HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-22, Page 4cis, teen tweens bed, roll Over. and ,go, baelo ter. bathroom. LoOking into . the steep. Flfteco minutes later mirror and honestly wishing you are awakened hv YeUr that if was,n7 t,everethete, rod mother for sore this time and , frown, at yourself half asleep told that if, yon don't-% in the mirror. You .brush ant you'll be late for whoa , your teeth attd:4ty to gm rid Good: ,Finally:.: after, the of Interning, breath:by ere': lecood or third 'calling., you Auk and you clotnpiain thatit, decide you had better get up AO go ready' for S,:ht)91',. You tastes'' bad. craVil across the 11t4ori and Pinally, downstairs you eat grab your dressing gown. your breakfast complaining Staggering across the floor that , you're 'having orange juice instead of app le juice into the hall, complaining all and listen to yot4 father the way. you make it into the Correspondent JAN FERGUSON .-482-3772 cups Those who received- ^their Canadian ,Flags were: the first place winners and also. recipients Of the trophy ffiresented by Wayne Fergu- son was Skip - Murray Forbes. Vice - Marlene Forbes, Second - Steve Tvn- . , dal) and Lead - Ma rleps. 2nd place winners mere Skip 'Ron Sellars, Vice • Rose- mary •Schars. Second • Bill Munroe and Lead - Gayle Munro. Third place' winners e Ianes' .tra were: Sktp-Arrnild.' Taylor. - Lee 'Proctor. Consolation winners were: • Skip - Alex Vice-Jean ray lor.!- Second- Charlie Proctor. and %Lead - CU Thailand. After the service, we had refreshments.L An offer was made *' the. refugees. Every Friday eve- ning the church, would be available to, them for the purpose of getting together. meeting each other, ganies, music, the showing of a film etc. Then once a month we will bring in a minister,and or group who -speaks their, own language. The church will* open and warm every Friday evening from 7:00 - 10:00 p.m. In this way people can come and leave when they wish. we will ask neighbour, ing churihes to.help us with providing refreshments, Volunteers are needed to help sniall groups of refu- gees learn English-by using- the Gospeft of Mark of the Good News far Modern Man version for approximately half an hour' oh Friday evenings in the chuith as part of the program. Once we h ave three of four volunteerS, for this we will have a time -- for instructing the volun- , teers. Persons interested in the development of -a Chris- tian High School in this area are invited 'to attend a , meeting on Jan. 30 at 8:00 p.m. in the Wingham Bible Chapel. Next meeting of the Womcns Bible Study will be Tuesday, January 27th at .9:30 a.m'. An Eipositor Classified ‘- will fiay you dividends. Have you tried one.? Dial 527-0240. YOUR LOCAL SUPERIOR MARKET OFFERS WEEKLY SPECIALS , SUPERMARKET' PRICES SPEEDY CHECK OUT, FRIENDLY SERVICE FARM -FRESH*RODUCE PLUS THE BEST MEAT MONEY CAN _BUY . WE GUARANTEE IT ! '• SUPERIOR TRIMMED '— CANADA A-1 OR A-2 BEEF FULL ,SLICED ROUND STEA.KOR BOTTOM ROUND BONELESS SUPERIOR TRIMMED ' CANADA A-1 OR A-2 BEEF TOP ROUND STEAK ROAST. BONELESS SIRLOIN TIP ROAST TAILLEFER STORE SLICED ° AS YOU LIKE IT COOKED HAM AVAILABLE THIS STORE ONLY DELUXE LAYER 18.5 OZ. COUNTRY 520 G.OR. SNACK 14 OZ. ° DUNCAN HINES 'ck CAKE MIXES • , • YOUR CHOICE MACARbNI & CHEESE KRAFT DINNER 3 /111 00 225 G PKGS. . AVAILABLE THIS STORE ONLY 'AVAILABLE THIS STORE oNLy 'FOR ALL YOUR LAUNDRY FAB DETERGENT 2.$9 6 LITRE BOX DISHWASHING 'DETERGENT For Mote Value Priced Savings; ' He Sate to '(.)cock theSpecials in Our Big Yellow Flyer Dellrered to-tour Door • of io Piss All this Specials In OutAd- ' 1a Wedaesday'itoidon Poe. Preis FRESH EVERY FRIDAY GOOD SELECTION OF VARIETY BREADS! BURNS PRIDE OF CANADA FULLY COOKED DINNER-;STYLE tl Use the CONVENIENCE! of Ow rear entrance,. with Pita' N. PARKING provklet WE RESERVE THE Rli3HTTOLIMIT QUANTITIES TO NORMAL FAMILY nscatinEMENTs. • PAICEAEFFECTIVE UNTIL CLOSING SATUROAIV,JANUAR1',2.4?19s11 BURNS PEAMEALED STORE SLICED OR BY THE .PIECE BACK BACON BURNS LINK OR FARM STYLE PURE VITAMINIZED ..p ▪ 4 — THE HURON EXPOSITOR, JANUARY 22.19S1 0 we it corn tat BY PATRICIA RIMMER This week 1 couldn't think of anything to write about, so wh‘t did I do? Complain. CoMplaining, now there'A an idea. Nice and simple. I've never had a column about it, it's a web' known topic And everyone does it, so why. not? Weall.know thOt there are. a million and one thill0 we jn complain abont, The 'coil?P!OPt most cominuty, is a combination of work ;404,'-`sch4O17..