HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Huron Expositor, 1981-01-15, Page 17Seaforth Leos plan dance Ott Monday. Jan. 6 the Seaforth Leo Club met at the. tligh (school. It was decided there3 Itould be a dance on Jan. 31. It would be appreciated if all members would 'come to the next meeting, Jan. 19 at 7:00 at the High School. . 'CHANGE IN NAlyit, ' Indeperident • Shipper - to United CO-OPerat We's of Ontario Livestock Cippcirtment foronte Ship your livestock with LOU ROWLAND MS-230:1 (formerly Mike Boyle, ghiPperl FotprOMPtienitce, call by Monday; averting Dublin , BY PAT ICI eti 411VIMPX.. Most Weeks writing WilninO'f..S.41 toot P4T(At, 000 lgot my mind to it and stop' •$OssiOOK with cortpitf - FoPmMoq,4ttliq' staff hare. NOW, other. weeks 1, -sorer.: • •WtitPr's block, „ .erainp,• and 'simply. a mere ease of JaxinesS.' These problems are ost411Y, Solved- by talking to the Susan White, Alice Gibb--or one the others who work clownstairs. But this,,, week. there is absolutely no Solu- f den.' Anyone who has been in the Expositor office or the liJtmer McKillop fire" Inset- • ance Offiee . will see what. I mean.. The whole office looks like a luttrieane hit .it. Other times it's just the• editor's office and the office shared ,. by several employees ep- wtairs that look this way but now it's the whole office. A couple of weeks ago 1 Happy Birthday Phalle Auburn 526-'S05, Boost your income BUY THIS SPACE .[ TO-DAY Can 527-0240 -CAR CAR 1.-1111T) c i i ELECTRICAL Geo. A. Sills & Sons HARDWARE MERCHANTS PLUMBING - BEATING, & ELECTRICAL EXPERTS Phone: 527:1620 Seaforth D'S Licensed Mechanic Service to all makes of cars. HOUSE. CALLS ., AVAILABLE 527-0333 SHARPEN I NG,:'\ An typeset' saws, knives and sclisocs sharpened Specializing in Carbide saws andtools STAY SHARP SALES ANDSERVICE Gordon. HialWhard RR4, S27,1$06 4:- ACCOUNTANT S Th ATKINSON, iNNgs, LEACH 'at NEILL Chartered Accountants Accounting, Auditing. Tax - 20 Gouinlock St. , 527.1331 SEAFORTH Kentucky Style • Chicken Every Titesdity.Speeial Snack pak Dinner 134. Homeatnittle Pizza, 527,0443:, FARM SUPPLIES Th Fedd Seed Fertilize, . Parmtli4.0iesPei ,oir40,- SuCiplies.Healmq‘Olis • Seaferth Co-op 527-0770_ PIANO PIANO TUNING • Repairs • Rebuilding • Keys Recovered • Dampp-Chasers BRUCE. PULSIFER' '348-9223 Mitchell. 1 ' WIRING INDUSTRIAL RESIDENTIAL and FARM WIRING CALL Brodhogen• Electric GARY DILL 345-2442 JOHN ELLIGSEN' 3454447, e--cARPENTRY ---N • Fiollee Renovations • • Additions , • Siding • Any Home • Improvements BOB REG.ELE 527471'5 I Closed all day Wed. COMPLETE OPTICAL. SERVICE 527-1303 typewriter • and the constant hammering and sawing .43_WDSTAIX5. I Wits happy to get home to fighting with my brOther. Fiore What 1 understand', the Expositor office will be .‘ take a few weeks arid InOve to new- eitfree.-Ae-tinteit- Expositor will start rating with the London Free Press. much big, and.bOt4. If you IT* ailyOne Qtlee eVeryttne cleans up -714-10041164 sPOIN• their old offices, Whieltdd send their name to ThP Row Fat ---M-Boxt# SeltfOrth or mono 527-.024'4 \.' Inscriptions Mailterst Showroom Display WH1TNV1 ..R113•Elt FL NERA1.11(IMI, Godcrich St West • Agent for Whighini Memorials Seaforth 527-1390 482-3438 • MILL—r4-N FEED MILL • Bulk Pelleted Feed, Fast unloading-- elevator • 2 pits open 24 hrs. a day 2624319 CLINTON New homes 'Renovations Farm buildings 345-2405, Dublin Appiience and Refrigeration REPAIR SEliV,ICE °Pr' Arta d f 48 ,-7032 USE. EXPOTOR WAkT -11taine,,,527-0240 010410 LAND SURVEYOR 476 Main Street,Soatit HOz 449, Doter, Out. NOWLIN i35-2.103 1—ffAPPLIANCES---\ r—CLASSIFIED,--N r a* suRvE'VoR ----N Doug W, Dalrymple ,Farrn. residential, indoetrial and commercial wiring 527-0984 -Seaforth\ T.V., & STEREO Lina ZENITH • SALES- TELEVISION • & AND. STEREO SERVICE Seaforth Electronics 17 Sparling St., 527-1150 crionNEY sWEER 1 Chimhey Need. ,,,, Cleaninr. 