The Wingham Times, 1899-09-22, Page 2t"
Ron. Blake bee arrived in
Toronto, very well, barring a little
The liarristuri fork Pueking
Company, Limited, has just aon1Plet•
ad the erection of one kir .tlat largest
u well ea (toe of tee. last equity:al
pork peeking establishments, to be
found The building is
180 feet long by 82 feet wide, tour
atoreya high„ or an feet atom the
basement, aad a Capacity fur
2000. eaa per weak.
E.•.,%1,... „
liallips and 0 -IC
, . as. 2d. Szotelunan at pear te have , wispy hair the exception.
.6. cl.;Ep glitsnli. fisherman ; proIrinlaticit stlyuayse the oo..„tusr. .golrlandinothigrus
6 . 44. worth, a -1- i o G ul t and t 1 3 -
Always ielleved promptly by m!!money pia avva.a for a rainy ; grandmothers were wiser old ladies
day.In the savings banks each than we, with our modern and ad -
Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Seotetiman bas £5.40s., each English- , veneer', ideas are prone to admit.
Strawberry. man bus £5, and each Irishman £2, Look et their pretty grey locks and
ludustrial and co operative play an , compare them tvith our own, wnich
important part in tit& trade 4-.4f Great are neither thicker e'er finer, al -
Britian. They sell .£3 worth of I though we ure so many years young -
Goods to every Steadman, 41.10s. er. Ask what treatment they used
worth to every Englishman, and in their youth and the answer will
20s. synrth to eveiT Irishman, i always be, animal fat insome more
Scotland heads the list in births. l or less desirable form, that was rub -
To each 1,000 Scottish Lpeople near• bed on the scalp and amirished and.
ly 32 children are, t a each fed. the roots. There is ope panacea
1,000 English people nearly SO, and for all the ills that the human head
to each 1,000 Irish people nearly 24. is heir to, aceording to its devotees,
Scotland is the healthiest country of and they are legion. and that pane -
the three. In each 1,0012in Scotland cea and eure-all is nothing more nor
die, and in Ireland 18 go' to the other faith of Us users has anything to do
world. with it, is hard to tell, bait the fact.
remains that the person who applies
.?.., it faithfully and systemati4ally at the
Startling Confesaions
first hint of falling hair Will seldom
Show that 25 jaer cent. :of men and grow bald beaded. .
women suffer the tortures ofitching piles
I v ti ati that Dr. A W
cure itching piles, and all Of these men mow To Get Plump .11..nel. Rosy.
Scetland at the '1:cp. "Au Empty Sleek Cannot Stand TEESW.A.TER.
A Seotelunan earns more than an Neitber eau poor, v.'eak, thin blood
Englisnalan or Irishman. Tho nourish and sustain the physicialsysteru.
Scotehtnan makes 445 a year, the For strength or nerves and museleathere
Englishman 438, and. the Irishman must 'be pure, rich vigorous blood,
420, To relieve the poor, keepor titilerairard Pr?"
roads, bridges, harbours, &Q., markable cures and thellact ttaTair doees.
order, pay police, keep schools going, everybody good who takes it prove it is
just what fou need it you are weak and.
and. do other things of that sort,
Scotland spends money most liber. ; langu'd'
ally. Each Scotchluan pays £3, 1100D'SPILLS donotgrire. Ali drug -
each Englishman £2.18s., and. etteb g
Irishman £1,40s. S'eotchinen catch.'
most fish per man. Seotish fisher. I,
Men bring to port a quantity of fish
late, 25e.
Teeswater's tax rate for the cur-
rent year is 37 mills. This is a de.
crease of 1 mill from the 1898 rate.
The West Druce Teachers will
hold their annual convention in Kin-
cardine on Sept. 29th and 80lh.
Miss Lizzie Sharpe, of this place, is
on the programme to deal with the
subject of reading.
It becomes our sad duty this week
to chronicle the death of Miss Kate
Shaw, daughter of Jim. Shaw, eit•
principal of our public school, which
To Prevent Radium. • took place on Monday•morning Sept,
When you. are seized with an attack of
Cramps or doubled up with Colic, you
want a remedy you are sure will give you
relief and give it quickly, too -
You don't want an untried something
that MAY kelp you. You want Dr. Fowler's
Extract of Wild Strawberry, which every
one knows will positively cure Cramps and
Colic quickly. Just
A a dose or taVet and you
have ease.
