HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-22, Page 73-4 lb. Ave.' 4,4 •c alt •It IZ•g..4 'A ...Al I • A .4 a.a ..1,11. 4.44 a 4..4. 4 r ^001.04.m.7,9•;4•1PR ng HURON EXPOSITOR.. JANUARY fl, ISO VV. pt. OFFERS RELAX! re. JesSle 4309(1 ti of Seaforth- limbers op' her arrn the. new Whirlpool, 'Oath recently, irtatailect Seaforth CorrthiurtitY, Hospital while pySiotherapist Oarol E.10Wh,Bt assists her: Mrs. Boyd fractured and dislocated her shouldet, and-her arrn waSprimobile for a lengthy' period, of time; leavirtglhe how and hand stiff and'sore. IPhoto by Gibb) Whirlpool weapon , • • ,14 ,11.sal..'•it .S4 Wit sII a11114.0raitax.,..041.elY Rev. T. Dulteiconducted worship service at Seaforth ' Manor Wednesday afternoon vdth Mrs. W. Brown ac>3 tim panying for hymns: Friday afternoon Mrs. Shirley Luther of Hensall visited and inspired et{eryone with her message and sing- ing,' Art, intprimptu sing song wis'e0JoYed'at the close of t4 service with khitley "at ..the ttilq1426 Bingo Was held Thursday ri,o,nig as NY4I1 as 4. bjr004# party for Mrs .° " Cardiff, eelebraligghee03ttl. • t• and Mr, Janies Nolan\ brfiting. hid: 78th.' Both had had visitors in thr- .1. 41 *I .ePre7isne.ittien,,ptE.01.onafso!NeciA,Ttisth%si, diaednif;s1' ;visit - • Visiting with Mrs. Gladys Wallis. Monday were Mrs. Eleanor Falconer' and Mrs. Bill Riehl. and --her brother Mr. Frank Crich of Clinton. Mrs.. Eunice Keyes visited her husband Wilber. Satur- day. -Visiting with Mr. Arthur Nicholson were Mr. and Mrs. Jack Nicholson of Cambridge, and his grandchildren. David- Hu-ronview:group visiting with and Gayle MobSon of Cam- Mr. Nicholknt was Mr. John - 'and Charles ROSS. Ro,i5i, 4 Seaforth Mt. Nelson Hall, a lodg time resident of the Nursing Home. has also been adrrutt- undergo surgery. We wish him well. On Monday afternoon ladies of the Seaforth Mrs, Viola Lawson, Mrs". Anna Agar. Mrs. Robt. McMillan and Mrs. Nona: Pipe visited Seaforth Martel lgr 014 euchre, Ladies .high kvore was Mrs,,, 0.441,440 a !tall the; 01 8h were of the day: • Me and !PIN; Mrs. 16,0 • , Maxine For the men 40 - )106p to ..report 00C4t ,y,-ai, high-40.0 • INorlis;.reeo..ering•welt froin wa4Mit RQW11Calelten• irer -siirgeit• Stratford Pie travelling; loateels, Were -Genera! Hosintai.• ,'" • !A-0z1bY Mrs. ROW McC)iire • and received many congrat- !gory messages , front friends. relatives and staff . The ladles' howling team were ,..a/piT1 high M.9riday, over the the'ta's. team, ila -Gattingc.. whit is Alm* di,triii0 Doris W 114', alAence: 1 , s ' resident at Seaforth Manor Nursing Home: Visiting with Miss Bessie Jeah Haien Toronto, Mrs. Margaret C-dic Clinton, Miss Ethel Dennis and Mrs. Edith Dunlap. Visiting with Mrs. Minnie ' Hawley was.* *Yew. Earl --MeSPadden Win- -throe. Bingft .,witinsrs. .q horsday evening 5,14•;ere! 'Fla House- Cf*!0 Ross,. 14M1qr 0 • • pow ApcV.1400*i.Oin.` - dith bola, James , Tattiits. W4Yne4{040eSi, 'And MTN. iVfargeurite 'Shift and Mt. James 'Notan WW1, .4 'corners winner. 'MKS:, lia Gardner. ,TWetity*is dents attended the bingo. Fneeck,EMIVEFAY 4#,B1/11 0E (Ippa I 1.004 Flrf;:r!'.40 IpNd M.O.ROVIr #10:4100,t"..1,149,00,,, T11.0)W-t...:06.1aM)' „, - March subluct to prior sits Suggested List $739.95 The stadia the physiother-; Now Mrs. Boyd is trying to apy Unit. at Seaforth Corn- get her hand and elbow . as munity Hospital have a wel- well as her shoulder, back in come new weapon in their working order. By soaking in . battle against aches, pains the whirlpool unit, she finds. and stiff joints. The weapon her hand and - arm are is a whirlpool bath, recently becoming mre flexible._ - - - • . . - pprehased by the hospital for Mrs. Boyd said she pushes - Ttlesday afternoon the Sunday. „sise. in...the. unit-. ---, -....,-,-...ii .-hand, -a nd...elbow,Matiolt, -,.......,,,,,,...,.< -..i..< ..., --...,. ,( ,--., 0 -u-T4.1e-eortgregation-enieyed- . ' Anglicans held? communion CongratUlations to Jan and Physiotherapist Carol against the force of the Egmond4ille the solo -Keep Your Mighty (.a( g4K+IK,Csit 41(..a-% rs. u er e a service n movie called My Man GO- leave of absence. 41( .4( .ate ...X .1,3r...7"..