HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-22, Page 15ARNOLD J. STINNISSEN LIFE and Mortgage Insurance Plans. hien= fax DI:Octal& Registered RetireMent Savings Plans and Annuities. ' Income Averaging Anntlitte's. A Whir our nett Flexible ' Premium R.R.S.K • —REPRESENTR4Q—:, Tet527-0410 Sun Life AsSuiance 117 GODER1CH ST. EAST Company of Canada SEAFORTH for 21 years. DRYWALL KNOWN FOR MOH QUALITY Peter Bakes Drywall COMPLETE DRYWALL SERVICE 527.1398 or 527-0606 oortitigi —Seaforth Sewing Centre 527-190o Your "personal atientior" 'representotive for PFAFF SEWING MACHINE Co. • * Personal Home Demonstration with- out obligation • Personal In-Home Lessons ' * Interest f.ie payment plan „111.A.HUE. 'TRAVEL 'SERV R ICE- 1 'Main St., Seofarth Wishes to use the occasion of our first anniversary in &Worth to thank ail who have availed themselves of-our services in the past year. We-hphe-wa may continue to help you- with your travel needs. Call on osier our many services including« • Cruises • Via Rail, • Bus• Tours • Air Travel • Car -Rentals Package Tours , • Travel insurance • Hotel .Reservations by -visiting us. or yang' 27-1237 There was a' good attendance at the card party held hi the LQ.O.F. hall on Friday evening. The winners were Ladies high Mrs. 'Walter Pepper. LOw, Man - Mts. Aldie Criefi, Lone Hands - Mrs. D. Slavin, Men's , High Cliff Henderson. Low Warden euchre 'will be at the 10.L.F. Hall on Fridtty, January 30th. Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Jeffrey. of Mississauga spent last week end with' Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brook.' Sandy Broadfoot of Guelph University- visited with- his .parents Mr. and Mrs. Robert Broadfoet. Haney. Low Hand Walter Mr. and Mrs. Bill Graham Pepper. Lucky Draw. - of • Luclmow visited Sunday Wallace Jackson and Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Jack Henderson. The next ,Wightruan. _Price _ ANSTETT JEWELLERS. LTD....,....'_. SEAFORTH STORE ONLY!, \ Oneida's lannary Sale 'of silverware & stainless is still on at Anstett's. 'Most Patterns In Stock ANSTg-TT JEWELLERS LTD., 527-1720 CLINTON- ", WALKERTON 'EXETER 02-3001 1381.0122 235-2468 ENO 1 030 - clearin 1g at THE HURON EXPOS ITOFt, JANUARY i 1,904 - 15 . • • „ V • • because in '1786, Jean in- formed, Puma that she was about to become a mother. NOw. Burns was atixious..to clo-the right thing. and in Scotland at that time. , marriage cduld be legalized without ceremony or litensel So he sent her a letter' * feeling that the prOblernwas atocengssihuits cooluanntr‘ymePen:Pular genius; lus roger '10 tb -onOirrilii we say of biP situation, which did hot . wife.' ?`She had the patienee aeknotNledging the marriage. sowed. e didn't reckon on her .. This time. Jeans father ax,respu.nd ;.0, his genius... Of juh,.. , and went on his merry- way. father's reaction. When the was glad to see him, and elder Armour got wind of welcomed him eathuslastie, this, he tore up the letter, ally into the family. Pettao and ordered lean to stay he was tired of seeing so, away from thirnS forever. many little feet tinder hik Burns • at this. time, wail, table.