttings in.
Pick off all flowers as fast as they
fade, Do not let plants bear seed.
unless you need it. Plants tbat
have grown in the same pot for a
long time should be re -potted. Ifnot
convenient. to do so, give then a good
top dressing of manure. Straggling
pleats should be cut back. Tall
ones need strong but slim stakes.
Liquid manure may be applied once
a week to all vigorous growing
plants, and will increase the size of
the flowers.
Fret) To Every Sufferer.
Those who are afflisted with rheum-
atism, Sciatica, Lum hag°, Neuralgia or
Gout can have a full sized. box of Mil -
burn's Rheumatic Pills, free. of charge,
by sending their name and full state.
ment of their case to T, MILBURN & CO.,
Whenever anyone dare i to m en
tion "the growing time" it immedi
ately brings forth the explanation
from sonic Conservative paper that
the N. P. is doing it all. Strange
that the N. P. should now be so
potent after having failed during
eighteen years the Conservatives
were in power to increase our popu-
lation and stave oft' hard times.
'Tillson's Cereals are
proven "best" by every
test that Minnie ingen-
• uity can suggest,
Some grocers have
taken it upon them-
selves to try to trade
upon Tillson's repute.
tion for highest quality.
Do you know why
The Tithe:ex elo.le Limited.
Tilsonberg, Ont.
No, thank you, Mary no pie for LUCKNOW.
me this evening ; no more sweet Messrs. McClure and. Mallough,
stuffs ; no more wino; no more grocer merchants of this village,
cigars. This gout is settling- around have dissolved partnership and the
my beartaand even with the strictest business in future will be carried on
precautions I may be a dead man in by Mr, B, McClure.
24 hours." One by one the old pioneers of this
Ile pot On a flaxseed poultice and section are passing away to the. great
sat ap in bed and read .more in his beyond. On Friday, Sept. lst, there
doctor book. died at his home in tbis village, Mr,
"Hamanssqueer, queer," he mused William Henderson, one of the very
after reading about three hoars. first settlers in this part of the
thought this was the most extra-. Province, and a man who was wide
ordinary ease of gout I ever heard . ly known and greatly respected,
of. By jingo, see now ; it's lung Deceased bad reached the ripe old
trouble in the fifth stage!" age, of 78 years, and in the early
He waked the servant girl up and days of settlement took an active
sent her post haste for a bottle of part in all that pertained to the vvel-
cod liver oil. When the girl came fare of the community, and for
back, she walked on tiptoe, ran into nearly twenty years was an efficient
a looking glass and forgot to wind member of the Council Board of the
the cloek. M. Hufkins informed township of Kinloss, Deceased
her as he gulped down the eettliver leaves a widow .and family of severs
oil that she bad paresis in. an ad. -children to mourn, his loss, and in
vanced stage and that be would pre- their bereavement • they have the
seribe some simple remedy in the earnest sympathy of all.
• morning. In two days Mr. Hufkins One day recently wben Mr. Geo.
was not able to go down to his office. Pinnel was out on an apple buying
On the third day, sitting up in an trip with Mr. G. Anderson, of Luck -
easy chair, he perused the doctor, now, he met with another accident
book from 10 o'clock in the morning from which be may be a long time
until 11 o'clock at night. Before in reeovering. He seems fatted to
the week was over both the Hufkins be 'unfortunate. The accident hap.
children bad stopped going to school pened at. Mr: A. Scott's on the 10th
to take treatment for whooping concession, Culross, when Mr. Pinnell
cough, scarlet fever, measles ad was leading his borse to water. rIe
mumps. bad to eross some. bars over which
Mrs. Hufkins is living in hope that the animal hesitated to step. M he
the list ofdisease in the doctor book -turned to see if it was coming. it
will soon by exhausted. • suddenly leaped over, so close behind
him that he could. not avoid it, and
its hoof struck his leg just above the
ankle, breaking the bone and frac-
taring th'e ankle in several places.
He was thrown to the ground and
lay until help arrived ; afterwards
he was taken home.
Black Will bea Fashion-
able Autumn Color.
• Dianiond Dye Blacks Are the
Richest, Fastest anjl Best.