2 , Call VERNE:S' cHININEY SWEEP, S,EIWICE teciforth 5?-7-0674 - elMPROVEMENtr1 IARRY McGRATH- CON$TRUCTION 14 years experience • Ceiling Tile • Paneling • •Prir • Ceramie Tile • Trim Work • General Hoine Ripaim ,,, FREE ESTIN1ATES CALL coLLEcT , ANYTIME, MITCHELL 34879407) - boost your' IncoTe BUY THIS SPACE TCHDAY • 5 • • 1 • . 2 • • THE PILIROtt E-14,941TOF4 _OW 111 'f' Happy Birthday to Bernice' McPherson who •celebrated her birthday on January 5. Happy Birthday ' to Oale Turnbull who was sweet 16 on January 12. Happy Birthday to Bruce Shaw who.... celebrated , his 29th???birthday yin Jannaty .„ 12th. • 17- Happy-Birthday- tp-Atigela Butt ,who celebrates, her 3rd birthay. on January. 19th. Happy . Birthday to Larry McGrath who 'celebrates. his birthday , on Januaty 19th. Patrick Moylan. 11 years old on January 7th. .-Karen Coleman, R.R. 1, • Seaforth will be 8 years old r- Correspon eat othechange, . ' Come Alive JAN FERGUSON for older boys1will be meet- °n JarAfirY' 70!.". ' .,.. pv:.. .., .- - - - '- '482-3772. - ' ' "4 ing, on Wednesday evening ..,... Super congratulations to not Thuisday evening 'as our Junior Curlers who won reported. Don't forget the 4 , s • overhead a.few people 414- tusing renovations 19 be done IC., the Expo_•sitoc,piftco. I After Chtlstmas. wept into the office to Band RAM- "A Yi-a 011110et0AY $h44441cifitt4 A. 491g iii `the Nod! "between 'McKillop Fireln$Oratiee office -utiti the Expositor. "'Nothing to wtgry ROLE ;REVERSAL—Elizabeth Fry (left) • and Sandra Wilson are participating in a program at Seaforth Public School where the girls Will study -IndusIrlal -Arts: for the next while and -the senior boys will find themselves in the kitchen. Hero; the girls get some advice from inStructor Keith Snell. (Photo by Shoveller). , • Es anastra curiers... win At• the•first meeting of .the year Tony Goulding teeeiveci his , Handyinan's,'• badge and .Tony'. Goulding and '• Derrick.. Dixon received- the Canadian Flag for their unifornis. Adam Dowell re- ' ceived ..his , Team Sport badge. ." Plans are underway for a Father & Son Banquet to he, • held on Friday February: 20,tit.- On Sunday.. February. 22nd there will be .a..chureh service at the'. Vanastra Christian Church for Think- ing Days- • • • • • • autsur: soincone, assured me. -Dianne got frustrated and Whanurta!" Now I know that ODOM 'never. nriger Dianne!, The next week 1 went in: to write my column. The office was in a worse mess than the. week before and pear Mr. McLean, the publisher of the. Ptpasito lif r, had a hole ail ripped out -11,f Africa. wonder *OA he said to Pianher . went in tu talk to Susan ' 1vpitplo see if she had JOY ideas ler ai.04411/e hurry te fypis before 1, forget the ideas she had given me I rushed out of h er office and into the bathroom of the Expositor. The bathroom sure had changed since the 'week -before, There -was„-a. --desk across the• east end of the room. a door at the west _end, it had been enlarged to SO times its original size and worknien were, all over, Wht ltaRpened to a ,person's • .Protagt' I knew :Chen that I was in' Ire 0. ltisexanee office" by mistake and. stepPetrept- Of the hole >in the .all casually os if 1 had been: hiskie*V die Otte balbt9A1* " -46iitairs. 