- And felt that Burns , a°•;:nudslebtele :Oft4 b e. Wteortilnsltjhjek With the swirl of the PiPe.s, all loyal Scotsmen will prepare to celebrate the birth of Scotland's national poet. Robert Burns. on national th. Eating scones and waling haggis is a trash- ., -Sion -among PeetrY lovers who are ' lentil* with , "The Cotter's Saturday' hilatit,'• or "c91')W' T'bIT?11* Rye” And Who haSn'l sung,. ''' fantRi' ay '"Atild Lana Syne" •, on New Y04-.041(0 Burns' work -. is shollliPati ':. to.most' Cariktftanf, ''SecittiSh ei net. Net to ot‘nd airy, ardent Scott who Is now planning shillala event. but do you,Suppose that this Year,. we'coutd consider some changeS7 For instance, how about an alternative to that haggis? It: mean. do you really enjoy eating sheep's liver, heart and lungs, all chopped together with onions, season- ing, suet and oatmeal. and lasses to like him as well as his dog did. Somedays later, Jean was down at the creek, washing her laundry on the stones. when Burns walked by, and she called out to ask him if he'd found such a lass yet. He must have that day. Every week more and pure people discover what mighty jobs are accom• pliShed by low cost Huron Expositor Want Ads. Dial 527-0240 ' 2-6///eele Se/01M —* ..I IN in , ' • Area Churches ,First PRESBYTERIAN churcil , 59 Goderkh St. W., Seaforth Minister: Rev. T.A.A. Duke Organist: Mrs. D. Carter ., ., SUNDAY, JANUARY25 , 11115 Worship. Servke, Sunday School' & Nursery Lunch and the an meeting will follow the wors service ,, St THOMAS Anglican Chiirch Thellev..11sunie E. Broadfoot B.A., M.Div. Seaforth '%,., gUNDAY, JANUARY 25111 3rd Sunday After Epiphany 10 a.m. Meraleg Prayer Sunday SOhool and.Notsery available Outing -Morning service NORTHSIDI '' -Vnited Chu4h 54 Goderich SL West, Seaforth t JANUARY 25k:1981 11442. Mardi *As "SundaySctioOli't Nursery 1 . 740 p.m Eatioittieltal SarvIce LIVING OUR FAITH IN;OUR FAMILY Mr. Arch Andrew of Clinton . ' Guest Speaker . , - Area congregations are invited to take advantage of _the.church - directory so announce their church' services ' each week. Church directory i announcerifents are Available for a Minimum of 26 consceutive ,weeks in ...units of two column inches at 52 Der unit. Changed in copy may be made each weeks but MVO be received ,before mien on Tuesday. tp014rri by Jeanne •Kirkby boiled bag Parade from the ski:0114. Couldn't we just cut casts. and and serve plain hamburgers?. "art" by Gallery Stratford director Paul Bennett at the Van Egmont House .Thursday! night Some of the collectors in attendance were (left to right) Lynda onesr Frances Ball; Toni People,- P troutbeck ancrienore ---- (Photo by Gibb) - THE roF COLLECTING—Paul Bennett, Gallery Stratfott, displays two idtings-one the sketch •done outdoors. and the larger Work, the 'studio painting completed indoors, done by his father; which are -part of his collection of art wdrks. r. Bennett-poke on the joys of collecting at the Van Egmond House iast.Thursda night. (Photo by Gibb) Good 'crowd. at Brucefield card party MATERNITY WEAR • row on sale at • The Separate Shoppe MAIN CORNER, CLINTON 462-7778 (NEXT TO CAMPBELL'S MEN'S WEAR) OPEN 1-5:30 OPEN 1-5:30 BANKRUPTCY: ---tSALE Monday, January 26 9 a.m.. 5 p.m, Wood stavast fire pla• ce In. 'sorts, fire places, ausisartas, karasanoi lava* firs, chimney stone pipes, furniture and' Ontario. 5'$ SOUTH STREET GODERICH Terms', Cash, Cartif lid Chequa. Charge*. 010ne such gpmitign., 4,1v !Vittete. Burns decided toy 8p to",ens reco ciliiation with ,a1Fa -an,ill*gonln asftnit„ '. Jean' was specific .atv04: bookkeeper. 4tv had time. To quote a *tee. airo$ fakirfd,‘001,Eition, in` swore. privately and the arms of tv4arY tairiehelt, soirleY never Ao 4000 .any. Who;- was, even willing to ,;crallYt On me as a hnshand7 7 aeceMpany hitm PO this yen,. '`Jealnfatieutly accepted this, We, While.travelling back to , hid farewell to tier lamb,, hOwever, she caught the fever, and died, leaving Burns to write one of his beit poems in memory "Flow Gently, Sweet Afton", Bach to Jean. Perhaps she would go to Jamaica with. hiM. T9 raise money, Burns had his first book of poetry published, and was gratified wbutleinw;the eftoar Javernr tahicea evening alone buied hitnself with his