• Black dresses, capes ad jackets will
be much worn this aut 13; thiS will be
• a blessing to the womf who wishes to
look well and who o gnat affor il to buy
muoh new clot in . Any woman can,
by using the bjzfood Dye Peet Blacks,
zolor their old Iothee a black that will , _____
I not fade or wash out. In the year of 1851 a 12 penny
1 There are three special Diamond Dye Meek Canadian postage stamp wad
: mixed goods, and for silk aud feathers,
1Faet Blacks—for woo), for cotton and .
printed by the Government at Otta-
. and if the proper dye is used, any 'woman Wa, The public did not regard this
• can get better results than the majority sombre • issue with favor, so few
' ,ot experienced professional dyers can were iSsued. One of' these stamps
prod tide,
Unlike some of the eheap imitations was sent to the Hamilton ost office
of Diamond Dyes, these dyes come in 'where it was sold to an old gentle-
• slmost every conceivable color, so that ' man, who said it was a shame to
the woman who ensues -any special abler print the Queen's picture on a stamp
. ,
can get in the Diamond Dyes. Practioal
tests prove that the Past Diamond Dyes that might be handled by profane
are the only dyestuffs that make colors hands. • Tenderly the gentleman
Haiyard% Yellow Oil is a useful remedy
to have in any house. It, is good for
man or beast. Relieves Mute, reduces
allays int:leo:nation" cures cute,
bu roe, bruises. sprains,staf jointtequiney,
sere throat, kidney complainteito. Price
Story of a Postage stamp.
which soap will not wasb out nor sun- put it on a parcel sending it to a
light. fade. friend in the United States. Here,
.1 Joseph. O'Connor helped tear down a day, till an er.and boy found it,
in the waste basket,. it lay for many
• ethaeu oldt psernstahrostte inanDdetriti)liettlin, 1 s mg, qUickly1) tranisrfieerredef it etttoi his
widowgsued °the city for $10,000 goour c'olleetior andaAs fel sonte.
(images and got a verdict for what abating, he sold them to a
$5,000. The city has appealed. dealer. The new owaer, on looking
I Kr: John t Smith, Lake Stream, at his catalogue, found that he had
• Kent says; "Prompareonal paid 5 for what was worth 525,
experience 1 willingly testify to the good Accidentally this stamp was slipped
• effects of Laxa-Liver Pills for. Siok into a 25 eent packet, and sent to a
• deafer residing in Hamilton. When
needaehe and Constipation."
The Montreal pollee inquiry the letter opened the packet he was
establishes the feet that it was sorpriseti to find such a valuable
eastoinaas,v to charge appiicants from stamp, and, being honest, wrote his
$100 to $800 for poaltions en the' friend to inform him of what had
force. happened, offering hint $1,200 for it.
Tile offer was ammeter' and the
stamp had increased in value and
not a few came from a dietanell tO
lookat the treasure. One day an
' English nobleman,. who through a
BCmacho Diem!, had heard of the
; main, offered 81,500, which offer
1 was accepted. The Engliab lord,
falling In love with an American
heiress, and wishing to gain the
favor of her brother, presented him
with the stony as a token of his
esteem. Ilere, in its new and
luxurious American home, it came
to a sad end, for one day the maid
• by mistake swept the stamp, which
bad fallen out of the album, into
the fire. In an instant the etamp,
winch thousands had heard of and
longed, for, went np in smoke to the
broad,beh,blue sky, leaving not a trace
.11111 ElIZ
For all Discords of the Digestive
Functions is Dr, Von Stan's ,
Pineapple Tablets.
Most medical men know that tbe 'pine-
apple containe a geituatity,e6t vegetable
pepsin. This pro het i invaluable, be -
otiose it exerts w derful power iu
the digestion f 11 kinds of food.
Science has no onsolidated this grand
essence into tablets, and thus, within
reach of eiveryoue, is a veritable panacea
for all stomach ills.
Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets are
the most important advance for the pre-
vention and cure of sickness in ebe last
thousand years. A good digestion is the
basis of health, and all may have it by
the faithful use of these marvellous tab-
lets. Box of 60 Tablets a5 Cents. Sold
by A. L. Hamilton.
Literary Notes.
The October number of the Delineator is
called tile Autumn Number, and contains,
in addition to an Exhaustive Analysis, of
the Season's Most Approved •Modes in
Every Department of Fashionable Art,
with special articles on allied topics and
the usual potpourri of social and household
discussions, a variety ot literary features
of exceptional quality and, interest. A
weird, mystical tale of a faithful, lingering
lover is The Blue Mao, by Mary Hartwell
Catherwood, a tragic story of the region of
the Great lakes. Mnie. Luisa Oappiani,
contributed to this number a elatd°, auth-
oritative article on the Singing Voice.
