HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-22, Page 2��,_��_�,��-_�_���_~ ` ~=� �=�~�~~���
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%. Published at SEAFORTH, ONTARIO every Thursday morning by JANUARY 21, 1881 . . I . I I I the Uscinstion Of Mr. Betliqo's youth mid, i I
11 1. - - - � .1 I . s0th.and-Wistwho have 4orio 4_-___",--_, ____ _", "' -e&�t"arsamon, .- - ,awtrwr4ta.- ., '
r I . ............ In-th.' _e-
.1 ' . W..-# * 1,,C7 - -
: 844ap White, Editor forth for Several ye,4". Intend disp-0.038. of . . atemporat
, Atice Qlbb. Njews Editor I they -have' purcha d a Stec and an or registered 10 degrees below zero. Pretty t1h4t * in., _.ow
� -_ Member Canad(sh Q;iamunity- Newspaper AssoctaVon, 'Ontario Week . , intention'.of cid0itig. up btpipes .on Tuesday 6rning last, the thermomet- The frapic of., Messrs. F e And Kyle's '. '.. .. 11 - ,,, .1.1 Ba# pt ' -
_�X intend g9ing,lo, Emerson. Ma.nitoka where' - - . - cdainierco, That be wai no - ,. , . q.W . at
S. U,re ,_o- 'S -.9
�1� . - . 1. A h_,,f_` 0 0 . I It ' caught up't6.'Joho Sibetair, comll , -
: . . I . We'veall had hints, a gut feeling or in soine Indiv.10uAl cases 4 sad. I I driviA in, the Same - 4�rectl , Ma n 4. t.9-protectipassors-6y And the'thdo,
I., certainty 'th.4t the past year wasn't a terrific one for farmers. . a . I � has come when the lractoo,.:ma� s9foli
I "I . . . I animals, were upon him. they rushed upon thrown open for itispe;tTmn td -any who, . . .
i . - Now along come, the ' 1-ondon Free Press with a first!Aime look at .. .
.5 " his sleigh, upsetting it and getting their feet,-
: . r &ISO., whetherAom more curiosity 9f,,from it real - - —
larlo'S farm bankruptcy stpitistics and the bad news that 75 per cent - y -the town and Its induitries, would
I ,more farmers off iciatly went broke in 1980 than in the year b.efore.-Y-es upset themselves. In'this, way, they. were care to walk through the plant and examine . I -
i�. ,% - . .� I stopped. We regret to learn that Mr. the products of the company.
J .general bankruptcies are up too, by 35 per cent and general business ,
I . . was somewhat injured, He Was at once
- 'but 7 1 The trains on London',
; bankruptcies by 41 per cent -5 per cent is a drastic rise. Huron and -Bruce
Though the numbers ir�vlblvedareri'fh�g e (1 1 2compared to 64 to 1979)" 1 , . : . line one iow arc coming in a little earlier, as
I rd
. and it's true that gding'bankrupt has not. quite the sam6. terrif yind social L I The'new Palate ripX in Seaforth was open . chi 41 an - _, ,,
1, stigma It used to, we sho6ld pay -'a lot of attention *to the- trend the . �,, I to shatots for the first- time qn,Fri4ay night I . I
o . I I I . trains, but -what has been called tho four
statistics ref lect. . . .. I ,. . .. I . . . , % last. Xhe board was in,attpndanet� there Was o'clock train'now. geti In at 4:28 p.m. and
: , . I I a good crowd, and the ice was in good shape. .... - I
,That's because here in the Se0orth area, as the -farm economy. ... goess, so 1-1' I ...."'..'..- " . what is teimed the.six li�clotk train at 5:57 or '
I eed in th6 comments of former area re�ide I nt I s - G - ai - I . 'an . d . - , ----: "Ve. loiWdy'B&defri!ld-hu-sol&-to-Wnt. I JANWti 40, 1956 . . . .
. . .. . . . I . i, . -Buchanan of Tuckers.mith.-his two year old Seaforth Council, at a special meedp&. . .
% AleiGlanvillle ln-a repent., Expositor story on their new life as farmers in, . I - carrAe, colt for th6 sum of $200. This colt .