't.N4s mottos • to. Alice Gibb about Brownies docrafts the renovations. She, explain- ed 'that she and Herb Shov- eller ate expecting -to go dirt trolkthedawestairs-441: ing .and - join Dianne. and the other,seeretaties downstairs- This made me"-feel much. P 1 David_ Lonastof y. Ltd. Ooticlan ei Main Si. S. Seaforth OPTOMETRISTSAND ONITHAL510LoGISTs Prescriptions kiii0Prompti HOURS: Mon., Tues., Thurs.. Fri. 9:00 a.m. • 5:30 p.m. Sat. 9:00 a.m. - 12 p.m. better about my experiences in the office and I, calmed „J,Ateekted,to start working 'my colutim since the sooner got out of there. the bener. Besides, between my at pCiRgr, -'8 Paint ' g Namin DifoOre&- PAINTS Canadhur &Imparted Wall Coverings- 527.0550 Sparerib N. . .ECOPIAtNei: ' January I lth at the' Pepsi under the direction Of Moira. Juniat T:tpkard'held at Allen- Robinson. .Practises are Fri- ford. Ski P was Bill. Gibson, day evenings at 6:30. This i3ksz DivisioD 'on Sunday 'new choir "being formed Vice Skip was Brian Fel: Friday evening at 8:00 p.m. caner. Second was David there will be a Vietnamese Townsend and. Lead was Ron service and:fellowship. Rev. Taylor..This,team will now go Khiet Truong from Grand- on to Tilibury. There is a • Rapids _Michigan Will lead mixed Bonspief on Saturday, this first service. • Jan. 17th and there is still PERSONAL GLIMPSES nioni on both the 9.A.rn, and Happy Birthday wishes, 11 a.ni. draws. This bonspiel „to Susan McLean on January is sponsored by: Bank of 8th. Montreal, Haugh Tire and A baby. shower was. held Clinton Meat Market. for Betty Dowell and hernew• Contact Alex Townsend at son- Nicholas at the home of 482-3237 for information. Myrtle Goulding on Sunday, There will be a dance on Sat. Jan. 1.1th. February 7th at the Vanastra Happy Birthday wishes to Recreation from 9 p.m. 1 Don MeLean on Wed. Jan. a.m. Tickets are available 1 14th. _ from. Club members or the ' Get well wishes to 'Bonnie Vanastra Factory Outlet or Pollock. the Township Office. The • • HaPpy, Birthday wishes to winner of the New- Years Jettnifer,„ "McLaughlin on fin glass curling rocks „ TAOS. Jan.,JS.th. was Ron Taylor Of Varna, -Sincere get Well wishes to vANASTRACHRI&IAN Murray. Hairnet who is CHURCH. . presently in London .Hospital We. started, last Mowing surgery. Thursday, our 'PrOgram of Sad farewell and best evangelism' of reaching out wishes 'to Frank Goulding into the homes "of our cont. and Ches Higdon whe left for munity. The program is a Labiador City. on Wed. Jan. combination of one 'evening , 14th. Both their faMilles will teaching and then the next join them Shortly. They wilt, evening+ calling on families. i be greatly missed by the We have set a 'goal of 12 community.. weeks. 'We also, need church GROUP PARENT m dithers to serve as prayer The Group-Parent partners to those who are in" Committee would like ' to the ,program and going out. . welcorne"John Bjerg to their There will be a Classks stoup. This group meets the meeting Wednesday in first Sunday of every month ;Guelph Christian Reform to assist in the planning and Church. , operation of Brownies, There are a couple' of Guides., Cubs, Scouts and chiges in activities as re- Pathfinders. This group, is. Po c41 last week: Ladies net testtieted to patents of • Bible'Sturly will beinesdity -"Children inthese greups but Morning, it .9:30 instead of is open to, anyone. . Wednesday marningt\ the ; CUBS e • TT, H (24111111.twf 11:111 7".."1.7:Etr, pi 1544401i/ • : to4f, °MO 52SOSS.S !is rot) Res. "17,170 DECORATING-- E merit.): Demetors 40. 