poetry. his songs, his work. WO fell into a regular by its success. He prepared pattern quickly. as • Burns before his Ship-was to sail, he -travelling from town to-town... dipped into the barley w ' new lady friensIs. and his too heavily and missed the • cronies at 'the tavern: Jean boat. Before the next voyage busied herself with the child- was due sail, Jean again, ren, eight of °them by , 'now. had to inform 'him that she She adopted apttle was going to have :a child,, born of Btirns' liason with How the bonds of life. „en- ., the hostess of the local twine us! "" YHIS'TIME ' - visit her family. tavern duringlei absence to To, quote a letter of One night, returning home Burns. "this time, she repaid from the tavern, EUrns fell double", and twins were- 'asleep in the snow, and as a born to them. Also at thiS result caught rheumatic tithe, her lather went to a fever, which he called a magistrate, and had a war- , ."floating gout". Failing to rant issued for the arrest of gain- strength after this it seethed like a good ness. he sent for help from time to put some. distance the Armours, and finally died between himself and the on July 21st: 179_6 at the age situation, so the poet quickly dr37, &tided to embark on a On the day of his burial. promotional' , trip to Edin- July 25th. his last child _was burgh.' ' ;bocce to Jean, and that seems Here., he is described as a to be the last significant fact -dark eyed Man, over medium that history records about in height. although slightly this* king-suffering woman. sloudting—Well-received in op It is said that. ,the 'lasting Edinburgh's literary eirefes, charm of Burns' poetry is. it's Burns could not feel at home vigor and earthiness: "He " in the city. 'In spite of the . had an eye to see,, ateart to attentions of 'many lady feel - no More. His strength friends....-who- -adored-- his was tor -greater '"than" liis poetry, he was soon ready to Weakness; his virtues were return to Mauchline. And greater than his vices; his when he returned. it was as a virtues belonged to his Rebekahs sing, Happy Birthday VAI4V, and rejected rejcclga She friendlieeSS ' Edelweiss Rebekah lodge met in the lodge rooms on the evening of January 12th. Lodge opened in, form. Noble grand Irene Smith id Charge assisted' by Margaret Carter. The-visiting committee re. port was given by' Margaret Carter. Cards had- been sent to Helen McKercher and Rachel Riehl. Social Committee for,3an- and shortly• thereafter lu-, formed him thishe Was to be a father again. Sadly, this second pair of twi died, and' out of co assion Burns decided to arry his Jean. 'They settled on a small farm together. and Burns earned extra money as an exciseman or tax collect- or. MORE urng BAIRNS uary is May Habkirk. Betty` Bach, Ethel Boyce. Mary Felkar, Janet• Andrews. Hazel McGonigle,and'Mary Dalrymple. Happy birthday was sung to Joyce Hugill and Annie Malcolm. The mystery prize-was won by Marion Rose. riCE 30 BULOVA and cARA\ELLE® Mens' 8 Eadies' VVATCHES POCKET WATCHES 15 TIMEX WATCHES viaix -a:aTzaatts-Tio,-41•4..°0 '.SEAFORTH FARMERS_ VO-OP • ---- 52747.7 • • - • The :Moot change that, i'dl.:liike ter see this yiear,:is a change of kenS. from the. t1100:100M1f,10- a -eelehratios'i'. oftli'plife, of the woman who stctud by him. Y ea itonad-n't -ttaving Bobby Burns:- - • Pay this refs have*, Jean • Burns Day.. Now thete was •a woman.! Let -me elaborate. • Jean. Armour first. met her future husband at a village wedding. While dancing a quadrille together, they were both knocked down by his . affectionate dog; prompting (COLLECTORS ALL!.--Collecting addicts were given some tips him to remark that he had on" ttie . never managed to get the.