But now a word of
• proof to back up these
assertions, and we
have it from Mr. John
Ont., wlio writes:
"Dr. Fowler's Extract
0113141 Strawberry is
a wonderful cure for
Dia.rrinca, Cramps
and pains in the I was a great
sufferer until I gave it a trial, but now I
have perfect comfort." ,
Sprains, Strains and Injuries of the
Back often cause Kidney Trouble.
Here is the proof:—
Mrs. S. Horning, Glasgow Street,
Guelph, Ont., says: "Doan's Kidney
Pills are grand. I have not ,been ill since
taking them wk h was over a year ago
lastwinter, and e.t.a give Sem my warmest
praise; for thea• restore,: ate to health after
25 years of sell:a-jag.. 'rwenty-five years
ago I sprained iry bnek severely, and ever
Since my kidneys lia".e been h a very bad
17 die annually, in England 17 1-5 less than coni oil. W, ether the
n es g on proves. .
Obabe's Onitment has nevsitr failed to
and wcmen could end their ufferings at Nature meant every woman to be
once by using it. Scores o thousands plump, rosy and well developed, and if
have . been cured by this' treatment.
Everybody can be cured in the same
Financial District keetmg.
The Financial District Meeting of
the Methodist chureh of the Wingham
District, was held in the. Methodist
church, Bluevale, on Wednesday,
Sept 6th. Rev. D. Rogers, chair-
man of the District, presided. Rev.
S.W.Muxworthy, finaneial secretary.
After the calling of the roll, the
spiritual and financial state of the
Distriei was discussed. The appro-
priation as placed on each circuit by
the Superanuation fund:board, was.
state. The doctors told me that my left read by the chairman and accepted
kidney especially was in a very bad con- by the meeting.
dition. A terril.' ‘ burningpain was always
The General Conference Fund was
preSent, and I staered terribly from lum-
bago and pain in the small of my back, next eonsidered Rad odeaeioned a
together with other painful and. distressing warm discussion. The aptiropriatien,
symptoms, common in kidney complaints. bowever, for this fund neeessary to
i could not sleep, and suffered much from
salt rheum. meet the district obligation was gen-
" When I first commenced taking Dann's erally accepted. Arrangements
Kidney Pills I had little or no faith in them, were made for bolding t Missionary
but I thought I would try them; and it .,. • , •
:proved the best experiment I ever made. eelings..._
I had only taken two boxes when the pain Each superintendent wt. I make
left my back entirely. Three boxes more, his Own arrangements in regard to
aor five in all, made a complete cure. meetings in the interests of the
'After :-...5 years' of suffertr from kidney
-disease I am now healthy and strong again, MuMauna' Fund.
and will be pleased to substantiate v:hat i In the afternoon an dpen session
have scid, should anyone wish tb enquire:, was beld to discuss the' Twentieth
Century Thanksgiving Fund. Stir-
Laza-Liver Pills are; the most ring addresses were delivered by
vet -feet remedy known for the dire of Con- Rev. R. Hobbs, of Wingham, and B.
tipation, Dyspepsia Biliousngs and Sick : Gerry, Esq., of Brussels. A limber
Headache. They work withoPt a gripe of ministers and laymen took part in '
or pain, do not sicken or weslr'en or leave . the discussion.
any bad after effects. ' A public meeting was held in the
evening when excellent addresses,
, .
i fall of energy and power were given
by Revs. Ina S. Burwash and R.
Hobbs on "Revival Work; Methods
of Promoting it, &e."
After moving a vote of thanks to
Rev. D. Rogers for his excellent bin.
eat. ieotrinleirdn
What dyspeptics need is not arti- meeting was closed by singing and
ficial digestants but something that prayer.
will put their stomach right so it
will manufacture its own digestive
,_,11!3,drert Cry for
For twenty years now Burdock „ar,. ara'marea41,1
Blood Bitters has been permanently %La amet E
curing severe cases of dyspepsia and -- -
indigestion that other remedies were Fred Barns, of London, a C. P. R.
powerless to reach. brakeman, fell from a ear and was
Mr. James G. Keirstead, Collina, killed at Chatham.