. . . ; held Monday evening adopted a resolution,
I . I ,Saskatchewan-. Saskatchewan seems more of a* farmers' province than . I!, took first prize at Seaforth last fall. He is by Councillor E.H. Close and- HH, Leslie,
I I . sited by Electric B.
, Ontario, the Glahvilles said and while they weren't criticaLat-al.1, that set 11 asking the Provincial Department of,High- ''
. us wondeeinqhoW many of us,h@re appreciate how much our wellbeing is I ,, An exciti g game of carpet balls was wayt "to complete.Hihg*ay Mg. 8 from tFe I
. I I connected to the health of the'farm's arouno-ps?, , " � . play�d between two rinks froin the Royal -east to the west e.nd through tho municipal.
I I We've been -reading and heahng !or the'past year of what high interest 11, * '�, I _1!iki - ... `-1-ToYd Elliott . r "
. . I rate's and prod(iction costs have been doing to sorrle ,area farmers, - .. 11 . .1 I . loWs,7-halt, SeRfo ue .a McKillop, Logav and Hibberi ,Telephone 11
- resulting i n-'/ a victory for the Foresters by one . . I
;. - especially those in livestock, . � . I , >11e. - I Co., vps, injured.las week while working on
i ___ 11 L I . . Fo . r I every farm . er who' -s --declared bankr4PtcY, OFA president Ralph I �< . " t ;,. � . shot"�-., - I . the'new telephoneriine,op No. 8 highway. Ho ' I - .
. A.. , I . - Walton meet with a , fell abo6t 20 feet 'from a, p -ole at St. ., I
. Barrie. .estimates 1G have gqtten out of agricultUre voluntarily because , _ - I -1 11 . I
, ... I I . I - , 4 . I painful accident v�hen returning from church Co.lumban, to the bam' frozen ground; .
i . .they're losing sd., Much' money. ' Others have been able to avoid , - , � * p, I p .. ! on Sunday morning. While Ariving close -to, I 11. .1
bankruptcy qnly by-sleillf,ng ,everything t6 get out -from under -their debt. . . , it -me
.- I �, . .1 I the, ditch with a cutter to escape.pp -1lare
I ; I .- I I I 'd It - -_ . throwing , After medical attention he was taken to . I
- are.toudh. They're, tough for small, usiii' *ik I Mr. Clark out onto the hard -road and 'co
L . I . ti "". I - . i___ � " I i ' '
I I for lots of wafkers in lots of Industries. And perhaps tjhere, isn't much the - . , . i .1 .' % -1 . severely cutting him a bo . ut ... t . he tar The , --redovered sufficiently to return to'his home -
average peesoh can do to stem the tide but cutback, try to hold on.and 11- I.'' 1. - I I., ' ' horse .took g � .
. I M, .- i. J�-` . ,.- 3 �1, . fii At and ran away. But apart Ross Forrest was elected chiliman of
. . hopeWe as a country can wo'' ut of the mess. I ,!. � ,,,-" I from a sevefe shaking. up, not much. further .
.. ,But next time you're tempted to put down farmers or decide all , I k�, ., 11 I V"` . f ., 1, , damage was done. . 1-11'r.'.." . , inaugural meeting. He -
Seaforih needs is some big new Industry, spare.,a -thougot, for that crupial .. 11.1. 1. ,.. I 1. I ., JANUARY 23,1931 .
. . I I in,duWy- we have right now, agelculture" I . I - . ,'..,.: I -servim--iii nding - over '. - �
. I j", I . I I I !, I lqr___7��_, . k I'll, I ,. period . er, while W. P. Roberts Is secreUry.-treasur:
I I And bad. times for far Mers are bad times for us all. I . . - I :, . . . IT, . forty`74iX years with a railroad corporation.is er. . �
., ' % , . . , , . I William Bethune of Midland. has just ,retired Seaforth'-wila mark their golden wedding .
I I , the Lakeshell, docked for the'iAnter months in Sarnia harbour (PI from the superintendency of ti4e Canadian ,6niiiversary -on Tuesday when 'they will .
. n .4 . . I I receive.their friefadsat theii home on West . _. . I
I Out ' i h: ltl-e,fu I I .r - I I Canada's national Summer pastime was St. 41 I ,
Ge'" t ' ano , a
� . I . 111- I - I I I r .
