HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-22, Page 8COMMERCIAL HOTEL 11 THIS WEEK'S ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday to Saturday and SatUrdiy Matinee 4.6 Honey NEXT WEEK'S ENTERTAINMENT Wednesday to Saturday -and Saturday Matinee 4 pan. to 6 Lim. Carl & Company FINE FOOD FINE ENTERTAINNIEVF 1981 cars and truck(' now in stock fOriMmodiat• akoliVery-. Including the fuirl,effltibn*. Front-Whe•I Drive Horizons; tiorlion'TC.re add itelianit.K.• CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH Bali & 'Mufti, Ltd. Home Furnishings LAST 10 DAYS! FOR OUR ANNUAL CLARENCE DENOMME I i ny Ile you. to mime into. Ball Ntineh and and compare on %our nel.t furniture put. kur-eart +111",i1 Nall. will DON'bENOmmE I invite you to come into Ball & Muted and shop and compare on your next furniture .pur-• chase. Our early bird sale will save you money.. To!,4 r. 4iSpeclotpurchisseii from suppliers *Sofas- Love aievs •RealChsisferfielili This is the Furaiture Sale that Saves You Money! MARKDOWNS UP tO 50%' Everytling our store ken Niel Save On Secretoiles, Con. soles. Curios " •Pictures, Mirrors, Accessories :Living town Tables Ittiibmints Redding', Aliiikolsteted Chairs *Tubbs LeMps, FinOr. Lampe, 8Wagtemps Home Furnishings. • "71 Albeit'Street, Cliriton 482-9505 We offer free deWery within o fifty ttlifeiolisus of Cbritori „ HOME , FURNISHINGS FL OOR (ARK TING S J W - TM: EXPD sivo, JANUARY 1981 S 16- ed wine and w men .•- What's happe What's happening is a weekly column, Spade donated-by The Huron Expositor.. To list your event, call the Recreation Office at 527-0882. DATE EVENT PLACE Thurs. Jan. 22 Mens Broomball Arena Fri. Jan. 23 Atom Tournament Arena Sat. Jan. 24 Atom ToUrnament Arena ° Sat. Jan. 24 Snow Sculpturing OpttinistPark Sat. Jan. 24 Ax4 Wheel Drive Optimist Park • • I ii Poker Rally, the h ouse and not to go out for the rest of the eVenino. returned to hotel only tdbe called"to the phone again. This time it was Johnson. Fearini the worst. Law asked, "What's the matter now?", Jobson replied. "I'm lonesome." Puzzled, Law said, Yote.relOneabme. What do January meeting, at the.; home you mean you're lonesome?" Johnson i replied. "I'm of Mrs. M. Dennis. ' lonetiome and there's a lady here. She wants fifty 'cents • Mrs. H. Hudie gave the and I lacks a nickel..." • . 4 ' meditation on "'The Bible" For more about Johnson, especially for the Music, but followed by Mr., Haekwell also for further speculation about the man froth thee giving the Prayer. liner notes used here, ther are two albums to be on the Mrs. N. Schade spoke on outlook for:. Robert Johnson, King of the Delta Blues "The New Year to. Came" Singers, Vol. II, Columbia. C 30034; and Robert Johnson, The offering was taken by King of the Delta Btu Singers, Thesaurus of Classic Mrs. Rockwell and dedicated C Jaz4r, Columbia ci. 1 . There is some minor 4:werl.Ap, 1., Mrs. Hudie. . ,. 'bin retVeenleiv:,Z; 'at '01`eleg.'-ir'gity'rmicli)lir of - .. . o' in Johnson's work. presided for business. - .. One final note. The simplicity, the honesty and of course Minutes of the last' meeting the raw (in every sense of the word) talent in Johnson's were read by Mrs. G.. work have not escaped the eye of modern artists. Both the McNichol followed by the roll Rolling Stones (Love in 'Vain) and George Tharogood and, Call. Mrs. Godkin closed the the Delaware Destroyers , (Kindhearted Woman DIties):". - meeting with prayer. . . have recorded versions of the troubled man's music: , A social half hour followed Walton The McKillop Unit held its Those lyrics arelepresentative of th0 test of Johnson's writing. •• Johnson, fresh from the plantation. was vulnerable to .--.1.,....,....m..4 00.0..„.51...0..-intomi.....w..vatioh...,,,didirt„..lully..„ , understand. His simplicity, and even his troubles. inanY of which he instigated, and . which tormented him, are reflected in this anecdote: WINE, WOMEN, SONG. 'Ahhough little is .known,aboUrJobstion. there is much circumstantial _evidence that be liked wine and women as .Wellistts: .oug,Thiwa..*.estiOgItt on his firs:t recording t..ORIQ. $4,0. 'Antonia, A country boy . tn. *,-moderitely big town, ionson.fPund trouble within. hours after lie arrived. DO law eoosPiere4i. hims.elf-retponAte....for ,johnsoit; foo0 him..