Kings Co., N.B., says :
"I sawed with dyspepsia, for years and Liver Complaint.
tried evcevthing I heard of, but got no "For the past year I have suffered
ratiefuntic I took Burdock Blood Bitters.
" I only used three bottles and now I ant more or less withtliver irutplaint, but
rdock Blond
well, and can eat meat,
Which I dared not touch ' '1
before without being in
great ci;stress. I always
remain -end B. D. B. as
being the bast remedy for
all 5:Cr—I tit disorders and
as a fan.7,iy medicine."
she has become pale. weak and nervous,.
Dr. A. W. Chase's Nerve Food will re-
store and revitalize the wasted nerve cells
make the blood rich and pure end give
new vigor and elasticity to, the whole
body. For ills peculiar to women there
is no remedy so successful as this great
food cure of Dr. .A, W. Chase. At all
At noon on 'Tuesday of last week,
Jane Muir, wife of Wm. Harkness,
died at her residence, lot 25, conces-
sion lin her sixty-first year. The
funera took place Thursday after-
noon at two o'elock and the remains
were ja,teried in the Wingham ceme-
tery.ifThe family Lave the deep
sympathy of the community in their
sad loss.
Malcolm Pringle, of thefith con-
cession, sold two three-year-old cattle
to H. R. Perkins, which ougbt to
make ,good beef. The combined
weight of the two was -3,020 pounds,
the steer alone weighing 1,670
pounds. The price paid was five
cents a pound so that Mr. Pringle got
exactly $151.00 for the teict cattle.
It certainly pays to raise good stock
and Mr. Pringle evidently under
stands this fact as these are not the
first good cattle which have come
off his farm.
Bitters 1. was completely cured."' W. P.
Wood, Revelstoke Station, E. O.
Sohn Barwiek,postmaster of Drum.
bo for a number of years, died Sad.
denly at the C. P, It. station on
Wednesday afternoon.
95 Cut thie net and send It tont with the. Witte of your
nested express oiliest and We w131 ship you this Violin
vith Outfit by express, suldeet to Ex.
=int Wear taproom office, and if you fold 11 exactly as
we toprosontit and eattroly satisfactory, ray the
exam* agent our road price, 14:91 and
exproso °harm nu to% a finely finished,
rwular so.0e Stradivarius mo.,
rWly colored, high po=114
,. , bow, extra set °feat liasnd l4et46bed*
and svreet in tono, witit fine
,......;,,!. 41in at dopy -ice. Boy direct fnan us sad siws las dater's Protrimi"
Johnston & MeFailano. :Box W. T. Toronto, Ont.
Did you. ever notiqe how few
people are original ia things they
say and do ? For instance, one man
makes a fartane env of a simple
thing ; immediately hundreds of
others try it. This is human nature.
While it is gratifying to be the "first
lltb. Three weeks ago last vsatrita
clay MISS Shaw was stricken down
and although her illness was severe
from the beginning it wee yet hoped
that she would recover and it was
not until the last day or two'before
she passed away that her friends lost .
all .hope of her recovery. !Miss Shaw
was a bright, cherry, young woman
and she will be much imsaed by her
friends and associates. A
The home of Mr, and, Mrs. Donald
McKay, on Wragge street, was the
scene of an interesting ceremony on
Wednesday evening of last week
when their .only daughter Frances,
was nailed in matrimoniel bonds to
Mr. John Rome, of the lath con
cession of Culross. Rev, W. Reede,
of St. Thomas, performed the cere-
mony in the presence of ;about fifty
guests, some of whom were present
from Wingham, WhiteCharela and
Belgrave. The groom was supported
by Mr, G.eo. Rome, of.: Teeswater,
while. the bride Was assisted by her
cousin, Miss Annie Davidson, of
Wbitecburcb. At the completion of
the ceremony all sat down to the
bountiful spread which had been
provided for the oceasion, . after
which the remainder of the evening
was spent in social intereourse. The
wedding presents wee numerous
and showed the esteemin which the
bride is held in the coMmunity.
