HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-22, Page 12to (:' FRESH FROZEN UTILITY-TRADE ONTARIO 'POULTRY FRESH! NOT FROZEN! "COUNTRY CUT" CHICKEN 7 .sOr per social 3 FOREQUARTERS WITH WHOLE BACH& NECK 3 HINDQUARTERS WITH WHOLE BACK 3 WINGS AND 7 GIBLET PACKS .:FRESH; YOUNG ONTARIO POULTRY 'SPECI'Al. PRICES IN.E0fECT- ,WED. JAN. 21 UNTIL TUES.. JAN: 2,7 SPECIAL! REGULAR'. BEEF - MAPLE , - SCHNEIDERS MINI-SIZZLERS 500 gr' PKG (SPECIAL! REGULAR-M410*-filnPit.ORANGE „ SCHNEIDERS SLICED SIDE BACON 98 5.0 gr PKG . CHICKEN ' „csQN;f1.19. 14. ArA tiptrr *714 TY 5 yam TIES - 150 gr. PKO-.40 SCHNEIDERS $ . SPECIAL! ALL BEEF WIENERS OR sCHNEiDERs RED HOTS 441 LB °Ml PKG. SPECIAL! 100% PURE BEEF SCHNEIDERS STEMETTES 500 gr. • st 911 PKG.- SPECIAL! • CHOICE OF 9 VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS COLD MEATS o 1/$ gt -PKG, SPECIAL! CORN NIEALED SWEET PICKLED SCHNEIDERS BACK BACON BY THE' PIECE SPECIAL! CHOICE OF 6 VARIETIES SCHNEIDERS SLICED BOLOGNA 10.987ur • SPECIAL! , FROZEN SHORT dUT SCHNEIDERS INNER PORKTAILS 69MStii5 SCHNEIDERS :SNOWS 300 gr SAUSjGES• EIDERS toor_rmirirISIL SCHNEID RS, 900 $f no FIIESHt NOT FROZEN r • SCHNEIHERS SUMMER STYLE ,TINIRIONER SAUSAGE SW THE PIPCF teiKEIDEASIM(106 COOKED FASIA IAT'THE WHARF" ZEHRS FRESH FisH,SHOPS (Not !DAN Markers) sell ATLANTIC, OD F LB, *2.39 $1.49 $2.695LICED $241916, STORE'SLICED Seaforth; and, secretary- are senior members and the data but youth must haves treasurer. Maurice Hallahan . average age is 146 years pulposc and a long lasting R.R. I Beigrave. with the average tenure in motive. We are tryingto help Len Mac Gregor: eaten- 4-H about 3.1 years. them to aebievi to accom- sion assistant for • Huron Don Pullen, Huron County plLsh things that will eventu- County of Ministry of agri- *a. rep, commended the 4-H ally 'Pay off and we are culture ,and fOod reported' club readers for looking helping them to make last year there were 373 41/1 ahead to build a good. sound bholeen from all the different members iri !low enrolled future, contributing to youth niternatives that, they are in 32 clubs taking 56Q Pro- readership, and providing en- being asked to Make ,jests with Oartiiietion rate of c010144ProefO c1,0 youth asks, 11oly 92. per cent, while young People are hying do 144PW:mr,hat IlYsIot to l;m1. Of the 373 •Atttl*Pl1, 102 "th i`tinItZ'Or011c9verY, Maybe my job Miter heeti . can invented yeti" He 4440, V gable encourage them to he onhi, 'The crown of Inc ta tlio Y.. t?Uffer Sod urasSest' Waigrw.4y$. k:ontrol and igfirdbrealr.s. Crop r .otations.. Map* haOling.and other "topleS all, added- to, ,a WO, attendect infotmative prOgram. Copies of the proceed,ings.are avail- able for $10.00 by writing to Dr. W. Young, Deans OffiCe. 0, /LC iyersity of Guelph. Guelph. Ontario. Make cheques payable to,Save Our Soil' Conference. • Across Canada, more and more farmers are specifying' International Spreaderteand the reason is rugged Performance Hea4y-dttty apron chains keep the mantire moving "Bear Claw" paddles are indented for extra strength Available in.5 trailing modeTs with heaped capacity ,to 370 bushels (343' cu ft ), International Spreaders' rip, shred and spread hard-. ' packed toads with ease Check 'em put, and while you're at it, check Out Inter- national Loaders Heavy :duty; box-beam lift wins have the "might and main" to pry out big loads Further strength comes 'from advanced welding throughout ther subframe and lift.arm assemblies " InternationatSPF6aders and Loaders they're the materials-handling team with ' the reptitation for performance Get 'em working for you minutumnsaitatunitsnot ' camas •••11D.V.r. •• — SAVE A DOLLAR! Come In arid Pick Up your Advanced Registration Ticket for the Canada Farm thow Jan. 27, 28, 29, SO /81 WORM 527•020 FARM EQUIPMENT LIMITED 0* I toig.tiuRON wolsiTOR, JANUARY 22; 48T. ti- kr Huron Hers elect executive r Bi1t to .Q d Onergency ellyety td fart.Oiers. ,H ERS ELECT 1 ExEGOTIVom.41* el4b -enders:, ejecteciitheir new executive a their ehntiat Meeting last wfaek.. The 1981 ',executive is (Pack, lift to right); secretary-tteepurei MauriCe H41lOtteni Biy.th; first.