-4KILVAttkk - ',-( + (.3( .IC .K 0 at/14441W* 414.aakr4 ,mac X91-0Avex' hospital ;after a, .bout of returned e from the advantage_of the trip and ' . tMtportant meeting Monday euchre day with out Volun- ernoon to discuss the teets assisting. z pneumonia. She's the dangh: Irvin Trewartlia.'Grace Peek-, I a Residents_Coun. . Mrs. Mary Finlayson; Act/ fei-iif liff:in'eti,falirent- -Murie-FGibstir; - Vercia--Beck- orfPlog of are still a few Director.' attended the Schenck of, Seaforth.. , lei, Elsie Henderson and , cocilPieTshe'; the ' bulletin; the, ILA.S.P. Meeting Thursday ' Sandra Butt has returned, Mabel .Garrow 'did some Huronview News at the tuck - held at Extendicare in Lon-. to Calgary. Alberta after shopping at the London mall. ,shop and anyone who is don'. - visiting for 3 weeks .With Mark Sproat stopped over at the Hensall NursinAc , Home''"." in tPrested in ±proeurit ..: -a ----__Welent_Mr Wayne -'-- 4.4 Dorothy Butt. & family. , ,:-----'"---copris-itMtedlii'Tdo SQ. '^ Hedges who has become a LL ,,, to , visit his sister.„, . • siotherapy clinic's hours of • 8:30 a,m. to 10 a.m. daily. Monday to Friday. The re- mainder of the morning is reserved fnr the treatment of in-patients-at the - —11a uncle Mr. William inerS, van ri e Mr. and Mrs, Waiter Gee of London visited amt their Bowker said in the past, staff warni:whirling water, which used a wasW-bagin to soak "soft ens me up." After `Of lifftlirfe‘W`BtIf Ifielfigir'Idatflig theittliflphdiNfl was "little more thari a fi nds she can do .more laundry tub" and the staff exercise with the hand. Al- felt their orthopedic patients though she Still can't make a could benefit from something complete fisb, she and Mrs. more. The result is the'Bowker are optimistic that whirlpool bath and Jessie will come. Boyd of Seaforth is one Carol Boviiker..agrees the patient who can testify to its water in the bath.massages - Mrs, ilLoyd( iracrurd and more flexible. -She's already • appointment so , we took Ift-om our stereo. There was an TueSday afternoon will lie dislocated her shoulder in a found the whirlpool "really fall. In'the process of mend-., makes a difference" for ing-her shoulder, -her-elbow- -therapy .patients: - and hand 'were strapped The whirlpool, which cost across her chest, which the hospital approximately meant they became stiff from $1300. can be used by lack of use. outpatients-,during the phy- , 527-0844 Visitors with Mr. 'and Mrs. Walter Shortreed are their. daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. C. McKeg and ' their granddaughters Lind- say and Colleen of Bendegal, Australia. Hand -On Mt" by M in the chapel. Rey. Broadfoot Wayne Wigelsworth of ,conducted the •se,r,vice.,• ' .Clinionkon the birth of their Margaret McOmpen at the- Day Care invited all teniOr first` daughter. Jan. was '"aitbLE '10n-daYlr'IV6rtiffif more, Lorne Lawson- joined with Marie-'Flynn to provide Old Type Music on Monday dternoon, . The vii had to take Les tft ,1,0410&_,Iar.._ an_ the evening, Stan ,Hillen, at Huronview to their 99c , Nursing Home before ' her Is4 L th •h Id i citizens in the eta and living b.ci.C. Seaforth Manot McCartney Warren Wh't Frey. • We are also happy to Residents on first 1 Flan report Mgrs. Anne Rowland. North had a good time on who is acting fl.o.c. has Wendesday afternoon play- returned to het hiarne follow- ing the rhythm handinstru- ing her stay in Stratford ments th time to the music Hospital. L, Why not buy for less and get the best! Where customers send their friends 9 Main St. Phone 527-1075 Open 10-5:30 Fridays 10:00-9:00 Closed Wednesday A H TV —AUDIO 3 years parts & labour 20 years on transistor Seaforth o>40/.11o, ,1 • loarvic ..M L.WIMIT QUANTTDES.EM,YIALICEALCOgrzt ro KNECHTEL • MON. TUES. WED. THURS.'S:FRI. SATURDAY 9.9 P.51. 9-9 P.M. 94P.M. LOTS OF FREE PARKING FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE WE LIKE TO SERVE YOU A LITTLE BIT BETTER. Every Wednesday is • Senior Citizens Day! 5% DISCOUNT ON ORDER OR" FREE' DELIVERY Da Town IOWA Max. Plachage.of SS0.00 natal( rt etn'eftei lac a, 4v% CHECK OUR FLYER THIS WEEK FOR MANY MORE SAVINGS! Maple Lane MILK on. PRODUCE ' "TrOi Golden Yellow or .Green-Tipped 4.0(1 .rz -at ',:ktri.lrA 04`4( A Knechtel White Sliced BREAD 24 oz. Loaves