**10,* tioarciiint hoose-4440411im to get- some sleep so f10.;v?,out. . e **Or to begin 'recording at te,:lkthe' f foilowin.•/00i, Lax' then joined -44:WlifeL and. some .. WOO* for:' oiling -_ Ai the 'Gunter-- NOtelt.. -414:4'saarcety, begun dinner policeman was calling froM the city jail. jehasen bad .been when Ile WAS. Sunitnnned to the '..phone, -..k ' li4led tip on a- vagraney'obarge—Law...ruShed dOwn tpille ' jail,. found: Johnson beaten of, hiS -guitar. smashes t the .. i 00 had OPt vetntly!picked him up but had worked him Ovq, With some difficulty Law managed to get Johnsen freed in • his custody, whisked him back to the boarding house, gave him forty-five cents for breakfast, and told him,to.st in Legion .crib..to'urnamet)t Beget:roan, "Jack Muir and by Beth (Muir) Mill'er of Jack Cairns. . Sarnia., , #2 Team Les Habkirk, Ted Don Eaton 'was the winner' Scott, 'Jack Eisler, Grant, of the monthly draw held Chesner. Jack Ungarian and every meeting night. Alsb a, ;Grant Currah. year's dues. #3 Team Gord Scott, Don WESTMINSTER VISIT Muir, 'Bill Wilbee, ,Keith Henry tiler has arranged McLean; Gord - McKenzie for a bus load to *vet to and Ken Coombs. Westminister ' Hospital on The Shuffle " board Feb. 1, to entertain. the old tournament is still open and and not so old Veterans who • couples interested in taking , are confined th part should make an 'effort to Although hews some sign up. talent lined up, he is in need At our general peeing of more entertainment, - be held January ::••• 151' the; they Legion members oe not. membership committee Any one wishing to help out„ held their-.final , drive for' in this worth while cause Early Bird winners with please contact either Henry year dues going to or the Preaident•Bill Wilbee. Bill Alexander, Harold,. It will be greatly appreciated.„ Smith, ?Helen McKenzie and cownwENG EVENTS John Peilman Jr., Jan. 31 Social and Dance A free dinner for two. Feb. 4 Stag Euchre compliments of the .Feb. 7Zone Crib Tinirnarnent CoMmercial Hotel was won Feb. 11 Stag Crib „Since the column last week concerning music has led to the .phone ringing off the hook todeliver requests for more • of the same, P shall comply with the wishes of the masses.. 1,e0 sides, now the Leafs have estehlishe4„.they....s,ra,a, Ifeeirlie -War Sianley Cup (they beat Montreal), there seemstlittle reason to rage' on about their ineptness, nor is there anY toason to incur father wrath from local coiffeurs. Nykoluk's No-panics teat Montreal. and, the eighth wonder of the world has arrived. S9 music- Last .:personal prejudice went on the rampage as....a.mreredia 7.90 word. Iten-nikiective.iondYsis of the career Joni Mitchell. Because I see no reason to with!** from overdoses of sObieetivity, you are in for, in.9Te.,:eff_Vte MirtW14:4•wgek, • kge4-0,,pct only from jazz to,blues, but we -#10 'visit what VOY, a” different world. that of' blues singer llolxelrc Johnson: Very little is iffie#0,.*17.otit lohr4brt*•*114 to a verteY, great eitent What is: um , has been 41060 from the sp*tse ninnheknftecOtdings which he set on tape' W 1936 and 1937.. Indeed, the history Of the hbeit •CntIntrY,blus singer IS so ©pen. it is uncertain how old he was,,when. b died or even. for that matter, hew he died. glue's man Johnny Shines reports his predecessor was poisoned by one of the many women who ,manipulated him, but others explain Johnson was stabbed by a jealous husband, or by another women: There have even been statements an ice pick Wes used in the crime. The only New Column, 159,- Triiiib—StioWliiik" — sure plecet information in ail the speculation is the singer was murdered'? 0.1tganStaLugs SINGER What tenut*s as the ehroniele of the. life of the man many OFscribe as. the greatest primitive,. country blues. Anger of nine are:awe,sAinsate42%$mociw.tecord.bss- - The tracks were laid down. in eve .sessions between, 1936 7tahl best T.C.,00.41•4 LIMO* Johnsen died before his 21st birthday. tot 111. ikshort 1.* in, Spite .Ofrhe fact .101,.**bitoode4by:;0#•0*Ot*Oori ROb.imirkitte.. tv.Wis pp iwhere tie.wo:/mtati:404e4; Wit vecOrdin.