HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-22, Page 137 0. MI THE "7 H1JRO4f_.XP04IT0.% 4-�NJV -yo un T -r , 4 h -fut ure o f 1 11114 AIM LAWSOMAaw. • tw.cep 1961 and 197S. Gerier- Rented, 14 d And facilities bo#ght' some things because fathers. S .part of the goo serve as � starting place you needed them A40 others Ali; yop, A at inflAQ00 i PA 4: FPCOAA sWOY ilkt-he U-$- problem, Givalde investment or amns of expanding. to'satye, v bit of ine6me tag. C, A a- LEM$NIS ANNUAL SqWstA that by the Year iiiibipstocA And machinery is Experience ei a rented pro- A young fartner looks it Marketing ►- will be the .2.M there wilt be 'peff�­ean help a: person you aud gets confused. He theme at the 1981 Annual� .000 also Involved. The main cost thinks farm4rs under 3$ years of re Meeting of the Perth Cattle- ingredient.,howoviz.r. is land. decide whether the jump to 411 those assets a -1"4ft th"W OM 9�01 t ap. At the moment there are!n•;-thiswhat made your farm pros- men's - Asso�kation. Two f. Bare land prices ownership is �totth -11. .0.1 .. F.1 Mil INN I IN **wt 400,000. area. for example. have gone ' Because land is �both an. per. The. reverse -is true. s ters will presepi differ. P" Thevootiomico of sire and fr6m about SM per acre in inge tm�nt And a- pro -4 Your farm prospered to the e .marketing - SCP 1971 to about 0-604 $ , . r 0.1 , views on mar le *,re Such that vipblo Vr Acre asset the -0 WIU proba6ly be point Itist youcould aff9rd,0111, -Ch W "44 - Goo V� SVC, e*.r ,The 94 oiber, commodity W -MV iadwious in, Ia. no owi, ft -se things. of., 0e, anadi Cattle- t fr teon 1h f."PW 41 Ile -W Sr and d Al'turve 4 P0 - @t gi4ts lus.a -Tha �_Qq4r, fikrff tq pproiA 1 11 , 1 . . of fim r1a. P 0 4, "_ AP -A as f9t.5t 4_11 #00411. r.he otW.f'tA404Q, 4 *b ho,,pn g:s -!,Sj #a Inv diAcer w4ld Ot -ire Ae dwpor- $QC r and,!, kwort WQ Qw*erhao'ed of, ,A seI4 iit.t T�p young (grld War it, t"_ 04 'is X 'b"o, Q a 0'# b,jyo ottju . . . . . . . . ... A. "t lew 'iruvC, to - see It Chfi iAJn4 Farmers Q1 -slopwith Ain J"Vemor - 014�' e V ti of; p- t li;yv o), ot* i4A 9.011 004004ft V -0A"' v Viro - q 041x 1.9 4** 8!4WID in. rso With' 111-0411 tow q � . q; WA prey ag 0 b_vyo4d, ,T. he 14 t i•ng. lo'buy. ifn. tp- y a 444 �av� wood, to Vilie4t J*Uiafy. 19t '41'' 1100 M, Jiv,zo - po per qiy' o; !�Ovonotm� 0*lite Ink. r. 'Arm. �h .110 14.1.1 * btiyj�r lnelo� I - 00, *• 0, t mew, :14� �, 10, 11 014 , oloi , �'i ON Pptept And, 44 4'4i su�fi aii 00.1i R. 4io". to- sup Thi otypstairg - . ..Ca4 M iseurn Qq, J e .4 the Nit -O i and lh;bby. fa,r­ e 'The, bight 'Cost''QU�eIting M YOM - Xf, off AIM 1044yo - d0foinim,44rMs w4contrlk P .0ft, 4 in. thold ��om in �ppi#o •with, o&rated f4ons a f h 1104�' *i:idt60aq]k ilftyj, 10. C�Jlte and InXiiV14g i4m of, 1he. Col fairgnmuds. The parlClh lQts.'The a :0 'UX ANP cos may r .1 e4ou 4.cxoa ft"40 AN-.TM.'T0 W -FARM to Pkices s, the you,". tnii IS 9ii-44y" �oi king 4, we have to look it Age ti, ki, - critical not A`ko inch flute a%epdkA*Vt idii 41 eftockow v�ry, time yowtqll so 'tions'. i.tsolut, c; _d vi.vce�:haie or, rowto on 1P. ROOVEM. new opliopS to, apt young , bo�.elpss" position, The road and 6upv'r46**e,t. anot. cit (ho `sjnaliM. qflind disap.. figo to-protoct ft 104 I11VCiiI6CIif SVk.0Y, ft�m'ltlkc Some lanti will have to be farmers going�ln the future. to success will become in- in Me pro of the C, �um It W discussio0­,, of Association Canada throu&,ertion or expansion. This loss of but many of 09 Cd�tce or rm i's May owned if the business is COULI). VOU AFF6014) creasipgly difficult but [tot roil li�n �s i0c). vague t� "t . cu haYe'to .gel sta A home 1BUy-y0UIt-FA4MTQpAV1 impossible. business. farmland was accepted by most ,people until the last legists SePtive. -Fted this way going' to sqrvive. It W my humble opiqion - and -1 am not W -farmer— that anO huik# , of their Aving rbpe w . . #h,some. facilities is robabl' The farmers of today so part Th y answer is no. .4 per acre yields lit'Canad4 have reached a peak, that T land by powy qff the f". essential. Ownership cati Y6u,"dpie accumulated. a lot that they are smarter" Than ax laws -estate pldns for family,forms agriculture can no loo#r replace the crqp • 43"* itallstics show pipyide the, =68009 to