Singers, Clergymen, Politicians.
The well-known comedy singers, Fos -
tall & Emmett, say: "Dr. Agnew's
Catarrhal Powder is the most wonder-
ful medicate we have ever heard of or
used, especially for people in our profes-
sion, Who are troubled with sore throat,
hoarseness, tonsilitis and catarrh. My-
self and wife are troubled. with toneilitis
and catarrh. We have tried everything
we know of, but found nothing to equal
Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder for quick
action and permanent cure." Fifty
Members of Parliament and leading
ministers of the Episcopal, Methodist.,
Presbyterian,Baptistand Raman Catholic
Cburches have testified ovsr their own
signatures to the effedtiveuess of this
wonderful remedy. Sold by A. L. Haat-
He Filled the 1411.
- "Why," he asked when they had
seated themselves alone at one end
of the park, "do you suppose, is it
that educated women don't marry ?"
"But educated women do marry,"
she replied. "I know. of three or
four edueated women Who have been
married within the past month or
"Oh, yes, of course, ome of them
remain single ?" •
"Perhaps it is because the educated
women's horizon is broader than that
of the uneducated, because she de.
mands more."
"Then it is not because sbe looks
upon marriage itself as a bad thing ?"
"Oh, dear, no."
"And yon bave declinefi proposals
because Your demanded much ?"
man" to bring out an idea; the great She tied and. untied her dainty
mass must be content to follow their handkerchief and looked down and
leaders. There is one line that is blushed and faintly answered :
always origina, howeeer, and that "Yes. One of them was only five
is the business of the 13 radley.Gar. feet three and the other couldn't have
retson. Co., Limited, of Brantford, weighed more than 90 pounds."
Ont., because they continually bring
out publieations, to suit the times
and seasons, thus their agents are
kept steadily at it and. make big
money. In fact, no other occupation
is more honorable, healthful, lucra-
tive, or offers half as many oppor
tunities for promotion.. It is a life,
school. Many men and women in
Canada today, testify to the truth-
fulness of his claim, in fact, it is
conceded on all hands, that one
year's experience with this Firm is
worth more to any s% oung man or
woman, than two or three years at
College, from an educational point
of i iew, and financially, it is all that
can be desired.
handling our latest work "The
Light of Life"? If not, now is a
good time to start. $8.00 a day
sure some make twice that.
Experience or capital unnecessary,
Being 6 feet tall it his socks he
spoke up and got a her.—Chicago
Times Herald*
Agents:.—Did you ever think of
People who have weak lungs or are
subject to coughs, colds or sore throat,
should take it few bottles of Dr. WOod's
Norway Pine Syrup, which would heal
and strengthen their lungs wonderfully.
Twins all Rouhd.
When Mrs. Daniel Wheeler, of
Iiillsburg, Oat., presented her hes-
band with a pair of twins, a son and
daughter, on Aug. 12th, last, Dan
was so overjoyed that ho at once at
down and wrote tois brother
William in Michigan, t ling bine of
the event, .and rather e • wing over WE MAKE _
It. When William received the letter Sewer and 1
he replied that Dan wa no further i
ahead in raising a family than hitt' Culvert Pipes
self, as two days before the presenta. Au Sikes froth 4 In. 'to Auto
tion toner', he, Witham, bad become ( ono ectiOliii. )
the bappy father of twins also. It WRITE 'FOR intiots.
singularly happens that the father,'
Dan and and 'William, are them. TIE ONTARIO StiEll PIPE CO.
80 1.4 Vr. E.
selves twins.—Orangeville Sun,
isi#—ObPolTe.”. -
What is
Castoria' is for infants and, Children. Castoria is a
harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Paregoric, Drops
and. Soothing Syrups. It contains neither Opium,
Morphine nor other Narcotic substance. It is Pleasant.
Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of
Mothers. Castoria destroys Worins and allays Feverish-
ness. Castoria cures Diarrhoea and. Wind Colic, Castoria.
relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation. and
Flatulency. Castoria, assimilates the Food, regulates
the Stomach. and. Dowels of Infants and Children, giving
healthy and natural sleep. Castoria is the Children's
Panacea—The Mother's Friend.