**OinS s l i Satii. Antonio and W*5,iiittio9i*g to,. gain. recognition.: • • • • • in feet, the world had reached New Yerk.wbere John'. planning. a' "Sp*ituals to Swing.' ',concert fer;•• ' • Carnegie Hall .decided Johnson must Paiii0Pate.: karnmendbatt pteviensly purchased copies of Johnson's music ea. travels' through the Southern states and. was convinced of the singirital lent. Johnson's ','race" records, were a'ailable Only in the Deep 'South at thelime. Hammond enlisted the aid of Don Law in the search for the singer. Law, who had recorded Johnson's .music. returned only to report the death ef the blues man a few weeks earlier: • All that remained was the music, which was as primitive in'conipoSition as were the lyrics, but is able to offer an insight into a life most of us might have trouble comprehending. Pete Welding, in the liner notes of -one of Johnson's post-humously released itIbums says 'His songs. deal with three recurrent themes: The impermanence of human relationships, particular ly those of love; incessant wandering, most often as the result of disappointments suffered at the hands Of women; and the besetting InindleaaArtmthatjimAlAtimtaLsAndogglos;,„, Welding s analysis- is no overstatement. Some examples: "early this Morning wheriyou knocked Upon my • door .I said "Hello. Satan, I believe it's time to go"'Me and the Devil was walking side by side. I'm going to beat my woman until I get satisfied." (from Me and the Devil „_,Bluss)....Alscip..!,1. m. going to stay around Jonesboro until mynteeth is crowned withgold, She's got a mortgage on my • body, a lien on my sots," ',Mom . Travelling , Riverside Blues.) _TIME 7:15-12:15 6:30-10:30 p.m. 9 a.m. -9 p.m. 9 4,11V 1 P.M, C)1"01r9iV, Arena Arena, Arena Arena 00'; Arena 8:15 ' Paul McQuaid has returned to Edmonton, Alberta where he is.emploYed, as a body-man and painter, after spending Christmas with. his mother Mrs. Rose Marie • McQuaid and brothers and' sisters at North Main St. His sister Mary Cathering is also residing-in-Edmonton. Miss Rhonda McCowan and Miss Cheryl Morey spent a couple of weeks holidays in Hawaii. Mr. and. Mrs. Jim Eaton. Seaforth and Mr. Larry Eaton, Don Mills. are vacatioalas la the Barbado s. IMPORTANT NOTICE to all HURON- COUNTY PORK PRODUCERS TAKE NOTICE THAT THE 1181ANNUAL METING of the Huron 'County Pork Producers' Association ,will held WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4 DINNER: 11:45 AM . 'MEETING: 1:00 P.M. SHARP at the • • , LEGION HALL CLINTON for the purpose of the proper business of the Annual Meeting, Including con- sideration of ((reeked constitution for Aso. Huron County Pork Produeirs' Association. • • JOHN PAUL RAU LLOYD STEWART President . Secretory Dinner tickets available frbrn any of. tha COunty *rec-tors Orli week prior to mast! STARTS WED. JAN. 21 - 24 Wed, & Thurs, One Showing 13:00 Fri. A Sat. Two Showings 7 EL ? p.m. MELODY INLOVE COMING JAN. 30TH S U PHONE 524 7811 AIR CONDITIONED PROGRAM SUIEJECT TO CHANGE WITH • UT' NOTICE 2$7 Vicibtisilf., Clinton BYJACK EISLER Sports events highlighted 'divides at the branch this vast week, with members tad guests taking part, Last Wednesday 28 flyers took part in the first Stag Crib TournaMent of the winter season and after seven games were played. lack, Eisler, and Al' Nicholson eime out on top with 6. wins plus 118 points. ' It was thought by some. that Maybe they did not play enough games to give some of the oppositidn a chance to meet everyone. So next Crib oh Feb. 11, They will play ten ' games. See'you all there. Legion Zone Dowling was held in Clinton last Sunday ' "with 3 teams from our Legion taking part:, Although Seaforth did net take top place) No #1 team came in Second and #2 team came in third. Both will be e ble to play at District leVel sometime in Mar.0`. The teams• are as folloWS 01 team. Don Eaton, Al Swale , Don Wood. Ron ' 3511. OHRE: SALES tillIAIITHStf: Monday thru Wednesday a a.sa.-5130 p.R. thoinmiley SiM p.m,1r p:Oise.11114. p.iti.8 Trklay Sit.m.-5:3104no Saturday Samara p.m,' SIRRIell AND PARTS DIPARIMINT: Monday Ennui.,Friday S to Sp.m.. Orion Thursday p.tet. Friday f , Sun. 4eq. 25 Atorn Tournament Arena 10 a. rrt. 5;3P,p,,M. 4474.. 2245 sc,n5:00wfrikionbtrilves;P: C`Pfirni% Park . ' Neon ''4"811Y 'Ran* Sun, Jan. Tues.' Jan. 27 'Mitchell vs Bantarna TmeS,, Jan- 27,.'Exeter' vs Cantenalres. Wed. Jan. 28 Wills-Ti ta Skating Wed. Jan. 28 Womens Breornbari