-- Thereltre malty, sides. to:that ore:! You wake up at ':00 either, due to~ ear mother' or - yew, faithful alarm Flock. YOU turn , .either or both:. sources off (indifferent ways of course) and get .back into townend. :Vim ' ,„ Julie Townsend,. Second - Estella Wilson- and -Lead ' • Stu Wilson. Ddor prizes donate.d_ by Rcoss.Scott Fuels were won by: Bob-. Caldwell. Lee Proctor and Olive Broadfoot. and Arnold Keyes: Doer priZe ,of luncheon for two at the J 13lue Fountain Rest- aurant was won by Jan Ferguson. We would like:to thank the 'following sponsors. for, their 'support:' Haugh' Tire, Bank of Montreal, - and Clinton Meat Market. 'Sin- cere thOnks goes, also • to Eileen Townsend and her work crew for a fantastic roast beef dinner,: PERSONAL GLIMPSES Happy "Birthday to Paul McLean on January Welcome home to Murray, Heininet offer 'sitt:ger in .London Hospital. Rappy. Birthday to 'Meryl' Thomas on Janitor~ 28th, Happy Birthday to Pam Mantel on January 2tith. Get well wishes to Robinson in Clinton Hospit- al. Get well wishes to Annie 'Sallows 'and .Loititine charrne ' after sustaining mobile accident. HappylOth wedding anni- versary to Glen and Sandy McLauchlan.. • Sincere thanks to the Brucefield and Clinton Fire Departments for their quick- response to the fire at the lice is each Thursday with Mr. Nichols. The , girls are just finishhm no volleyball. They have been meeting eyery„yVed,nesday with Mrs. lvlefiCk and Mrs. JeWitt• For the past two weeks our senior class has been treated Please turn to page 17' ome of Jim t3urkttart. Frank Goulding and Cites Higdon• arrived safely , in Labrador City on Friday as planned without any prob- lems. BINGO 'Winners at the Bingo held at the Vanastra Recrea- tion Centre on 'Tnesday. January 13 were: 1st share the wealth: Vera Bennett of Clinton and Dave ginning, ton. Second share the wealth. _was_wori...by.4.4eople. Third shape the wealth was Won by 3 pee5ple. Jackpot winnerwas Edith Campbell of Hensel!. VANASTRA CHRISTIAN CHURCH A- warm welcome to Our guest minister, Mr. Ralph Schuurman, principal' of the complginiiitg about stock market !Wind as he reads the' morning paper, You finish digesting the breakfast that you pretty well made yoorself so you can't com- plain about that, and go npstairs to the hatttroom Turning• on the curling iron and Very other. light apd complain. Meh t t e; that thet yo ur 9s e ryouor sister.14 taking, too long 'It'titte batbroOni- making Ybttr -444 yim complain that thOt* isn't .1040 to dn 10r,yon 444 then, you. get'"xlis4sed- pt course there is always an excuse to complain while picking MIX •the clothes 'for the day. You complain that You don't have enough, clothes- even though you know perfectly well that •you have more clothes than you need" and yott, e6timiain you, are growing out of every- 'thing. Complaining about the beautiful- day instead 'of a storm that would close all of the schools and businesses. yeti ' finally get into the bathroom. Then you get to complain about the lack of soap or room in the bath- room. _Noisy Elms On your -way to school you always have lots to complain about. FirSt .of all. on the bus, you can complain 'about the • noise. You' are trying to study for today's POlgiAlphy 'lest that yolk. -forgot" to studyfor.ahalhe, ReOgn 40114 you is scream- ing atthe person SitS'a seat' 004 you, Then someone tntt you atthyolathrtli''y tt:atrogd: -and you '.Setihble aerf4V ..,•,.psaoge liTtkonu4e.i4mitl!oriontainoto4, -Msping.-#0:.,Y9d are getting: o.. of th0.6os. to' -iyitelt,_OOto **her.. One at Winthrop; pinally -ran arrive .at school , end see your friend trudging up the sidewalk of ''SDH.S miserably • naturally COMPLAINING. It is a long. walk to -school for some 'kids. who* live in Egmondville and those who live at the west end of Seaforth. Sonic morn- ings by the time .they get to sehool,' they look' like they've ' :aged at least ten years. Oncein classes there is no need, to even list the possi- bilities to complain about. There are just to many. But there.