: . ... 11 . 1. I
. . I . . .
- . I . , � I . .
___ The key ingredient, Missing last year, is here In abundance for this ' ' . ., I I 11
. We're talking about snpw,, and,while local OptIm1sfs..don*'.t let a little . I .. .. __ - AM."I � , - ,, .
. . . -R agun, so , votlqux s a. am " .. �:. I
; ,,'thing like a lack of it get them*down irem - Jarimary. . e . ; .1 .dre .1 . _
I , gamp?� it's nice that ,so far, at, least there's piles of ,it around. . .. I I -- __ I__ I I : 11
. And it ought, to be v�ell used this Weekend, for'snow sc . ulptures, skiing I ' I . I - . ' L - A . I I I . 11 I
�. A new presidency begins this week in'the . I dies in Vietman. And yet these same
I and. snowobiling. Ai-welt-ttye local service club -has sch�diuled a poker. , U.S. How long wfll it be before it seems just I I . re40 "u conservatives, set out to destrov I I .
. I .. . . ' . ---. --- - Behindthe wen es - _1___;��__.1_1__________._ .
;. I., rally for four wheel drive vehicles, a big .16 team hockey tournament that like the old one? * I . . I I
: . runs.,all weekend, a. dance and a games hight,for the whole fimll.y. , - The' American ,,people voted , I � by KeRh Roulston .,.--.- I . legislation., Oh'the other hand, they want to
. I overwhelmingly in.November to turn out the . . I . . , bring back the death peanity. On the other
I All the events'are reasonably priced and they're all. designeo,to make an honest man and deserved what he, got. , the other night,yoti would th - hand the. liberals su gun COntrols-altidd , .
. I government of Jimmy Carter, a go�ernment I . . ink a ,grave ppm . - . ..
. I winter in Sealforthnot just bearable but fu,n,.,.S6 get out to one event or all -they. saw as. weak : and ineif6cilvla.. They Yet how do you reconcile 'the fact-tfiat the dadger was facing the U.S This graved want tb.stop the killing of criminkl� b'
. jp I % looked to a_.ret#0` to'- the* glory days of the media-da;ling John Kplinedy managed'to is in the f6m of the, conservatije religious nothing wrong with the killing of millions of .
I I I I - I ' American'past And vnted in, 96nald Roag@�p. have hit less -than -model private lifo,46�t of lobby in that ' nti� that openly-baeked unborn babies every year" . '...
; - - TO Me edltor:', 1. . _...- I with Ais promises to clean. up the whole' the press when apparently it was a poorly - Reagan in his election and, undertook to confusing. ,0000000 . . . .
I I . ., . I 11, __ - . mes& . . I . . ,kept secret 6mong,those whd knew him� destory several li4er#1 politciint-who didn't The, futurists saj the,d�j'wlll come when - .
I . . ' - . oleo I I The quesoon-now is -not whether of ftot . Jiinmy Carter too came to office without believe what they wanted them to believe. we could have instantAemocracy, w*re the
� - I I I . Reagativair bring it off. bit'how long it will 'the backing of the U:S, media. He was a What gtruiik me about'th6 pi6ce 'was its . I about ' .
. e . , . . . people .could be asked how. they fee
. - . . . . V people will turn, media "event, of course'. the man from the hysterical tone much the same and specIfic issue IF— ,
Hawks a re - t r-le-VIC 11 kind of tone . 'and by pishing a bitt�n
I I Ofi Sunday; jari. l8th at 5 p.m.. at the . ul4te each member ot-the Hawks after,the Against Ronald' Reagan ,as they turned 1hat once w on their television controls -send a I mesoge 4 1 1
. . I ". . south who grew peanuts, but -he wasn't, from as heard by those who thought I I .
1. . , y Street Arena. the -final chain i , ,,ga there was a Communist un er, ve bed. tb 6 rn
. I p ype- due to, Elora league commii ments. I against A Carter and- Gerry, Ford before the, Itind-of batigrodht:l comforiable to the it e ry to eit g ve ment. I
. . I _. game of .. the Woodstock invitational had to.,16ave quickly. .,. *1 I , him. The sad reality will likely soon begin to' media. I rerdember hearing the, reporters 'No I don't agree With many. of the beliefs of The greatest ,argument, against this,l I
I broomballitournament was played between -I woul& like to thani 1W6'Exposttor_ for ,' get 1j: iles - Reagan's. optimistic, .rose- -Lc mrpent about their dbubts of Carter Whe' the conservative group ei her but from thi think. miss shown this -hostage I . .