The romatically inclined will delight in
'the eery devices and tests prescribed in the
Fateful Night of Halloween, by Elizabeth
T. Nash. A remarkable poem ON the
eternity of woman's pain and sorrow is
Earth•Old, by Edmund Vance Cooke. A
pleasant glimpse of college life is revealed
in a timely article by Carolyn Halstead on
Opening Features. Noteworthy instances
of wornenis success are presented in Some
Women's Occupations. by Lafayette Mc -
Laws. Sumner work and achievements
among club women are. discussed in Club
Women and Club Lite, by Helen M, Win-
slaw. A scholarly Naturrestudy adapted
to youthful minds will be found in the
eighth of the New Kindergarten Papee, by
Sarah Miller Kirby, entitled Home Work
and Play for October. A Story of Books is
tbe title of an entertaning series of literary
memory tests. Of distinct home interest
are the Domestic Subjects: The Value of
Good'Cooking. by Eleanor M. Lucas ; Mid
Seasin Desserts, by Catherine B, Johnson ;
and Table Manners and Etiquette, by Edna
S. Witherspoon. The regular departments
are characterized by the usual abundance
of crisp, practical information; Social
Observances, by Mrs. Frank Learned ;
Ecclesiastical Embroidery, by Emroa Hay-
wood, the designs this month relating to
tbe construction of Vestments ; The Dress.
maker, The Milliner; Crocheting, Knitting,
Laeeeitlaking, The; Newest Books, etc.
Subscription price dale Delineator, $1.00
a year ; single copies, 15 cents. Order
from the local agent for But tether Patterns
or address The Delineator Publishing Co.,
of Toronto, Limited, 33 Richmond st. west,
Toronto, Ont,
GROWTH OP A -G.A.E4 RILL. em, leave to twee;
IT 41111P:TD FROM $14 TO $0,000 AS
Ottawa, Sept, 14.— Application'
mei made in the Szaprenie Court this
illerning by Mr. W, U, I3arry, on
behalf of the Montreal Gas Company,
to have made a rule of court the
judgment of the Privy Council re-
versing thejudgment of the Sapretue
Court in favour of Mr. Oadieux.
The appellant, Cadieux, wito owed
514 for gas consumed in his boase,
leased a new one, and requested the
respondent; tot turn on the gas in his
new house. The company retied
that they would do so on the appel-
lant's paying bis Ile rejoined
that what ho owed on the old house
had nothing to do wit the new saran i
on which lie owed nothing, and un
less the company tuned on the gas
without delay, bp would compel
them to do so. The company refused,
• and Mr, Cadieux took oat a roase
• damns,
.Ele was sueeessful at trial, but lost
an appeal, and won again in the
Supreme Court (Mr, Justice Tasehe-
reau dissenting,) from which decision
the Gas Company took the ease to
Englarid and bad the judgement of
the Supreme Court reversed. Mr,
°adieux has now to pay about
$3,000 costs for this litigation. J.
A. Bitchier contra. Order made as
Of Perfect Skin—tor. Agnew's Oint-
Went Insures it,
A wonderful GUM for all manner of
skin sores and eruptions. Acts like ,
magic on eczema, tetter, salt theurce ring-
worm, scald heed, itch end blind, bleed -
kite or itching piles, "This is to say that
I was teritibled for a long thrle with piles.
On the recommendation of a friend I
tried Dr, Agnew's Ointment • A few ap-
plicatione of this wonderful ohattneut
eared IMO of the treubl000me, things."
Adam Bryden, Chatham, Oot. One np-
plfeetbn niways VIok i'nhef. V
cents a box. Sold by A. L. liatelltoa.
A bylaw abolishing the ward
system in Sarnia, and reducing the
membership of the town council to
one alderman to every 1,000 of
popelation, earried, 022 voting for
"and 180 against it.
• Niagara Falls, Sept. 15.—While-
working in the sand pits at Lundy's
Lane, on the Canadian side of tbe
river, yesterday, workmen unearthed
the remains of five soldiers who fell
lighting. in the memorable battle of'
Lundy's Lane, between the British
and Aweriean forees. The discovery
has aroused the greatest interest,' and
the bones are being viewed by many
• The remains were found in Morse's
sandpit, immediately below the hill
on which stands the steel observatory
tower of the Lundy's Lane Historical
Socalety. The first bits of bone were
dug; up jest as the workmen were
about to quit work on Tuesday even-
ing, and yesterday morning, under
the direction of Bev. Cannon Ball,
president of the Historical Society,
the search was continued. The
bodies had been buried in a shallow
trench in a line with the one un.
covered eight years ago, in which
the remains of ten soldiers of the Ore
Hundred and Third and Eighty-
fourth l3ritish regiments were found.