• vict.presklent John Van, R.R. ,2; 13rUSsels anq secontVvice-president, Brian Olcifield of RR. 4, Seatorth . and (front row)' president, Kenneth Mewhinneyl. .R.R. Lucknow and iiarry Miller, R.R. 3, Exeter. (Photo by Oke) BY; WILMA 00 Kenneth Mewhinney, R.R. 1. Lucknow, was elected, president of Huron count,/ 4711 Club Leaders' Associa- tion at the annual meeting in ClintonyWednesday, lie sue: seeds Barry Miller:of R.R., 3 Exeter. Vice presidents are John Van RR. 2 Bropals. Ind Brian bidfteicL. KAI.. 4 ThcAeineofine Save Out llconteren0 held Occ.ern- bet 040 hi "Tnronto jut that "Sore Our Soil." PresentallOris were,, elven On: Why should we save our thost' valuable resource:. our topSoiL • Soil. Management oti the cash crop andlivestock ,farni. Tillageand - residuel Managenient , on fine, medium and coarse textured soils. ',Impact of agriculture on the environment, Use of Sol in! • • farm machinery has been 'of your crop betause that forwarded by its sponsor, small part is sitting idle in a Cardiff, to provincial agrlcul- customs) depot, it is obvious ensuring special ,handling of machine. is vissing a part. Huron Bruce , MP Murray storage bin at some airport or emergency:, repair parts for When you are facing the min , The text Of a bill aimed at field because hiss 580,000 tore ministers, and national that you need procedures farm organizations. vvhich-will get, the partto you Murray Cardiff first intro- without suCh delays." duCed the bill last May, but the item may not be debated. in parliament until its next session." Citing potential damage to farming operations from slow • delivery of replacement partsi The Ontario Show and Sale Mr. Cardiff' said the bill is of Beet Bulls will be held at meant to provide procedures the Markham Fairgrounds, to alleviate delays, March., .31st . and April' 1st, "The important thing is to 1981., Many bulls will be; come up -with a delivery Performance Tested and systeth that guarantees rapid Indexed, and. all entries will parts delivery, from anywhere, 'be checked by the Bull Sale • in the ` world,", said the ComMittee. All - balls wilt M.P. A farmer, may have a have to meet, the health $200,000 crop rotting in the requirements for tubercul- cannon FARM 5110 a. Coliseum Complex - Exhibition Pioce,,,Toronto • January 27 - January, 30,1981 Show hours - 10:00 AM to 6:00 PM, Over 550 Exhibitors- Horse Pull and Sale January n Winter Sited Ontario Charolais Cattle Sale January 28 700PM Winter. Classic Ontario Hereford Cattle Sale January 29, 1:001414 Ontario Aberdeen Angta Cale Sale , — . . . . ...... Janitart 30. 1:00 PM Tractor/Truck Pull January 29, 30 Ladies',Program „ Daily Canada's largest Indoor agricultural exhibition Canada Farm. Show, 36 Bufterick Road Toronto, oatarto rwswiszil (416) 252-3506 ' osis, brucellosis, 'mange, ringworm, and pink eye, and be checked by the official ,veterinarian. „ ' , All, entries must be accom; • panied by a signed transfer certificate and the certificate of registration , or 'reeorda- don. The deadline for entry fornis is, January 5th. 1981.. They ' can be obtained by writing to: G.W. • Hedley, Ontario.Crittlemen'S Associ- ation. 1' 590 . Keele Street. Toronto. 'Ontario M6N 3E3'. The Show and Sale , is being held under_the auspice of the Ontairo Cattlemen 'S'Associa-. tion. , Stan Paquette, ASsociate Agricultural Representative. f` • CARPENTRY ,MURRAY -IENDERSON Renovations, ' Additions, Sheds,. F raming, Any Home Improvements FREEiESTIMATES 5274701 exercise eholee.". Kr. Putimkaidathnt ability 'aiuditti:14YreY44.17athltd°R .imtytidsl.tnotgSdba?o Ytehinthgs adapta- bility to cope with new things well and keep on believing in What one is doing ,as "we learn to do., by doing." He thought said .sues i4' •not alone 0 without ei~fort,, iclitios119..041:,;*4tir leikon,zysr :,..414" Y :47 e T1 1 ;e"97 11 11*P°1 :: tc of :4 n t 40ts 0 .6s. Mr. Pullen. spoke Of, the need to„, get .aleng• with all Sorts, ,of people which is sigh of maturity, He said Maturity .in.volves willing. :less to listen and;loot, - knowing what is real or illusionary; ability to discrim- inate to choose. He told the leaders the Meeting is a chance to up-„, date and to look ahead. P101 'SteckJer, Stithie, Township reeve,ehillhielS40 the letuters•fci tiOviPtclot of, time to-the young people ttad in co-ordinating community activities*. He. said not many people are affordori the chance tote born and able to live in Huron Couty- a heti, rage • that can't befttlk ineasutett • the only ttObt '.eeeetx in the. NFIettheblIMIteleeeeet,.. tng•.it. 44b*05h0044,41:C.**, •60N0040,:vootooleioeik .- sprog**e.ganimitoe .t4 - woo. n0-trip details such •na • time, and date. s, ',Perth - CtonntY 4711'mem- bers ailjbaaakaittO:CoOlder . affiliating :with Blimp -rnem. -ben for the sale, • - 4-H. exchanges for 1981. may posaibly be with 4-H members lit Huron County in. Mtchigan, who have -ex, piessed an interest in this. and also with another pro- vine, possibly Manitoba. vial tariff and observe special procedures for parts shipped under that category. Such packages would carry the label "F.E.R.P- Rush"' to notify handlers special procedures involving Farm., EqUipment Repair Parts is in force. . Since parts may originate in . several countries around Under the MP's 'propotal.• ` the world, Mr. • Cardiff airlines in Canada would be stressed the need fOr well- required to advertise 'a spa drafted guidelines. , Bull show and ale in March; 4.} • A