. . . . the two,undefeated teams. the* Hawks of expressing this public tribute -tor the ' ,.coloured 4reams, America . today doesn't ,he was being ufye-Ars-,ago and ',,. mouthof reporter Henry' Champ theword Se'ttl6ment with Iran. Van instant vote potild
. Seaforib abd the Farmer's from Elorw., Hawksi from myself and the Eldt'a''Fil , call -the. shots the way "it' once'. di4."' Other knowing. it was only,a matter of time. The "Morality" sounded almost like `.a difty , hive been taken more than I
I I The result: Hawks -2. Farr�ers 1. in Broomball Team. We look ,forward to* . people in the worldnow have, some of the first misstop -And the press'will jump on 'thi word. - . I I ".1. I I I I
I -1 aftet the hostages had been taken 11
, I . sudd&n d6ith qviirt'ime., , . attending your Seaforth tournament on' . ower, both militarily and ecohmically. . 'nfO and from then on the downhill slide --Trying to flgur� Qjt who's liberal .a-nd' thp majority, of Americans would hav I e
At thi� time I* would like to expiess -7 Feb. 6, 7 & 8. ' I I Reagan lias sold the,Amer'lean people a begins with every defeat or goof getting big , %Ao's conservative guy more gives me. a f6r `�Var with - Iran.., "At the very least . .
. further tribute to the' if�wks for their , "Better Humaw Understanding Through iftle attention. thousands of lives wo t ,
. . . , dream. Dreams die quickly thest days. press, every- victory getting I headache. We have liberals, for instance, . uld'hive been los by
.. I .. I . particulaily, wheif-helcomes to e seen it in the U.S. with Lyndon who believe in free speech but Want to ban such, action. At worst we Might have-1ad'in
. .. teamis indeed a credit to your combilunity . y man far from the darling of the media.' ohnstailf, .Richard Aixon and Jimmy Carter groups lik the Ku Klux Klan from having estalating;action that would lead * .
. I and as ambassadors of the organized sport - , . Jinildvenport ' Remember Richard Nixon? He too came to and in' Canada with John biRfenhaker, . their say -i not Matter -how.. ck that say might bigger war. � I I . I -
of broomball deserve to ,be called Manager , - becaust of.- the media in Pierre Trudeau and Joe Clark. The ,press - tives who ' I
-1 I til - ppwer despite;.tiot . be. We have religious eOnserva At it was a few men died in a, ths'
I "Champs". I couildq'I personally congrat. . Farmer's,Broofaball Team ' the U.S. The media sat cooling its heels� for a wants to be the king. tr�akers and king - back the jifti lobby in the U.S. .Which says, aftempv and the hostages had to s ffer
I . . 11- : long time but when the opportunity "came Itteakers. IV4 enough to inaft one s9rry for there should be no tougher gun controls in.' imprigomentfor more than a year but the .
I . ... I I with Watergate, they pinned Ni Ronald Roag6. , the U -S -So we will -continue- to live - . _d . .11
I . I 0 ixon to the ***$$* , 1, only real damage on"ri,the, lonjAerm-Was I
. . I I . I , wall. That's the way Nixon saw it of murse - - . . . shocking statistics that more people die in"' to American pride. ,Better i little hurt pride
kids hap . I
I 475 ver , . 'but there is a lot of truth -to it. Nixon was ont Listening to CTV s WS.television program the U.S. every yeirfrom guAshot.wonds thai thin war. .
; . has completed another successful, project of, Family and Children's Services and'to I . I.
I ., I I - iheii' -onm, 'h.a'- Go','i-nadian,witnter. - -
;. operated by Family and Ckdren's Services, giftS from the centers. Thiir contribution to akh g,it throug n
V . I
, .assisting families'at Christmas. This ig'duc cbminunity, was immeasurable and iilvalu-. . 11 . I I , 1. - . .. I . I .