The find yesterday ineluded a num-
ber of buttons, a watch and a portion
of an officer's tunie with gola braid
trimmings, to which a lock of dark
brown hair adhered. On the cloth,
which retained much of its natural
color, bloodstains showed very plain-
ly, These relies will be preserved
by the society, but the remains will
be interred in the handsome vault,
built as a •receptacle for the bones of
the soldiers found eight years ago
The battle of Lundy's Lane, in
which the soldiers met their death,
took place 88 years ago.
Heart- Disease Believed 111 Thirty
Dr, Agnesv's Cure for the Heart gives
perfect relief in all cases of Organic or
Sympathetic Heart Disease in 30 min-
utes, and speedily effects a cure. It is a
peerless remedy for Palpitation* Short.
nese of Breath, Smothering Spells, Pain
in Left Sidi?, and all syrnptonas of a
Diseased Heart, One dose convinces.
Sold by A. L. HatieltOn.
Children Cry for
Out of Order.
That which is out of order is not always
out of eilace. A certain old gentleman,
who at a synod of the Dutch Reformed
Church desired to speak, was surely out of
order, but before he had done 'talking no.
body thought him or hie speaeb out of
place. The story,' as told by Christian
Work, belongs to the year 1$41,
While the general quest of the Dutch
Reformed March was sitting hi New York,
a quaint.lookine old man, with a broad.
• beimmed, round -crowned hat in his hand.
walked ealmly up the aisle to the presi•
dent's teat, bowing tis he came.
"Mr. President," he tato, "I want to
talk." •
Nobody knew the speaker, and the prem.
dent asked, "Are you a member of this
body, sir ?"
"No, sir," replied the tad gehtlernau,
• "but I want to talk,"
The president reminded him that none
but members had a right to speak, bat an
aged minister who hall just come in recog.
ize.c1 the would.he bilker, and said, "I
• move that the Rev. Elias Van 13ensoladcaen
t -
e ruo was cart led and tb.or old
went hp to the preaulentai treble end clew
from hie pocket a rob ef heels hale.
he minted—eight bemired dollars In
7'hen he drew ant another package
securities amomning to thirteen thousend,,
eighteinuthed and furl y dollars, end want.
ed there our, efterwerd, in a few well -
chosen words, proeenth,gt tbe wljoje eem to
the synod for educational purposes.
It wee the first endowment made in the
Doteh Reformed Church for theological
eche:Wien. The nal gentleman's 'mob
was certainly out of order, but everybody
felt that it was distinetly n lipeeoh in the
right place.
Positively cured Iv thews
Little P.ills,
They also relieve Distress from Dyspepsia,
Indigestion and Too Hearty Eating. A per.
fect remedy for Dizziness, Nausea, Drowsi-
ness, Bad Taste in the Mouth, Coated. Tongue
Pain in the Side, TORPID LIVER. They
Regulate the Bowels. Purely Vegetable.
Small Pill. Small Dose.
Small Price.
the fraud of the day.
See you get Carter's,
Ask for Carter's,
Insist and demand •
Carter's Little Liver Pills.
Per Infant, ant'. Children,
The fat.
A. Small E ator.
Tbe most impudent man who ever
hit up these parts revealed himself
the other day. l•fe is a prominent
New York patent Attorney. He ar-
rived in town 011 a tae rev eaveatcase,
and his correspondent here. one of the
best known of the Washington
patent Melee -ye. invited him
out to his Cc latalbio. Heights
home for dinner The citizen had
telephoned wernlne to Nis wife, so
that she bad a ehanse to spread her-
self in preparing the meal. It was a
swell dinner, bounteous and dainty,
and the New York nein waded into
it with the appetite of a rescued
whaler. Front soap trr nuts be was
right there. Ho ate. like a piano
mover. He took a Nick at .each and
all of the dishes, a act he wasn't bash.
ful shout the wines eithes. When
finally it was all over and he had
encircled his demitasse, he pusbpd.
back his chair, wiped his chin sviatt
bis napkin, sighed contentedly and
remarked to his hostess :
"Now, wined think a man could
make a meal off a little snak like
this !"—Washington Peat.
ons worth a bag et gold." Th:s ap-
plies with speatal forma to Hood's Sar-
saparilla, America'e Greatest Medicine.
A guilt% IS a person who can make
lemonade jtist sweet enough • and
just sour enough fur everbody in. the
A gold brick frsen the Mikado
mine, containing over a thousand
ouness, and valued at between
$17,0a0 and $18,000, passed through
Port Artless Friday,
Vii.60**A.Imente...sitiAtoi....... •
Hood's 111s
Are prepared from Na.
tures mild laxatives, and
while gentle are reliable
and efficient. They
Rotas p the Liver
Cure Sick Headache, Bit.
ionsness, Sour Stomach,
and Constipation. Sold
• everywhere, ay. per box.
• 1