4, Kerr Pools 1.41b mstrong Carpets :abialoofv7senramogess HILDEBRAND PAINTpr oANN, 502 7 pt oP E R t5 ivt4in Si • ,Sealerth 'APPLIANCES TAPPLIANCE-r— REFRIGERATION SERVICE A u toorzed Factory warranty Z,etvice•add repairs to 'KELVINATOR B t, INGLIS APPU,IANC ES Service ana r\epairs to al4i, --- makes' - HORNE'S MAJORAPPuA.NCE SALES & SERVICE' . • 52770634f; Seaforth SEWING 'SEWING MAC11111-71r.‘ S.UPERMARKF1 O,er 100 machines on eispia. Service to all makes - White, Elna, Husqvarna lots of used machines from 539.95 SEW AND SAVE CE1,49NTooRiEniLeTstD. (2 doors south of Hudsolls) c Stratford,. 271-900 • -?.MONUMENTS Th Cemetery, , ' Moninnents CUSTOM BUILDERS < ,----CARPENTRY •‘. !•-1.1. FEENEY CONSTrUCTION L TD CARPENTRY . • CUstOrn builders Contracting Custoin Built, - Barns. , Sheds,. house% • COMplete, renovations, house add- service itions, cuPboarde; spiral stairs. concrete "finishing.. John Rion: 527-1520 John Peckiti 482-7567 MUFFLERS • . . Mufflers got Set ;•!, • as leas its ewn. the tit SEAFORTII140 5210101(04; A lnew schedule has been set up for the girls...- They will now have One night a month fot'arts and •crafts and wilt start work tin- their badges as a group instead of at home. New sixers are Sandy Ryan and Shelly Slane. New Seconders are ' Robyn Cain andf Jennifer Pollock. SCOUTS The First VanastraScout pack will hold a bottle drive ott Saturday. January 24th,, at 10 a.m. The Scent pack is,, meeting at 7.:00 „p.m: at the Vanastra, Christian Church. •• LIONESS CLUB '• ""-- •. The Variastra & District Lione'ss Cluh diet-Jan.. 8th7at the\ Vanastra Recreation Centre. Next bUSiness meet- itcg will be on Thursday, Jan, 22nd..Don't forget the YOuth °Activity Night, this, Friday, January -.16th at 7 p.m. - 10, AdMisSiOn IS 51.00. • , LIONS CLUB The Vanastra and District. Lions Club met Jan. 7th and, were treated to a 'bast beef dittner Catered by the, Vatias. Ira Sz DiStriet,Litmess Club. Guest . speaker was • Jim Thomas • .of VanaStra on scouting. Fhn next' business meeting be' at , 'the Vanastra Reereatien Centre on Wed...lan. 21 at 7:00, p.m. VANASTRA RECREATION CENTRE • Bingo .results fOr Tues- , day Dec. 30 are: 2ndghare the wealth-Sherrii;Strong of Clinton: 3rd Share the wealth David Hannington of Hay- field and Mrs. Jack Hatt of Clinton.. Jadkpot was. won l by Ida Earle of Seaforth. Bingo results- for Tuesday. January 6th '81 are: 1st share,' the 'wealth-Verna Schaaf and Annietiallows of 'Vanastra. 2nd shatet,.„the wealth • Mrs. Jadk, Hart of Clinton and Cheryl 'Strong of Clinton. Xiickpet was, won by Annie „PilloWs. _ELECTRICAL Fred Lawrence Electrical Contractor HOME FARM & COMMERCIAL WIRING I - FUNERAL HPOtik ,' Whitney FtinerGrHOftle ROSS V~ FilBef DIRECTOR .4„ .1111L•rn It tit Si...t trim Phonf 527-1390 Cf\./IETERY MONUMENTS • - Sincere and courteous service SURANC SEAFORTH INSURANCE 34 Main St. S.. Seaforth .Home .Business .Farm '.Auto life Sickness & Accident . Investment's -527-1610 IhAfiROVEMENT-7 IMPROVEMENTS Plnine-527-0032- • Free Estiinatee For Siding - Aluminum and Vinyl, Aluminum' Windows, Doors. Awnings. Raiiings. ' ELECTRic ----N , KNIGHT ;ELECTRIC 24 Hour Service htdttstrial, restdendal and farm installations ' Hermit% Ottlarki Thomas J. DeVereapx 25 Godirich St. W.. Seaford', Ontario " Phone Bus. 527-1,242 Res. 527-1942 Man Frt 8-1 .i.311-6:00 rues.. Thurs 8-1 210-8:30 Wed„8-1 Sat 9-1 • Pis lidebtasnd ,FIOWers <r ELECTRICAL K. MURgAY ELECTRIC 24 hour service