'Largely to the ifforts -of a numbei of able. Ah, winterl'There's not'hing like you to I . _ / I Vdig you. . . I
! ., I .. I- ' . I ,S.0 ar a ___d - s 'L -'e' ' I Beer and burns after 'the ski -hill. I I
:,. , L . dedicated volunteers in.the compititifty I who, Canadians. 'we I J. . g .
-distribdtioncentre ' We must also acknowledge the contribu- put the iron into thosouls of - that the - ,. -
.co-ordinate -the s and who tion,of service clubs throughout the Cotini�., , can tuff you out--'Buit the -trouble is . , I -b "i i'.0,
, I __ptc -
'" I I ., . Downing the drinks after. the. on In I
; I.- . are assisted by many individuals and, goups to the Huron County Christmas Bureau. In iron stays in the souls,and our short summer . - - . '. I I . Knocking dow 1. . .
�- in the cotorminity who prrvide facj!ities.' - somc areas they spent many,hours distnbi I I s, "qJ enough -to mAke'it molterr. In other I By Bi I I'S T., iley, I I I - I . n farmers' , I . I I
m , , . I I I ,. collecting and ,_ words. everybody'over fifty has arthritis. - s an. ord a . . I - - fendeswith my Bombardier Flyer. ' I I I
I donation of gifts and money. , ing. sorting .boxes, ibr tbrc6 weeks, even though it %%;I I c I to knees are bad.) Wall-papc�ring (my shoul- Ybu're a�white man,, Ole Mister.
�! I , In 1480.' the thfistmas Bureau assisted donations of new toys. Many -service clubs r ,Mine doesn't bothcr me much. because took at food ifter swallowing the swill. .) Garbage (doe says don't I I .- I . ,i
., 200 families 'and 47S' children in having- a made firtancial, contributions to our bodget,of , I'm alwa s trying a, new remedy that is ftesult? 11- had th 'worst arthritic knee Pve fift ,anything over 20 ,pounds; mi back.) . I
happier Christmas. Families *are referred almoist S10,000 which also provided funds for guaranteed. and hope lives eternal in the had since a guy kiWked my kneecap two , Anyway. I didn't intend to write a column Come to think of it, the second ode has
i bv social, ser�vice agencies, ministers and, fitiniftes to b4 Christmas dinner. Individ, human beast. -inches to the left back in 1944. . '
: . about arthritis. As -a. topic of eithir more concrete nouns than the, first. more 1.
., service clubs in the County'and requests, uAls all Over the County spent, thip_'year ." I've. tried ,carrying a potato in my hip, A kind lady from Alberta* wfotc,that she conversation or literature, it's about As action verbs, nior.6 appcal�to the segi*s, gtfd
I were co-ordi6ted through our offict. Each knitting so that children coming , to thq - pocket. It was a sure thing, 1 was told. But . could get me a. special price on some kind -of eitciting as Ala com'610, nedla, anothersubject sharper imagery. Nbtlt mention a great and' I
, fimily was given. an I ppdi t ent at the centres ci)uld be provided Mth Warm mitts. fro tit'l
. that cold mashed machine . that ,gives you . ultil d.- (or - -ome . !:�'
I I ' * I cc which. winter provides Canadians , r I
I 10 centre' closlest . Amy I - GWeric potato for a couple of week's, all I got was soincithing) treatments. I'declined to answer. stimulatinj repartee,. about. in�linet-ft'sib ,� poe nmButphow*,can _
h and
t assisted with their sh6pping,at the cinier b Winghant allowed us the use of their arthritis in the hip. wfiere I'd, never had it on the r��sonablc grounds that I kn ite, ,Alr, , , it -,be -a. better poein-'if,1:4desn't thy. Me? At. ,
.r1sult, each "before. . . would tuen\me into; a red arthritic. I wouldn'r '11R.J. Needham woulq ask. who once stated '
; , - the volunteer staff therOAs'a . buildings and Captain Perrin and Lieutenant �Qe to Winter'.'And here it'comes. I tell my "
child received on new toy and one new Koops spent many hours working' Then f got a' kind of wristband. made. of mind bi!iqg,a red politically. or a. ied Indiati I �_�cly thai there �ladn!t been any good ,
. ,q on our I students'. 'that' any dang fool can' 'write . '
. article of clothing under the tree on behalf* Anstett Jewellersallawed-gs, use Of some sh,ltiy mejmj,. W,�ko allegettly had done�..,Asomething,fl!ve- never seerv)v but I- didWt -mod poetry, but thpre- areWt many,of us VfttrY writtbit since �eftnyson. I told him ,
, Christmas morning. their building In Seaforth and we appreciate wonders for' arthritis in Japan. Nothing want to bc�o= a red arthritic, for�s left who can ma e it rhyme. , , As utter nonsen
, I In your area we would have been unable to that. happened except that I* got arthiritis in my r6asbn. . I. I . ODIE Tb,W11NftRi ib just trying to * get' somebody to say
� . I . provide this service ,without the capable Over all, the-Kuron Count wrist, where I*d never had if before. My wifi_'fii§ abotit'cight books about. -Winter. you is 'a, time for ' I something. . I I .