= the few odd people that like to complain and do a very good job 'at it. Well, it is the same with everyone. Whether it is the weather, - the job, school,. your family, your friends or '1114 eomplaining because you have nothing to 'complain Aleut. there is alwaystscone- Well, I have 'dtme nothing but complain through this have f finished it lwe , complaining?? t, I soon, f•op eY:111 4 send' 11 tt Filgoff anyonef ,4 name,. ,.1 :birthday. who and birthday to ont. Birthday Notices, : BOA ,or phone 5?/-6240 It certainly doesn't take very long for things to get back to normal at the Vanas- SATURDAY s AFTERNOON AT THE'14BRARV —Librariail Trudy Broome tea Public School.. Thi post week several new dubs have reads a pboular children's story to an enthralled audience at the Saturday:_,.. artedrMany-ofour-pupils - afternoon story hour. 4 (Photo b.y David.,HOOki received kskiis for Christmas. ' For this reasoli our downhill ' '' ski club is nieeting with Mr. Ross on Mondays .t noon hour to learn the tunda• rnentals,. Of this w imei activ- ity. On Tuesdays, our cross country . skiers are y. y~tifi V; Fro c- tise these two aemities so close to the school Boys' volleyball has started: Prac- Things normal arschool anadian flags issue to oung 'Clinton and District Christian School, was given by Rose Hummel. Organist was John • Greidanus. 'Special music was the Junior Choir, making their first appearance direct; ed by, Moira Robinson. Choir practices are held 9n Friday, evenings at' 6:30' p.m. We had a tremendous • response at our Vietnamese and Laotian evening last Friday ai8:0Vpan. Between 70 and 80 .refugees, plus about 0 dozen sponsor§ attended.' After the introductions we separated into two groups, one for the Vietnamese speaking people' with' Rev. Truotig and his wife and the LOatian speaking people with. Mrs Carl Young from Strath- MY. a formerk Missionary in' Happy Birthday Janct Murphy. 3 years- old on January 19. Happy Birthday to Karen Murphy who will be 10 years old on January 26. Happy Birthday to Kimmy Rau who will be 5 years old on Jan. 28, Colin Thomas, Darryl Dixon. John McLauchlan, Scott Linton-Kenny MeIlveetkond Paul Handy. There is a tour of McDonald's in Stratford Warmed. for Menday. ' Jan- .uary 26th. We are. planning, to leave the Vanastra Rec- reation'•Centre at 5:00 p.m. GUIDES The guides discussed how to I collect pennies for Thinking Day and decided, to each make poster-s- and- tape pennies on and display them at the Vanastra Christion, Church on February 22nd. Camp was also discussed and a prograin on basics in tamping 'has beep intro- duced. Camp is licid of Camp KLahanie in Goderich prob- ably in June. Two. new tenderfeet are Shelly. Bonte- Gelok and Kathy Low. Some girls are put on challenger voyages. The whole company, • Will work, on their Citizen Badge, together. • LIONESS-, On,,Stinday/January 18, • theiollowing girls attended Lioness 'Zone meeting in Ingersoll: June Jeacock, .Diane Ryan, Meryl Thomas, Betty McLean and Kathy McLean. There were dis- ztussions on projects for clubs and the upcoming convention . to be held in Kitchener. Tips on raising points for efficien- cy contest for all Lioness in District A-15 were 'given, Officer sehool will be held in Kitchener this year. There will be a business meeting on Thursday at the Vanastra Recreation . Centre,_., VANASTRA CURLING CLUB • , Saturday. -January 117 '- witS the. Mixed Open Bon-, spiel with a trophy donated, by the Vanastra & District . Lions Club going to the top team of the day. There were two draws and the winners of the 9 `a.m. draw were: 1st ptize bf $100 was Skip • Beecher Menzies, Vice- Mationne Menties, 2nd - Bill Gibson, and Lead- Peggy Menzies. 2nd prize of SW Skip • Frank Kolano. Vice - Lois Kolano, Sectind - Glenn —Klan° and head - Dawna ,Kolano. 3rd prize winnersnf $40, Skip, -Jim Coultes, Vice -Marj Coultes, Second and Lead„-,names unaOttilable at Milting. Consolation was Won by Skip - Ken Rogerson, .Vice ' • Marg Rogerson, Stood - Bob, Fotheringham and Lead Mary Fathering- ham. In the II cin.rdettiv.,