Castoria. Castoria.
"Castorin is an excelleni. medicine for "Castoria Is so well adapted to children
children. Mothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any pre.
of its good effect upon their children." scription known to me."
Da. C. C. OSCoon, Lowell, Mass. H. A. ARCDDR, Bi. D. Brooklyn, N.
Otta3V3ValaVafeEC7.:70,:". rgl”7*,,,tP973,rn57.*W1721-37.*17:17
ititres=trriarawrr,StiVekttisiti ktt.
250000 CURED IN 20 YEA2' S.
sumo n FOR A CASE WE
Greatest Bisoavev of the Age
The New Meth[g] Treatment is the,
Titre:sands of rn11 and middle aged mon aro annunlly swept to e, promaturp
greve OrreniAll. LA:u.V i rtf.,..DEW'N 3. EXCESNES, AND CLO,,) DISEASES. 15
you way of the talowing symptoms consult us before it iS ton late. Aro volt nor.
vous and weak. despendentand gloomy, rpecks before the eyes with dark circles under
Itc, them, weak bad:, kidneys irritable, palpitation of the beart, bashful, dreams and
losses, sediment la urine, Pimples on ilia face, eyes sunken, hollm7 cheeks. careworn
.t expression, poor memory, gilfAless, distrustful, Ise% enotp,7 and strength, tired m
ings, restis nights. chanzteaele moods, weak manhood, stunted organs awl prema-
ture decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat etc.
cure you, and make a man of you. Under its influ-
• ence the brain /meows salvo, rim blood pimlflcd
so that all pimples, blotches anulcers disappear;
the nerves becomo strong as stool, so that nervous -
nese, basliftilness anc4des5ondeney disappear;
the eyes become bright, ,,the face Tull and clear,
energy returns to tho bol', and the moral. physical
cease -no more vital •was from the system. The
and sexual systems arenvigorated; an 'drains
various Organs become 'natural and manly. You
fool yourself a, man and knew marriage cannot be
a failure. We invite all the anlicted to'consult us
confidentially and free of charge. Don't lot quacks
and fakirs rob you of your hard earned. dollars.
1Ve wilt cure you or 'angry.
seetwasie tho most prevalent and most serious
BLOOD disease. It saps the 'lmry life blood of the
victim and If moss troly ertidlearroofrcimmtehrocusyrs-
tem will affect the offspring. Bou
It Only suppresses the symptoms -our NEW ME IMOD positively cures it for ever. .1
YOUNG OR MIDDLE-AGED MAN -You've led a gay life, or indulged in the follies T.
of youth. Eelt-nbuse or later, excesses have broken (town your system. You feel the se
symptoms stealing over you. • Mentally, physically and oexuany you aro not tho man
you used to bo or should be. Lustful practleen reap rich hervos:s. Will yeu hood the
danger eipals.
? ti r NonlwaMettiOd
TRrEA, Chargesgetta: el .1101::10.73.Piu...8.10.1;i1:egtZpab4rteit
re a D Rs e -"The Golden Monitor" fillustratotli, on Diseases of
? ollnafrs/i a.n ui elanruhnovpon;.0 Arouui?;ownocznteemslipl ataing =taw .,I
am will y Mt 11SS dune for 0111058 11 will do for you, Consultation
Free: Be matter who has treated yen, write for an honest opinion free of Charge. 'f
Men. Inclose postage, 2 cents. Sealed. Book on "Diseases of W6mon" Brea. _
No names on bores or envelopes. Everything confidential. Question Rat and cost of Treat- =
ment, FREE.
..., , .........i..._...,.....
To PATENT Good Ideas
may be seenred by
our aid. Address, LOGS 1 ,
Baltimore, Md.
Highest cash prices paid for all
kinds of good Saw Logs, Telegraph
Poles, Cedar Posts and Shingle Bolts
delivered in our yard.
done at lowest pikes and satisfaction
guaranteed. Call and get prices be.
fore disposing of your timber.