1 - assistance of Mrs, Ann VanD66ren and .Mrs, _e My son. who is a great man for herbs and Attfiritis, She iTeps reading Me, bits from. Slipping and slidipg, .1 1� ..
I '. Bureau represents 6 , mas ive -effort of . , 'ding, Nah. Winter's not s6, bad. But thy%eart I
. . Kay Whitmore, the co-ordifiators of the dedicated people in the community on behalf a vegetarian. except when he's home,'when cacho aitiid Liet so, confuspd I don't know Swo6oing and gli . sinks wben I think that Wilso' th6'boy next
� Chtistrhas Bureau Cefttre in Seaforth. They he eats three helpings 'of meat, , had a wh4fther to diet strictly. dat like a hog I I
of those less fortuitate-thaq themselves. It is - -get Snowmobile, riding; . door-, is In Grade 11, and will soon be off
I - gave many. hoursof their time to bfitig some a tribute to people, caiing for other people surefire recipe that would cure arthritis in Into acupuncturt+ 6r go out -and toll fn -the But if you decided to spend I I tocollegeIn the motnifigs, after a blizzard. I
, . . 'Pleasureklo others afid deservej recognition and we feel that Huron County has Shown three weeks. It's an herb from Switzerland., Snow, titiked. the winter In Plot'& 1. -sit quietly 4rinking my tea and readlig� my
, 6"6order-to- -itself to be - eader-agaitr A.- - ... -_ . 411110A D , paper until I hear, his. shovel clanging on he
-----:., - I 40ii� -theit-4ervicb, -to- -peopl, . evWs_-CI_atv_-tt_.fastes_Iikc. a.,4cvi1'4- 11migine any or all of them would, have I'd Adore ya." t
Ili., , operate- the centri Appropriately, 'Mrs. claw that hasn't be -n washed sin'ce his th�- i4me result. Anyway, my arthiffis I That's aILNo need to spoil a perfect
: I r- Yours vdr�, truly. , bit of Wlc�porch. Then I leavi formork, knowin -
, . ,,-, VailDobren and Mrs. Whitmore spent , Evilnesg was kickt� out. of hea�eni d669fi't 6ther me ,at all., It's just a g;Od` 1poesy. But imagine what a modern poc.t My path and dr`iv4Sw'ay are open. In the
,,, Many hours organizing the requestt of, Co-ordinstor of Volunteer Services You have to drink three cups of the junk, excuse, for getting out ot a lot f hfiecessary lbs'pecially, a young one. would do with .that. , ,
. '.., , . I 0 u - summer he cuts my grass. I'm going to ask,
1 81"
F-1 2 M, a _-�
-1 QhA,AJrd
1", C tid"
� ,W, specific ,children, shopping (dr suitable Family and Children's Services of brewed in hot,water ana loft standing, per, ihotes, which my old lady is quite young And 14�rels t, ssmplj� -nb, rhy.Me, no rhytkm-, , , bil his totAors to fall him this year. The only .
i 'str . g dptiatidnoo and- then ' tity, before meals. thfui for the fit though to do. herself., Scrubbing (toy HETo MCV01MR '- - othor wunm is to "it the 0ou". .