do of assets over thr_#eam. Not their fathers were. The farm- tech -Mechanization, :fertilizable p that the Invipsttnent per farm- the tittle, extras that con -.all, -these assets 'Are nqW ers of tomorrow will have to Tax law% have been the Past fe%% pears. all farmer's ate attempting to 01 ecit able too the loss M iolooy Mecli A et chnolosyAave b be lot "smarter" than their changed and amended over Because, of these changes, cope with an'entifely new tai varief 4 ht tCany tribute to long-term success. paying their way. You of Ia ' ih has increased 600 % be stracture during their life- n!7jut not longer, When this country was -Settled by p1pnCersi t* beO, 1. n kfam land was h osep. Around that agricultural base cam A.w.orkshop about trans- Iowrt$ stn o villages, then cities. Wkti stand the 'cMex? ler�ng the family farm to the next gonq4i.ipil qVA related, The toWns fod villages of yesteryear �6ve become the SCHNE.10M. Cities of tofty and most -of them are right Ia-'*c m*k _C 1i N E I tAx management infbrination i agricultural laud. That uibiniz4tion bwd uili bC held from11.00 a.m.. �Iie oation's bes27'NE�� piggobbled up the land. The best farm land ii beingcon vefted WE RESER T TO LIMIT PURCHASEWTO­AIG OOD N1 to 3:30 p.m.' Wednesday. NE VG THE Y F -REQUI . REMIENTS,- new to tirban use at twice the rate of p6over MAR REASONABLE WEEKLY. AMILY BEEFSTEAK; January. 21st at the n What happens in the United States eventually L* Pw ,PPCX.M. I SCHMENERS MILO. 1111111111 'TURKEY OR Goderich Township- .Hall, here. It has been estimated more than .100 million ares, of CHICKEN Holmes Ill;r U.S. land hai died through crosion-because. OTmqm haii 12 oi ag Farm ON -f ;6,ru FROZEN Jack v arty, d READY TO Management , ipecialist.' ZEN C Ministry of Ag " I- protect from the form -of nature. 1 LS. Ma .been forced ont.Q poorer Ian which is harder toformi and Ontario more difficult to pro F BAKE' ricu TU1.1 1111 *K tore a Increasingly. rural Canidi� is bec6ming lndisftg" 10. ZEN. -IF Ofs REQU an tood. Sttatford. and able from- orban.Catiada. A tow moth rdpoirlt We LAN PROCESSED Bill McEachern, Tax Con ­ M% vlem� KENT OR 0 FROZEN: At 1b BAG e during the'rarter adminit KI(o6k A glbbal qtu Jul RIES sultant, Orand Btnd. will b situation. The global experts said that arable I d arqpnd an Soo discussion leaders. SE S.,, the world will- increase by only iburper centin the iiiiiAAnyone with an interest inNEES.U.-.!-�13-" ears while poptilefion will increase by as much as 50 per Ethis important subject is Y cent. VANItLA jpvitedto, attend. $ '2 LITRE The population --four billion in.105'.. WO be , i 0 ON ear 2000. Where them: are two Oeople 12.5 OZ. ACHON-112 •-CIRNMEL OR 0 JAM: _FLK0 §00 There will 5.35 billion by the y 20 years. Pitt PX( opportunity, for-. !(142Y, ere TINS' NOR KNACKS �e plenty- of 0 will be three in global gm4ladd FOR qOestions and discussion. Faulty farming methods are turning '.global are asked to andl-crop land into "barren wastelands,'' according to -ft I 00a WHOLE WHEAT • .,00NEIIJERS FROZEN pfeAse bring their own lunch. report, ata rate of-aporbirimatoly -an amount 9f 'lind the HAMBURG OR WIENER MWAIRS sizii-df thi state -of Maine each year. lea Coffee and doughnuts will be •PIZZAS 110NE- LONUINE I su Now,, spinowligre in. -this pile'.of �#ptlslAcs and, the *past, ' MINt.PIZ DIERIGpplied. Must lea=WESTCNN'_Rol' 1.0 is a ttiaj;riessoft AD of us For fut1her in1broiatign imd present, treads farm land in this cowry must be 14 OZ. PEP --call Don Pullen, 482-3428, or The profligatt.wastCof 16 OZ. DEI PFR"' 400 gr. Marilyn fqrbes.. 482-7480. cutftiltd.' LUXE $ 24 oz. F`IkG-. 17 OZ. SUPREME LOAF. PKG- This event is Sponsored by ft may -not. loom as a h4e problem todai but- in years to come when half the wofld,isfiter4ty stOrvipg to death, wiC t % OF 12 the 6oderich TownsWip armers. the kilitiolitin a4d willf look back and blame the4 M0 Recreation Committee in co --PROD 0 E F the So-called statesmen of. Way f�r mviitg� mnligns, Of :)p6ration %yith ,the Ontario TRA 'AR .0 N __ INTI ,opte— n . . ........ ...................... no ;Qf Food, niton Ndw,, FFIESN BAKED EACH '0011111 • PROD. OF USA. .,W.SNR aruNG 01111111929F tPRANTS QN89TTIOLLS, PIC 12 --E'__M AVIA"Inn ownia. t OF- t9o, Dillik